Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Untrain Your Bladder

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The Importance Of A Bathroom Routine

How do you become incontinent and diaper dependent Abdl?

We mentioned earlier that young dog can hold their pee for quite a while. On average dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours is they have to. If the need arises and your pet will be home alone for that long, most young dogs will manage, but asking them to do this on a regular basis may have some negative consequences.

Forcing your dog to hold his dog bladder for too long on a regular basis can increase the risk of:

  • Urinary tract infections part of the urination cycle is to help the body flush out bacteria and toxins that build up in the kidney, bladder, and urethra. Holding their pee allows that bacteria to continue populating in the urinary tract. This can lead to crystal or stone formation, and blockages that can quickly become life-threatening. For dogs prone to urinary issues, try a urinary support product like Cranimals to help reduce bacteria buildup.
  • Urinary cancer carcinogens in urine will have more opportunity to interact with cells the longer they are in contact with the bladder. This is a less common issue but should still be considered when deciding how long your pet must wait for a pee break.
  • Incontinence It’s more common in ageing pets, but incontinence can happen to dogs at any age. When dogs are repeatedly made to hold their pee for too long, over-distention of the bladder can occur and damage the muscle and surrounding tissues leading to leaks. This damage may be irreversible, so prevention is key.

Urinary Incontinence In Men With Prostate Issues

Individuals presenting with different types of prostate issues eventually start experiencing urinary incontinence at some stage. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is one such type of prostate issue. BPH, as you age, can result in significant bladder control problems.

When the prostate is enlarged, as in BPH, it can press the urethra, affecting urine flow. It would ultimately lead to a weak stream, frequent urination, and leaking.

On the other hand, urinary incontinence can also develop after prostate cancer treatment for a patient.

Removing the prostate, or using radiation to treat it, can lead to damage to the nerves and muscles of the bladder, urethra, and or sphincter, which controls the flow of urine from the bladder. It would also result in urinary incontinence.

Can Hypnosis Make You Permanently Bowel Incontinent

One of the bigger lifestyle changes the permanent loss of bowel control can be hard to achieve. If you are new to ABDL you may wonder if its possible at all. It is possible! With some muscle training, behavior conditioning and hypnosis, anything is possible. This includes losing control of your muscles to the point that you wet and mess your diaper without even noticing.

Being able to loss control of your bladder is generally easier, with or without hypnosis. With time, the less you hold in your bladder, the less control of it you have. You can un-train these muscles if you focus on it every day. The main obstacle is that most people hold in their bladder muscles automatically. Hypnosis really helps with this, helping you learn to release your bladder as soon as its full. The post hypnotic effects will remind your body to wet your diaper automatically, unconsciously. Eventually you re-train your body to no longer hold in your bladder muscles and to simply let them relax. This is one of the core goals in my Permanent Loss of Bladder Control Mp3 files. You can read about Permanent Loss of Bladder Control part 1, part 2 and part 3.

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Do Regular Kegel Exercises

Once you find your pelvic floor muscles, you can complete regular Kegel exercises to strengthen them. Simply contract your pelvic floor muscles, hold them for five to ten seconds, and relax them. The Urology Care Foundation suggests that you complete at least two sessions of Kegel exercises per day. Up to 30 contractions per session.

Im An Expert And Heres Why You Should Never Hold A Pee In The Night

  • Vanessa Chalmers, Digital Health Reporter
  • 7:08 ET, Mar 15 2022

ITS a nuisance when your bladder calls for attention in the middle of the night.

But the worst thing you can do is ignore its signals and hold in your pee, experts say.

Stephanie Taylor, founder of pelvic toner product website Kegel8, says the average adult bladder can hold two cups of urine before its considered full.

This can take up to 10 hours, so anything you drink in the evening could put stress on the bladder come 3am.

The bladder sends a message to your brain when it is about a quarter full.

Stephanie said: However, if you leave it too long, harmful bacteria can build up which can cause a urinary tract infection.

If a UTI is left untreated and the infection spreads, it could turn into life-threatening .

UTIs are agonising, causing pain during urination and a constant urge to go to the toilet. It is treated with antibiotics.

Stephanie continued: Ignoring your bladder for too long can also reap havoc with your pelvic floor, cause uncomfortable dryness and incontinence where you pass urine without meaning to.

Similarly, holding in your pee too often can cause the muscles in your bladder to lose the ability to contract when you need them to.

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Suggestions For Those Seeking Bowel Incontinence:

  • Get your water and fiber! If you drink more water and eat a lot of high fiber food like fruits and vegetables, you will find thats easier for you to lose control of your bowels. Its easier to mess your diaper when you eat soft, fiber rich foods.
  • Allow yourself to relax your body throughout the day
  • Practice loosening your bowel muscles when you are not in the bathroom. This re-trains your body to be ok with letting go in other settings.

More bowel incontinence hypnosis files coming soon!

So You’re Sick Of The Nonstop Peeing You’ve Come To The Right Place

The dust has more or less settled after two years of executives hemming and hawing on return-to-office policies, and flexible work schedules have emerged victorious. According to a survey published last month, 74% of U.S. companiesare using or plan to implement a permanent hybrid work model.

Theoretically, that seems great across the board less time in the office means more time sleeping, running, cooking, reading, playing with kidsand going to the bathroom.

Since the pandemic began, remote employees have naturally embraced the opportunity to use their bathrooms pretty much whenever they want. As long as were not on a call, were free to sit on the toilet. We dont have to travel down some Severance-ass hallway to reach the loo, and we dont have to worry about what other people think about the frequency of our adventures.

Still: the key word in the business worlds new workflow is hybrid. Meaning: some of the time, going forward, we have to be in an office. And if youve gotten used to doing your business whenever you see fit, sharing a bathroom with a bunch of colleagues again might actually prove a bit of an adjustment.

Naturally, theres already a stupid term for workers too shy to go #2 in the office: workstipation. Right around 70% of Americans got so out of practice at pooping at work that theyre avoiding it entirely, which isnt a very sound strategy it just turns you into a smelly hot air balloon.

Also Check: Why Do I Have An Overactive Bladder At Night

Some Of It Is Part Of Aging

Its true that as we age, our bodies make less of the hormone that allows us to retain fluids. Because of this, our bladders fill more rapidly. Also, our bladders are unable to hold a lot of urine as we get older.

Between these two factors, adults beyond age 60 should expect to wake to use the bathroom at least once each night. But even so, these tips can help minimize the nightly excursions for people of any age.

How To Retrain Your Bladder

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You sneeze or cough and feel the quick, uncontrollable rush between your legs. For some women its not a big problem, but it can be an embarrassing one all the same. For others, the desire to urinate comes on so quickly theyre never quite sure if they will make it to the toilet in time.

Urinary incontinence the loss of bladder control is a common problem for women and the severity ranges from occasionally leaking urine to having the urge to urinate come on so suddenly and intensely that its followed by involuntary urination.

There are various types of incontinence but whatever the cause these tips from pelvic floor physiotherapists Sue Croft and Fiona Rogers should help you get to grips with your bladder control.


Make a note of what time you go, measure how much you produce, if you had any leakage, possible triggers, the degree of the urge, and how much and what you drank.

Someone with a healthy pelvic floor and no urge incontinence issues should urinate around eight times a day, no more than once at night and produce around 350ml to 500ml each time with no leakage.


Concentrated urine irritates the bladder so not drinking enough water will make you feel the need to urinate more.

If your urine looks like water, youve got far too much fluid on board. You need around 1,5-2L of water a day depending on your size, activity level and how much you sweat.

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What You Can Do: Clean Carefully

After you poop, be sure to wipe from front to back so bacteria doesnât get near your genitals. When you wash, be gentle and donât use harsh soaps that can damage the sensitive skin in the area and let bacteria in. And a shower can be better than a bath. Sitting in bathwater can let bacteria and other irritants get inside your urinary tract.

How Does Incontinence Happen

Usually, the brain signals time to go when your urinary bladder is only partially full. That gives you a fair warning to find a place to avoid.

When you decide to let go, a valve called the urinary sphincter opens, allowing the urine to flow out through the urinary tract from the urinary bladder to the external environment. Muscles in the urinary bladder wall contract to empty as much as possible.

But with bladder control problems, the urinary bladder muscles contract on their own, with little warning. This results in a powerful and unchecked urge to urinate.

If a man is unable to hold his urine until he finds an appropriate place, the result can be anything from a small leak to soaked garments.

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The Bladder Retraining Technique

Before you begin bladder control training, your doctor will probably ask you to keep a diary. In your bathroom diary, you’ll write down every time you have the urge to go, as well as when you leak. Using your diary as a guide, you’ll use the following techniques to help you gain more control over urination.

Schedule bathroom visits. Determine how often you’re going to the bathroom based on your diary entries. Then add about 15 minutes to that time. For example, if you’re going to the bathroom every hour, schedule bathroom visits at every one hour, 15 minutes. Use the bathroom at each scheduled visit, regardless of whether you actually feel the urge to go. Gradually increase the amount of time between bathroom breaks.

Delay urination. When you feel the urge to urinate, hold it for another five minutes or so. Then gradually increase the amount of time by 10 minutes, until you can last for at least three to four hours without having to go to the bathroom. If you’re feeling a strong need to go, try distracting yourself by counting backwards from 100 to one or practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. When you just can’t hold it any longer, use the bathroom, but go again at your next scheduled void time to stay on your bladder retraining schedule.

To improve your success with bladder retraining, you can also try these tips:

What Should I Do If My Cat Starts Urinating Or Defecating Outside The Litter Box

The first step is to take the cat to your veterinarian! The most common reason for litter box problems is that the cat is trying to tell you that shes ill or in pain. This may be a simple urinary tract infection or something more serious.

After medical reasons have been ruled out, you can start to consider the other possible causes.

Do not punish the cat or confine her to just one room. Some people think they can re-train the cat in that way, but it doesnt work! Cats arent trained to use a litter box they use it instinctively. Confining the cat to one room will increase her frustration and stress level, but it wont solve the problem!

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What You Can Do: Watch Your Weight

Youâre more likely to have problems with your bladder if youâre overweight. Too much body fat can strain your pelvic floor and make you pee when you donât want to. It also can put pressure on the pelvic nerves, which makes you feel like you have to go sooner than you really do. Losing weight can ease the pressure on both.

Bladder Training Tips To Reduce Bathroom Trips

Its important to go the bathroom when you need to. Holding it can actually stretch your bladder, making it difficult to empty it completely. But theres such a thing as going too often. An overactive bladder contracts abnormally, triggering the urge to urinate too often. This can lead to urge incontinence, which occurs when you suddenly feel a strong urge to urinate but dont make it to the bathroom in time.The good news is that bladder training can help. Heres how.

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How Bladder Training Can Help

After going through bladder training, you should be able to:

  • Go longer periods of time between bathroom visits
  • Hold more liquid in your bladder
  • Have more control over the urge to go

Although you probably want to see results right away, be patient. Bladder retraining can take six to 12 weeks to be successful.

If you’ve been trying bladder training for several weeks and it still isn’t working, check back in with your doctor. You might need to try other approaches, like medication or surgery.

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One: Schedule Bathroom Visits

Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age

Calculate how often youre going to the bathroom based on your diary record. Then add about 15 minutes to that duration. For example, if youre going to pee every hour, schedule bathroom visits after one hour and 15 minutes.

This will enable you to go to the bathroom at set times, regardless of whether you actually feel the urge or not. Gradually increase the amount of time until you find a schedule that works for you.

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Home Care And Support

Changes in your childs routines and behavior may greatly improve daytime wetting, even without other treatments. Encourage your child to

  • use the bathroom whenever the urge occurs.
  • drink more liquid, mainly water, if the doctor suggests doing so. Drinking more liquid produces more urine and more trips to the bathroom.
  • take extra time in the bathroom to relax and empty the bladder completely.
  • avoid drinks with caffeine or bubbles, citrus juices, and sports drinks. These drinks may irritate the bladder or produce extra urine.

Children need plenty of support from parents and caregivers to overcome daytime wetting, not blame or punishment. Calming your childs stresses may helpstresses about a new baby or new school, for example. A counselor or psychologist can help treat anxiety.

What Medical Reasons Can Cause Litter Box Problems

Your cat may have a urinary tract infection, urinary crystals, bladder stones,or external infections such as urethritis or vaginitis. It could even be pain caused by a seemingly unrelated problem such as an abscessed tooth or arthritis.

Why? If your cat feels pain or discomfort when she uses the litter box, she doesnt understand that the pain is coming from her kidneys or broken tooth, or whatever the cause. She just knows that litterbox=pain, so shell try try to find another place to eliminate, hoping that will make the pain end. But urinating on the bedroom carpet doesnt ease her pain either, so she tries another spot, and the cycle continues!

You may even need to change the look, feel, or location of the litter box after the medical problem is resolved to encourage your cat to use the litter box again.

Other medical problems that may be associated with inappropriate elimination:

  • Skin or Flea Allergies

Appropriate treatment of the underlying medical condition may end your cats inappropriate elimination. If not, its time to examine other possible causes.

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Tips For Sleeping Well

Many doctors and urologists will recommend that people restrict the amount of alcohol and caffeine they drink throughout the day.

Even if these substances are not the cause of the disorder, both are diuretics and may make symptoms worse. Doctors may also suggest that people with nocturia drink fewer liquids during the evening and before bed.

Foods that are rich in liquids and foods that act as diuretics can be avoided as well. Examples include:

  • artificial sweeteners

Keeping a food diary is a helpful tool for many people. Writing down what is eaten every day can help identify a link between symptoms and problematic foods.

Some people also benefit from training their bladder to help regain control of its contractions. If the bladder is used to contracting every hour to tell the body it is time to urinate, it will often continue this habit.

Over time, it may be possible to train the bladder to pass urine every 2-4 hours instead, or to hold it in overnight. This is best done under the guidance of a doctor.

OAB is caused by early and uncontrolled spasms of the bladder muscle, which makes a person have to urinate when their bladder is not actually full. This means regular urination throughout the day, and often during the night.

While people with OAB may experience frequent urination at night, people with nocturia tend to only experience frequent urination at night.

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