Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Diabetes Cause Bladder Problems

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Yeast And Bladder Infections

Does diabetes cause a WEAK bladder?! | A Urologist Explains

Women with diabetes are more likely to have yeast infections, because yeast organisms can grow more easily when your blood glucose levels are higher. Yeast infections can be uncomfortable or painful and prevent you from enjoying activities, including having sex.

Although some yeast infections can be treated at home, talk with a health care professional first about your symptoms. Some symptoms of yeast infections are similar to other types of infections, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Temporal Changes Of Bladder Function In Type 1 Diabetes Rodent Models

The demonstration of both storage and voiding problems among the clinical manifestations of DBD raised the question of whether those represent potentially concurrent pathologies, or if DBD follows a natural progression from storage problems to voiding problems. We demonstrated that the bladder in small rodent models of type 1 diabetes undergoes a temporal progression from an initial compensatory hypertrophic phase to a later decompensated or atonic phase.37 38 Bladder function was observed in male C57BL/6 mice up to 20 weeks after induction of diabetes by streptozotocin , which destroys the pancreatic β-cells. Conscious cystometrograms showed increased peak voiding pressure initially in both diabetic and diuretic mice compared with controls. However, in diabetic mice, PVP dropped by 12 weeks, and the emptying ability of the bladder had declined further at 20 weeks. Long-term insulin replacement effectively reversed most of the changes in bladder function.38 We observed a similar temporal change from a compensatory to a decompensated bladder in STZ-diabetic Sprague Dawley rats.37

Diabetes And Urinary Problems

As we know, diabetes is complicated and it causes a number of problems in patients. One such complication for patients suffering from diabetes is burning urination. There are a few reasons as to why diabetes leads to burning urination. These are as below

  • Diabetes is known to result in damaging the various nerves in the patients. Whenever any nerve that causes and controls urination in the human body is affected adversely, urination could be a problem.
  • When you have an unhealthy lifestyle such as continued alcohol use, smoking, lack of exercise, and other problems, you will suffer from the problem of high cholesterol and other issues, that will eventually lead to burning urination
  • Another reason why a patient could get urinary problems due to diabetes is the fact that diabetes is so complicated that you might have to take a lot of medicines to keep going on and to fight with various diabetes-related complications. Regular use of such medicines, can, in turn, lead to burning when you urinate

Thus, as is clear from the above article, although the problem of burning urination can be caused due to several other reasons, diabetes can also lead to the problem in its patients.

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Sexual And Urological Problems Of Diabetes Facts*

*Sexual and urological problems of diabetes facts Medically Edited by: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD

  • Sexual and urologic complications of diabetes occur because of the damage diabetes can cause to blood vessels and nerves.
  • Both women and men can develop sexual problems from diabetes.
  • Sexual problems in men with diabetes include erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation.
  • Sexual problems in women with diabetes include vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, , and decreased or absent sexual response.
  • People with diabetes may experience bladder problems such as overactive bladder, poor control of sphincter muscles that surround the urethra, urine retention, and urinary tract infections.
  • Those people with diabetes who are at risk of sexual or urologic problems include people who have poor glucose and blood pressure control have high levels of cholesterol are overweight, are over the age of 40 years, those that smoke, and lack of physical activity.
  • Individuals with diabetes can lower their risk of sexual and urologic problems by controlling glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol numbers being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight andsmoking cessation.

Uncontrolled Diabetes May Trigger Unexpected Weight Loss

The Diabetic Bladder: Problems Controlling Urination?

In type 2 diabetes, the bodys cells don’t get enough glucose for energy. As a result, the body can turn to breaking down its fat stores for energy, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Severe, unintended weight loss is most common when the type 2 diabetes goes undetected for a long time, according to research.

Increased urination can also contribute to weight loss. For example, if you are urinating high levels of glucose because of uncontrolled diabetes, you are literally flushing calories down the toilet, says Daniel Einhorn, MD, the medical director of the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California in San Diego. Dehydration involves a significant loss of water weight.

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How To Know For Sure

Itâs important to know for sure if you have diabetes. Itâs a serious condition that can lead to many other health problems. Your doctor can use several kinds of blood tests to diagnose diabetes or rule it out.

Tests include:

A1c. Also called a glycated hemoglobin test, this measures your average blood sugar level for the past 2 or 3 months. You donât need to fast or drink anything special for this test. An A1c level of 6.5 or higher shows you have diabetes. Below 5.7 is normal.

Fastingblood sugar. After you fast overnight, your blood is tested. A level higher than 126 mg/dL or higher on two tests shows diabetes. Below 100 mg/dL is normal.

Oral glucose tolerance. After you fast all night, you give a blood sample both before and 2 hours after you finish a sweet drink. Blood sugar levels of more than 200 mg/dL after 2 hours means you have diabetes. Less than 140 mg/dL is normal.

Random blood sugar. You give blood at a random time. A level of 200 mg/dL or higher shows diabetes.

You’ll need these done twice to make a firm diagnosis.

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Varied Symptoms Of Dbd In Diabetic Patients

The most common urodynamic findings in diabetic patients are impairment of bladder sensation, increased post-void residual urine volume, and decreased detrusor contractility. In a case of DBD in a non-obese adolescent girl with type 1 diabetes for 10 years, ultrasonography of the urinary tract showed a distended bladder with normal kidneys, and a urodynamic study indicated impaired bladder sensation, increased cystometric capacity, and detrusor areflexia.21 However, inconsistencies with those âclassicâ findings have been found in recent clinical studies. Ueda et al. studied asymptomatic diabetic patients and found increased bladder volume at first sensation to void and a decrease in detrusor contractility, with resultant increased post void residual volume, but they also found a 25% incidence of detrusor overactivity.22 A review by Kaplan and coworkers of urodynamic findings in 182 diabetic patients revealed 55% with detrusor overactivity and only 23% with impaired contractility, with 10% of patients areflexic and 11% âindeterminateâ.23 The mixed clinical picture of DBD has also been revealed in recent large-scale studies of urinary incontinence, in which diabetes was associated with a 30â70% increased risk of overall incontinence24â26 and a 50% increased risk of urge incontinence in women.27 28 Thus, it is now clear that DBD manifestations are a combination of storage and voiding bladder problems.

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How To Treat Frequent Urination Caused By Diabetes

Treating bladder problems stemming from diabetes is best approached by treating the disease as a whole.

Simply monitoring fluid intake or scheduling bathroom trips likely wont help much, as the major problem is excess blood sugar, not excess fluid.

If you do have diabetes, your doctor will come up with a treatment plan specifically for you. In general, common treatments for diabetes include:

Symptoms Of Burning Or Painful Urination

Can Diabetes cause prostate problems? – Dr. Ravish I R

The various signs and symptoms of painful urination might include any one of the following:

  • You do not have a control on the urinary bladder
  • Pain in the abdominal area when you urinate
  • Pain in the urinary tract and the glands associated with the same when you urinate
  • You sometimes even get blood in the urine
  • Regular ejections
  • fever

Different Conditions that can Cause a Burning Sensation when you Urinate

There are various conditions that can lead to a burning sensation at the time when you urinate. These conditions may or may not be caused due to diabetes. Before reaching a conclusion as to whether or not diabetes causes burning urination, we should be aware of the complete picture. Following are the some of the various causes of burning urination:

  • The common cause include the inflammatory diseases known as prostatitis and the Urethritis which affect men
  • Another possible reason could be a yeastinfection or any other type of infection caused in the vagina of the women
  • Sexually transmitted diseases could also be one of the reasons why a person might suffer from painful urination or burning urination
  • A tumor that is detected in the urinary tract can also lead to burning urination in patients
  • Menopause or other issues in women due to which there are changes in the respiratory organ of the women

Apart from the above, diabetes can also cause issues in the urinary tract of the patient. Some of the more common problems caused by diabetes include the following:

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Just Cant Wait Toilet Card And Radar Key

Feeling anxious about being out and about when you have a bladder and bowel condition can make your symptoms worse. Having a Just Cant Wait toilet card can help you feel more reassured and confident that you can access public facilities. You can get a free Just Cant Wait toilet card or order a plastic Just Cant Wait Card via post for a small charge.

It may also help for you to have a RADAR key, which means you will be able to visit public accessible/disabled facilities. You do not need to have a visible disability or be in a wheelchair to use this key. If you have a medical condition which requires you to use accessible facilities then you are eligible to do so, and can purchase a key here from RADAR keys are available to purchase, and may be available on a discretionary basis for customers of our Bladder & Bowel Home Delivery Service.

Your Health Care Team

If you have diabetes and also have urology-related health problems, you may work with a primary care doctor , endocrinologist and a urologist .

It’s important to work with your doctors to make a plan to keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range and to arrange for an A1C test. This plan may involve a blend of lifestyle changes, oral medications and insulin. You should also feel empowered to talk to your doctors about sexual function and bladder control concerns, as your provider may not always ask about these “quality of life” issues.

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Empty The Bladder Completely With Intermittent Catheters

If you suffer from urinary retention as a result of diabetes, your doctor may prescribe intermittent catheters to help you empty your bladder completely. Chronic and untreated urinary retention can lead to frequent UTIs and kidney damage. If you suspect you have urinary retention, talk to your doctor to get a formal diagnosis.

If you are a catheter-user and are concerned about the risk of infection, look for a catheter that is non-touch. Non-touch means you dont have to touch the tube of the catheter during self-catheterization. Touching the tube can introduce germs on your hands onto the catheter, which is then inserted into the urinary tract, causing an infection.

Hopefully, the above tips can help you get a better handle on your diabetic bladder. Please note that this article does not substitute medical advice from a doctor. Always consult a medical professional on whats right for you.

How Does Diabetes Affect The Bladder

David Samadi, MD

Many diabetics have urological problems that affect the bladder. A common problem is impaired sensation in which the bladder becomes numb and the patient gets no signal to urinate. Another problem is impaired bladder contractility in which the bladder muscle does not function properly, causing an inability to empty the bladder completely. Other diabetics develop involuntary bladder contractions, or overactive bladder, causing urinary urgency, frequency and incontinence.

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Fungal Skin Infections And Nail Infections

People with diabetes are also more likely to get fungal infections or yeast infections, many of which affect the skin and nails. Our skin is naturally covered with fungi that are there to protect us from bad germs. But having too much of that fungi can be a problem. Fungi, especially yeast, feed on sugar, so the more sugar your body has, the more likely it is that you will develop more fungi or yeast than you should.

Examples of common fungal skin and nail infections are athletes foot, ringworm, vaginal yeast infections, and fungal nail infections.

What Does Diabetes Doto Your Bladder

  • Urinary Retention

The diabetic bladder can lead to urinary retention, which means the bladder cannot void completely. Diabetes has damaged the bladder nerves ability to signal when the bladder is full. Once the diabetic bladder develops to an advanced stage, bladder fullness is not sensed until the bladder if overfilled to two or three times its normal size.

Paradoxically, excess glucose in the blood leads to excessive thirst and urination, which make people urinate more frequently because they drink more fluid. Once nerve damage sets in, the sensation to void is diminished, causing the bladder to overfill with urine. The overfilling stretches the muscle in the bladder, which can weaken it leading to decreased contractility. Because the bladder doesnt have enough strength to expel all the urine out, some urine is retained in the bladder. Retained urine increases the risk of infections, which are more common in people with diabetes in the first place.

  • Involuntary Leakage of Urine

The bladder can also become overactive: the damaged nerves can send wrong signals to the bladder, making it squeeze and expel fluids without warning.

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Modify Your Diet Before Calling Your Doctor

Bergamo says if youre having some of these subtle symptoms try a low-carb diet of protein and green leafy vegetables. Avoid sugary drinks and drink at least 2 liters of water for a few days to see if these symptoms get better.

Subtle symptoms could be just that youre eating too many carbs and your body cant handle it, Bergamo says. It doesnt necessarily mean you have diabetes, but its a wake-up call that maybe youre headed that way.

If you have any symptoms that are frightening such as sudden numbness, weakness or chest pains, call your doctor immediately.

Are you concerned about diabetes? Talk to your doctor about having your blood glucose levels tested. Need a doctor? Find one near you.

Preventing And Treating Incontinence

8 Causes of Frequent Urination – Dr. Sharat Honnatti

Keeping your Diabetes well-controlled is the best way to prevent nerve damage or further damage from happening. Healthcare experts recommend weight loss to prevent incontinence in Diabetic individuals. A new study has suggested that overweight women with Diabetes may be able to cut their risk of urine leakage in half if they work to shed some pounds. Studies analysing the benefits of weight loss have found that when overweight women drop even a modest amount of weight, they can curb their risk of incontinence. Researcher Suzanne Phelan asserts overweight and obese women with type 2 Diabetes should consider weight loss as an effective way to reduce their risk of developing urinary incontinence.

In addition to exercising, it is important that you eat a healthy, balanced diet with a suitable amount of fibre. It is recommended that you avoid caffeine, fizzy drinks and alcohol as these are known to both irritate the bladder and increase blood sugar levels. There are various medications that are used to treat the frequency and urgency of incontinence caused by Diabetes. Betmiga, for example, is an oral medication that can act a muscle relaxant. There are also several medications available to help prevent spasms of the bladder muscle. These belong to a group of medicines known as antimuscarinic or anticholinergic drugs. You can talk to your GP and your Doctor about which medication is the most suitable for you.

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Introduction To Sexual And Urological Problems Of Diabetes

Troublesome bladder symptoms and changes in sexual function are common health problems as people age. Having diabetes can mean early onset and increased severity of these problems. Sexual and urologic complications of diabetes occur because of the damage diabetes can cause to blood vessels and nerves. Men may have difficulty with erections or ejaculation. Women may have problems with sexual response and vaginal lubrication.Urinary tract infections and bladder problems occur more often in people with diabetes. People who keep their diabetes under control can lower their risk of the early onset of these sexual and urologic problems.

Diabetes And Bladder Problems

Neurogenic bladder is a form of diabetic neuropathy in which selective damage leads to autonomic neuropathy where the nerves affected result in decreased urination frequency.

Urination dysfunction has long been a problem associated with diabetes, and bladder problems can often be more severe in people with diabetes.

However, according to research from Adeline M.Yerkes, BSN, MPH, published in the journal Diabetes Spectrum , diabetes is not a common cause of neurogenic bladder.

Yerkes reports that less than one per cent of neuropathies are related to the neurogenic bladder, with only a small number of people with diabetes likely to experience preferential autonomic nervous system involvement, which causes the neurogenic bladder.

People with diabetes can stop the development of neurogenic bladder by controlling blood sugar levels and preventing autonomic nerve damage from happening.

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