Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Home Remedies For Bladder Cancer

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There Are Three Ways That Cancer Spreads In The Body

7 Hidden Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer Everyone Should Know | Best Home Remedies

Cancer can spread through tissue, the lymph system, and the blood:

  • Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas.
  • Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the lymph system. The cancer travels through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body.
  • Blood. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the blood. The cancer travels through the blood vessels to other parts of the body.

What Is Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a fairly common condition that involves your bladder, or the organ in your pelvic region that contains urine. The condition generally begins in the cells that line the bladder and may spread to other parts of your system.While it is often unclear what causes bladder cancer, several related factors have been identified. Some of the primary suspects for causing cancer include smoking, parasitic infection, radiation, and chemical exposure. In any case, some factor causes the cells in your bladder to grow and divide abnormally. This abnormal growth leads to the development of a tumor or mass of abnormal cells.

Treating Stage 0 Bladder Cancer

Stage 0 bladder cancer includes non-invasive papillary carcinoma and flat non-invasive carcinoma . In either case, the cancer is only in the inner lining layer of the bladder. It has not invaded the bladder wall.

This early stage of bladder cancer is most often treated with transurethral resection with fulguration followed by intravesical therapy within 24 hours.

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Curcumin Blocks Bladder Cancer Growth And Proliferation

More than 40% of bladder cancers exhibit constitutive activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B/mechanistic target of rapamycin pathway . Several reports show that mTOR pathway activation may be closely involved in the tumorigenesis of bladder cancer and predict disease progression and poor survival . Tian et al. has demonstrated in a rat bladder carcinogenesis model that curcumin strongly checks tumor development by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. Since curcumin can also reduce the expression of Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 , the phosphorylation status of its ligand IGF1-receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 , which transmits signals to PI3K, these investigators assume that curcumin suppresses activation of the IGF1-R/IRS-1 axis . These findings have been confirmed with EJ bladder cancer cells, whereby a mechanistic link between PI3K/AKT and the proto-oncogene c-myc has been postulated .

Aside from PI3K/AKT, further pathways should be considered. For example, the administration of 5 µM of curcumin has been shown to attenuate the benzidine-triggered proliferation of T24 bladder cancer cells in an extracellular regulated kinase 1/2-dependent manner . The down-regulation of ERK1/2-signaling is accompanied by diminished expression of the transcription factor activator protein-1 , down-regulation of the cell-cycle related proteins PCNA and cyclin D1, and an increase of p21 .

Treatment Of Stages Ii And Iii Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer

For information about the treatments listed below, see the Treatment Option Overview section.

Use our clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are accepting patients. You can search for trials based on the type of cancer, the age of the patient, and where the trials are being done. General information about clinical trials is also available.

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What Are The Risks Of Bladder Cancer

No single factor is directly connected to bladder cancer, but factors that can increase the risk include:

  • Age: Bladder cancer typically affects people age 55 and older.
  • Smoking: Carcinogens from tobacco smoke come in contact with the lining of the bladder. Smokers are three times as likely as non-smokers to get bladder cancer.
  • Family history: There is evidence that bladder cancer may have a genetic component.
  • Industrial chemicals: Chemicals known as aromatic amines are often used in the dye industry. Workers who have daily exposure to them, such as painters, machinists and hairdressers, may be at a higher risk for bladder cancer.
  • Drinking contaminated water: This includes water that has been treated with chlorine or drinking water with a naturally high level of arsenic, which occurs in many rural communities in the United States,.
  • Taking certain herb: Supplements such as Aristolochia fangchi, a Chinese herb, sometimes used for weight loss has been linked to higher rates of bladder cancer.

How Long Will You Live If You Have Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer survival depends on the stage of cancer before treatment begins. The prognosis for earliest-stage bladder cancer is excellent, with a five-year survival rate of roughly 96%. However, as the cancer spreads locally and then to other organs, the survival rate decreases significantly. The five-year survival rate for stage IV bladder cancer is only 5%.

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Food And Drinks To Avoid If You Have Bladder Cancer

Raw Eggs & Some Dairy Products: Make sure you cook eggs well and don’t use homemade mayonnaise. Instead, stick to store-bought. If your immunity is low, don’t eat raw eggs, cheeses that come from unpasteurized milk like blue-veined and Brie cheeses, live bacterial yogurt and paté. These foods could have harmful bacteria in them.

Red Meat: Researchers have linked red meat with a higher risk of certain types of cancer, but for bladder cancer, the data are inconsistent. Still, limit your red meat consumption to 18 ounces per week, recommends BCAN.

Processed Meats: Processed meats are preserved by curing, salting, smoking or adding chemicals like nitrates, such as sausage, bacon, luncheon meats and hot dogs. Avoid all of them. A study revealed eating high quantities of processed meats might correlate with a 33 percent increased risk of bladder cancer.

Well Water: There is strong evidence showing individuals who drink well water containing arsenic have a higher risk of developing bladder cancer. Most individuals in the U.S. drink water from the public water system. But this could be a concern for those drinking from residential wells, particularly older wells.

A Holistic Approach To Treating Bladder Cancer

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by Dr. Keith Nemec

Bladder Cancer is one of the most commonly occurring forms of cancer in the United States today. Over 75% of those diagnosed will be men, making bladder cancer the fourth most common cancer to affect the male population. The cause of bladder cancer is not entirely understood, but what is known is that smoking, alcohol consumption and exposure to certain environmental toxins all contribute to the occurrence of bladder cancer in adults. Typical symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in the urine, pain when urinating, lower back pain, loss of appetite and unexpected weight loss. Bladder cancer can be difficult to diagnose, as early symptoms can often be attributed to other conditions such as kidney stones or bladder infections. The good news is, when diagnosed early, recovery rates for bladder cancer patients are very good indeed.

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Take Steps To Reduce Your Bladder Cancer Risk

While you dont have any control over some of your bladder cancer risk factors, you can take steps in some areas to reduce risk:

Dont smoke. This means that cancer-causing chemicals contained in smoke wont have a chance to collect in your bladder. If you currently smoke, stop. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation programs and support.

Take care with chemicals. If you work with or around chemicals, follow all safety rules to avoid exposure.

Drink water, stay properly hydrated. Drinking water may dilute harmful substances in your urine and flush them out of your bladder faster. Experts havent found conclusive evidence showing drinking water reduces bladder cancer risk, but it may help, says Dr. Grivas.

Eat a well-balanced diet. Eat a diverse variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as lean protein reduce fat and red meat.

Report any symptoms. You have the best chance of surviving when bladder cancer is in its earliest stages . But if it is diagnosed late, the survival may be less than 25 percent.

Although there is no clear evidence that screening of general population without symptoms can reduce bladder cancer deaths, it is vital to establish and maintain good relationship with your primary care doctor and tell him or her immediately about any urination issues .

Dont forget to discuss any family history of cancer as well, so your doctor fully understands your risk level.

Treatments For Bladder Cancer

The treatment for bladder cancer depends on various factors such as the type of cancer, stage and grade of the cancer, general health and medical history of the patient. The treatment options for bladder cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Surgery or Radiation treatment may be used to remove or destroy the cancer cells. Intravesical chemotherapy or chemotherapy in the bladder is done if the cancer with a high risk of recurrence or progression to higher stages is restricted to the bladder. Systemic Chemotherapy or chemo for the whole body is done to increase the chance of curing the patient undergoing surgery to remove the bladder. It may also be used as the mainline treatment when surgery cannot be done. Immunotherapy may also be used for bladder cancer treatment by triggering the bodys immune system to fight the cancer cells. When these treatments do not work, targeted therapies may also be used for the treatment.

Foods to Eat After Cancer Diagnosis!

No two cancers are the same. Go beyond the common nutrition guidelines for everyone and make personalized decisions about food and supplements with confidence.

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Above Are Some Of The Best Home Remedies / Natural Cures For Bladder Cancer


Wang L, Wang J, Fang L, et al. Anticancer activities of citrus peel polymethoxyflavones related to angiogenesis and others. BioMed Research International. 2014 2014:453972.

Zhang H. Will cancer cells be defeated by sodium bicarbonate? Science China Life Sciences. 2017 60:326â328.

Grandics P. Cancer: a single disease with a multitude of manifestions? Journal of Carcinogenesis. 2003 2:9.

Michaud DS, Spiegelman D, Clinton SK, et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and incidence of bladder cancer in a male prospective cohort. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1999 91:605-13.

Giovannucci E. Tomatoes, tomato-based products, lycopene, and cancer: Review of the epidemiologic literature. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1999 91:317-31.

Tang L, Zirpoli GR, Guru K, et al. Intake of cruciferous vegetables modifies bladder cancer survival. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2010 19:1806â1811.

Wang H, Khor TO, Shu L, et al. Plants against cancer: A review on natural phytochemicals in preventing and treating cancers and their druggability. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2012 12:1281â1305.

Zhi Y, Pan J, Shen W, et al. Ginkgolide B inhibits human bladder cancer cell migration and invasion through MicroRNA-223-3p. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2016 39:1787-94.

Tan WS, Tan WP, Tan MY, et al. Novel urinary biomarkers for the detection of bladder cancer: A systematic review. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 2018 69:39-52.

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Vegetable And Fruit Consumption May Reduce The Risk

Radiotherapy For Bladder Cancer

A meta-analysis done by the researchers from the Tongji University and Nanjing Medical University in China based on data from 27 studies obtained through a computer search of PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane library and through a manual review of references found that vegetable and fruit intake reduced the risk of bladder cancer by 16% and 19% respectively. The dose-response analysis also highlighted that the risk of this cancer decreased by 8% and 9% for every 200 g/day increment in vegetable and fruit consumption, respectively.

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For An Active Bladder Cancer You Need The Knock Out The Cancer Protocol Below

The most important supplements for fighting bladder cancer are the following. These supplements will have a synergy with chemotherapies, helping the chemo produce better results while also reducing side effects. Of course, you can use these to fight cancer without being on chemo, or use them with other treatments you may be doing.

Depending on how many supplements you use, and how much cancer you have, it could be as little as 3 months to as much as 6 months or longer before all the cancer cells are dead. It will take longer to get rid of the dead tumors than it will to kill the cancer.

When cancer is in the bladder, you may see, when you are using some of these suggestions, and especially the Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ, bits of tumors, dead cancer cells, small amounts of blood, coming out in the urine. This can happen fast, within a week, or take a month or two. But at some point you will see it, and it is a sign the cancer is being killed.

Be sure and continue with a prevention protocol to correct the issues that caused the cancer in the first place.

The majority of these suggestions are frequency enhanced energy which work by stimulating the body to safely and successfully heal itself. These elixirs do not suppress the symptoms of cancer, but rather stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism to deal with cancer and to reverse it.

Overall Tips For A Healthy Diet

Continue eating a balanced, healthy diet as much as possible. Eat properly so you can prevent both weight loss and weight gain. You want to maintain a stable weight unless your physician tells you to lose or gain weight. Working with a dietitian who is familiar with cancer treatments and drugs and knows the side effects may prove worthwhile.

Heres a list of foods to prepare for bladder cancer patients during every meal:

1. Vegetables and fruits2. Starchy foods, like bread, cereals and pasta3. Protein, like meat and fish

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Remission And The Chance Of Recurrence

A remission is when cancer cannot be detected in the body and there are no symptoms. This may also be called having no evidence of disease or NED.

A remission may be temporary or permanent. This uncertainty causes many people to worry that the cancer will come back. While many remissions are permanent, it is important to talk with your doctor about the possibility of the cancer returning. Understanding your risk of recurrence and the treatment options may help you feel more prepared if the cancer does return. Learn more about coping with the fear of recurrence.

If the cancer returns after the original treatment, it is called recurrent cancer. It may come back in the same place , nearby , or in another place .

When this occurs, a new cycle of testing will begin again to learn as much as possible about the recurrence. After this testing is done, you and your doctor will talk about the treatment options.

People with recurrent cancer often experience emotions such as disbelief or fear. You are encouraged to talk with the health care team about these feelings and ask about support services to help you cope. Learn more about dealing with cancer recurrence.

Intermediate Risk Early Bladder Cancer


People with intermediate-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer should be offered a course of at least 6 doses of chemotherapy. The liquid is placed directly into your bladder, using a catheter, and kept there for around an hour before being drained away.

You should be offered follow-up appointments at 3, 9 and 18 months, then once every year. At these appointments, your bladder will be checked using a cystoscopy. If your cancer returns within 5 years, you’ll be referred back to a specialist urology team.

Some of the chemotherapy medicine may be left in your urine after treatment, which could severely irritate your skin.

It helps if you sit down to urinate and that you’re careful not to splash yourself or the toilet seat. Always wash the skin around your genitals with soap and water afterwards.

If you’re sexually active, it’s important to use a barrier method of contraception, such as a condom. This is because the medicines may be present in your semen or vaginal fluids, which can cause irritation.

You also shouldn’t try to get pregnant or father a child while having chemotherapy for bladder cancer, as the medicines can increase the risk of having a child with birth defects.

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Are There Any Supplements That Can Help

Depending on your health, your doctor may recommend certain supplements. If youre feeling fatigued, they may check levels of iron and vitamin B12 in your blood. Fatigue can be caused by your cancer or treatment.

Fatigue may be worse if iron or B12 levels are low in your blood. Supplements can help to boost your iron and B12 levels.

If you have an infection and need antibiotics, taking probiotics afterwards may help. Your body is home to trillions of bacteria, many of which live in the digestive system. Antibiotics are important medications because they destroy harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, they also destroy some good bacteria, which can result in digestive trouble.

Probiotics can increase good bacteria in your digestive system. This may help reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea. There is also limited evidence that probiotics could play a role in reducing bladder cancer recurrence.

Talk to your healthcare team if you have questions about whether any supplements could help you. Certain types of probiotic strains may not be safe for some people with bladder cancer, so its important to speak with your doctor before using probiotics.

Cancer treatments may reduce other nutrients in the body, including vitamin D and folate. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have questions about nutrient depletions caused by cancer treatments.

Treating Stage Ii Bladder Cancer

These cancers have invaded the muscle layer of the bladder wall , but no farther. Transurethral resection is typically the first treatment for these cancers, but it’s done to help determine the extent of the cancer rather than to try to cure it.

When the cancer has invaded the muscle, radical cystectomy is the standard treatment. Lymph nodes near the bladder are often removed as well. If cancer is in only one part of the bladder, a partial cystectomy may be done instead. But this is possible in only a small number of patients.

Radical cystectomy may be the only treatment for people who are not well enough to get chemo. But most doctors prefer to give chemo before surgery because it’s been shown to help patients live longer than surgery alone. When chemo is given first, surgery is delayed. This is not a problem if the chemo shrinks the bladder cancer, but it might be harmful if the tumor continues to grow during chemo.

If cancer is found in nearby lymph nodes, radiation may be needed after surgery. Another option is chemo, but only if it wasn’t given before surgery.

For people who have had surgery, but the features of the tumor show it is at high risk of coming back, the immunotherapy drug, nivolumab, might be offered. When given after surgery, nivolumab is given for up to one year.

For patients who cant have surgery because of other serious health problems, TURBT, radiation, chemotherapy, or some combination of these may be options.

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