Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cranberry Juice For Bladder Health

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Mouse Model Of Ascending Uti

Cranberry Juice May Not Prevent Urinary Tract Infections, Experts Say

Six- to eight-week old, outbred albino female mice, Ssc:CF1, 30 ± 2 g were used. The mice were housed six to a cage and at all times provided free access to feed and water or treatment solutions. The model used was described in detail previously . Anesthetized mice were inoculated transurethrally with 50 l bacterial suspension containing ~5 × 108 CFUs using plastic catheters. The catheter was carefully inserted via the urethral orifice until it reached the top of the bladder and the bacterial suspension was slowly injected into the bladder. The catheter was immediately removed after inoculation and the mice subjected to no further manipulations until sacrifice. The mice were sacrificed 7 days after inoculation. For recovery of bacteria, bladders, and kidneys were aseptically collected in 0.9% saline and homogenized using a sterile grinder , and serial dilutions were plated on selective media. All animal experiments were conducted under the auspices of the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate, the Danish Ministry of Justice.

Does Cranberry Juice Really Work For Uti

Cranberry juice and supplements are often recommended to treat or prevent UTIs because high concentrations of phenolic compoundsantioxidants specific to certain plantsthat, theoretically, should offer therapeutic effects for UTI symptoms. The compounds in cranberries of particular interest include flavonoids and tannins.

Cranberry Juice Is Confusing

If youve strolled through the juice aisle of your local grocery store, you understand. There are so many cranberry juice varieties, and if youre on a mission to help support urinary tract health, it can be difficult to choose the best option. Youll see the shelves sprinkled with terms like 100% juice, cranberry juice cocktail, and unsweetened cranberry juice. What does it all mean?

Lets break it down.

100% juice cranberry: Youve probably heard the advice to always choose 100% fruit juice typically, thats a pretty good rule of thumb. So, when you spot a bottle of cranberry juice labeled100% juice, it seems like the perfect option. But labels are sneaky. Most of the time, this type of cranberry juice is mixed with other juices like apple, grape, and pear to make it sweeter and more palatable. It is indeed 100% juice, just not 100% cranberry juice. Make sure you double-check the label and the ingredients list if youre looking for a product that contains only cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice cocktail: This variety is the most well-known cranberry juice and the type most people end up putting in their grocery cart. Cranberries are the only fruit in this juice, but since other fruit juices arent added as a sweetener, sugar or high-fructose corn syrup is added instead. Most cranberry juice cocktails are only 27% cranberry juice the rest is typically water and sugar.

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Is Cranberry Juice Good For Managing Uti Symptoms

Additionally, cranberry juice is often claimed to be good for improving urinary tract infection symptoms. While some data shows that cranberry juice might , it is very limited and cannot be deemed conclusive.8 Nonetheless, it contains antioxidants that are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory,9 which could help. However, we would caveat this with two words of warning:

  • Cranberry juice is widely available as a juice drink, which contains sugars and sweeteners. Sugar can aggravate UTI symptoms, so it is best avoided.10
  • Cranberry juice is also acidic. While acidic foods are shown to prevent UTIs, they can make symptoms worse if you already have an infection and are best avoided11
  • If you or someone you know are experiencing leaks as part of an infection, we recommend using continence products. iD has a large range of dermatologically tested, discreet and comfortable solutions to suit every individuals needs.

    Other Methods To Prevent Utis

    Genesis Today, Kidney, Bladder &  Urinary Health, Cranberry ...

    Lifestyle habits may be just as helpful in preventing UTIs. Stay well hydrated and always urinate after sexual intercourse. Make a habit of wiping from front to back, so you minimize contact between bacteria from your rectum and your vagina.

    Avoid the use of douches and scented powders. Certain birth control methods are likely to cause UTIs, too. These include spermicides and spermicide-lubricated condoms as well as diaphragms, which contribute to bacterial growth.

    If you have frequent urinary tract infections, the team at Southeast Urogyn also recommends you take other precautions to discourage bacterial growth. Stick mostly to cotton underwear and avoid baths. Tight clothing that keeps bacteria trapped near your urethra can also encourage UTIs.

    In some cases, the doctors might prescribe a low dose of antibiotics for you to take regularly or to take as a single dose after having sex. Women whove experienced menopause can ask about estrogen vaginal cream to prevent dryness, which increases the chance of bacterial infection.

    The bottom line? Cranberry juice can be part of your UTI prevention protocol, but not your only strategy. If you suffer from frequent UTIs and want to discuss preventive treatments with a trusted doctor, call Southeast Urogyn in Jackson, Mississippi, or click to make an appointment.


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    Bacterial Strain And Preparation Of Inoculum For Infection Studies

    E. coli C175-94, a clinical UTI isolate, was used for the infection studies. It belongs to serotype O8:K48:H9 and express type 1 fimbriae but not P fimbriae . For infection studies, the bacteria were grown overnight at 37°C in static Luria broth , centrifuged at 6,500 g for 10 min and the pellet resuspended in PBS to a concentration of ~1010 CFU/ml.

    Small Steps To Better Urinary Health

    You probably have your personal hygiene routine down pat, but are you thinking about how to keep bacteria from entering the urinary tract? A few ways to ensure youre covering your bases:

  • Regularly wash your groin this can prevent bacteria from spreading.2
  • Wash under your foreskin daily if youre uncircumcised.2
  • Change your underwear daily to help keep your genitals dry.2
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water to help flush out bacteria.3
  • Empty your bladder often to prevent bacteria from building.3
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    The Facts About Cranberries And Utis

    More than 20 national and international studies were examined, including randomized controlled research trials, considered the gold standard for evaluating effectiveness of a treatment. These studies evaluated the role cranberries play in preventing or treating a urinary tract infection among a variety of populations, including children, adults, men, women, pregnant women, and those with certain medical conditions.

    As of 2020, the current research shows cranberry products provide very little or no benefit in the prevention or treatment of a UTI when compared to a placebo.

    Cranberry Juice And Organic Acids Used For Treatment Studies

    Cranberries Protect Against Urinary Tract Infections

    The organic acids used are commercially available -quinic acid , L–malic acid , -shikimic acid , and citric acid . A mixture of the four organic acids, in concentrations corresponding to those found in the hydrophilic fraction of cranberry juice, was tested as well as the acids separately or in mixtures two by two. The concentration of organic acids in the hydrophilic fraction of cranberry juice were 0.74% quinic, 0.53% malic, 0.03% shikimic, and 0.78% citric acid, which gave a total concentration of 2.1% . For the PBS experiment, PBS was pH adjusted to pH 3.0 with HCl.

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    How Do I Get Rid Of A Urine Infection Straight Away

  • You can help your bladder by drinking more water. Why it works: Water flushes out the bacteria.
  • It is not uncommon for you to urinate frequently.
  • The use of antibiotics.
  • The use of pain relievers can relieve pain.
  • The pads are made of heating oil.
  • I wear a dress that is appropriate for the occasion
  • juice made from cane.
  • Mechanistic Studies: Antiadherent Properties

    Adherence of uropathogens to uroepithelial cells is the initial step in pathogenesis of UTI . In 1984, Sobota was first to suggest that reported benefits derived from the use of cranberry juice may be related to its ability to inhibit bacterial adherence . Sobota found that cranberry juice cocktail reduced adherence by > 75% in > 60% of 77 clinical isolates of E. coli recovered from patients with UTI. Fifteen of 22 subjects showed significant antiadherence activity in their urine 13 h after drinking 15 oz of cranberry juice cocktail .

    Since Sobota’s initial report, several studies have confirmed that the presumed efficacy of cranberry in preventing UTI is related to its antiadherent properties. It is now known that E. coli, the most common cause of UTI, have hairlike fimbria that protrude from their surface. The fimbriae produce 2 adhesins that attach to receptors on uroepithelial cells .

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    Do Cranberry Pills Help Get Rid Of A Uti

    Capsules of cranberry juice. The results of a review of 10 studies involving more than 1,000 women showed that taking cranberry juice or cranberry capsules reduced UTIs by one-third over a year, according to Geerlings. The most benefit was seen by women under the age of 30 and those with repeat UTIs.

    Make It Simple To Stay Proactive

    21st Century Cranberry Juice

    While all cranberries can provide health benefitsnot all cranberries are created equal. AZO Cranberry® products contain Pacran®, a super-concentrated whole fruit cranberry powder which helps to cleanse and protect the urinary tract.* Easily reap the power of the antioxidant-rich super fruit in caplets, softgels or gummies. One daily serving of just two caplets, softgels or gummies is equal to an entire glass of cranberry juice, but without the extra sugarplus it contains vitamin C.

    Stay proactive, and maintain your urinary tract health with AZO®.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    AZO® and AZO Cranberry® are registered trademarks of DSM.

    Pacran® is a trademark of Naturex.

    Biological activity of 10-oz cranberry juice cocktail.


    Helps inhibit the progression of infection until you see a health care professional. AZO is not intended to replace medical care.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    © i-Health, Inc. 2018. All rights reserved. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use. | View our Privacy Policy.

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    What Is The Best Kind Of Cranberry Juice For An Uti

    Top 10 Cranberry Juice Options for UTI Dynamic Health Cranberry Juice Concentrate, 16 oz liquid Concentrate $ 4.6 Only Natural Organic Cranberry Concentrate, 32-ounce Concentrate $$ 4.5 Lakewood PURE Cranberry Juice, 32-Ounce Bottles Ready-to-drink $$$$ 4.5 Welchs Juice Cocktail, Cranberry, 5.5-Ounce Cans

    Juice Has More Sugar Than Cranberry Supplements

    The American Heart Association recommends that women and men have no more than 25 and 36 grams of added sugar per day, respectively. While natural sugars are naturally found in foods , added sugars are added during processing, cooking, or preparation . Think of it as a budget you can spend your grams of added sugar however youd like, but its best to stay under the recommended daily limit for your gender.

    An eight-ounce serving of cranberry juice cocktail contains a total of 25 grams of sugar and about 23 grams of that is added sugar. Nearly equivalent to the sugar content in eight ounces of soda, one serving of cranberry juice cocktail would spend most of your added sugar budget.

    Of course, you could drink unsweetened cranberry juice, but its mouth-puckering, tart flavor makes it unpleasant for most people to drink every day.

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    Cranberry Juice For Utis

    There is no real scientific cranberry juice UTI evidence although it is often used for a UTI treatment without antibiotics .

    An article published by the Cleveland Clinic argues that drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements to cure a UTI probably doesn’t help. Cranberries contain an active ingredient, A-type proanthocyanidins this can help prevent adherence of bacteria to the bladder wall. But the article cites urologist Courtenay Moore, MD, who says there is not enough of this active ingredient in juice or supplements to prevent or heal UTIs.

    The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health also states that there is no evidence that cranberry can cure a UTI. But if you wish to try it, the school recommends drinking pure cranberry juice rather than one with added sugar. It mentions that drinking a cranberry juice blend will have no more effect on the UTI than drinking another type of fruit juice.

    A Harvard University Health Letter reports that the evidence about whether cranberry juice helps prevent UTIs is mixed, noting that many commercially available cranberry juices may be high in added sugar and calories.

    Drinking pure cranberry juice is generally considered to be safe, the NCCIH shows, although drinking it in large amounts could cause an upset stomach and may over time increase the risk of kidney stones. Large doses of cranberry may alter levels of warfarin, an anticoagulant .

    Potential Risks Of Cranberry Juice

    Facts About Cranberry Juice to Treat UTI

    Make sure to read the labels of any cranberry juice brands you buy. Some brands add sugar. Drinking too much sugar can cause upset stomach, diarrhea, and blood sugar spikes.

    Cranberry juice may also cause problems with certain blood thinning medications. If you take blood thinners, be sure to speak with your doctor about how much cranberry juice is safe to drink.

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    What Can I Take Naturally For Overactive Bladder

    Pumpkin seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that pumpkin seed oil improves abnormal urinary function and reduces symptoms of OAB. Another Japanese study found that pumpkin seeds and soybean seed extract also significantly reduced incontinence.

    Uti Home Remedies: Does Cranberry Juice Really Help

    If you have a urinary tract infection , you want it gone ASAP.

    UTI symptoms aren’t just inconvenient and annoying, they’re downright uncomfortable with notable ones including a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation, or even pain, as you do. Having to deal with these symptoms is common, especially for women.

    What’s more, UTI recurrence can be fairly common too. The chance of a UTI cropping up again within six months falls just shy of 25% for women between the ages of 18 and 40.

    So if you get them frequently, you’re likely looking for ways to prevent the next one.

    Cranberry juice is a classic UTI home remedy. In fact, maybe the only reason you even stock the juice in the fridge is because you get such infections often or when you feel one coming on. If you can’t stand the sour taste of cranberry juice, you might be thinking about trying a cranberry pill or tablet instead.

    But can cranberries, whether the fruit itself, juice or a supplement, actually help relieve or prevent UTI symptoms?

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    Misconception: Drinking Buckets Of Cranberry Juice Can Cure And Even Prevent Bladder Infections

    Actually: You may enjoy the taste but it wont cure and, probably, wont prevent recurrence.

    This purported remedy is centuries old and there is a considerable amount of research investigating it. While some studies suggest that cranberry may reduce repeated infections in younger women, it is certainly not a treatment for an active case. The gold standard for treatment is antibiotics. Sometimes doctors just recommend rest and ibuprofen.

    I was hoping it would work, said Dr. Manisha Juthani-Mehta, an infectious disease specialist at the Yale School of Medicine, and the lead author of a study published Thursday in the journal JAMA, which showed no reduction in urinary tract infections for female nursing home patients who took standardized, high-dose cranberry capsules the equivalent of 20 ounces of juice daily for a year.

    Im not sure its worth spending money on, particularly for patients on a fixed income, she said.

    In a strongly worded editorial also in JAMA, Dr. Lindsay E. Nicolle, an expert on urinary tract infections, or UTIs, at the University of Manitoba, concluded that the evidence is convincing that cranberry products should not be recommended as a medical intervention for the prevention of UTI. She added that clinicians should not be promoting cranberry use by suggesting that there is proven, or even possible, benefit.

    She concluded, It is time to move on from cranberries.

    How To Make Homemade Cranberry Juice For Uti Relief

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    Do you struggle with urinary tract infections ? If so, youve probably been curious about drinking cranberry juice to ease your pain. And you are on the right track!

    For those who are unfamiliar with UTIs, they are infections that can significantly impact the urinary system, namely the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. If left untreated, urinary tract-related infections can quickly spread to the liver and create even more health problems.

    According to an article published by the National Kidney Foundation, if a urinary tract infection makes its way to the kidneys, it can lead to pyelonephritis. Those who develop pyelonephritis may experience swelling of the kidneys. Further, the condition can lead to permanent kidney damage and may even be life-threatening. It is also worth pointing out that UTIs can affect both men and women. Though, the condition is far more common among women.

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    Cranberry Juice ‘won’t Prevent’ Bladder Infections

    Its a myth that cranberry juice can cure bladder infections, the Daily Mail reported today. The story was based on a large review of research that looked at the effectiveness of cranberry juice and cranberry products such as capsules, in preventing bladder and other urinary tract infections , which are most common in women.

    The use of cranberry juice to protect against infection was first thought to have originated with Native Americans. It is now a popular home remedy, often recommended to women by their doctors to help prevent infections on the basis of previous research that suggested it could be helpful.

    The theory is that cranberry juice contains substances that help prevent bacteria from sticking to the wall of the urinary tract. However, this new widely reported study found that overall, cranberry products did not reduce the occurrence of UTIs, such as cystitis, when compared with placebo, water or no treatment at all.

    This updated review comes from the respected Cochrane Collaboration and its results are likely to be reliable. It suggests that while cranberry juice may be of small benefit to some women, it would need to be consumed in such large quantities as to make it unacceptable to many as a remedy.

    Other cranberry products were also found to be ineffective, possibly due to the lack of potency of the active ingredients. Other methods women can use to reduce the risk of developing a UTI include drinking plenty of fluids and practising good hygiene.

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