Thursday, July 25, 2024

Herbal Supplements For Overactive Bladder

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Adverse Effect Of General Treatment

Natural Remedies for Overactive Bladder AMITA Health
  • Dry mouth
  • Urinary Retention
  • Drowsiness.

This disease can be treated with allopathic medicines but it results in many health complications whereas ayurvedic medicine provides excellent health benefits with the treatment of disease and the main purpose of ayurvedic medicine is to diminish a disease with its roots. The concepts of universal interconnection, the bodys constitution , and Doshas are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine. Goals of treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life as described by Acharyas Charak and Shusruta in samhitas. Certain medications which are used in treatment of overactive bladder are described below

Vitamin C For An Overactive Bladder

Vitamin C is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant, which helps to strengthen the immune system and also protect the bladder from any damage or impairment caused by harmful free radicals in the body. Experts believe that vitamin C can decrease bladder inflammation, relieve bladder pressure, and prevent bladder infections. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 1000 mg. Some vitamin C rich foods include cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and tomatoes which you can eat in plentiful for combating the problem of an overactive bladder.

Prescription Treatment Vs Natural Remedies For Overactive Bladder

Just like any medication, natural remedies like these can have a negative impact if taken incorrectly and may have unwanted side effects. If possible, to avoid complications, consult your doctor to ask about any known side effects of natural remedies that can counteract with any of your current medications.

There are benefits to both natural and prescribed treatment options. Fortunately, there are so many avenues of treating the symptoms of OAB, which means that there are countless different ways to combat OAB, many of which can be done in conjunction with one another.

Things like lifestyle changes can be incorporated into any natural or prescription treatments. Choose what is right for you. Because there are so many treatments, it means that there is not one universal fix to oneâs OAB.

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Vitamin A For An Overactive Bladder

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which helps to improve immune system function, and decrease the risk of interstitial cystitis, bladder infections and bladder cancer.

According to medical experts, vitamin A also helps in the healing process, supports bladder health, repairs bladder damage, prevents urine leakage, strengthens weak pelvic muscles and reduces bladder inflammation. The RDI of vitamin A for men and women are 900 mcg and 700 mcg, respectively. Cod liver oil, milk, butter, eggs, baked sweet potatoes, broccoli, mangoes, squash, raw carrots, canned pumpkin and spinach are some vitamin A rich foods which can be consumed to overcome the problem of overactive bladder.

Herbal Remedies For Bladder Infection

Best Naturals Pumpkin Seed Oil Bladder Control 1000 mg 180 ...
  • Bromelain is an enzyme found in the pineapple plant . It is revered for its anti-inflammatory abilities. And since urine leakage is often related to bladder inflammation, proponents say Bromelain may have a positive effect on the inflammation.
  • Cleavers is a wildflower with small hooks on its stems, leaves and seeds that attach to anything that comes in contact with the plant. It can have a diuretic effect that may also reduce bladder inflammation and protect the bladder wall against irritation.

Also Check: How To Take Care Of A Bladder Infection At Home

What Is Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a common condition that causes the affected individuals to develop a sudden urge to urinate. This urge is often difficult to control and may even result in the involuntary loss of urine. In such a situation, this condition may also be termed as urinary incontinence.

The sudden urge to urinate can occur at any time of the day. The frequency of the unpredictable urge to urinate can also have a negative effect on a persons life.

An overactive bladder isnt a disease in itself, but it represents a group of urinary symptoms. The common symptoms associated with this condition are discussed below.

How Should This Medicine Be Used

Tolterodine comes as a tablet and an extended-release capsule to take by mouth. The tablet is usually taken twice a day. The extended-release capsule is usually taken once a day with liquids. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take tolterodine exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Swallow the extended-release capsules whole do not split, chew, or crush them.

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Herbal Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

  • Buchu is a South American herb prescribed by herbalists to treat recurring urinary tract infections and support overall bladder health. Buchu is a soothing diuretic that also has mild antiseptic properties. Known to have an antibacterial effect, Buchu may also help with prevent bladder inflammation.
  • Cornsilk is hair-like thread found atop ears of corn and beneath cornhusks. High in flavonoids, it can be an effective solution for women who get frequent urinary infections. Cornsilk reduces inflammation and can reduce the accompanying urge to urinate. It can also have a soothing effect on the urinary tract.

Specific Antidepressants May Suppress Symptoms

Natural remedies for overactive bladder

Specific antidepressants such as Tofranil, Tyramine and Norfranil may help to suppress overactive bladder symptoms. Which one your doctor chooses to prescribe will depend on your particular symptoms.

For example, the SSRI class of antidepressants works better for stress incontinence than for urge incontinence, although its not clear how it helps. Alternatively, tricyclic antidepressants are known to have anticholinergic side effects, which relax the bladder muscle and cause the muscles of the bladder neck to contract.

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Home Remedies For Oab

There are various natural remedies that may help to treat OAB. All should be discussed with your healthcare provider, especially the use of any supplements as they may interact with other prescription medications.


The following supplements have research that backs their efficacy however, research is limited, and larger scale studies need to be performed prior to relying on these supplements as mainline treatments.

Common supplements to treat OAB include:

  • Gosha-jinki-gan. It is a blend of 10 Chinese herbs. Research indicates that this supplement affects bladder contractions.
  • Ganoderma lucidum. This is an herbal extract from East Asia. One study found that men who used this supplement had improved urinary tract symptoms.
  • Capsaicin. This is the spiciness that comes from chili peppers. Several research studies indicate that capsaicin is an inexpensive treatment option for OAB.
  • Magnesium hydroxide. In one small study, over 50% of the female participants had improved urinary incontinence and nocturia.
  • Vitamin D. Two separate studies found that those with low levels of vitamin D were prone to OAB. In one of the studies, women with low levels of vitamin D had a higher risk of pelvic floor disorders and supplementing improved the symptoms. In another study, low levels of vitamin D and episodes of bladder leakage appeared to have a link for older adults.


Essential Oils

The oils that may be most helpful include:

Kegels Exercises

Botox For An Overactive Bladder

Although not commonly used, Botox is a handy muscle relaxer for a variety of conditions, including an overactive bladder. The compound is injected right into the bladder, and patients can experience fewer uncomfortable contractions and increased bladder capacity for up to a year after the injection has taken place.

However, Botox isnt without its dangers. Some patients find that after the procedure they retain urine too much, and experience pain and complications . For these reasons, Botox for overactive bladder treatment is only considered for certain people.

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What If I Take Too Much

If you take too much mirabegron, it is unlikely to harm you.

If you take an extra dose by mistake, you might get some of the common side effects, such as increased heart rate, or headache and dizziness.

Urgent advice: Contact 111 now for advice if:

You’ve taken more than your usual dose of mirabegron and:

  • you’re having side effects

Call or go to

Lifestyle Medications Therapies And Procedures That Can Help

3 Herbs for an Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a condition characterized by the sudden and frequent need to urinate that is difficult to control, often leading to leakage and incontinence. Because the exact cause of OAB is unknown, the condition can be difficult to treat and often requires a multifactorial approach involving lifestyle, medications, and specialized procedures.

Surgery is rarely recommended but may be pursued if no other options are available and the persons quality of life is severely impacted.

According to the American Urological Society, around 60% of people treated for OAB will experience the complete resolution of symptoms within a year. Although others may continue to have symptoms, their severity and frequency can usually be alleviated with treatment.

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How To Cope With Side Effects

What to do about:

  • feeling sick â try taking mirabegron with a meal or snack. It may also help if you stick to simple meals and avoid rich or spicy food.
  • constipation â eat more high-fibre foodsâ¯such as fresh fruit, vegetables and cereals, and drink plenty of water.â¯Try to exercise more regularly, for example, by going for a daily walk or run. If this does not help, talk to your pharmacist or doctor.â¯Watch this short video about how to treat constipation.
  • diarrhoea â drink lots of fluids, such as water or squash, to avoid dehydration. Signs of dehydration include peeing less than usual or having dark strong-smelling pee. Do not take any other medicines to treat diarrhoea without speaking to a pharmacist or doctor.
  • urinary tract infection â if you think you have a UTI, ask a pharmacist or doctor to recommend a treatment. Tell them that you are taking mirabegron.
  • headache â make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids. Do not drink too much alcohol. Ask a pharmacist to recommend a painkiller. Talk to your doctor if the headaches continue or are severe.
  • feeling dizzy â stop what you’re doing and sit or lie down until you feel better. Do not drive, ride a bike or operate machinery until it passes. If you are still having dizzy spells after a week, speak to your doctor.
  • fast heart rate â lie down and try to relax. This is usually nothing to worry about and will pass. Contact 111 if your heart beat does not slow down after resting, or if you have chest pain.

Overactive Bladder In Women

Women are more likely to report symptoms of OAB to their doctor. In fact, at least 40 percent of American women experience symptoms of overactive bladder. Many more may not report the experiences to their doctor at all.

Overactive bladder consists of a series of symptoms that cause you to need to urinate more frequently. These symptoms include

  • feeling a sudden need to urinate
  • not being able to control urination
  • urinating at least two times every night
  • urinating at least eight times every day

Its not clear what causes overactive bladder, but OAB becomes more common in women after menopause. That may be the result of estrogen deficiency. However, overactive bladder can occur at any age.

Overactive bladder is a common childhood condition, but not every accident or soiled bed is the result of OAB. Children frequently grow out of overactive bladder symptoms, but treatment can help prevent frequent urination or complications.

Symptoms of OAB in children include:

  • an urgent or frequent need to urinate
  • accidents or leaking urine
  • urinating more than eight times in a day
  • not feeling as if theyve emptied their bladder despite urinating

Symptoms of OAB become less common as children get older. With age, kids learn to properly control their bladder and recognize signals that they need to urinate. If symptoms of overactive bladder dont seem to be resolving or are getting worse, talk with your childs doctor.

Causes of OAB in children include:

  • urinary tract infection

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Herbal Remedies For Overactive Bladder

If youre curious about herbal remedies for overactive bladder, youre hardly alone. The CDC says about 75% of people with the condition have turned to a complementary treatment at some point.

Why do people go natural? Because their medical treatments dont work, or they may have unpleasant side effects, says Bilal Chughtai, MD, an assistant professor of urology at Weill Cornell Medical College.

But are herbal treatments worth it? Its hard to know for sure. Theres very little scientific research on the topic, says Linda Brubaker, MD, a professor at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. Without quality studies, doctors cant say if these remedies work, or if theyre safe to use either alone or with other medications.

Chughtai, who studies how herbs affect the urinary tract, agrees. Were still in the very early stages of uncovering how herbs may treat overactive bladder, he says.

But even without solid proof that they work, a number of these remedies are on the market. Some have been used to treat OAB for centuries.

Heres what we know about 10 common herbal treatments.

Gosha-jinki-gan: This blend of 10 herbs is one of the most studied products. Japanese researchers found that people who took it daily for 8 weeks went to the bathroom less. Other studies confirm that it lowers the urge and helps with incontinence. Chughtai says it may work by stopping nerve signals to the bladder.

Herbal Remedies For Bladder Health & Incontinence

5 Instant & Natural Remedies For An Overactive Bladder

Herbs have long been used as botanical medicine. Herbal remedies have been popular throughout Europe and Asia. Here in Canada, there has been growing interest in natural supplements that may help overactive bladder, urinary tract infections and urinary leakage.If you decide to try supplements, read labels carefully, take as recommended, and always consult with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements.Here are some of the better-known bladder-friendly herbal remedies that may help.

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Other Herbs And Supplements

These herbs and supplements may work for OAB, but they still lack clinical scientific data and studies to support their effectiveness. These herbs and supplements include:

  • gosha-jinki-gan, a Chinese herbal blend, which is shown to improve symptoms, but may also cause nausea and diarrhea
  • corn silk, no direct study for OAB
  • capsaicin, no direct study for OAB
  • kohki tea, not yet studied in humans

You can read more about the studies behind these supplements here.

Mind-body treatments may be very helpful for your OAB. The following approaches may ease symptoms as well as help you cope with symptoms.

Natural Remedies For An Overactive Bladder At Night


Its morning and youre exhausted still because you got up a few times to use the restroom. If youre one of the more than 25 million American adults who suffer from urinary incontinence, youll know how frustrating not controlling your own bladder is.

During the day, you can make it to the bathroom with no trouble. But, you need better overnight control so you can get more restful sleep.

We put together our favorite natural remedies for overactive bladder at night. Keep reading to find out how to take back control of your body and improve your sleep quality.

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Getting The Best Results With Herbs

Getting the best results with herbal medicine involves taking the right herb for your individual needs. Work with a Naturopath or Herbalist who can take a detailed case history and give you the most appropriate prescription. This is especially important if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or are taking medication. Not all the herbs mentioned above will be suitable for you.

Top 20 Natural Home Remedies For Overactive Bladder

Ultranol Total Bladder Support â Natural Cranberry ...
1. Pumpkin Seeds

This is the first home remedy for overactive bladder for you to do at home. Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, insoluble fatty acids, and high levels of antioxidants, which provide many benefits to the body. Thanks to the high levels of carotenoids and liposolunols, pumpkin seed oil is considered as an ingredient to help prevent diseases, especially prostatic disease.

In addition, scientists have demonstrated its effectiveness in treating diabetes, anxiety and overactive bladder. A study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine found that pumpkin seed helped improve urinary symptoms in study participants after 12 weeks of supplementation. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of fatty acids and phytoesterol which are essential for the bladder, especially for women after menopause.

Method 1: Only Pumpkin Seed

To implement this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 10 grams pumpkin seeds.
  • Rinse the pumpkin seeds, then roast for 3 minutes so that the pumpkin seeds ripen.
  • Peel pumpkin seeds and eat during the day when you feel hungry.

Method 2: Pumpkin Seed And Water

To implement this method, please follow these steps below:

  • Prepare 20 grams pumpkin seeds, 500 ml boiling water.
  • Rinse pumpkin seeds, then use the pumpkin seeds to soak in boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Filter for the juice and drink it.

You can implement this method 4-5 times a week for best results.

Method 3: Pumpkin Seed, Sugar And Honey

2. Kegel Exercises

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What Other Information Should I Know

Keep all appointments with your doctor.

Do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

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