Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tissue Salts For Overactive Bladder

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What Is Urinary Incontinence

Healing with 12 Cell salts (Hylands Bioplasma)

Urinary Incontinence is the word for describing the incapability to handle the urination, which can be seen as the leakage of urine or losing urine involuntarily. This problem is very common for all age and gender, and is sometimes understood as a debilitating issue or urological disorder.

Symptoms: Urinary Incontinence is classified into 3 main groups

  • Urge Incontinence: this type is caused by a hyperactive or overactive bladder which initiates an intense and instantaneous urge to urinate, thus cause losing urine involuntarily.
  • Stress Incontinence: this type is caused by various physical movements such as coughing and sneezing, laughing and jumping or excessive exercises which pressure the bladder and cause losing urine involuntarily.
  • Overflow Incontinence: this type is described as the incapability to empty the bladder completely which cause leakage of urine constantly.

Ex Vivo Bladder Preparation Treatment And Evaluation

Fresh non-frozen extirpated ovine bladders, with preservation of the surrounding tissues including the vagina, were received from a local abattoir within 2âh of the ovine’s euthanasia. The bladders were ventrally opened via a midline sagittal incision from the bladder neck to dome . The bladders were pinned for stabilization, secured in a thin walled plastic bag with a saline gauze for humidification, and brought to 37â±â1°C in a saline bath just prior to ablation. After removing the plastic bag, the SBD device was positioned over the trigone in the saline bath, stabilized using the mucosal suction paddle, and then two RF electrodes were inserted into the underlying bladder wall. The bladders were treated with the SBD device powered by a RF generator , using Lesion Mode to maintain a 90°C temperature set point for 60âs based on prior developmental studies performed to identify the treatment parameters needed to create the optimal ablation described in this study.

Lycopodium Clavatum Homeopathic Medicine For An Overactive Bladder With Frequent Urination At Night

Lycopodium Clavatum is an effective homeopathic medicine for an overactive bladder in cases of frequent urination at night. The quantity of urine in such cases is also very high. There is a feeling of bearing down on the bladder region along with the need to wake up at night because of the urge to urinate. Stitching pain in the bladder is also present in some cases. Lycopodium Clavatum is also helpful in cases of an overactive bladder in males suffering from prostate enlargement.

Also Check: What Does The Start Of A Bladder Infection Feel Like

Your Beautiful Bones: Calcarea Fluorica

Also known as calcium fluoride. Affinities: bones, ligaments, muscles, teeth, veins.

This salt is a great tonic for muscles, ligaments and/orveins that have become worn out, flabby and laxfor tissues that havelost their elasticity and tone. For example, the prolapsed uterus orbladder , hemorrhoids , or varicose veins.

It is useful for building the health and strength ofteeth and bones during childhood, and after a serious injury to thebones, especially a fracture. It is also helpful for lumps that developon bones oraround joints .

Use this tissue salt along with Calc phos and/or Silicato help build strong, healthy teeth and bones in infants, children, oradults, or to increase the strength of those whose enamel or bones areweak or whose teeth are producing cavities. It is an excellent tissuesalt for bones that are thinning with age along with Calc phos and/or Silica.

Use it for back or joint pains that are worse on beginning to move and better for continued movement, just like the indications for the homeopathic remedy, Rhus toxicodendron. If Rhus tox is given, but helps just a little or not at all, then Calc fluor will usually help.

Also known as calcium phosphate or phosphate of lime.Affinities: bones, muscles, teeth.

This is a wonderful tonic for those who are mentally,emotionally, and/or physically exhausted after a period of mental work, for those in the convalescent phase of anillness, or for infants, children, and young adults who are tired from agrowth spurt.

In Vivo Bladder Treatment Necropsy Tissue Preparation And Evaluation

Martin &  Pleasance HCR Bladder Spray

The in vivo testing was performed at American Preclinical Services a licensed test facility with the United States Department of Agriculture to conduct research in laboratory animals. This study was reviewed and approved by the APS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee prior to study initiation and was performed in accordance with Good Laboratory Practices . Each animal was prepped, brought to the procedure room, catheterize to drain the bladder, and then the bladder was filled with sterile saline until the urothelial bladder wall folds were visually removed. The in vivo treatments consisted of three adjacent ablations with the same parameters as the ex vivo ablations . After visually localizing the suction paddle within the trigone and inserting the two electrodes into the bladder wall, radiofrequency energy was used to ablate the targeted bladder wall and associated nerves. The animals were then survived for 7â±â1, 30â±â2, or 90â±â2 days prior to euthanasia.

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Histamine Agonists For Stimulating Contractions In U& lp And Detrusor In Juvenile And Adult Tissues

When histamine was added to U& LP strips of juvenile animals, baseline tension increased by 47.84 ± 6.52 mN/g . Similarly, the addition of histamine to U& LP strips of adult animals increased the baseline tension by 50.76 ± 4.10 mN/g . In detrusor preparations, juvenile tissues showed significantly greater increases in baseline tension of 19.10 ± 4.92 mN/g when compared to tissues from adult animals which exhibited increases of 8.21 ± 0.89 mN/g in response to histamine .

Figure 1

Influence of age on the increases in baseline tension in response to histamine in U& LP and detrusor preparations. *p < 0.05.

Baseline tension in response to histamine in both juvenile and adult strips of detrusor were not affected by the presence of the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine , cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin , nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N-Nitro-L-arginine or P2X receptor desensitising agonist -methylene ATP .

How Can I Regenerate My Pancreas Naturally

Here are 14 natural, science-backed ways to boost your insulin sensitivity.Get More Sleep. … Exercise More. … Reduce Stress. … Lose a Few Pounds. … Eat More Soluble Fiber. … Add More Colorful Fruit and Vegetables to Your Diet. … Add Herbs and Spices to Your Cooking. … Add a Pinch of Cinnamon.1

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Does Liver Damage Make You Pee More

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Polyuria can often be an early sign of kidney trouble. Liver disease. Problems with your liver can also affect your kidneys. Your liver can’t process waste like it should, and liver damage reduces the blood flow to your kidneys so they can’t do their job.Read more

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Electrical Properties Of Unstable Detrusor

Urolift Patient Testimonials: Western Urological Clinic

Smooth muscle from unstable bladders often shows enhanced spontaneous contractile activity. This has been documented in human bladder strips from obstructed unstable bladders and those patients with neuropathy. Altered responses are also seen to stimulation of the unstable detrusor with agonists and to electrical stimulation. Yet there are subtle differences depending on etiology in the patterns exhibited in tissues from unstable bladders. Obstructed bladders are supersensitive to muscarinic agonists and potassium chloride . On the other hand, the obstructed detrusor has reduced contraction on nerve stimulation.,, In idiopathic instability, bladder strips show supersensitivity to KCl but not to muscarinic agonists, and reduced contractile response to electrical stimulation. Unstable strips may even be more easily activated by direct electrical stimulation of the smooth muscle, showing contractions elicited by stimulation of nerves that are resistant to the nerve-blocking action of tetrodotoxin .

Smooth muscle bundles in normal detrusor are not as well coupled electrically as those in most viscera. Absent coupling implies that in vivo electrical activity can traverse the length of individual cells without the risk of inadvertently spreading and raising intravesical pressure. To compensate for the absence of coupling, dense innervation allows synchronous activation of the muscle and a rise in intravesical pressure during volitional voiding.

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Causes Of Temporary Urinary Incontinence

Alcohol and coffee act as bladder stimulants and diuretics, which can cause an overwhelming need to visit the bathroom.

Drinking too much fluid, especially in a short period of time, increases the amount of urine you have to hold, resulting in more frequent dashes to the toilet.

Dehydration from not drinking enough liquid can cause your urine to become very concentrated. This collection of concentrated salts can irritate your bladder and make incontinence worse.

Bladder irritation from drinking carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, tea and coffee . Foods can also irritate the bladder, especially if they contain high amounts of corn syrup, spices, sugar and acid, such as citrus or tomatoes.

Medications such as heart medications, blood pressure drugs, sedatives, muscle relaxants and other medications are known to sometimes be causes of incontinence.

Molecular Basis For Plasticity Due To Ngf: Sodium Channel Isoforms

How could NGF produced by a target tissue, as in SCI, obstruction, and inflammation, and then retrogradely transported to the DRG lead to OAB? Recent data suggest that membrane conductance and thus excitability of DRG neurons are altered in models associated with increased access to NGF. This altered conductance is postulated to result from changes in the structure or combination of protein subunits of sodium and potassium channels in the cell membrane. A change in Na+ channel isoform appears sufficient to change the properties of afferents. NGF is known to lower the threshold for firing of bladder neurons and induce spontaneous and burst firing . The site of abnormal ectopic firing has been determined to be the DRG, and the firing appears to be due to changes in the isoforms for voltage-gated Na+ channels, which causes spontaneous ectopic discharges. Voltage-gated Na+ channels generate currents during the upstroke of the nerve action potential and are involved in the propagation of the nerve impulse.

TTX binds to and inactivates voltage-gated Na+ channels. Most voltage-gated Na+ channels exhibit rapid inactivation kinetics and sensitivity to nanomolar concentrations of TTX. These Na+ channels are termed TTX-sensitive . Small bladder sensory neurons in the L6-S1 DRG show two types of Na+ currents, a rapidly inactivating TTX-S sodium current and a slowly inactivating TTX-resistant INa.

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Some Easily Treatable Medical Conditions Are Also Incontinence Causes

Urinary tract infections can cause strong urges to wee, often at inconvenient moments. These urges may result in stress incontinence and may be the only warning sign of a urinary tract infection.

Other possible signs and symptoms include a burning sensation when passing, and foul-smelling urine. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.

Constipation can cause incontinence because your rectum is located near the bladder and shares many of the same nerves. Hard, compacted stool in your rectum causes these nerves to be overactive and increase the need to urinate. Ask your doctor about what you can do to relieve constipation.

Overactive Bladder: Causes + 8 Natural Remedies

Continol  Rapid Cell Therapy

By Annie Price, CHHC

Have you ever thought about your bladder control or how often you urinate each day? Probably not, unless youve experienced a bladder control problem like overactive bladder. Overactive bladder is a condition in which the bladder cannot hold urine normally. One of the most common symptoms of this health problem is urinary incontinence or leaking urine. Many people suffer in silence, but if you are currently experiencing a bladder-related difficulty you are truly not alone. Its estimated that at least 33 million Americans have overactive bladder. ” rel=”nofollow”> 1)

Sometimes a person experiencing overactive bladder doesnt have any underlying health problem. Other times, an overactive bladder can be the result of medications or other more serious health issues, such as diabetes, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis or Parkinsons disease. OAB can also occur after surgery or childbirth. How much is too much when it comes to urination? People with OAB typically have to urinate more than 8 times per day or more than once at night.

Its crucial to address overactive bladder symptoms right away. Early treatment can reduce, or even completely get rid of, the highly unwanted symptoms. With some time and effort, there are several very doable and natural ways you can overcome an overactive bladder.

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Find The Cause And To Find The Treatment

Often urine leakage can be very successfully treated or cured, depending on the underlying cause. At the very least, it can be discreetly managed with Poise liners and pads letting you can go about your day without worrying about light bladder leakage.

Be sure and pinpoint the cause of urinary incontinence with a visit to your GP and a read through our online female incontinence articles.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from a qualified health care professional with any questions regarding your concerns.

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How Can You Tell If Someone Has Had Botox

When an area of the face is frozen with absolutely no wrinkles, you can assume the person has had a date with a needle. “When you look at a photo and see an area of the face that is extremely smooth and shiny,” Rusher says, “that can be an indicator that the person may have had Botox.”15 . 2016 .

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How To Take Cell Salts

  • Take the cell salt remedy in a 6X potency.
  • Repeat the remedy according to the severity of the symptoms:
  • Severe: every 1/2 to 1 hour .
  • Moderate: every 2 to 3 hours
  • Mild: every 4 to 6 hours
  • Tonic: 34 times daily for 710 days at a time. Take a break of a week or so and repeat if need be. Healing after a bad fracture can take months with tissue salts helping along the way. See also alternating remedies below.
  • Stopon improvement: take it less often if there is moderate improvement, and stop taking it on significant improvement.
  • Repeat as needed: repeat the same remedy if it helped but then the symptoms returnstarting and stopping as needed until completely better.
  • Stop taking it if it clearly isnt working and select another or seek the advice of a professional homeopath.
  • Cell salts can be taken dry, on or under the tongue. They can also be dissolved in water if needed which makes it easy to repeat doses or to give to children or the elderly. Dissolve 4 tablets in 4 ounces of water and stir vigorously. You can take a teaspoon at a time as a dose, stirring vigorously before each dose, or just sip according to the frequency directions above. Back to Contents

    In Vivo Bladder Treatments Day 90 Microscopic Evaluation

    Gallbladder Disease and Surgery | Drew H. Reynolds, MD, FACS

    No procedural or post-procedural treatment-related complications were identified during the in life post-treatment follow-up period and necropsies. The Day 90 ablated trigone regions involved the detrusor muscle , adjacent adventitia , and approximated 13.1â±â4.5âmm in width and 1.3â±â0.3âmm in height . The ablation sites were characterized by essentially absent acute inflammation , minimal , mild to extensive chronic inflammation , essentially absent granulation tissue , and a moderate increase in collagen fibrosis , consistent with the secondary phase of tissue healing.

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    Dr Cleve Mcintosh On How Homeopathy Can Help 3 Common Bladder Problems: Infections Incontinence & Bedwetting

    Bladder problems are common and can be a challenge to even the most competent GP or specialist. Many will not resolve completely using conventional treatment alone. Homeopathy offers tremendous relief to those who have not found help elsewhere and should often be used first because of the absence of side-effects.

    How Is Nocturia Treated

    Nocturia is treated on a case-by-case basis under the direction of a physician. This treatment may contain lifestyle modifications, medication, or both.

    Lifestyle modifications to improve nocturia include:

  • Preemptive voiding before bedtime Ensuring that there is as little urine in your bladder as possible right before bed can help eliminate the need to get up to urinate at night.
  • Intentional nocturnal and late afternoon dehydration Ensure that you are consuming enough fluids during the day, but limit them in the 2-4 hours before you go to bed.
  • Salt restriction In patients with a high salt intake, a reduction in salt has been clinically shown to reduce instances of nighttime urination
  • Dietary restriction of caffeine and alcohol Caffeine increases bladder activity and therefore can cause nighttime urination, especially if consumed later in the day . Alcohol can function as a bladder irritant and should be avoided as well.
  • Adjustment of medication timing Different medications, especially diuretic medications, can impact nighttime urine production. Note that it is extremely important to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medication.
  • Use of compression stockings with afternoon and evening leg elevation Elevating the legs and use of compression stockings helps to prevent fluid build-up in the legs. This ensures the fluids are properly distributed throughout the bloodstream and helps reduce the need to urinate.
  • Nocturia Medication

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    Too Much Alcohol Or Caffeine

    They act as a diuretic and flush more water out of you. They also curb your body’s production of vasopressin, a hormone that normally tells your kidneys to release more water to your body instead of sending it straight to your bladder. Its a good idea to sip water along with your cocktail, beer, or wine.

    Does Filler Stay In Your Face Forever

    The Nutrition Supplement Dietitian %

    For the most part, people are using hyaluronic acid fillers, the same component found in many topical skin care products designed for anti-aging and skin plumping. … While the filler itself doesn’t stay in your system, its effects last a lifetime. Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, is non-permanent.

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    What Is An Overactive Bladder

    An overactive bladder refers to a condition where there is a frequent, sudden and unstoppable urge to urinate. This urge to urinate may occur only during the day or during the night or both. The urinary bladder is a sac-like muscular organ. It stores urine produced by the kidneys until it passes out of the body through the urethra. When the urinary bladder fills up completely, there is an exchange of a series of nerve signals between the urinary bladder, the brain, and the pelvic floor. The coordination between these nerve signals makes the detrusor muscle of the bladder contract, the pelvic floor and the external sphincter of the bladder relax, and helps the urine to drain out. In the case of an overactive bladder, the bladder muscles contract involuntarily and make the person feel the need to pass urine even when the bladder is only slightly filled. The problem with an overactive bladder can be treated very effectively with homeopathy. The homeopathic treatment for an overactive bladder helps by curing the cause of the problem. The selection of medicines for an overactive bladder should be made based on a complete symptom picture of the individual case. This treatment is completely safe and works wonderfully to give symptomatic relief to the patient.

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