Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Can I Relax My Bladder Naturally

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Others Proven Experiences About Make Your Self Pee


Naisha: Drink a lot of water and gently tickle yourself near your asshole but a bit higher! This is a good way that always works for me.

Katie: When I can not pee easily. First, I drink a Gatorade and eat some Gummy bears, and then I drink some water. Finally, I walk for some time until I have to go to the bathroom.

Sheena: First, I found something freezing, such as a bag of peas, in my freezer. Then place it on my lap close to the stomach and massage my lower abdomen gently. This method works every time.

Veritas: My friend told me an easy way to make yourself pee using peppermint oil. You need to take a whiff or eat a peppermint candy before a urine test.

What Causes Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder can be caused by several things, or even a combination of causes. Some possible causes can include:

  • Weak pelvic muscles: Pregnancy and childbirth can cause your pelvic muscles to stretch and weaken. This can cause the bladder to sag out of its normal position. All of these factors can cause leakage.
  • Nerve damage: Sometimes signals are sent to the brain and bladder to empty at the wrong time. Trauma and diseases can cause this to happen. These can include:
  • Pelvic or back surgery.
  • Stroke.
  • Medications, alcohol and caffeine: All of these products can dull the nerves, which affects the signal to the brain. This could result in bladder overflow. Diuretics and caffeine can cause your bladder to fill rapidly and possibly leak.
  • Infection: An infection, like a urinary tract infection , can irritate the bladder nerves and cause the bladder to squeeze without warning.
  • Excess weight: Being overweight places extra pressure on your bladder. This can lead to urge incontinence.
  • Estrogen deficiency after menopause: This hormonal change could contribute to a loss of urine due to urgency. Ask your doctor if vaginal-only estrogen therapy is right for you. This is different from systemic hormone therapy, which is absorbed throughout the body.
  • Often, there may be no specific explanation for why this is occurring.

    How Much Water Should I Drink To Flush Out A Uti

    Drink Water Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases recommends drinking six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day in order to flush bacteria out of your urinary tract. Fluids also help to dilute your urine, so bacteria doesnt grow to begin with.

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    Soothe Bladder Pain With These Foods

    If you suffer from Overactive Bladder , Bladder Pain Syndrome, or Interstitial Cystitis , youre probably familiar with the feeling of discomfort and urgency that accompanies normal, everyday activities. One way to soothe bladder pain and control these symptoms is through your diet. Eliminating irritating foods and eating soothing foods should dull some of your bladder pain.

    According to the IC Network, there are several foods that can affect your bladder symptoms and soothe bladder pain.

    Can You Stop Bladder Spasms Naturally

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    There are certain steps you can take to relieve the discomfort of bladder spams, and prevent leaks.

    While it may seem counter-intuitive to drink extra water if youre experiencing leaks, this can actually help you in the long run, since concentrated urine can be irritating to your bladder. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure that bladder irritation is kept at bay.

    A change in diet may also help relieve bladder spasms if your spasms are being caused by certain foods that you are eating. Keeping a bladder diary for a few days can help identify food or drink triggers.

    If youre experiencing discomfort, try using a heating pad to relieve some of the pain from bladder spasms.

    If you are experiencing leaks due to bladder spasms, you can also try incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine. These exercise, known as kegels, can help improve the muscle strength of the pelvic floor, making it easier for you to hold urine until you get to a bathroom when the urge strikes.

    Read Also: How To Take Care Of A Bladder Infection At Home

    Boost Your Bladder Health And Keep It Healthy For Years

    Youre always on the run, and on the go. But nobody wants to be constantly running to go.

    If youre using the bathroom too often or you want to avoid that scenario try these hints to prevent and reduce urinary incontinence, which happens to more people than you might think.

    There are about 25 million people dealing with urinary incontinence, and most of them are women, says Dr. Blake Garmon, internal medicine physician at Geisinger 65 Forward in Shamokin Dam, who explains that it can be caused by weakening bladder muscles or nerve damage. But incontinence isnt just a part of life for many, its a medical condition you can work to prevent.

    Here are seven ways to keep your bladder healthy that can help prevent incontinence, too.

    Seek Medical Help And Try Medications

    Once again, if you suspect that a health condition causes your inability to pee, you need to get yourself checked immediately. You need to find the cause before the condition progresses to something more serious and harder to treat. You should always treat the underlying cause to make yourself feel better.

    If you have difficulty urinating with other symptoms such as acute lower abdominal or pelvic pain, you should see your doctor immediately. This may be a serious medical problem. Your doctor may recommend some medications like Alpha receptor blockers which will help make your bladder muscles relax and pee naturally.

    Also Check: Overactive Bladder At Night Time Only

    How To Fully Empty Your Bladder

    One of the main culprits behind urinary urgency and bladder control issues is the fact that many women do not fully empty their bladder when they use the restroom. There are many possible reasons for this. Here are just a few:

    1) They “hover” above the toilet seat. As stated in this article, “hovering” can lead to incomplete bladder evacuation due to tense pelvic muscles.

    2) They do kegels while urinating. At some point in the history of “kegeling,” word got out that a good time to do kegels is while urinating . The logic behind this theory is that you use your pelvic floor muscles to voluntarily stop the flow of urine, hence if you can stop the flow while urinating, you will know whether or not you can successfully contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles.

    Here’s the deal: it’s okay to try a kegel or two while you urinate in order to “check in” to see if you are doing kegels correctly . But this is not something you should do on a regular basis.

    Doing kegels regularly while urinating can lead to incomplete bladder evacuation, which can make your bladder feel like it’s always full. You might think your bladder is the size of an acorn… But really, it’s simply the fact that it’s never fully empty! To fully empty your bladder, practice your kegel exercises when you are OFF the toilet.

    We don’t want that!

    When you’re on the toilet, don’t worry about getting the deed done quickly. Take your time.

    Mistake #: Not Drinking Enough Water

    How To Do Kegel Exercises For Bladder Control

    Many urinary complaints are related to poor hydration. Generally speaking, if your urine is clear or very light, that’s a sign you are drinking the right amount of water. If your urine is dark yellow or amber, that’s usually a sign of dehydration.

    Odor, an “off” color, and the sense of burning while voiding are other signs that might indicate you are not properly hydrated. Not drinking enough water can contribute to UTIs and kidney stones. Concentrated urine can irritate the lining of the bladder, making it more sensitive. It is also more likely to form kidney or bladder stones.

    Many patients ask if drinking alternative fluids will suffice, but many beverages contain high sugar concentrations or caffeine, which can have other health effects, says Dr. Brito, noting these might make overactive bladder symptoms worse. Water is the safest option to maintain hydration and keep your kidneys and bladder healthy.

    There are some conditions that can make your urine appear more concentrated even if you are well-hydrated, such as liver problems or hematuria. So, if you are drinking enough water but have dark-colored urine, odor, or burning, its worth a trip to a urologist, who can evaluate your symptoms more closely.

    “The ability to urinate freely and without difficulty is taken for granted by most people,” says Dr. Brito. So, next time you have to go, follow the above advice for better urinary health.

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    How To Support Your Bladder Health Naturally

    Dr. Jessica Papa, PT, DPT

    Each day, adults pass about a quart and a half of urine through the bladder and out of the body. You use your bladder several times a day, but do you know what you should do to keep this organ healthy? The bladder is one of those body parts that you probably dont think about much until it stops working properly. Women over the age of 65 are particularly prone to developing an overactive bladder, which can manifest as urinary frequency, urgency, and leakage. While you cant control everything that affects bladder health, there are many things you can do to reduce your chances of developing an overactive bladder or lessen your symptoms if youve already developed the condition.

    Dietary Changes And Fluid Management

    One of the most straightforward methods in the treatment of OAB involves making dietary changes. This involves cutting out several known food irritants from the diet and limiting fluid intake.

    Foods to avoid

    Foods and drinks, which are known to cause or worsen the symptoms of OAB include:

    • alcohol
    • tomatoes
    • vinegar

    As triggers from food vary from person to person, it can be helpful for people to keep a diary detailing food intake and bladder symptoms. A diary can help people work out which foods are causing the greatest problems.

    Manage fluid intake

    Drinking enough water is essential for health. Too little water can lead to concentrated urine, which can irritate the bladder lining, increasing urgency. Too many liquids may worsen frequency symptoms. Fluid intake before bed can contribute to urinating during the night.

    A , published in Research and Reports in Urology, recommends limiting fluid intake to 6 to 8 glasses of water daily, and avoiding liquids for 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

    Also Check: Reasons For Lack Of Bladder Control

    Reclining Bound Angle Posev

    Also referred to as Supta Baddha Konasana, it is a classic restorative Yoga pose that can work the entire pelvic floor muscles.

  • Lie straight and flat on the floor. Then, gently bend your knees. Bring your feet together with the outer edges of both your feet on the floor. Place your heels close to your groin.
  • Your palms must lie next to your hips and pressed downwards.
  • Exhale and ensure that your abdominal muscles contract as your tailbone moves close to your pubic bone. Feel the elongation in your lower back and the stability in your spine as your pelvis tilts. Hold this position.
  • Quickly inhale, and as you exhale again, let your knees open up such that it creates a good stretch in your groin and inner thighs.
  • You must ensure your lower spine is not forcefully arched. Also, ensure your shoulders are relaxed and placed away from your neck.
  • Now stay in the pose for up to a minute, breathing deeply and slowly.
  • Exhale and exit the pose. But before you do so, press your lower back and knees to the floor to give that final stretch. Then, hug your knees, and rock from side to side before you release.
  • What Is An Overactive Bladder


    Overactive bladder is a common but often hidden urinary problem affecting up to 60% of women at some point in their lives. It comes in two styles: dry and wet.

    Dry OAB is when you get the urge to urinate frequency but nothing happens until you get to the toilet.

    Wet OAB means a little or a lot of leakage may occur before you make it to the bathroom.

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    The Relationship Between Bladder Muscles And Oab

    Overactive bladder is a common issue for adults, especially as they age. According to the Urology Care Foundation, about 30% of men and 40% of women have symptoms of an overactive bladder.

    Different factors contribute to an overactive bladder, including nerve signals between the brain and the bladder. There is also a relationship between the bladder muscles and urinary urgency and leakage.

    Normally when you have to urinate, your brain sends a signal to the bladder. The bladder muscles squeeze, the urethra opens and urine flows out of the bladder. When the bladder is not full, the muscles relax.

    Overactive bladder can develop for a variety of reasons, such as nerve damage that affects the signals between the bladder muscles and the brain. It can also occur if the muscles in your bladder are too active. This is why knowing how to relax your bladder muscles is important.

    The overactive muscles make you feel urinary urgency. Also, the muscles that support your bladder may be weak, which contributes to urinary leakage.

    This Is How To Calm Your Bladder And Pee Less Often


    Do you often feel the urge to pee and feel like you just can’t hold it? Do you head to the bathroom far more than you think is normal? You may have overactive bladder , a condition that affects about 33 million Americans. With OAB, people experience sudden urges to urinate that they can’t control, as well as the need to urinate frequently. People with OAB may also leak when they experience the urge to urinate.

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    Causes Of Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction

    The pelvic floor can be weakened by:

    • supporting the weight of the uterus during pregnancy
    • vaginal childbirth, which may overstretch the muscles
    • the pressure of obesity
    • some forms of surgery that require cutting the muscles
    • lower levels of oestrogen after menopause
    • pelvic floor muscle tension caused by painful periods, endometriosis.

    Losing Weight May Help To Improve Your Bladder Control

    How to Empty Bladder Contents to Overcome Bladder Emptying Problems

    Excess weight puts extra stress on your pelvic floor muscles and contributes to an overactive bladder and loss of bladder control. If you can lose even a small amount of weight, it will help with bladder control.

    The best weight loss plans are always those that set realistic goals combined with healthy eating habits and physical activity. Fad diets, although often successful short-term, rarely achieve sustainable weight loss, because once you tire of the diet, you often revert to ingrained unhealthy eating habits.

    Check out our Obesity and Weight Loss guide for more information.

    Don’t Miss: How To Fix Bladder Leakage After Pregnancy

    Whats A Bladder Spasm

    Have you heard of the term bladder spasm? If you have an overactive bladder or incontinence, its likely that you have experienced them.

    Bladder spasms are when the bladder muscle squeezes suddenly, without warning, making you feel like you need to empty your bladder immediately. This is one of the hallmark symptoms of Overactive Bladder the urgent and frequent needs to urinate, and can sometimes also result in urge incontinence if youre unable to make it to the bathroom in time.

    Schedule A Telemedicine Visit With A Virtucare Urologist

    Have you already tried these suggestions? Are you still asking yourself âhow can I relax my bladder?â Then itâs time to call in the expert: a board-certified urologist.

    An initial work-up can easily be performed from the comfort and safety of your home. A telemedicine consultation with a VirtuCare expert is not only more convenient, but you donât have to ask your insurance company for permission. You pay a reasonable cash fee to get the care you deserve.

    A thorough history and some simple tests can help rule out a UTI or blockage of the bladder. Sometimes a referral to a pelvic physical therapist can help improve your pelvic floor exercises. Maybe itâs time to consider an overactive bladder medication because your bladder canât relax despite your best efforts. Finally, if everything else has failed, we can refer you to a urologic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of an overactive bladder.

    If we canât help you relax your bladder then we will find an expert who can solve the problem!

    If youâre ready to schedule a consultation with a VirtuCare urologist click here. If youâre still not sure if telemedicine is right for you then send us an email at: â


    Don’t Miss: How To Relieve Bladder Spasms With Catheter

    Natural Ways To Treat An Overactive Bladder

    About a year ago, I began noticing I was getting up several times a night to pee. Once I thought about it, I realized I was peeing a lot during the day, too. The problem escalated and escalated until I was getting up three to five times a night, leading to severe sleep deprivation. Desperate for a solution, I got tested for interstitial cystitis, ovarian cysts, diabetes, kidney stones, you name it. But with all the results negative, I instead got the frustrating diagnosis of overactive bladder .

    I describe an OAB diagnosis as frustrating because it doesn’t have a simple cure. Your options are to go on medication, to see a physical therapist who can teach you helpful exercises or an osteopath who can manipulate your nerves, to try a more drastic treatment like Bladder Botox injections or electrical bladder stimulation, or to make a bunch of small changes to your lifestyle that can gradually alleviate the problem. “Even though treatment options exist, many patients opt for natural and homeopathic remedies, since no single treatment has been proven to be most effective,” Caleb Backe, Health and Wellness Expert for Maple Holistics, tells Bustle.

    There are two main symptoms of OAB,Los Angeles-based urologist S. Adam Ramin, MD tells Bustle: urgency frequency and urgency incontinence . Some people with OAB only have the first symptom, while others have both.

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