Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cramping In Bladder Or Uterus

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Bladder Pain Urethral Pain And Interstitial Cystitis

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids – Women’s Health

Painful Bladder Syndrome, sometimes called Interstitial Cystitis, is a disorder of the bladder characterized by urinary frequency, frequent nighttime voiding, and bladder pain. Sufferers may feel as if they have a constant urinary tract infection, but urine cultures show no infection. The condition is also often associated with pain during intercourse.

Symptoms Of Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction

The symptoms of a pelvic floor dysfunction include:

  • leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or running
  • failing to reach the toilet in time
  • passing wind from either the anus or vagina when bending over or lifting
  • reduced sensation in the vagina
  • tampons that dislodge or fall out
  • a distinct bulge at the vaginal opening
  • a sensation of heaviness in the vagina
  • a heaviness or dragging in the pelvis or back
  • recurrent urinary tract infections, or recurrent thrush
  • vulval pain, pain with sex, inability to orgasm.

Overactive Bladder Incontinence And Frequency

Overactive Bladder is characterized by unexpected contractions of the bladder muscle that can lead to leaking, called urge incontinence. There is often a strong need to go to the bathroom but an inability to get there in time. Sufferers often lose urine when they hear running water or put their key in the door. Whether leaking is present or not, overactive bladder often causes urinary frequency throughout the day and during the night.

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What Are The Causes Of Pregnancy

Miscarriage: miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy at any time up to the 24th week. 7 or 8 miscarriages out of 10 occur before 13 weeks of pregnancy. The usual symptoms of miscarriage are vaginal bleeding and lower tummy or pelvic cramps. You may then pass some tissue from the vagina, which often looks like a blood clot. See the separate leaflet called Miscarriage and Bleeding in Early Pregnancy for more details.

Ectopic pregnancy: an ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that tries to develop outside the womb . Usual symptoms include pain on one side of the lower abdomen or pelvis. It may develop sharply, or may slowly become worse over several days. It can become severe. Vaginal bleeding often occurs, but not always. It is often darker-coloured than the bleeding of a period. See the separate leaflet called Ectopic Pregnancy for more details.

Causes Of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Where should i feel cramps in early pregnancy MISHKANET.COM

No matter the cause, pelvic pain can create additional stress and makes it hard to sleep.

An array of health issues could potentially be responsible for pelvic pain. They include acute conditions like urinary tract infections and kidney stones and chronic problems like endometriosis or fibroids, to name a few. These are some of the most common causes for pelvic pain during pregnancy.

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Bacterial And Yeast Infections

Bacterial and yeast infections are among the most common and best-known problems capable of causing painful intercourse. These infections include bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, and cervicitis, which is an infected and inflamed cervix. Of these, a yeast infection is most likely to cause painful sex.

As you can see, there are many possible reasons for painful intercourse before menopause. The good news is that we can help treat all of them: Call Fred A. Williams, MD, or book an appointment online.

Try Vaginal Trainers Or Dilation Therapy

To help relax the muscles around your pelvis and vagina, you might want to try vaginal dilation therapy. Using silicone vaginismus dilators, this progressive therapy works to gently relax your body and slowly stretch the area. This can help with the pain associated with pelvic floor muscle spasm, as it can help the muscles learn to relax and return to their resting state instead of being held in a tightened position.

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Endometriosis Symptoms And Treatments

Endometriosis is a condition when cells from the lining of the womb attach themselves to other parts and organs in the body. These cells act on the same hormones as the womb and build up, break down and bleed. In the womb these cells would be shed during the monthly cycle as part of a womans period, however, these other cells located in other parts of the body cannot escape and can cause inflammation, pain and scar tissue.

Around 1.5 million women in the UK are affected, it is a condition that can affect any woman of childbearing age.

Persistent Pressure In Your Pelvis

Anteflexed Uterus

Do You Also Have:

  • Urinary problems such as leaking
  • Constipation

It Might Be Organ Prolapse

Organ prolapse occurs when the tissues supporting the organs in the pelvis relax too much, causing those organs to drop down and press against or bulge into the vagina. It may feel like pressure or like something is falling out.

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When To See A Doctor

For most women, implantation occurs without them realizing it. For those experiencing cramps, it lasts for about three days.

However, some women might experience pain for long. You are advised to see your doctor:

  • When cramps get severe or extreme, interfering with your daily activities.
  • When you experience tenderness in the lower abdomen.
  • When you have developed symptoms of an infection such as fever and body aches.
  • Treatment Methods For A Bulky Uterus

    Some reasons behind a bulky uterus dont usually require treatment. However, many might require medicine to help with the pain. Contraceptive pills and intrauterine devices containing progesterone can facilitate the manifestations of heavy bleeding in periods. In a few extreme cases, women may require a hysterectomy, which is the complete removal or part of the uterus from the body. The treatment depends on the cause of the condition. Some of the treatment options are:

    • For Adenomyosis: Drugs like ibuprofen and combined hormonal contraception pills can help soothe the pain and excessive bleeding related to adenomyosis. In some complicated cases, your specialist may prescribe a hysterectomy.
    • For Fibroids: Fibroids that are large and expand the uterus will presumably require some restorative treatment. Your specialist may recommend contraception pills that contain oestrogen and progesterone or an IUD. These pills may stop the development of the fibroids and reduce the bleeding during periods.

    Uterine artery embolization is another treatment method used to solve the problem of fibroids. The principle behind it is to inject small particles into the uterine arteries with the help of a thin tube. This cuts of the blood supply to fibroids and they thus shrink and eventually die.

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    You Have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

    PID is actually more complicated than just “an infection of your reproductive organs,” though that’s technically what the term means. PID is commonly caused by undiagnosed STDs â typically gonorrhea and chlamydia â passing bacteria through the cervix into the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries and elsewhere. It sounds like a disease this serious should have extremely obvious symptoms, but PID often only produces mild discomfort including pelvic pain, painful urination, and menstrual cramping. The big sign of a PID infection is yellow or green vaginal discharge, so if that shows up or you feel concerned in any way, get to a doctor immediately PID is linked to infertility and ectopic pregnancies.

    How To Confirm Successful Implantation

    Cleanshield And Fibroid

    Gestation can only be confirmed by taking a pregnancy test. It is advisable that you wait for at least three days after spotting to have a home pregnancy test.

    • The human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone is the hormone tested for in urine for pregnancy. It takes several days before this hormone is fully secreted into the urine.
    • The longer you wait, before you can take a pregnancy test, the more accurate the result you are likely to get.

    Another second way of confirming gestation is by going for a sonogram. A sonogram is medical device that will show an attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall.

    You can view the fetus in the uterus. However, sonograms use electric waves which can alter the process of implantation. For this reason, it is advisable that you be a little patient.

    Negative pregnancy test with implantation-like cramps?

    Are you having a number of pregnancy symptoms, but negative pregnancy results? The hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin takes time to be secreted fully into urine.

    This is the hormone produced during pregnancy as a result of chorion formation. It is therefore important that you stay patient for a few more days.

    Taking the test seven days after a missed period is recommended for accurate results.

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    Urinary Tract Infections : More Common In Women

    Urinary tract infections, sometimes called bladder infections, strike women more often than men, and simple anatomy is the cause.

    The female urethra is closer to areas that have natural bacteria, such as the anus and vagina. Its also shorter than a mans urethra, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .

    Bladder pain from UTIs can happen at any age. In young women, it is a common symptom of urinary tract infections, along with frequent and painful urination. Symptoms in older women can vary but typically include muscle aches, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weakness.

    Its important to see your doctor because treatment with antibiotics like Macrobid or Bactrim can usually clear up a urinary tract infection, the NIDDK notes.

    And though the infection may go away without treatment, antibiotics can speed healing and quickly eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. Drinking extra fluids and urinating frequently will also help treat the infection and your discomfort.

    Causes Of Bulky Uterus

    It can be found in reproductive age group women. The most common noticeable symptoms are a heaviness in the pelvic region and a bulky mass in the lower abdomen. Still, it may go unnoticed for a long time as a diagnosis of the enlarged uterus is not expected most of the time. Routine check-ups by a gynaecologist can help to track down the problem in time.

    There are several factors which can cause the uterus to enlarge. The most common and known causes are:

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    When Do I Need To Get Checked

    • If you are worried, concerned or just need reassurance.
    • If you have any vaginal bleeding or spotting which does not stop, or increases.
    • If you develop any acute, strong pain in your abdomen or, in the tips of your shoulders.
    • If your temperature is elevated or you feel generally unwell.
    • If you are having problems passing urine. You may have the urge to wee but are having problems starting or stopping mid-flow.
    • If your pregnancy symptoms are less noticeable.

    Why Might A Person With Endometriosis Suffer With Bladder Or Bowel Problems

    Chronic Pelvic Pain – Symptoms & Treatment Options

    The cells that normally form in the womb can form outside the bladder or bowel or burrow deeper within the walls of the bladder or bowel. These cells will react in the same way as they would in the womb leading to blood becoming trapped in these organs. It is the trapped blood that causes the pain as it becomes inflamed. It is more common for the bowel to be affected than the bladder. The pain experienced can make it difficult to urinate or have a bowel movement. If your bladder is affected then you may experience an overactive bladder, where you have feelings of urgency or frequency as well as pain. If your bowel is affected you may experience episodes of diarrhoea and/ or constipation plus uncomfortable bloating.

    The NHS have created the following video about Endometriosis.

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    Identify And Address Perpetuating Factors

    In addition to the specific treatments noted above, anyone who has pelvic floor spasm must look carefully to see if any habits or disorders may be exacerbating the problem.

    • Systemic Perpetuating Factors. If not properly addressed, sleep disorders, hypothyroidism, and malnutrition can interfere with treatment of pelvic floor spasm. Our goal is to identify and correct these problems to optimize treatment success.
    • Mechanical Perpetuating Factors. Occupational factors such as holding urine for long periods, or postural factors such as prolonged sitting, immobility, or long distance driving can exacerbate pelvic floor spasm.
    • Emotional Perpetuating Factors. Chronic stress or anxiety can interfere with a good treatment outcome. Elimination of stress and anxiety is not always possible, but patients can often modify their lifestyle to reduce these problems, once they understand the impact on their health and wellness.

    Pain In The Center Of Your Pelvis

    Do You Also Have:

    • Strong, persistent need to urinate
    • Cloudy, strong-smelling urine
    • Burning sensation when you urinate

    It Might Be a Urinary Tract Infection

    Caused by a bacterial infection in the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra, a urinary tract infection can be extremely painful and demands immediate attention.

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    Pain With Intercourse Vaginismus And Vulvodynia

    Pain with intercourse can often be treated as simply as using a good quality lubricant during intercourse. However, if painful sex is related to pelvic floor spasm, it is more complicated. To have a pleasurable sexual experience, a woman must be able to relax the pelvic floor muscles. This is impossible if one has pelvic floor muscle spasm or pain. Two very different pain conditions can be related to pelvic floor spasm. Vaginismus is involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles, preventing vaginal penetration or causing pain during intercourse. Vulvodynia is characterized by burning pain of the external genital skin. In this condition, hyperactivity of pain receptors causes even soft touch to feel painful. Pain might be constant, or only present when the area receives pressure or rubbing. It can be debilitating.

    Can Alternative Therapies Treat Your Pelvic Pain

    Pin on Medication For Fibroids

    Some women choose alternative medicine to treat their pain. Although there is little evidence on how effective these remedies are for treating pain, alternative treatments may help in some cases 29).

    For instance, the following approaches may help relieve menstrual pain 30):

    • Vitamin B1 or magnesium supplements
    • Acupuncture, acupressure, and nerve stimulation therapies

    If you are thinking about trying an alternative product or therapy to cope with your pain, make sure to talk to your health care providers first. Ask them what the scientific evidence indicates about the safety of the product or therapy and how well it works. Keep in mind that dietary supplements can interact with other medicines you might be using or can cause problems if not used correctly 31).

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    Symptoms Of Bulky Uterus

    There are several causes of the bulky uterus, and the symptoms may differ based on the cause of it. The common symptoms are as following:

    • Abnormalities in the menstrual cycle
    • Heavy bleeding and cramping in the pelvic region
    • Swelling and cramping in the legs
    • Pressure on the uterus and the surrounding region
    • Backaches
    • Paleness of the skin and general weakness

    What Are The Symptoms Of Pelvic Pain

    Although pain is the core symptom of pelvic pain, the specifics of that pain and other symptoms vary from woman to woman. Pelvic pain can be severe enough that it interferes with normal activities, such as going to work, exercising, or having sex.

    Women describe pelvic pain in many ways. Pelvic pain can be steady, or it can come and go. It can be a sharp and stabbing pain felt in a specific spot, or a dull pain that is spread out. Some women have pain that occurs only during their menstrual periods. Some women feel pain when they need to use the bathroom, and some feel pain when lifting something heavy. Some women have pain in the vulva , which is called vulvodynia, during sex or when inserting a tampon 15), 16).

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    Bowel Emptying Problems Constipation Urgency

    When the pelvic floor has been in chronic spasm, one can eventually lose control of bowel emptying, leading to constipation and/or fecal incontinence. There may be a sense of urgency when its time to empty the bowel, but difficulty making it to the bathroom in time. Or, there may a problem of inability to relax the pelvic floor to allow a bowel movement. These seem like opposite problems, but they can have the same root cause: pelvic floor spasm.

    Why Do I Have Cramps But No Period

    Endometriosis 101: What is endometriosis?

    Pelvic pain similar to a menstrual period can happen at times when no period is due or can occur because of conditions other than the monthly cycle. Sometimes it is hard to tell the exact reason for cramps that feel like a menstrual period.

    The following diseases and conditions are examples of situations that can cause pain or cramps when not on your period.

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    Complications That Can Arise In Bulky Uterus

    The reasons for uterine growth may prompt health issues if the symptoms of the condition are ignored or are left untreated. A bulky uterus doesnt usually cause any health complexities, but the conditions because of which it happens can. The two most regular reasons for a bulky uterus, fibroids and adenomyosis, are seldom fatal, and may adversely affect the overall health. Following are some possible complications that may arise:

    Overactive Bladder Problems After Hysterectomy

    Sometimes nerve damage or infections are the reason for an overactive bladder after surgery. This crazy, unstoppable feeling of having to go to the toilet, even if you have little or no urine in the bladder, is due to the bladders detrusor muscle malfunctioning. After a hysterectomy, overactive bladder problems include frequent visits to the bathroom, even during the night , and leaking urine.

    What can you do about it?

    Strengthen the pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises. Avoid substances that will irritate the bladder like coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and spicy meals. Get rid of the extra pounds, as your extra weight can have a notable impact on the pelvic floor muscles that support your bladder. There are several medications that can help to relax the Detrusor muscle. Common side effects of these medications are dry mouth, constipation, and sometimes confusion.

    Read more in our post: 5 Effective home remedies for overactive bladder

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