Thursday, July 25, 2024

Use Of Tampons For Prolapsed Bladder

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Talk To Your Doctor If You Have Questions

Dr. Massie discusses the treatment of Prolapse

If youre not sure what type of incontinence you have, its a good idea to talk to your doctor.

If they dont have the type of leakage that would be helped by bladder supports if they have urge leakage or overflow those patients wont benefit, says Dr. Vasavada. It might even make their symptoms worse.

If youre pretty sure you have urinary stress incontinence, however, its OK to try bladder supports.

If women are experiencing leakage with laughing, coughing, running, sneezing or lifting, and it seems like its pretty clear-cut, then trying an over-the-counter bladder support is completely appropriate, Dr. Ferrando says. They dont necessarily need to see their doctor first.

Uterine Prolapse: Causes Symptoms Diagnosis & Treatment

If you have a mild case of uterine prolapse, you may not have any obvious symptoms. However, as the uterus slips further out of position, it can place pressure on other pelvic organsâsuch as the bladder or bowelâand cause symptoms like: A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis. Pain in the pelvis, abdomen or lower back.

There Are Many Symptoms Of Pop Which Usually Develop Over Time

Occasionally POP happens suddenly. For example, a woman could be doing squats at the gym that cause the last bit of support from weak connective tissue to give way. Then shell see something pink hanging out of her vagina.

More often, POP starts with symptoms such as leaking urine or not being able to empty the bladder completely. You may have back pressure or pain. Sex may hurt. You may have a feeling of laxity within the vagina, or you may have more difficulty reaching orgasm.

POP can worsen or lead to constipation. If a womans rectum has bulged into her vagina, she may have other bowel problems. For example, she may need to insert her fingers into her vagina and push against the walls of the vagina to move stool out through the anus.

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What Is Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a fallen down uterus or womb slipped out of position. It happens when the uterus loses the strong supports that hold it in place inside your pelvis.

The uterus is held up and in position inside the pelvis by a combination of strong ligaments or tissues , and the pelvic floor muscles . When these supports fail, the uterus moves down within the pelvis, and the cervix moves down inside the vagina.

This illustrates the importance of developing strong and healthy pelvic floor muscles with safe exercises if youve been diagnosed with a uterine prolapse or have had prolapse repair surgery.

Symptoms Of Prolapsed Bladder

Incostress: tampon style support device to prevent stress urinary ...

The presence of tissue in the vaginal area, which many women describe as feeling like a ball, is frequently the initial symptom of a prolapsed bladder.

Other signs and symptoms of a prolapsed bladder include:

  • Pelvic dissatisfaction or discomfort
  • Feeling as if your bladder isnt empty after youve urinated
  • Incontinence due to stress
  • Frequent bladder infections
  • Intercourse that is painful
  • Pelvic or lower back pain, fullness, heaviness, or discomfort. When the person stands, lifts, coughs, or as the day develops, the sensation may worsen
  • Tampons or applicators are difficult to implant
  • The bladder pushes its way into or out of the vaginal opening
  • Heaviness or pressure in the vaginal area

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Menstrual Cup Misuse ‘can Cause Pelvic Organ Prolapse’

Incorrect use of menstrual cups could be resulting in some women suffering pelvic organ prolapse, the Victoria Derbyshire programme has been told.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy wants some manufacturers to include better safety advice.

Menstrual cups fit into the vagina and collect period blood. They are not currently regulated in the UK, and there is no safety testing.

The government said the NHS was improving pelvic health clinic access.

Menstrual cups, which can last up to 10 years, have grown in popularity as a more sustainable alternative to single-use tampons and pads.

But there are claims that more education is needed before women decide to use them.

One woman, Jenny, told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme she believed menstrual cups were responsible for her minor pelvic organ prolapse, after she had used them for three months.

“I was scared and I was worried,” she said. “I didn’t know what it might mean in the long term.”

Treatment For Symptomatic Bladder Prolapse

If you have symptoms of bladder prolapse it is recommended that, as for people with no symptoms, you make the same lifestyle changes, do pelvic floor muscle training and treat any chronic cough. Make them part of your routine.

However, sometimes prolapse can be more severe and these measures may not be enough on their own to relieve symptoms.

For these cases, there can be two different approaches:

1. Non-surgical approach vaginal pessaries

A pessary is a device made mostly of silicone. It is inserted in the vagina to support the bladder prolapse and front vaginal wall. Pessaries come in different shapes and sizes.You do not need surgery to put in a pessary. It can be done in the rooms of a pelvic floor physiotherapist, continence nurse or your gynaecologist.

Some women may prefer this option if they wish to avoid or delay surgery, and it may be the safest option for women who are unfit for surgery.You will need regular check-ups with your healthcare professional if you are using a vaginal pessary long-term.

2.Surgical approach

Suggestions may include:

  • resting each day.

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The Stages Of Prolapse

The states of prolapse range from 0 to 4 . Stage 4 occurs when the organ involved is actually protruding out of the vaginal opening, and this does require surgical intervention. However, grades 1 through grade 3 can often be treated with a combination of physical therapy and supportive devices. The primary focus of physical therapy for these patients is often addressing the causative factors that lead to prolapse and supporting the weakened vaginal wall.

Women Still Unaware Of Treatment Options

My Prolapse Story – How I live and exercise with a bladder prolapse

Unfortunately, many women dont know such treatments exist. And its not uncommon for women to tell Dr. Kawasaki theyve been experiencing discomfort for up to seven years.

A lot of times they dont mention it to a doctor because they think its a part of aging or the normal thing that happens after you have babies, Dr. Kawasaki said.

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‘at First I Was A Convert’

Another woman, “Maria” – not her real name – started using the cups two months ago.

She has two children and had not previously had any prolapse-related issues.

“It was great at first … I was a convert,” she said.

But then she encountered a problem.

She was referred by her GP to a gynaecologist, who, she said, told her she had experienced a minor vaginal prolapse “that probably happened because of the cup”.

“She advised me not to use the cup any more,” she added. “She was not a fan of them at all, especially in women who’ve already had kids like me.”

The Department of Health pointed to NHS advice suggesting physiotherapy was “by far the most cost-effective intervention for preventing and treating mild to moderate prolapse”.

It said the NHS Long Term Plan had committed to ensuring “that women have access to multidisciplinary pelvic health clinics and pathways across England via referral.

“Clinics can also provide training and support for local clinicians working with women,” it added.

Follow the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme on and – and see more of our stories here.

Prevention Of Prolapse Bladder

A high-fiber diet and a daily intake of plenty of water can help avoid a prolapsed bladder by lowering the risk of constipation. If at all possible, avoid straining during bowel motions. Women who have been constipated for a long time should seek medical help to reduce the risk of getting a prolapsed bladder.

Heavy lifting has been linked to bladder prolapse and should be avoided if at all possible.

Obesity increases the chances of a prolapsed bladder. Weight loss may help to prevent the onset of this illness.

You should have a thorough discussion with your surgeon before undergoing surgery. You should educate yourself on the risks, advantages, and other options for cystocele surgery. Its critical that you provide informed consent. Only when your doctor has answered all of your questions is this possible.

If the prolapse is left untreated, it may remain the same or worsen over time. Severe prolapse might induce renal blockage or urinary retention in rare situations . Kidney damage or infection may result as a result of this.

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The Postpartum Period Is A Good Time To Check Your Pelvic Floor Health

The fourth trimester, or the weeks after pregnancy, is a great opportunity to talk with your ob-gyn about any changes in your pelvic muscles.

Its also a good time for care that may help prevent POP. This could mean seeing a pelvic floor therapist, changing your diet to help with constipation or weight loss, or using a pessary.

Remember, your pelvic floor health is an important part of your overall well-being. Together with your ob-gyn, you can give your pelvic floor the attention and care that you need.

Copyright 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. All rights reserved. Read copyright and permissions information.This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. It offers current information and opinions related to women’s health. It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Read ACOGs complete disclaimer.

Dr. Cheryl Iglesia

New Product For Leakage: Impressa

Tampon Pessary type B 20x53 mm (Size 1)

You know how some women report that they have a mild prolapse that feels better if they wear a tampon during strenuous activity, or that a tampon worn helps avoid urinary leakage? Using a tampon instead of a pessary seems like a great fix, with one problem: tampons are not designed to be used as a pessary. They are designed to be absorptive and to expand to fill the vaginal canal as they expand. Some women can even suffer from toxic shock syndrome – a condition related to bacterial infection and associated with super-absorbent tampon use, contraceptives, and diaphragm use. What if an item could be used that is similar to a tampon, but not absorptive, and that provided more support than a cylindrical-shaped tampon? That must have been what Kimberly Clark, the manufacturer of a new product, created to fit this need.

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What Is Contam Tampon

Contam tampon is a bullet-shaped pessary for stress incontinence. It sits in the vagina just like a tampon and its specially designed shape raises the vaginal wall, shutting the urethra enough to prevent involuntary loss of urine. You will still be able to urinate normally but can go about your day without worrying about leaks, all completely discreetly no more dressing to conceal bulky pads! The Contam Normal also activates your pelvic floor muscles, subtly strengthening them throughout the day to help further reduce your symptoms.

Pessaries For Prolapse And Urinary Incontinence

What is it?A pessary is a removable silicone device that is inserted into the vagina like a tampon.

Purpose1. Pelvic organ prolapse: to lift/support the pelvic organs from below and decrease symptoms of heaviness, pressure or bulging.2. Stress urinary incontinence: to decrease urinary leakage by compressing the urethra .

A pessary is a conservative management option that can greatly improve quality of life for those women suffering from symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence. Pessaries are a great adjunct to pelvic health physiotherapy and are often considered when a client is not a candidate for surgery . Unfortunately, pessaries do not work for all women sometimes a womans anatomy does not support the use of a pessary or the womans body cannot tolerate the pessary. However, due to the extremely low risk involved with pessary use, it is definitely worth exploring to see if it is a good option for you!

A Successful Pessary-Your symptoms of pressure, heaviness, and/or bulging are reduced or gone-You cannot feel the pessary-Improved urine and stool evacuation-Reduced or abolished urinary incontinence-The pessary stays in place and does not fall out with slight bearing down -Overall improved quality of life

Pessary Care-Wash with mild unscented soap and rinse well .-Pessaries can last many years they only need to be replaced if cracks develop on the surface.

Intercourse-All, except the ring pessary must be removed for penetrative intercourse.

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How Can I Prevent Uterine Prolapse

After all that, that is a really important question!

Exercises for the pelvic floor. Youre in luck! We recently spoke in great detail about strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. There are several exercises and stretches you can do in the comfort of your home on a daily basis that will help whip them into shape!

Kegel Exercises. To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream. Once youve identified your pelvic floor muscles, you can do the exercises in any position, although you might find it easiest to do them lying down at first. To do Kegels, imagine you are sitting on a marble and tighten your pelvic muscles as if youre lifting the marble. Try it for three seconds at a time, then relax for a count of three. Its recommended to do these a handful of times a day!

Hormones. If you are postmenopausal, your production of estrogen goes down. This has been linked to the weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region. A doctor could suggest an estrogen cream or suppository to help balance you out. Again, this is only a suggestion for someone hormone-deficient.

Vaginal pessary. This is a vaginal device that supports the uterus and keeps it in position. Crazy right!? It is important to follow the instructions on care, removal, and insertion of the pessary. Discuss with your provider if this treatment is right for you.

Losing weight. Extra weight within the abdomen places unnecessary strain on the pelvic muscles.

Add A Comment25 Comments

Prolapsed Bladder (Cystocele): What Makes It Worse?

Thanks for the comments. I will try a tampon. My prolapse is bad. had the bladder lift surgery, it did not last very long. I wont try the mesh because of all the problems women have had with it. A pessary worked for awhile but then i started getting utis and anxiety. My chiropractor said it was probably putting pressure on my spine and nervous system.

if you are using a tampon and having problems it may be because the cotton is absorbing all the moisture drying out the vaginal walls. Which over time can weaken the walls. I tie a condom over it lubricate with an aloe based lubricant and it works great ! I have bladder prolapse.

You might want to try using estace cream. It will it can help with vaginal dryness and improve the condition if the lining of the vagina. I want to try the over the counter tampon like devices and plan to use the cream for comfort. I am scheduled for surgery kin a couple weeks and am worried about success as well as sexual issues. Bladder prolapse is really uncomfortable.

Good article thanks for sharing ,I have tried the tampon but it will not stay put from pressue ,another interesting place about prolapse is I found some helpful exercises there ,she too is an RN .

Hi Blondie,

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Medication For Prolapse Bladder

For a prolapsed bladder, estrogen replacement treatment may be utilized to assist the body rebuild the tissues in and around the vagina. Not everyone can benefit from estrogen replacement therapy . After menopause, womens bodies stop producing as much estrogen naturally, and the vaginal muscles may weaken as a result. Estrogen may be administered to treat bladder prolapse symptoms such as vaginal weakness and incontinence in mild cases of prolapsed bladder. Estrogen replacement therapy may be used in conjunction with other treatments for more severe cases of prolapse.

Estrogen can be taken orally or applied topically as a patch or cream. The cream has a low systemic absorption rate and has a strong effect where it is administered. The danger of topical administration is lower than that of oral preparations. Even in the presence of a prolapsed bladder, estrogen administration to the anterior vaginal and urethral area may be highly effective in relieving urine symptoms including urgency and frequency.

Side Effects Of Prolapsed Bladder Surgery

I had prolapsed bladder surgery 1 year and 2 months ago. I feel very good now , but I’ve gotten a brown thick discharge out of my vagina 3 times in the past 4 months when I take a shower. I understand the Dr. used cow hide to pull my bladder up, and I’m thinking its the cow hide dying inside of me and my own cells are taking aver.

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Things I Wish All Women Knew About Pelvic Organ Prolapse

An ob-gyn discusses common prolapse symptoms and treatment options.

Pelvic organ prolapse doesnt get talked about much. One reason is that women often feel shame or confusion about the condition or its treatments. And a lot of women have never even heard of it. As an ob-gyn, Im working to change all of this.

POP happens when one or more pelvic organs drop from their normal position. Its caused by a weak pelvic floor, the collection of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that hold these organs in place.

When a pelvic organ drops, it may bulge into another organ. In some cases, the organ may bulge out of the vagina. Women may accidentally leak urine or bowel contents , or their vagina may make noises during exercise or sex. These symptoms and others can be isolating. Some women dont seek treatment until they start having serious problems with bladder, bowel, or sexual function.

Ob-gyns and urogynecologists, who specialize in pelvic floor disorders, can help. I treat women with POP regularly in my practice. Many come to me after sharing their symptoms with a mother, sister, or friend who went through the same thing and told them how they got help.

Here are five things Id like all women to know about POP.

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