Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Bladder Cancer Cause Bowel Problems

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What Causes Bladder Cancer

Bladder problems after bowel cancer treatment

Bladder cancer forms when the DNA in cells in the bladder mutate or change, disabling the functions that control cell growth. In many cases, these mutated cells die or are attacked by the immune system. But some mutated cells may escape the immune system and grow out of control, forming a tumor in the bladder.

While the exact cause of bladder cancer is not known, certain risk factors are linked to the disease, including tobacco smoking and exposure to certain chemicals and gases. Also, people with a family history of bladder cancer have a high risk of developing the disease.

Known risk factors for bladder cancer include:

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Assessment Includes A Physical Exam Lab Tests And Questions About Diet And Bowel Movements

Because diarrhea can be life-threatening, it is important to find out the cause so treatment can begin as soon as possible. The doctor may ask the following questions to help plan treatment:

  • How often have you had bowel movements in the past 24 hours?
  • When was your last bowel movement? What was it like ? Was there any blood?
  • Was there any blood in your stool or any rectal bleeding?
  • Have you been dizzy, very drowsy, or had any cramps, pain, nausea, vomiting, or fever?
  • What have you eaten? What and how much have you had to drink in the past 24 hours?
  • Have you lost weight recently? How much?
  • How often have you urinated in the past 24 hours?
  • What medicines are you taking? How much and how often?
  • Have you traveled recently?

Tests and procedures may include the following:

  • Electrolyte panel: A blood test that measures the levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and chloride.
  • Urinalysis: A test to check the color of urine and its contents, such as sugar, protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells.
  • Abdominal x-ray: An x-ray of the organs inside the abdomen. An x-ray is a type of energy beam that can go through the body and onto film, making a picture of areas inside the body. Abdominal x-rays may also be done to look for a bowel obstruction or other problems.
  • What Are The Main Symptoms Of Bowel Cancer

    Two of the main symptoms of bowel cancer can be alarming and uncomfortable. The first is bleeding, and the second is bloating and constipation.

    The bloating and constipation can make it impossible to eat, and so you begin to lose weight. It may be that a tumour has blocked the bowel, known as a bowel obstruction. With this blockage comes sudden and strong pains, a bloated feeling and nausea. You may also vomit. When such obstructions occur, you will likely be sent by your GP to the hospital.

    Bleeding, especially if the blood is dark red or black, can be distressing and should be taken seriously. Bright red blood still needs to be checked by a doctor but maybe a result of swollen blood vessels in the rectum, known as haemorrhoids. However, the darker blood is likely coming from your bowel or stomach. Your GP will want to find the cause with some urgency.

    Any changes in toilet habit, extreme fatigue and sudden weight loss should also signal a concern. Although these are more generic symptoms, they are an early indicator of problems, and you need to see a GP. Even if all you are saying is that you dont feel right, trust your instincts and get a check-up.

    Recommended Reading: Florida Bladder Institute Patient Portal

    Why Constipation Causes Uti

    Chronic constipation can cause bladder infection in many ways. As you can see in the image below, the rectum and urinary bladder are located in the pelvis.

    When you are constipated, the hard stools accumulate in the rectum. The fecal loading causes distension of the rectum.

    Because the rectum and bladder are closely situated, rectal distension can compress the bladder neck.

    The pressure over the bladder neck causes incomplete emptying of the bladder. That means after passing urine, a significant volume of urine remains in the bladder.

    The accumulation of urine facilitates the growth of bacteria such as E.coli that cause infection.

    People with long term constipation often suffer from painful anal conditions such as anal fissure and thrombosed hemorrhoids. Pain around the anus interferes with urination. This is another reason that you get UTI while constipated. It can be clearly seen in toddlers who are suffering from anal fissure due to chronic constipation.

    Urinary tract infections are common when you are pregnant. One of the main reasons for that is pregnancy-related constipation.

    Sore Skin In The Treatment Area

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    Your skin may be sore on the inside and outside of your genitals and the area around your bottom . It can help to use a moisturiser on the outside everyday.

    While you are having radiotherapy, do not:

    • shave
    • wax
    • use hair removal cream.

    If you want to use these products, wait until radiotherapy has finished and your skin is no longer red or sore.

    Be extra careful to protect the skin in the area where youve had radiotherapy for at least the first year afterwards. Dont use sunbeds and use high factor sunscreen if part or all of the area will be exposed for example, if you are wearing a bikini.

    This sore skin may also cause pain when you wee. Let your healthcare team know about your symptoms as soon as possible, so they can help.

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    What To Do About Changes When You Urinate

    Narrator:What to do about changes when you urinate caused by radiation therapy.

    Having problems when you urinate? Listen to solutions from other people undergoing radiation therapy. Also, hear advice from Dr. Ross. Then talk with your own doctor or nurse to learn more.

    Miguel:Tip number 1: Drink lots of liquids each day.It’s good for your urine to be clear or a pale yellow color. My doctor says that tells you you’re getting enough liquids. Most people find drinking about 8 cups of liquid a day does the trick. Of course, check to make sure that’s the best amount for you, too.

    Cara:Tip number 2: Water is wonderful, but you may want more zip in your sip.I like water, but found it was hard to get enough water each day. I was glad to learn that Jell-O and soups also count as liquids. To add some zip to what I drink, I have water with a little lemon and watered-down juices.

    Rodney:Tip number 3: Lose the booze.My doctor told me that wine, liquor, or even beer could really bother my bladder. So now I limit these liquids. Some people may need to stay away from wine, liquor, and beer altogether to avoid irritating their bladder.

    My doctor also told me to stay away from caffeine in coffee, colas, or teas. They could make my bladder problems worse. I now choose flavored decaf coffees and tasty herbal teas.

    Dr. Ross:Hi, I’m Dr. Ross and you just heard 3 great tips to keep bladder problems under control.

    Related Resources
    • January 23, 2020

    Is Bowel Cancer Hereditary

    If you develop bowel cancer before the age of 50, there is a chance you have Lynch syndrome. The medical name for Lynch syndrome is hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer . It is thought this is a result of several potential inherited gene mutations. Alternatively, if there are a cluster of cases of bowel cancer in a family if could be a condition called familial adenomatous polyposis .

    However, hereditary bowel cancers are relatively uncommon. The NHS note that these two inherited conditions are considered rare.

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    What Is Bladder Cancer

    Bladder cancer is a tumor that starts in your urinary bladder. The urinary bladder is a balloon-like organ present in the lower abdomen near the pelvis. Its function is to store urine coming from the kidneys through the ureters until it is expelled from the body through the tube-like passage called the urethra. Bladder cancer affects around 57,000 men and 18,000 women each year in the United States.

    Depending upon the types of cells producing cancer, bladder cancer may be of several types. Transitional cell carcinoma, also called urothelial carcinoma, is the commonest type of bladder cancer. It starts in the innermost lining of the bladder, also called the transitional epithelium or urothelium. Advanced bladder cancer involves various layers of the bladder wall and may spread to nearby or distant structures such as the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, and bones.

    Can Colon Cancer Cause Urinary Problems

    Bladder Cancer Risks & Warning Signs | Part II: Warning Signs

    Colon cancer and its treatments can be potential to cause some discomfort problems. For instance, it can affect organs close to the affected part of colon, including some organs in the pelvic region. Does it mean that this cancer can cause urinary problems, too? The answer may vary from patient to patient!

    Urinary problems topic overview

    Most people will experience some urinary problems in their lifetime. These can vary, ranging from minor to more serious.

    The bad news, its not always easy to distinguish which one that will become serious since both minor and serious urinary problems can start to develop with the same symptoms. The good news, most problems are mild, even home remedies are usually enough to cope with!

    The problems can be attributed by lots of different factors. For example, there are many things that can affect the color of your urine such as disease, medicines, diet, and fluid balance.

    The color of urine can tell how much water is in it! Darker color is dehydration symptom. If your drink plenty of water, your urine should be light, almost like water.

    What you eat and medicines can affect your urine. Blackberries, some medicines, blood in the urine, or beets usually will make it turn into red-brown. Vitamin B supplements can make it to become bright-yellow.

    It is not only about color, the odor can be affected, too. Taking certain antibiotics, vitamins, and some foods can cause different odor.

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    Back Pain And Bladder Cancer

    Pain in the lower back and/or abdomen can sometimes be caused by bladder cancer, and it is more common in patients who are diagnosed with bladder cancer that is advanced or metastatic. The symptom is not usually experienced by patients who are diagnosed with bladder cancer that is considered early stage. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine that is visible to the eye, which is experienced by around 80% to 90% of patients diagnosed. Between 20% and 30% of patients diagnosed with bladder cancer experience other problems or changes related to urination, such as

    • The need to urinate more frequently than usual
    • Pain or burning before, during or after urination
    • Feeling the urgent need to urinate despite the bladder not being full
    • Being unable to urinate

    If you experience lower back or abdominal pain as well as any of those symptoms related to urinationand especially if you have ever noticed blood in your urine then you should let your healthcare provider know. If the symptoms are being caused by bladder cancer, then finding it out as soon as possible is important so you can begin treatment.

    Constipation With Bladder Cancer Can Be Horrendous

    I mean that literally. Any number of things can cause it: stress, medications, lack of water, or even a poor diet. The hardest part is that we already have pain and spasms from our bladder cancer, and now on top of this, we are adding intestinal pain, constant heaviness, cramping, nausea, and so much more.

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    Addressing Practical Aspects Of Eating And Drinking

    Some people with Parkinsons have problems chewing and swallowing. This can make it difficult to eat a diet with plenty of fibre. A speech and language therapist can give advice about this. Ask your GP, specialist or Parkinsons nurse for a referral. If it takes a long time to eat and your meal goes cold, eat smaller portions and go back for seconds that have been kept warm. You can also get special plates that keep your meals hot the Disabled Living Foundation has more information.

    An occupational therapist will also be able to give you some tips and practical advice.

    Can You Prevent Bladder Cancer

    4 Different Stages of Colorectal Cancer

    These three simple lifestyle changes may cut your risk of bladder cancer:

    • If you smoke, stop. Doctors believe tobacco products cause about half of all bladder cancer cases.
    • Drink lots of fluids. When you pee, you get rid of harmful chemicals that build up in your bladder. So drink up — especially water. It may lower your cancer risk.
    • Eat more fruits and veggies. Studies show that eating lots of fruits and green, leafy vegetables lowers your risk for many types of cancer. It may help cut your risk for bladder cancer, too.

    Your risk for bladder cancer can also be increased by certain workplace chemicals, arsenic, aniline , certain diabetes medicines, and some herbal supplements. Follow all workplace safety rules, and ask your doctor about any specific risk factors you may have.

    Recommended Reading: Why Do I Keep Getting Bladder Infections

    What Are The Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

    Many people with bladder cancer can have blood in their urine but no pain while urinating. There are a number of symptoms that might indicate bladder cancer like fatigue, weight loss, and bone tenderness, and these can indicate more advanced disease. You should pay particular attention to the following symptoms:

    Your doctor can rate bladder cancer with a staging system that goes from stages 0 to 4 to identify how far the cancer has spread. The stages of bladder cancer mean the following:

    • Stage 0 bladder cancer hasnt spread past the lining of the bladder.
    • Stage 1 bladder cancer has spread past the lining of the bladder, but it hasnt reached the layer of muscle in the bladder.
    • Stage 2 bladder cancer has spread to the layer of muscle in the bladder.
    • Stage 3 bladder cancer has spread into the tissues that surround the bladder.
    • Stage 4 bladder cancer has spread past the bladder to the neighboring areas of the body.

    Your doctor will work with you to decide what treatment to provide based on the type and stage of your bladder cancer, your symptoms, and your overall health.

    Are You Fat Or Just Bloated Difference Between Weight Gain And Bloating

    Typically, belly fat is considered the first sign of weight gain. However, a swollen abdomen or belly can often result from bloating and not necessarily fat deposition. Here are a few differences between them to identify whether you are fat or bloated.

    The body weight is unaffected. The body weight increases.

    In some cases, stomach bloating can also be due to the consumption of excess salt, leading to water retention. You may even notice bloating right before your periods as the body retains water or due to constipation. How do you know if the weight gain is due to water retention? Lets find out.

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    Who To Tell About Side Effects

    It is important to tell your healthcare team know about your symptoms and how you are feeling. This could be your team at the hospital or your GP. They will be able to assess you and possible refer you for specialist support.

    If you are struggling with side effects between appointments, it is important to call the hospital or 111 and let them know.

    – Jasmine, who with us

    An Assessment Is Done To Help Plan Treatment

    What It’s Like to Live with Bowel and Bladder Problems Caused by MS | This is MS | Open Discussion

    The assessment includes a physical exam and questions about the patient’s usual bowel movements and how they have changed.

    The following tests and procedures may be done to help find the cause of the constipation:

    There is no normal number of bowel movements for a cancer patient. Each person is different. You will be asked about bowel routines, food, andmedicines:

    • How often do you have a bowel movement? When and how much?
    • When was your last bowel movement? What was it like ?
    • Was there any blood in your stool?
    • Has your stomach hurt or have you had any cramps, nausea, vomiting, gas, or feeling of fullness near the rectum?
    • Do you use laxatives or enemas regularly?
    • What do you usually do to relieve constipation? Does this usually work?
    • What kind of food do you eat?
    • How much and what type of fluids do you drink each day?
    • What medicines are you taking? How much and how often?
    • Is this constipation a recent change in your normal habits?
    • How many times a day do you pass gas?

    For patients who have colostomies, care of the colostomy will be discussed.

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    Determining The Stage And Extent Of Your Cancer

    Once your physician confirms you have cancer of the bladder, they might recommend additional testing to determine if the cancer has spread to other areas of your body, like your lymph nodes.

    Testing might include:

    • Chest X-ray
    • Bone scan

    The doctor will use the information from this testing to determine the stage of your cancer. The bladder cancer stages are indicated by a 0 to IV range of Roman numerals. The lowest cancer stages indicate its confined to your bladders inner layers and hasnt begun affecting your muscular bladder wall. Stage IV, the highest stage, indicates the cancer has begun spreading to distant organs and lymph nodes of your body.

    The cancer stages system is continually evolving and becoming more complex with the improvement of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The stage of cancer you have will also determine which treatment will serve you best.

    For more information on bladder cancer stages, please refer to the American Cancer Society website.

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