Eating To Reduce Constipation
Sometimes constipation can place extra pressure on your bladder. You can prevent constipation by exercising regularly and including more fiber in your diet. Foods high in fiber include beans, whole-wheat breads, fruits, and vegetables.
The Cleveland Clinic recommends eating 2 tablespoons of a mixture of 1 cup of applesauce, 1 cup unprocessed wheat bran, and 3/4 cup of prune juice every morning to promote bowel regularity.
What Else Causes Bladder Control Problems In Women
Certain life events and health problems can lead to stress incontinence in women by weakening the pelvic floor muscles
- pregnancy and childbirth
- menopause
Weak pelvic floor muscles can make it hard for your bladder to hold urine in during stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when an actioncoughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activityputs pressure on your bladder and causes urine to leak. A weak pelvic floor can also cause fecal incontinence, or bowel control problems.
Try These Techniques To Relieve Common Urinary Symptoms Without Medication
For frequent urination or urgency in men, these methods really work. And you can always switch to medication later.
If you are a man over age 50, chances are you knowor will soonsomeone taking a medication for an overgrown prostate gland. Better known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , this condition can cause bothersome problems like frequent urination at night, difficulty completely emptying the bladder, and the urgent need to urinate at inconvenient times.
BPH triggers noticeable problems in a third of men in their 60s and nearly half of those in their 80s. Drug therapy relieves symptoms, and for severe problems, surgery may be considered. But for men with milder symptoms that don’t interfere much with their daily lives, there’s another option: watchful waiting.
In watchful waiting, you and your doctor monitor your symptoms closely and then take action only when you feel it is necessary. In the meantime, simple changes in behavior can help to take the edge off urinary symptoms. This approach also avoids the costs and risks associated with more aggressive treatment.
“Watchful waiting is broadly available to men who have lower urinary tract symptoms that have been attributed to BPH, but who are not bothered enough to take on the small but finite risks of treatment, such as drugs or surgery,” says Dr. Michael J. Barry, a clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School who helped to write national guidelines on how to treat BPH.
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Living With Bowel Or Bladder Incontinence
There is no single, right way to cope with bladder or bowel incontinence. The challenge is to find what is best for your situation, so you can get the help you need and return to a normal daily life. Talk with your health care team if you notice a change in bowel or bladder habits, and about the best ways to manage incontinence, if it is a problem. You might find it helpful to talk with other people who are dealing with incontinence, too. Ask a member of your cancer care team about support groups in your area.
Here are some things you can do that may help make incontinence less of a problem:
- Empty your bladder every 3 to 4 hours while awake, to avoid accidents.
- Empty your bladder before bedtime or before strenuous activity.
- Limit drinks with caffeine, or and avoid alcohol and citrus juices, which can irritate the bladder and make you have to go more often.
- Avoid hygiene products that may irritate you Women should avoid feminine spray or over-the-counter vaginal suppositories.
- Because belly fat can push on the bladder, avoiding weight gain or losing needed weight sometimes helps improve bladder control.
- Avoid tobacco use which can cause coughing and bladder irritation due to harmful substances in tobacco products.
- Talk to your doctor about all medicines, vitamins, herbs, and supplements youre taking. Some may affect urine control.
Surgical Treatment For Overactive Bladder
Surgery may recommended for severe cases. The two most-commonly used procedures are:
- increases bladder size by removing a section of the bowel and adding it to the bladder. Increased bladder size allows someone to store more urine, reducing the urge to urinate. Possible complications include infection, blood clots, bowel obstruction, urinary fistula, and an increased risk of bladder tumors .
- Sacral Nerve Stimulation is a newer surgical technique that involves placing a small electrical device in the lower back. The device sends electrical impulses to the sacral nerve, which improves control of the muscles in the bladder and pelvic floor.
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Things You Can Do To Help Interstitial Cystitis
Lifestyle changes will usually be recommended first.
Things that may help improve your symptoms include:
- reducing stress anything that helps you relax, such as exercise or regular warm baths, may help reduce your symptoms, and recent evidence suggests that mindfulness-based techniques, such as meditation, can help
- avoiding certain foods or drinks if you notice they make your symptoms worse but do not make significant changes to your diet without seeking medical advice first
- stopping smoking the chemicals you breathe in while smoking may irritate your bladder
- controlling how much you drink try to reduce the amount you drink before going to bed
- planned toilet breaks taking regular planned toilet breaks may help stop your bladder becoming too full
You may also find it useful to contact a support group, such as the Interstitial Cystitis Association or Bladder Health UK for information and advice about living with interstitial cystitis.
How Does Bladder Pain Syndrome Affect Pregnancy
Some women find that their bladder pain symptoms get better during pregnancy. Others find their symptoms get worse. During pregnancy, you need to urinate more often and are at higher risk for urinary tract infections and constipation. This can make symptoms worse for some women. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about your bladder pain syndrome and any medicines you might be taking. Some medicines and treatments are not safe to use during pregnancy.
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Medications For Overactive Bladder
Medications for overactive bladder target muscles that control bladder function. These drugs can be used alone or in combination, and include:
- Anticholinergics such as trospium , darifenacin and oxybutynin relax bladder muscles. They are the most commonly prescribed medications for overactive bladder and are well tolerated. Side effects include constipation and dry mouth.
- Tricyclic antidepressants, such as imipramine and doxepin, stop contractions in the smooth muscle of the bladder. Side effects include dizziness, fatigue, changes in vision, nausea, insomnia, and dry mouth.
How Is Bladder Pain Syndrome Treated
There is no cure for bladder pain syndrome. But your doctor will try different treatments to figure out how to improve your symptoms.
The first treatment many people try includes steps you can take at home. Sometimes, by changing what you eat, you can make your symptoms go away. But even when symptoms do go away, they may return days or years later.
If your symptoms do not get better, other treatments your doctor may suggest include:10
- sudden strong urges to pee
- needing to pee more often than normal
- waking up several times during the night to go to the toilet
The pain may be worse when your bladder is full and may be temporarily relieved when you go to the toilet.
You might also find the pain is worse during periods or after having certain foods or drinks.
The symptoms will often come and go in phases. You may have episodes lasting days, weeks or months where your symptoms improve, followed by times when theyre worse.
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Additional Underactive Bladder Treatment
If a person does not notice any improvements in their underactive bladder symptoms after making the above lifestyle changes, a doctor may recommend medication or a catheter. A catheter is a device that drains urine for someone through a thin plastic tube.
There are two different types of catheterization that a person can try: clean intermittent catheterization and continuous catheterization.
CIC involves inserting a sterile catheter into the bladder through the urethra and leaving the catheter in for only as long as it takes to drain the bladder. A person can then remove the catheter and wait another 68 hours to do this again.
Over time, CIC can sometimes improve bladder function. However, this option is not always suitable for people with nerve damage that affects hand function.
Continuous catheterization continuously drains urine. That said, these catheters do need replacing every so often to prevent infection.
Other treatment options for an underactive bladder include adding an artificial sphincter to the urinary tract. This opens to enable a person to urinate.
A doctor may also be able to remove weak muscle in the sphincter to reduce the persons symptoms.
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Enlarged Bladder: Symptoms, Treatments, and Causes
- This can lead to a loss of elasticity in the bladder walls. Typical forms of obstruction are kidney stones and tumors. Prompt recognition of these conditions can prevent the bladder from becoming enlarged. Some people have trouble urinating.
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Promoting General Bladder Health
What Can I Do To Prevent Bladder Problems After Birth
There are some simple steps you can take during pregnancy to help prevent incontinence.
- Drink 6 to 8 cups of fluid a day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Avoid drinks containing sugar or caffeine, as these can irritate the bladder.
- Eat a high fibre diet with 2 pieces of fruit, 5 serves of vegetables and 5 serves of cereals/bread per day.
- Make sure you have a healthy weight.
- Stop smoking.
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What Causes Bladder Weakness
Bladder weakness usually occurs when the muscles in the pelvic floor or sphincter have been damaged or weakened.
Both men and women have a pelvic floor. It is made up of layers of muscles which hold the bladder and bowel in place and help to stop leaks. The sphincter is a circular muscle that goes around the urethra and squeezes as the bladder fills up to create a seal so that urine cant leak out.
In women, these muscles can be weakened during pregnancy by the extra weight and natural hormonal changes. Childbirth can cause more problems especially if delivery is prolonged or the baby is large. Forceps and ventouse assisted deliveries may increase the risk of damage, muscle tearing or episiotomies can cause further damage.
Some women develop stress urinary incontinence after the menopause. This is because the pelvic floor becomes weaker following hormone changes within the body. Even before the menopause, some women may notice that they have a weaker bladder than normal in the week before a period. Stress urinary incontinence may occur after a hysterectomy and also after operations on the bladder.
People who have been constipated for a long time or have a chronic cough may also be prone to stress urinary incontinence. Men can develop stress urinary incontinence if they are experiencing problems related to their prostate gland or post prostate surgery.
Related Conditions And Causes Of Urinary Incontinence
Fecal incontinence is light to moderate bowel leakage due to diarrhea, constipation, or muscle or nerve damage.
As described in the section above on causes of urinary incontinence, common conditions may contribute to chronic urinary incontinence, including: urinary tract infection , constipation, interstitial cystitis or other bladder conditions, nerve damage that affects bladder control, side effects from a prior surgery, and neurological disorders.
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An Extremely Common Condition
Sorry to report this, but postpartum urinary incontinence is quite common. According to the latest research, women who give birth vaginally are more likely to experience these complications afterward. In some cases, issues of urinary incontinence can last up to a year, and smaller percentages of women are still living symptoms after 5 years.
Contributing factors include the fact that the bladder and pelvis muscles are weakened during childbirth. In addition, the uterus will begin to shrink back to its normal size, which causes repeated compressions on the bladder. Rapid changes in hormones also need to be considered as the body attempts to balance its female sex hormones after a child is born. Women over the age of 35 and those who are obese are also at a greater risk for urinary incontinence following childbirth.
All together, these influential factors lead women to face a much higher risk for urinary incontinence. The good news is that most women can recover with the proper precautions and effective treatment options recommended by Dedicated to Women.
Overactive Bladder In Men At A Glance
- Overactive bladder is the result of malfunctioning bladder muscles and nerves that send sensations to the brain, causing involuntary and unnecessary contraction of the bladder muscles.
- The primary symptom of OAB is a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate, often resulting in leakage of urine, which is incontinence.
- OAB, also called urge incontinence, affects up to 30 percent of males, preventing them from controlling when and how much they urinate.
- Nearly two-thirds of cases of OAB in men are caused by an enlarged prostate.
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Are You Aware Of How To Detect If You Suffer From Weak Bladder
It can be difficult to tell whether youre suffering from the problem of an overactive bladder or not. The most frequently reported symptoms include:
- Urinary frequency and irregularity throughout the day
- It is difficult to hold the urine for a longer period of time.
- Constantly urinating at night.
- Leakage when urinating.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, the chances are high that you have weak bladder. It is a condition that requires urgent attention as well as treatment in these instances. Learn how to solve the issue with a weak or weak bladder with natural remedies. This blog will talk about these tested and proven treatment options.
Pro Tip: Its crucial to pay attention to your diet if you are looking to resolve the issue of weak bladder on your own. Theres a list of things you must include in your daily diet. Additionally, you must be wary of certain foods after it is discovered the weakening of your bladder. Consume pumpkin seeds as well drink Kohki tea in this period for those who want to alleviate the symptoms of overactive bladder issues. The anti-inflammatory properties found in pumpkin seeds can help solve the problem of Overactive Bladder naturally. Similar to the quantity of antioxidants found in Kohki tea can help combat weak bladder issues naturally.
Bladder Leakage 3 Things Women Should Know About Urinary Incontinence
To dispel misconceptions, a urogynecologist discusses the surprisingly common, lingering issue many women experience.
Bladder leakage. For some women, the condition runs their life from the inside, preventing them from playing outside with their kids, going to a workout class or staying the night with family or friends.
And theyre not alone. Living with some degree of urinary incontinence, defined as an uncontrolled leakage of urine, is actually common, according to Pamela Fairchild, M.D., a urogynecologist at Von Voigtlander Womans Hospital at Michigan Medicine.
She says that approximately half of all women over the age of 20 experience some degree of incontinence. This means urinary incontinence isnt just an issue that affects elderly or postpartum women, although aging and childbirth are risk factors.
But if so many women experience it, then why does the topic still seem embarrassing?
Women get the sense that this is inevitable, that its a natural part of aging and they have to live with it, says Fairchild. This false perception leaves women feeling powerless, even though there are ways to greatly improve their quality of life.
To help overcome the stigma, Fairchild shared three facts about urinary incontinence that all women should know.
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How To Overcome Bladder Weakness
If you want to go about your day worry-free, there are pelvic floor muscle exercises and yoga poses that can help you treat bladder weakness. Studies have shown that these exercises can restore the strength of the weakened muscles in the pelvic floor and bladder, which may disrupt normal urinary function in adults.i To strengthen these muscles, you need to learn how to relax them.ii
In this article, we will show you to how to perform 5 beginner-friendly bladder weakness exercises, including some yoga poses.