Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Feel Bladder Cancer

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When Should I See A Health Care Professional

Mayo Clinic Explains Bladder Cancer

See a health care professional if you have symptoms of a bladder problem, such as trouble urinating, a loss of bladder control, waking to use the bathroom, pelvic pain, or leaking urine.

Bladder problems can affect your quality of life and cause other health problems. Your health care professional may be able to treat your UI by recommending lifestyle changes or a change in medicine.

Symptoms Of Oral Cancer

Here are some most common symptoms of mouth cancer:

  • Lumps or bumps, rough spots, eroded areas, swellings and thickening on gums, lips, and other parts of the oral cavity.
  • Bleeding from the mouth.
  • Excessive weight loss.
  • Sores on the neck, mouth, or face that do not heal within two weeks and bleed easily.
  • Change in voice, hoarseness, and extremely sore throat.
  • Difficulty in speaking, moving the tongue or jaw, chewing, or swallowing.
  • The occurrence of velvety red, white, or red and white patches inside the mouth.
  • Trouble wearing dentures.
  • If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult your dentist or any doctor. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre is one of the best centres that provide effective treatment for mouth cancer.

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    Emotional And Spiritual Changes

    Everyone will feel different emotions when they are dying. A lot depends on:

    • the type of person they are
    • how much support they have
    • their religious and spiritual beliefs
    • the experiences they have had in life

    Someone dying in their 20s is likely to feel very differently from someone who is 80. And someone leaving behind young children will have different worries from someone whose children are grown up and able to take care of themselves.

    As death gets closer they might begin to let go and seem more at peace with things. Others might become very anxious, fearful or angry. Some people could appear to withdraw, even from the people they love and care about. But this doesnt mean that they dont care anymore.

    These events are all very normal and are a natural part of dying.

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    What Kind Of Treatment Will I Need

    There are many ways to treat bladder cancer. You might want to get a second opinion about the best treatment plan for you.

    Bladder cancer is most often treated with:

    Sometimes more than one type is used. The treatment plan thats best for you depends on:

    • The stage and grade of the cancer
    • Whether the cancer has spread into the bladder wall
    • The chance that a type of treatment will cure the cancer or help in some way
    • Other health problems you have
    • Your feelings about the treatment and the side effects that come with it

    Symptoms Of Recurrent Bladder Cancer

    Where does bladder cancer cause pain � Updated Guide 2022

    Although seven of every 10 cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed at an early stage when the cancer is treatable, post-treatment recurrence is a particular risk, and the disease has a recurrence rate of about 70%19. Because of this, individuals who have had bladder cancer will require surveillance for years following treatment.

    Recurrence happens when you have smaller areas of cancer cells that stay in your body undetected. These cells, over time, might increase in number and eventually cause symptoms or show up on test results. Your doctor, who knows your medical history, will discuss your risk of recurrence during follow-up care.

    Symptoms of recurrent bladder cancer often resemble those of early or advanced cancer. Let your doctor know if you develop any new symptoms like frequent urination, blood in your urine, immediate need to urinate or pain while urinating. These symptoms could be signs of bladder cancer recurrence or signs of another health condition.

    Knowing the symptoms and signs of bladder cancer, no matter if it’s early, advanced or recurrent, is important and your first step to diagnosis and treatment.

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    Living With Bladder Cancer

    Bladder cancer symptoms and treatments can be overwhelming. No matter where you are on your treatment journey, youâll need to meet with your healthcare provider for regular checkups and tests. Talking to your healthcare team about the next steps and what to expect can provide a road map during this time.

    What To Do If You Have Uti

    If youre experiencing frequent urination or painful bladder symptoms, go to a doctor to check your urine for an infection first. If thats not it, know that urinary symptoms are often tied to the pelvic floor or conditions like endometriosis, and a urogynecologist or pelvic floor therapist can offer more specialized help minus surgery and antibiotics.

    The default for non-specialists tends to be, Oh, its an infection every time, says Dr. Lewicky Gaupp. It could be an infection every time, but more often than not, its just a flare of that muscle problem.


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    Can Bladder Cancer Cause A Burning Sensation

    Bladder cancer can cause changes in urination. You might experience pain or a burning sensation when you urinate, and you may see blood in your urine. an urge to urinate more frequently than you used to. an urgent need to urinate even if your bladder isnt full. an urge to urinate often throughout the night.

    Bladder Cancer Clinical Trials

    Bladder Cancer: What to Know If Youve Just Been Diagnosed

    What about Clinical Trials?

    You may hear about clinical trials for your bladder cancer. Clinical trials are research studies that test if a new treatment or procedure is safe and effective.

    Through clinical trials, doctors find new ways to improve treatments and the quality of life for people with disease. Trials are available for all stages of cancer. The results of a clinical trial can make a major difference to patients and their families. Please visit our clinical trials research webpage to learn more.

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    Treating Stage Iii Bladder Cancer

    These cancers have reached the outside of the bladder and might have grown into nearby tissues or organs and/or lymph nodes . They have not spread to distant parts of the body.

    Transurethral resection is often done first to find out how far the cancer has grown into the bladder wall. Chemotherapy followed by radical cystectomy is then the standard treatment.Partial cystectomy is rarely an option for stage III cancers.

    Chemotherapy before surgery can shrink the tumor, which may make surgery easier. Chemo can also kill any cancer cells that could already have spread to other areas of the body and help people live longer. It can be especially useful for T4 tumors, which have spread outside the bladder. When chemo is given first, surgery to remove the bladder is delayed. The delay is not a problem if the chemo shrinks the cancer, but it can be harmful if it continues to grow during chemo. Sometimes the chemo shrinks the tumor enough that intravesical therapy or chemo with radiation is possible instead of surgery.

    Some patients get chemo after surgery to kill any cancer cells left after surgery that are too small to see. Chemo given after cystectomy may help patients stay cancer-free longer, but so far its not clear if it helps them live longer. If cancer is found in nearby lymph nodes, radiation may be needed after surgery. Another option is chemo, but only if it wasn’t given before surgery.

    Signs Of Urinary Tract Infection

    In some elderly people, mental changes and confusion may be the only signs of a UTI. Older adults with a UTI are more likely to be tired, shaky, and weak and have muscle aches and abdominal pain.

    Symptoms of a UTI in the bladder may include:

    • Cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine
    • Pain or burning during urination
    • Strong and frequent need to urinate, even right after emptying the bladder
    • A mild fever below 101°F in some people

    If a UTI spreads to the kidneys, symptoms may include:

    • Chills and shaking
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Very bad abdominal pain in some people

    Some people may have bacteria in the bladder or urinary tract, but not feel any symptoms. If a urine test shows that you have bacteria in your urine, but you do not feel any symptoms, you may not need any treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether antibioticsthe medications that treat UTIsare needed.

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan

    Like CT scans, MRI scans show detailed images of soft tissues in the body. But MRI scans use radio waves and strong magnets instead of x-rays.

    MRI images are very useful in showing cancer that has spread outside of the bladder into nearby tissues or lymph nodes. A special MRI of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, known as an MRI urogram, can be used instead of an IVP to look at the upper part of the urinary system.

    Loss Of Appetite Common Symptom

    The Days, Weeks, and Months Surrounding a Bladder Cancer Diagnosis

    If the idea of food makes you nauseous, you just have not been feeling hungry, or you have noticed significant weight loss, you may be experiencing a symptom of advanced bladder cancer. Because many health issues can cause you to lose your appetite, dont immediately assume the worst. Instead, talk to your doctor about your appetite loss if it doesnt go away.

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    Where Can Someone Get More Information On Prolapsed Bladders

    • Urologic conditions that can occur around the time a woman goes through menopause include
    • bladder control problems,
    • bladder prolapse , and
    • urinary tract infections.
  • The level of estrogen in a womanâs body decreases during menopause. The role this hormone plays in urologic dysfunction continues to be studied.
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    What To Do If You Have Cramps After Menopause

    If you have cramps after menopause, make an appointment with your primary care doctor or OB-GYN so you can find out whats causing them. Your doctor may do a pelvic exam to look at your uterus to see if there are any physical problems. You might also need imaging tests to look inside your body at your uterus or ovaries.

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    Where Is The Bladder Located

    The bladder is a hollow organ that stores urine before it leaves your body. It sits in the lowest part of your belly, called your pelvis. Urine is made in your kidneys. Tubes called ureters connect your kidneys to the bladder. Urine flows through the ureters and into your bladder, where its stored. When you urinate , the bladder squeezes the urine out through a tube called the urethra.

    Treating Stage Iv Bladder Cancer

    Bladder Cancer: The Basics | Johns Hopkins Greenberg Bladder Cancer Institute

    These cancers have reached the pelvic or abdominal wall , may have spread to nearby lymph nodes , and/or have spread to distant parts of the body . Stage IV cancers are very hard to get rid of completely.

    Chemotherapy is usually the first treatment if the cancer has not spread to distant parts of the body . The tumor is then rechecked. If it appears to be gone, chemo with or without radiation or cystectomy are options. If there are still signs of cancer in the bladder, chemo with or without radiation, changing to another kind of chemo, trying an immunotherapy drug, or cystectomy may be recommended.

    Chemo is typically the first treatment when bladder cancer has spread to distant parts of the body . After this treatment the cancer is rechecked. If it looks like it’s gone, a boost of radiation to the bladder may be given or cystectomy might be done. If there are still signs of cancer, options might include chemo, radiation, both at the same time, or immunotherapy.

    In most cases surgery cant remove all of the cancer, so treatment is usually aimed at slowing the cancers growth and spread to help people live longer and feel better. If surgery is a treatment option, it’s important to understand the goal of the operation whether it’s to try to cure the cancer, to help a person live longer, or to help prevent or relieve symptoms from the cancer.

    Because treatment is unlikely to cure these cancers, many experts recommend taking part in a clinical trial.

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    Stages Of Mouth Cancer

    Mouth cancer treatment is essential at its early stages. The earlier the mouth cancer is diagnosed and treated, the higher the survival rates after the treatment. There are four stages of oral cancers, as explained below:

    In Stage 1, the tumour has not spread to the lymph nodes, and the tumour size is less than or equal to two centimetres.

    When the tumour grows between two and four centimetres but has spread to the lymph nodes, it is Stage 2 oral cancer.

    In Stage 3, the tumour spreads to one of the lymph nodes, and the size of the tumour grows larger than four centimetres.

    When the tumour develops of any larger size and gets spread to the lymph nodes and other surrounding organs, the cancer is of Stage 4.

    What Happens If Cervical Cancer Grows

    If cervical cancer grows, it can produce pressure on the other organs in the pelvic region, which include the bladder and the lower part of the colon. 7 The pressure can interfere with the function of these organs and also cause generalized pain and compression of the nerves and vessels in nearby regions.

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    Painful Sex During Treatment

    Sex can become a painful experience while you undergo treatment for bladder cancer.

    Some women may also experience vaginal dryness during certain cancer therapies, which can make sex uncomfortable and painful without lubrication.

    Even though changes may happen to your body during your bladder cancer treatment, sex can still be an enjoyable experience with some adjustments.

    Keep the lines of communication open with your partner and explore alternative techniques to penetrative intercourse. Consider asking your oncology team about specific recommendations that may work best for you.

    Tell Your Doctor If You These Notice Symptoms

    can a ct scan show bladder cancer � Updated Guide 2022

    Tell your healthcare provider if you experience fatigue and weakness, especially if you notice blood in your urine or have any of the other symptoms related to urination. While bladder cancer is not usually the cause of fatigue and weakness, it is important to diagnose and treat whatever is causing it.

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    Other Complementary Pain Management Techniques

    There are a range of other complementary and alternative pain management techniques that may be worth exploring. These include:

    Biofeedback is a technique that uses machines to help you learn about and control some of your involuntary body functions. Led by a licensed technician, biofeedback may help you relax and cope with pain in your body.

    Many of these integrative methods havent been tested in scientific studies on people with bladder cancer. But theyre regarded as ways to improve your quality of life when you have a disease.

    Talk to your healthcare team to determine which ones might be best for your situation.

    Where Can I Find A Support Group

    To find a local group, talk to your healthcare provider. Local and Zoom meeting lists are also available through organizations such as CancerCare.

    Joining a support group of people dealing with advanced cancer may help provide camaraderie and knowledge. You can connect with people who understand what you’re going through.

    Treating cancer means looking after your whole self. This includes keeping an active lifestyle, eating healthy, practicing mindfulness, and socializing with family and friends to improve your mood and overall health. If you smoke cigarettes or use nicotine products, this is a good time to try to quit or cut down.

    It’s also important to look after your mental health. Meeting with a therapist can help you navigate intense emotions and provide you with tools to feel more in control of your daily life.

    Palliative care may also be beneficial. Your palliative care provider can help you learn about pain management options. Palliative care providers can also assist with finding mental health services, such as counseling.

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    Talk To Your Doctor About These Symptoms

    Bladder cancer cells began to grow in the lining of the bladder in most patients who are diagnosed. Irritative bladder symptoms like pain or burning during urination can be caused by cancer cells that have gathered together to form tumors in the bladder lining. Talk with your healthcare provider if you experience pain or burning when you urinate, especially if you have also noticed any blood in your urine. Bladder cancer is not a common cause of pain or burning during urination, but if it is the cause then it is important to detect the cancer as early as possible.

    The Ultimate Conservative Treatment

    Scripps Health: Urologist Explains Potential Signs of Bladder Cancer on KUSI

    In the study that investigated surgical success rates, the second most effective treatment was pelvic floor exercises. Youve probably heard this advice before, particularly after childbirth: Do your Kegels. Although pelvic floor exercises have been proven to be effective for SUI, many women dont do Kegels correctly or consistently enough to notice a difference. In order to better support the bladder, you must regularly contract the relevant muscles in order to strengthen the pelvic floor. But its difficult to remember to do Kegels or even to know whether youre squeezing the right muscles.

    So what are the alternatives? Several conservative treatment options are available for you to consider before surgery, including devices that actually perform Kegels for you.

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