Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Treat A Bladder Infection

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What Are The Symptoms Of Utis In Men

How to CURE urinary tract infection? (UTI) – Doctor explains

The UTI can occur in both men and women but men are more prone to this infection. The infections may affect any age group but those who are most vulnerable to bladder infection are children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, and elderly senior people.

Urinary tract infection is a relatively common problem and millions of people are affected by this every year. The urinary tract consists of kidneys and bladder, with both the kidneys and bladder holding urine.

The most common symptom of UTI is an intense urge to urinate even when the bladder is not full.

How Is It Treated

Your doctor will usually prescribe three to five days of antibiotics. Many women begin feeling better within 36 hours of starting an antibiotic. It may be helpful to drink more water. You can also take over-the-counter pain medicine. Drinking cranberry juice and taking cranberry tablets have not been shown to help.

See your doctor if your symptoms get worse, or if you have nausea, vomiting, or a fever higher than 100.1° F. Rarely, some people will need to go to the hospital because of complications from a bladder infection.

Causes Of Utis And Bladder Infections

UTIs and bladder infections occur as a result of bacterial growth in your urinary tract. Your body is naturally home to billions of species of bacteria, and not all of them are bad.

In fact, bacteria help keep your body functioning the way its supposed to. But some bacteria dont belong in sensitive places in your body, and they can trigger some pretty miserable symptoms when they end up in the wrong place.

For example, E. coli, which is most commonly found in your digestive system, is also the most common type of bacteria to cause a UTI or bladder infection.

Several things can increase the risk of UTIs and bladder infections. While some of these risk factors are out of your control, you can control others.

  • Sexual intercourse: As fun as sex is, it can increase the risk of developing UTIs. The friction and movement around your genital area during sexual activity can facilitate bacteria moving around down there.
  • Hygiene: Things like forgetting to change your underwear, wiping from back to front, or sitting in wet or sweaty clothes for prolonged periods can up your chances of getting a UTI.
  • Genetics: Some people are simply more prone to UTIs than others. If someone in your immediate family gets UTIs regularly, youre probably more susceptible to them too.
  • Age: Due to urinary incontinence and estrogen deficiency, research shows that women are more likely to get recurrent UTIs after menopause.

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Key Points About Urinary Tract Infections

  • Urinary tract infections are a common health problem that affects millions of people each year. These infections can affect any part of the urinary tract.
  • Most UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria, which normally live in the colon.
  • The most common symptoms of UTIs include changes in urination such as frequency, pain, or burning urine looks dark, cloudy, or red and smells bad back or side pain nausea/vomiting and fever.
  • Antibiotics are used to treat UTIs. Other treatments may include pain relievers, and drinking plenty of water to help wash bacteria out of the urinary tract.
  • Other things that can be done may help reduce the likelihood of developing UTIs.

What Are The Risk Factors For Getting Bladder Infections And Other Uti Infections

10 Tips to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in Children

A person is more likely to get a bladder infection if they dont urinate frequently enough. If they hold their urine in, the bacteria can collect in the bladder and lead to infection. Try to go to the bathroom at least every two to three hours to keep this from happening.

Not drinking enough water is another risk factor for bladder infections because your body doesnt move as much urine through the bladder as quickly.

Risk factors for urethritis include having a sexually transmitted infection or from trauma to the urethra, such as due to the insertion of a urinary catheter.

In addition to these specific risk factors for bladder infections, there are general risk factors for all UTI types. These include:

risk factors for uti

  • having diabetes, as a person experiences changes to their immune system that make them more prone to UTIs
  • having an enlarged prostate
  • having low levels of estrogen, such as when a woman is post-menopausal
  • having a history of kidney stones, which can block the flow of urine through the urinary tract

Women are also more likely than men to get UTIs because their urethra is shorter. The bacteria have less distance to go to reach the bladder and can cause infections.

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Foods You Shouldnt Eat When Treating A Uti

If youre experiencing discomfort when you urinate, your cup of coffee, hot-sauce-drenched tacos, or some other food could be to blame.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in five women will have at least one urinary tract infection in her lifetime 20 percent of them will have more than one. In fact, bladder infections result in nearly 10 million doctors visits each year as women seek treatment for the pain, pressure, and constant urge to urinate.

A bladder infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract. The bacteria irritate the urinary tract, which often results in painful urination and even lower abdominal pain or cramping. Though certain antibiotics can treat a bladder infection, its important to know the symptoms of a bladder infection to help your body heal and to prevent further bladder irritation.

Not everyone with a bladder infection has obvious symptoms. But according to the Mayo Clinic, common signs of a bladder infection may include the following:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Feeling of pressure or cramping in the lower abdomen
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  • Stinging or burning feeling when urinating
  • Strong persistent need to urinate
  • Urine that is cloudy

Women are 10 times more likely than men to get bladder infections because they have a shorter urethra. In women, bacteria can reach the bladder faster because of the shorter distance.

Can Urinary Tract Infection Cause Sneaky Urine

11 Sneaky Causes of Urinary Tract Infections. Getting a urinary tract infection is the worst. OK, thats a little dramatic. But with symptoms that include a burning sensation when you go to the bathroom, feeling like you have to go all the time but cant, and foul-smelling or dark urine, UTIs can be torturous.

by Eric Bakker N.D.

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections in the community, accounting for an estimated 7 to 10 million adult physician office visits each year in the USA . The urinary tract comprises of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Urinary tract infections are twice as common in women as men, and around 50 % of women have at least one episode of UTI in their lifetime. The high prevalence of UTI in children, women and the elderly, and the need for antibiotic therapy results in a significant public health problem with considerable personal impact on the individuals life.Before I continue with this article, you should know Ive recently compiled a list of science-backed ways to get rid of candida yeast infections. You can if you havent yet.What is Bladder Infection?

The urinary bladder is normally sterile. The presence of disease causing bacteria, or uropathogens, in the bladder leads to bladder infection or acute cystitis, characterized by an inflammatory reaction of the bladder to the bacteria.

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What are the causes of Bladder Infection?The causes of bladder infection are:

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Cut Bladder Irritants From Your Diet

When you have a UTI, caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, nicotine, carbonated drinks, and artificial sweeteners can irritate your bladder further, making it harder for your body to heal, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Focus on healthy foods, such as high-fiber carbohydrates , that are good for your digestive health, says Holly Lucille, ND, RN, a naturopathic doctor in private practice in West Hollywood, California, and the author of Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Womans Guide to Safe, Natural Hormone Health.

What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

Top Natural Remedies for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

A urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary system. This type of infection can involve your urethra , kidneys or bladder, .

Your urine typically doesnt contain bacteria . Urine is a byproduct of our filtration systemthe kidneys. When waste products and excess water is removed from your blood by the kidneys, urine is created. Normally, urine moves through your urinary system without any contamination. However, bacteria can get into the urinary system from outside of the body, causing problems like infection and inflammation. This is a urinary tract infection .

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If You Have A Different Condition

Conditions that affect the bladder or prostate can also lead to other urinary symptoms, such as painful urination or blood in the urine. Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause painful urination too.

Both early and late stages of ovarian cancer can cause urinary urgency.

People with diabetes may find that their urine looks cloudy or smells sweet.

In diabetes insipidus, the urine is typically clear and odorless.

A doctor will perform tests to determine whats causing you to urinate frequently. Theyll ask you some questions, such as:

  • When did your symptoms begin?
  • What other symptoms are you experiencing?
  • Do you have any unexpected leaking of urine? If so, in what situations?

Theyll most likely ask you for a urine sample to check for:

Your doctor will also conduct an exam of your abdomen. They will likely perform other physical exams, such as:

Other tests that can be useful include:

  • Bladder scan. This is an ultrasound done on your bladder after youve urinated to see how much urine is left behind.
  • Cystoscopy. Using a lighted instrument, the doctor can take a closer look inside the bladder as well as take tissue samples if necessary. Learn more about cytoscopy.
  • Additional urinary testing. This involves a variety of tests that look to see how well your urinary system is working. Examples include urodynamic testing and uroflowmetry.

If a bacterial infection is at fault, theyll prescribe antibiotics to get rid of it.

What Are The Treatment Options

Treating a thickened bladder wall means treating the underlying condition that caused the change in the wall.

For example, UTI treatment usually involves a course of antibiotic therapy. To prevent UTIs, practice good hygiene. Wipe front to back to reduce the risk of germs from the rectum reaching the urethra.

Surgery can remove noncancerous tumors that are causing you symptoms. The tumors usually wont recur.

Cancerous growths can sometimes be removed with surgery, too. Additional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, may also be necessary.

Prostate treatment is a somewhat controversial subject. Prostate surgery can sometimes lead to incontinence or erectile dysfunction. If prostate symptoms are minor, your doctor may recommend a watch-and-wait approach to monitor your prostate regularly. Prostate cancer is often a slow-growing cancer. This means aggressive treatment isnt always best.

If excess bladder emptying due to urge incontinence is a problem, your doctor may recommend anticholinergic drugs. These medications relax the detrusor muscle of the bladder.

If urinary retention is occurring due to BOO, your doctor may prescribe medication, such as tamsulosin, to help your urine flow be stronger.

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Foods To Eat For A Uti

In order to recover from a UTI as soon as possible, you may want to try consuming the following foods:

  • Berries. Although researchers are still studying their effectiveness, its believed that eating cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries can help fight off a UTI. They contain proanthocyanidin, which has been shown to prevent infection-causing bacteria from adhering to the lining of the urinary tract.
  • Probiotic-rich foods. Try incorporating foods like plain Greek yogurt, pickles, and sauerkraut into your diet, since they contain good bacteria that can help combat an infection.
  • High-fiber foods. Foods that are high in fibersuch as bananas, beans, lentils, nuts, oats, and other whole grainscan help remove harmful bacteria from your body. They also encourage regular bowel movements, which can help relieve some bladder pressure.
  • Salmon. Cold-water fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation caused by a UTI. Fish oil supplements are another great alternative for individuals who dont eat fish always consult your doctor before adding any supplements to your diet.

Benefits Of Antibiotics For Utis

10 home remedies for urinary tract infections

Antibiotics are the standard treatment for UTIs because they kill the bacteria responsible for the infections. Most UTIs develop when bacteria enter the urinary tract from outside the body. The species most likely to cause UTIs include:

More severe risks of using antibiotics include:

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What If The Infection Does Not Clear Up With Treatment

Most infections clear up with treatment. However, if an infection does not clear up, or if you have repeated infections, you may be given some special tests such as:

  • a type of x-ray called an intravenous pyleogram , which involves injecting a dye into a vein and taking pictures of your kidney and bladder

  • an ultrasound exam, which gives a picture of your kidneys and bladder using sound waves

  • a cytoscopic exam, which uses a hollow tube with special lenses to look inside the bladder.

What To Eat During A Uti

Most women have experienced a urinary tract infection, or UTI.

While men can get UTIs, they mainly occur in females.

Once youve had an infection, its pretty easy to recognize the most common symptoms:

  • Abdominal pressure and pain
  • A burning feeling while urinating
  • A near-constant feeling of having to urinate, even if you just went, and often only going a small amount

Left untreated, these symptoms quickly intensify from annoying to painful.

If you start to feel the symptoms of a suspected urinary tract infection, dont wait to see a doctor. The sooner you begin antibiotics, the better.

Along with an antibiotic, what you drink and eat during a UTI can help you get better faster.


DO drink a lot of water, even if youre not thirsty. This will help flush out the bacteria.

DONT drink coffee, alcohol or caffeine until the infection is gone. These drinks can irritate your bladder.

DO drink a shot of sugar-free cranberry juice, if you like it. Cranberry juice may help fight infection, though the effectiveness is still being studied.

DO eat blueberries. They may have the same effect as cranberries, which is keeping bacteria from sticking to the lining if your urinary tract.

DONT eat spicy food. It could irritate your bladder.

DO eat probiotics plain Greek yogurt and fermented food such as sauerkraut and pickles. They contain good bacteria that can help keep the bad bacteria at bay.

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How Do You Treat Cystitis

Commonly, cystitis clears up on its own within a few days.

During this time there are cystitis treatments you can buy over the counter to help relieve any pain you are experiencing. These include cystitis sachets which contain potassium or sodium citrate. You simply dissolve the powder in water and then drink the solution this also helps to keep you hydrated.

If you have symptoms of cystitis that dont improve within three days, you should visit your GP.

Home Remedies For Uti

Treating Urinary Tract Infections Naturally – Dr. Mark Ellerkmann – Mercy

How to get rid of UTI without antibiotics with 21 home remedies for urinary tract infections. Instant UTI relief treatment at home!

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, occur when the bacteria present in the urinary tract is pushed back into the kidney, bladder, or urethra. Urinary tract infections mostly affect females. It can be really painful and irritating if not treated properly and can spread to the kidneys if not treated at all. There are several home remedies for a UTI that can be tried in order to prevent the infection from getting worse. However, if the problem persists, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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Looking For More Natural Remedies

As you may know, Iâm extremely passionate about providing women with all the details they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Iâm not in any way against pharmaceuticals when they are necessary and indicated for a particular treatment. Antibiotics have a time and a place in our health. But when other options are safe and effective, I like to offer women choices that include natural options they can administer themselves.

If youâre into that sort of balance too, Iâd love to send you an email when I post new articles. Hop on my mailing list HERE so I can share my research with you!

Herbal Remedies For Uti

There are several herbal remedies, which are also used to cure a urinary tract infection:

1. Uva Ursi: this herb contains a compound, known as arbutin, which kills the bacteria present in the lining of the urinary passage. It also helps in stimulating urination.

Note: Children, nursing or pregnant women, and people with liver or kidney disease should not take this herb.

2. Horsetail is a good diuretic, which aids in the proper urine flow as well as stops bleeding during urinary tract infections.

3. Echinacea works as a natural antibiotic. Therefore, it helps to fight against the viruses and bacteria that are the main cause of infection in the urinary tract.

4. Parsley seeds are also helpful in treating urinary tract infection as it reduces the inflammation and pain caused due to the UTI.

5. Mullein: another effective herb for treating the inflammation caused due to the UTI is Mullein.

6. Horseradish is a natural antibiotic, which is good for controlling the infection of the urinary tract.

7. Goldenseal: the compound berberine found in this herb stops bacteria from sticking to the urethra walls.

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