Other Ways To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
There are other tactics you can use to reduce your risk of UTIs. Most of them are simple habits that you can add to your routines.
Drink water. Staying hydrated and urinating often allows you to flush out bacteria naturally.
Cranberry juice. Some people find that regularly drinking cranberry juice reduces the number of UTIs they get. It also eases UTI symptoms for some people.
Wash with gentle products. Highly scented products like deodorant sprays, douches, or feminine washes can irritate the skin near your urethra, making it more susceptible to bacteria. Mild soap and water are better for the sensitive skin in the genital area.
Consider changing birth control. Birth control that goes inside your vagina, including diaphragms, or spermicide-treated condoms, can encourage bacterial growth.
If you think you have a UTI or if you get repeated UTIs, talk to your doctor. They can suggest treatment and prevention methods for you to try.
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Causes And Risk Factors Of Interstitial Cystitis
Doctors dont know the exact cause of interstitial cystitis, but many researchers believe that it is initially triggered by damage to the bladder lining.
In a study published in September 2017 in the journal BMC Chemistry, researchers found that many people with IC produce a protein, called antiproliferative factor, that makes the bladder sensitive to urine.
This protein prevents the growth of bladder cells, so it may prevent the bladder from healing itself when damage occurs.
Many researchers believe that IC may develop for a number of different reasons, such as the following:
Damage to the bladder Surgery or other types of trauma may damage the bladder, contributing to this condition.
Bladder distention The inability to empty your bladder for long periods of time has been associated with interstitial cystitis.
Nerve damage Spinal cord trauma and inflammation of the pelvic nerves have been suspected as causes.
Bacterial infection A bladder infection, or cystitis, may contribute to the onset of IC in some people.
Muscle dysfunction When the pelvic floor muscles arent working right, they may contribute to bladder problems.
Autoimmune disorder Some researchers suspect that the bodys own immune system may attack certain bladder cells in some people with IC.
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Signs And Symptoms Of Cystitis
The main symptoms of cystitis include:
- pain, burning or stinging when you pee
- needing to pee more often and urgently than normal
- urine that’s dark, cloudy or strong smelling
- pain low down in your tummy
- feeling generally unwell, achy, sick and tired
Possible symptoms in young children include:
- pain in their tummy
- reduced appetite and vomiting
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How Common Is Honeymoon Cystitis
Half of all women get cystitis at least once in their lives. However, honeymoon cystitis only causes bladder infection in 4% of cases. Honeymoon cystitis remains more common among young women in their twenties, although single women in their 50s are increasingly reporting that they suffer from the problem. The risk of honeymoon cystitis increases if someone starts having sex again after not having done so for a long period of time. Condoms are not known to offer any protection against honeymoon cystitis.
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Some Myth Some Truth: Sexual Activity
Sexual intercourse indeed can be a strong trigger for a UTI, as can any activity that has the potential for putting infection-causing bacteria near the urethra.
Your partners anatomy can act as a ladder for infection of the urethra with bacteria that usually live in the bowel, said Dr. Dielubanza.
Use of spermicides with or without barrier contraceptives has been shown to increase the risk of urinary tract infections in sexually active women. Women may consider an alternative contraceptive regimen if they experience UTIs after intercourse.
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Maintaining Optimal Urology Health With A Urologist
Urinary tract infections can be painful, annoying, and uncomfortable but dont worry! Following these tips can help you prevent a urinary tract infection this summer. As always, if you are experiencing any symptoms of a UTI, contact your nearest USOC location to schedule an appointment with one of our urology specialists.
Although existing UTIs need to be treated with antibiotics, avoiding future infections is possible with simple diet and lifestyle changes. Download our Nutrition and Lifestyle Guide for even more tips and tricks to help prevent future UTIs and achieve optimal urology health. Click the button below to access your free copy!
How Is Uti In Men Treated
You develop a urinary tract infection because of bacteria entering your urinary tract. When you have the symptoms, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection. However, it is better to take some precautionary measures to avoid becoming infected in the first place. For instance:
- Be sure to clean the genital area thoroughly if you are not circumcised.
- Increase your intake of water and include other fluids in your diet.
- Never try to hold your urine for long.
- Be sure to clean your genitals before and after engaging in sexual intercourse.
- Always wear condoms when having sex.
Increasing your intake of water may help flush bacteria out of your urethra, which can relieve the symptoms associated with a UTI. Keep in mind that if you have serious symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention because a UTI can spread quickly to your kidneys and complicate the whole situation.
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What About Men Can They Get Utis From Having Sex
Its much less common for men to get UTIs at all, due to the way their genital anatomy is situated. Bacteria from a mans rectum is a lot less likely to make it all the way to his urethral opening. So while men do get UTIs sometimes, its usually due to genetics and immune issues rather than sexual activity or hygiene, though anal sex can increase the risk for male UTIs.
What Can You Do If You Keep Getting Utis
If you keep getting UTIs, you must talk to your doctor. After talking with you, your doctor will either recommend treatments for recurring urinary infections or send you to a special doctor called a urologist. A urologist focuses on diseases and problems of the entire urinary system, so he may be able to better pinpoint what is causing your infections and how to treat and prevent them.In addition to the tips mentioned above, you can also take some other simple steps to help prevent UTIs, such as:
- Drink plenty of water.
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Some Typical Causes Of Cystitis In Women:
- When the bladder is not voided completely when urinating. Give yourself plenty of time when you urinate, and empty the bladder as much as possible.
- The direction you wipe yourself. Women can avoid cystitis by wiping themselves from the urethra towards the anus.
- Intercourse and anal sex .
- Honeymoon cystitis means a urinary tract infection after frequent sex.
- Stones in the urinary tract which promote the growth of bacteria.
- Anatomic conditions such as outpouching or an ectopic urethra, which results in residues of urine in the urethra.
- Hormonal changes such as the menopause resulting in less oestrogen, which otherwise maintains the mucous membranes in the urethra and vagina.
- A urethral catheter. When a patient has a urethral catheter, the barrier between the skin and bladder is broken.
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What Can I Do To Help Prevent Cystitis
Unfortunately there is no evidence that any lifestyle changes really help to prevent cystitis. Traditionally, doctors have advised drinking plenty of fluids to flush out the germs , and drinking cranberry juice. However, there is no evidence this makes any difference. Researchers are also studying the effects of probiotics on preventing cystitis but currently there isnt enough evidence to know if they are of any use either. Other changes, such as the way you clean yourself and which underwear you wear, have also not been found to make any difference. If recurring cystitis is a problem, you may need to discuss one of the options below with your doctor.
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Recognizing Uti Symptoms In Men
Can males get UTI from females? No, men usually get UTIs from other factors. And when you have a urinary tract infection,you do not always notice symptoms. However, whenever there are symptoms, they are usually the same in both men and women. Some of the most common symptoms include the following:
- You may pass cloudy, bloody, or bad-smelling urine.
- You may pass a small amount of urine at a time.
- You have abdominal pain.
- You may experience pain in your lower back.
- You may experience a burning sensation when passing urine.
- You may have a strong urge to urinate.
- You may have a low-grade fever.
Other common symptoms are frequent urination, a burning sensation after urination, blood in urine, and trouble urinating. However, one symptom is usually present in men only and that is the fluid leaking from the penis. You should seek immediate medical attention if you notice any discharge from the penis. It is also possible to have a kidney infection if you also experience chills, nausea, and fever along with the aforementioned symptoms.
Truth: Being Female Is The Biggest Risk Factor For Utis
UTIs generally are caused by bacteria that live in the colon, especially the rectum. The short length of the female urethra places its opening close to bacterial reservoirs , making women more vulnerable to infection.
In truth, being female is simply the strongest risk factor for UTIs, says Dr. Dielubanza.
Another trigger particular to women is hormonal change with age. Until menopause, vaginal flora includes protective bacteria. But when estrogen drops during menopause, the pH of the vagina changes, and the good flora cannot thrive there as easily. Without these good bacteria, the bad bacteria can more easily flourish in postmenopausal women.
Men are not immune to UTIs, but they are less likely to have them. This is because their longer urethras present a challenge to bacteria entry. However, as men age and begin to empty their bladders less efficiently due to prostate enlargement, urinary tract infections can become more common.
A trigger for UTIs in both men and women is use of any medical instrument near the urethra, including a catheter to drain urine.
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Utis After Sex Are Worse Than Using The Toilet Around A New Partner
They sometimes refer to UTIs as honeymooners syndrome. Historically women became sexually active on their honeymoons.
There was probably already a mixture of fear and trepidation. Then add the potential embarrassment of showing your new husband that you needed to use the toilet. That may have been enough to leave many new brides with a desperately full bladder and bacterial growth flourishing.
New relationships encounter these same problems too. In this last instance the toilet was next to the bedroom and the door did not close. So I was less than enthusiastic about issuing the powerful jet of urine that might have saved me.
And its not just not peeing after sex that can cause problems. It turns out its about poo too! Constipation is linked to recurrent UTIs, especially in kids.
So if youre also not making regular bowel movements due to the awkwardness of a new relationship, its best to just get over it.
UTIs after sex prevention tip 5: Its important to avoid constipation. Keeping bowel movements regular can help with urinary tract health.
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Will Urinating After Sexual Intercourse Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Sexual activity is a risk factor for UTIs for women. The opening of the urethra is close to the vagina and clitoris. Fingers, mouths, and penises can transfer bacteria around the area. If bacteria work their way into the urethra, it can result in an infection.
Some health care experts suggest that women urinate shortly after sexual activity to flush out any bacteria that have gotten into the urethra. Urine is naturally free of bacteria and, while it won’t kill any invading bacteria, it can wash them away. After urinating, you should be sure to wipe from front to back to push any lingering bacteria away from the urethra.
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Fertility Awareness May Work For Committed Couples
Know your cycle well? All you may need to do is use a barrier method, such as a condom, during the days that youre fertile. Preventing pregnancy through fertility awareness can be done by tracking your cycle on a calendar, monitoring your cervical mucus, and taking your body temperature.
Fertility Awareness Pros: You can forget about prescriptions, devices, and taking hormones with this natural birth control approach.
Fertility Awareness Cons: Youll need to make a strong commitment to monitor your cycle. Even with careful attention, theres still a large margin of error because women can ovulate on a different day of every cycle, Newmann says. And because sperm can stay alive for up to six days after sex, you have to use a barrier method for six days before you ovulate. The failure rate for using a combined method of checking your body temperature, monitoring cervical mucus, and watching the calendar is high, about 25 percent, Newmann says.
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Uti After Sex A Completely Natural Cure
Visit your doctor with a UTI and almost certainly you will be given antibiotics which kill the bacteria.
If your bacteria is resistant to that antibiotic you go back to you doctor for a stronger one.
Doctors rely heavily on antibiotics. But these drugs are not good for your body as they also kill all the good bacteria in your body leaving you feeling run down with an immune system that may stop working for a while.
But there is a better and completely natural way of getting rid of your UTIs, as well as stopping them from coming back again.
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What Causes Cystitis
Most cases are thought to occur when bacteria that live harmlessly in the bowel or on the skin get into the bladder through the tube that carries urine out of your body .
It’s not always clear how this happens.
But some things can increase your risk of getting it, including:
- having sex
- having diabetes
- having a weakened immune system
Women may get cystitis more often than men because their bottom is closer to their urethra and their urethra is much shorter, which means bacteria may be able to get into the bladder more easily.
Can Sex Cause Uti
Yes, you can get UTI because of sex. Again, you don’t need to get a UTI every time you have sex. However, it doesn’t spread from person to person like sexually transmitted diseases.
As we said earlier, the bacteria get transferred from the urethra. This spreads while touching the genitalia while having sex, especially without cleaning the hands before that.
UTI during sex can also spread from sex toys if one doesn’t clean them regularly.
If you have a concern that can unprotected sex cause UTI, well, the answer is yes. Unprotected sex can be harmful. It can affect your body in multiple ways, be it STIs or UTIs. It is advisable to use protection so that there is no direct contact of genitalia with bacteria’s.
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Can Sex Cause Utis
Yes. According to an old 1989 study, having lots of sex can indeed cause a UTI.
More accurately, research has found that an active sex life increases the chances of a UTI, which makes sense when you find out what bacteria are the culprit behind most infections.
Typically, the bacteria that cause UTIs originate from fecal flora, says Alex Shteynshlyuger, MD, the director of urology at New York Urology Specialists.
One study showed that more than 60 percent of UTIs could be attributed to E.coli, which live in the intestines, then make their way down and out.
The proximity of your anus to your vagina makes it more likely that bacteria will find their way to your relatively short urethra and then travel up your urinary tract to your bladder.
When bacteria make it into your bladder, they can invade your bodys immune defenses and cause an inflammatory reaction, Shteynshlyuger says.
According to a 2000 study, UTIs can occur due to a plethora of other factors, including:
Sex is fun, UTIs are definitely not. Heres how to prevent post-sex UTIs.
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Does Taking An Antibiotic After Sex Prevent Utis
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, having sex three or more times a week increases your risk for recurrent UTIs. Your risk is also increased if you use a diaphragm or spermicide products, regardless of the frequency of sexual activity. If you experience recurrent UTIs, changing your method of contraception should be the first thing you consider.
If you continue to suffer from UTIs and they are getting in the way of living a normal life, taking a preventive antibiotic could be an option. Taking regular antibiotics is not a risk-free treatment though, so have a conversation with your provider about whether this is right for you. Taking an antibiotic before or after sex can prevent recurrent UTIs especially if UTIs repeatedly show up 24 hours after intercourse.
During sex, bacteria can get into the urinary tract and cause infections. Antibiotics work by fighting these bacteria. E. coli is the most common bacteria that causes UTIs. Common antibiotics used to treat UTIs are nitrofurantoin, cephalexin, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole .
A clinical trial showed that only 2 out of 16 women who took TMP/SMX right after sex had recurrent UTIs compared to 9 out of 11 women who had a sugar pill. The results were the same regardless of how often the women had sex.
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