Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Smoking Affect Your Bladder

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How Does Medical Weed Cause Urinary Retention

How Does Smoking Affect Your Kidneys?

Through extensive research, professionals in the medical field have provided patients and physicians with an answer as to why medical weed causes side effects, like heightened sensory perception or hunger. Urinary retention, however, is one side effect researchers are still working to unravel.

So far, studies have found that medical cannabis-induced urinary retention affect more men than women. The study also noted a correlation between the use of Ativan, a medication for seizures and anxiety, and urinary retention.

Often, the cause of both medical marijuanas benefits and side effects stems from cannabinoids. More than 100 are found in cannabis, though the two primary cannabinoids, cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol , are credited with specific effects, such as pain relief or drowsiness. As CBD tends to deliver a more calming, relaxing experience, its possible that THC influences urinary retention.

The Endocannabinoid System Is Complex And Finely

In people who lack appetite, cannabis can be all that is needed to induce ravenous hunger. This can be highly beneficial for people suffering from certain illnesses that affect the appetite, from cancer to eating disorders themselves, as well as otherwise-healthy individuals whose appetite loss is due to stress or other factors.

On the other hand, in some individuals, the effect ofintroducing extra cannabinoids to the GI tract is disruptive and can cause arange of unusual and unexpected symptoms. In rare cases,cannabis can cause an acute vomiting syndrome known as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, as well as potentially causing acute pancreatitis.

Continuing To Smoke After Bladder Cancer Diagnosis Increases Recurrence Risk

Antonia DePaceCURE

Smoking cigarettes could lead to a four-fold increased risk of recurrence in patients with a previous diagnosis of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.

Smoking may significantly increase the risk of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence, which highlights the importance of quitting the habit to lower ones risk.

In a recent study performed at the Notre Dame des Secours University Hospital in Lebanon, patients with high levels of urinary cotinine, a specific biomarker of tobacco smoke exposure, may have a four times increased risk of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence.

Its interesting that could sort out who had the highest risk based upon this urine level, but it actually gets away from what the real message should be, which is if you’re smoking and you continue to smoke, you will have a much higher chance that your cancer will come back in your bladder, and when it comes back, it may be more aggressive and it may spread, Dr. Nancy Dawson, professor of medicine and oncology and director of the genitourinary medical oncology program at Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C., told CURE® in response to the study results. What you really need to do is try to quit smoking.

We know that smoking is a is a major risk factor for getting bladder cancer, Dawson explains.

For more news on cancer updates, research and education, dont forget to .

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Smoking And Bladder Cancer Risk Statistics

Did you know?

  • Smokers are a minimum of three times more likely to develop bladder cancer versus non-smokers, according to the American Cancer Society.
  • A National Institute of Health study found 50% of all bladder cancer cases are in those who smoke.
  • Former smokers have twice as much risk of developing bladder cancer as individuals who never smoked. Those who currently smoke have four times as much risk.
  • While many individuals believe vaping is safer than smoking, research shows both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes contribute to a higher bladder cancer risk.

Treatment Can Require Bladder Removal

How Does Smoking Affect the Bladder?

When bladder cancer is detected early, Dr. Abouassaly says he can often remove the tumors with endoscopic surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy or other medications delivered through the bladder.

Once its invaded into the bladder, thats a sign that more significant treatment is needed, he says. Usually thats removal of the bladder with systemic chemotherapy.

In some cases, reconstructive surgery can create a new bladder out of the small intestine otherwise, bladder removal can require an ostomy, an opening that routes urine out of the body into an external pouch.

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia And Prostate

The relationship between benign prostatic hyperplasia and the hormone milieu was studied by Küpeli and colleagues40 in 1997. They evaluated 68 men with BPH. The mean age was 59 years prostate volume and hormones were measured, including estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate , and testosterone. Mean prostate volume was larger in nonsmokers than in smokers. Estradiol levels were significantly higher in smokers. There were no significant differences in testosterone, DHEA, or DHEAS levels in smokers versus nonsmokers. The authors concluded that the impact of smoking, especially the differences in estradiol, might contribute to the smaller prostate glands found in smokers. They also found a slight increase in BPH symptoms in nonsmokers.40 The effect of cigarette smoking on prostate-specific antigen levels in two age groups was evaluated by Koc and associates.41 They arrived at essentially the same conclusions as Küpeli and colleagues40 with regard to the hormone environment in smokers versus nonsmokers. Their studies included two age groups: those aged 25 to 35 years and those aged 50 to 70 years. They evaluated data on a total of 388 men and found PSA levels to be higher in the smokers, but the difference was not statistically significant.41

While Quitting Is Not Easy There Are A Few Things You Can Do To Help You Succeed:

  • Talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help give you tips to quit, and may suggest medication or programs that can help.

  • Get the support of your family and friends. Tell your loved ones what you are trying to do so that they can support you and give you the encouragement you need when you are feeling tempted to smoke.

  • Avoid your triggers. Many people feel the urge to smoke during certain activities grabbing drinks with friends, at certain times of the day, etc. Try to avoid these activities for a while or find ways to stay busy during your usual smoking times.

  • Take up a hobby. With all the time youll save by not smoking, you may be able to finally start that project or hobby youve been thinking about. Doing something with your hands may also help keep you busy and help you avoid the urge to pick up a cigarette.

  • Smoking is a hard habit to quit for many people. But with determination and perseverance, it can be done. And its never too late to see the benefits of quitting a recent study showed that even smokers who quit in their 60s saw an increase in their lifespan.

    Have any tips for quitting? Please share them with our readers in the comments below!

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    Healing Time Takes Longer

    Another consideration that you should know before you have Botox is that it will take you longer to recover from the Botox treatment if you are a smoker. Sometimes there is slight bruising on the face from where the injections are placed, but bruising is more likely to happen and is more noticeable with smokers.

    Smoking causes harm to your immune system and overall health, which means that you are more likely to have side effects from Botox if you are a smoker.

    Ways Smoking Impacts Your Urologic Health

    How Smoking Affects Your Health

    One in five deaths in the United States are a result of illnesses related to smoking, according to the American Cancer Society. In addition, smoking accounts for 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States. No matter what form it takes, there is no safe way to use tobacco.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 34.2 million people smoke. Many of these smokers want to quit. Are you a smoker looking for a reason to quit? Here are seven.

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    Secondhand Smoke And Bladder Cancer

    Secondhand smoke contains the same harsh chemicals smokers inhale. There’s no safe SHS level of exposure, and the American Cancer Society points to the link between SHS and cancer. When you’re a non-smoker exposed to SHS, it’s known as passive smoking or involuntary smoking. Non-smokers breathing in SHS take in toxic chemicals and nicotine the same way smokers do. And, the more secondhand smoke you breathe in, the higher the levels of harsh chemicals in your body.

    Evidence suggests SHS leads to lung cancer, even in individuals who have never smoked. Studies also suggest a link between SHS and bladder cancer. The Cancer Management Research journal recently published a study showing a statistically significant 22% increase in bladder cancer risk for lifetime SHS exposure in patients who don’t smoke versus those not exposed to SHS.

    How Is The Urinary System Affected

    When you smoke a cigarette, the toxic chemicals from the tobacco are absorbed into your body and are excreted by your kidneys into your urine. Since urine filters through the kidneys and sits in the bladder, these harmful substances concentrate in these areas, affecting your urinary system in various ways.

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    Smoking Increases Bladder Cancer Risk More Than Thought

    Changes in Cigarette Composition May Explain the New Findings

    Aug. 16, 2011 — Smoking may increase risk for bladder cancer even more than previously believed, and this risk is comparable among male and female smokers. The new study appears in the Aug. 17 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

    The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 69,250 new cases of bladder cancer diagnosed in 2011 and about 14,990 deaths from bladder cancer.

    âChanging the composition of cigarettes may be associated with the strengthening of the association between smoking and bladder cancer risk,â says study author Neal D. Freedman, PhD, MPH, an investigator at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md.

    Smoking Linked To Half Of Bladder Problems

    Mohak IVF: The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Male Fertility

    Written byDr. Victor MarchionePublished onMarch 19, 2013

    Youre probably well aware that smoking accelerates aging and damages your lungs and heart, but did you know that it also increases your risk for a variety of bladder problems? Its true, as disconnected as the two may seem, smoking has a direct impact on the health of your bladder, and the only way to prevent the damage that smoking causes, is to quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke.

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    Smoking And Bladder Cancer

    Current cigarette smokers have a higher risk of bladder cancer than previously reported, according to new research. The study also found that the proportion of bladder cancer due to smoking in women is now the same as for men about 50%.

    In 2011, nearly 70,000 people nationwide are expected to be diagnosed with bladder cancer, and almost 15,000 will die from the disease. Smoking tobacco is the most important known risk factor for bladder cancer.

    Previous studies found that 20% to 30% of bladder cancer cases in women were caused by smoking. However, most of the earlier studies were conducted at times or in areas where smoking was much less common among women. The composition of cigarettes has also changed in the past few decades. While there have been reductions in tar and nicotine, the concentrations of other cancer-causing compounds have increased.

    For the new study, Dr. Neal Freedman and colleagues at NIHs National Cancer Institute used data from over 450,000 participants in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. This questionnaire-based study was initiated in 1995, with follow-up through the end of 2006. The results appeared in the August 17, 2011, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

    How Long Does It Take For Toxins To Leave Your Body After Quitting Smoking

    • Once youve quit smoking, your body will take some time to heal and become completely toxin-free.
    • Typically, when you quit smoking, the nicotine stays in your bloodstream for 3 to 10 days.
    • The way in which your body processes the nicotine intake, will determine the amount of time it takes.
    • Your metabolism rate and the medication youre on are other factors that will make a difference too.
    • A regular-sized cigarette has 10 mg of nicotine. But your body only absorbs 1 mg out of the entire amount of nicotine. Once you inhale it, your enzymes break it down to the by-product cotinine. This stays in the body for a longer period. Sometimes, it can be traced even after weeks. However, over some time, your body will secrete cotinine through urine, making you toxin-free.

    Wrapping Up

    Smoking ruins your immune system and impacts overall health. It also causes many diseases. As the amount and duration of smoking directly impacts your health, it is important to quit this dangerous habit soon. Once you take this important decision, do work on improving your immunity, and say hello to a toxin-free healthy life.

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    Urinalysis In Lung Cancer

    NNAL and cotinine, by-products of cigarette smoke that are often found in the urine of smokers, are known carcinogens. Testing the urine of smokers and finding unusually high levels of these carcinogenic chemicals indicates an extremely high risk of developing lung cancer, which is often not curable. Patients found to have high levels of both of these chemicals in their urine have a rate of lung cancer that is 8.5 times higher than smokers who have normal levels of these chemicals in the urine.

    Dangerous Chemicals In Tobacco Smoke

    Bladder Cancer Symptoms, Risk Factors and Prevention

    Highly damaging components of tobacco smoke include:

    • tar is the word for the solid particles suspended in tobacco smoke. The particles contain chemicals, including cancer-causing substances . Tar is sticky and brown, and stains teeth, fingernails and lung tissue
    • carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas. It is odourless and colourless and, in large doses, quickly causes death because it takes the place of oxygen in the blood. In people who smoke, the carbon monoxide in their blood makes it harder for oxygen to get to their organs and muscles
    • oxidizing chemicals are highly reactive chemicals that can damage the heart muscles and blood vessels of people who smoke. They react with cholesterol, leading to the build-up of fatty material on artery walls. Their actions lead to heart disease, stroke and blood vessel disease
    • metals tobacco smoke contains several metals that cause cancer, including arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead and nickel
    • radioactive compounds tobacco smoke contains radioactive compounds that are known to be carcinogenic.

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    Smoking Causes Erectile Dysfunction

    So the science makes sense, but do we have proof that the erectile dysfunction many men suffer from is DUE to smoking?

    Well there are studies that suggest, yes.

    For example, a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology looked at over 2,000 men and found:

    Compared with former and never smokers, current smokers in their forties had the greatest relative odds of erectile dysfunction.

    In addition, a study in the European Respiratory Journal showed that current smokers had a significantly decreased amount of nitric oxide produced from the body. .

    Nitric oxide is produced in tiny air sacs in the lungs known as alveoli. Alveoli are especially vulnerable to damage from smoking.

    Damaged alveoli lead to decreased nitric oxide production.

    Decreased nitric oxide production leads to inability of muscles in penis to relax and receive blood flow needed for an erection.

    Another study recorded in British Journal of Urology International came to the same conclusion.

    However they even noted that the effects of smoking on ability to achieve and maintain erection did not wear off until the men were off of nicotine altogether.

    After the men quit smoking and were off of nicotine patches the signs of ED were reversed.

    This detail suggests that nicotine alone is detrimental to the health of your penis.

    So the dangers of smoking occur in its physical havoc on the lungs as well as in the toxicity of chemicals.

    Smoking And Overactive Bladder

    33 million people in the United States suffer from overactive bladder , a condition that includes sudden urges to urinate, urge incontinence, and frequent urination. Urge incontinence, specifically, is three times more common in women who smoke than women who are nonsmokers.

    OAB has been linked to smoking. Smoking irritates the bladder, causing frequent urination. Chronic coughing caused by smoking can lead to leakage because of weakened bladder muscles.

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    Screening Survey To Determine Smoking Habits

    A total of 10,000 male individuals were recruited from monitoring lists of 4.5 million panels at a web-based Internet survey company . Initially 10,000 individuals were selected according to the age and sex distribution of the Japanese population based on government data, and were asked about their smoking habits. These 10,000 individuals were firstly recruited by e-mail from 4.5 million panels according to age distribution and after reached to the number of participants in each generation no more individuals were recruited. According to the research company usually approximately 60% of participants answered by smartphone or tablet and the other 40% participants answered by PC. The respondents were classified into three categories according to smoking habits: non-smokers, ex-smokers, and current smokers. For ex-smokers, we asked about the duration of smoking cessation and for current-smokers, we asked about the duration of smoking and the number cigarettes smoked per day. We then asked these participants about their detailed urinary symptoms. The following information, obtained on registration, was also included in the analysis: age, marital status, number of children, household income, working status, and prefecture of residence. Informed consent was obtained all participants and the study received approval from the Institutional Review Board of Yokohama City University Medical Center . This study was carried out in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

    Smoking Damages Testicular Health

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    Hurting your testicles accelerates that age-related shrinkage I mentioned earlier, because it harms the organs that make your testosterone.

    One of the early warning signs that your testicles are in trouble is declining health of your sperm.

    A stack of studies have demonstrated smoking is bad for your little swimmers.

    A few examples:

    • A 1999 study in Bath, UK found it caused mutation within the DNA carried by a smokers sperm at a rate of 150% that of nonsmokers.
    • Mexico: 2009. A university study found smokers had lower sperm density, viability, and motility, and higher occurrence of misshapen sperm than non-smokers .
    • A Bulgarian study in 2004 found that smokers produced sperm with damaged cell membranes in significantly higher quantity than nonsmokers of the same approximate age.

    Those damaged sperm mean damaged and unproductive testicles. Damaged testicles mean less testosterone. Less testosterone = smaller gonads.

    Penis size can also be impacted by psychology.

    This is mostly another aspect of erection quality, but some conditions like depression can also reduce testosterone, leading to direct penis shrinkage.

    As it turns out, this interacts negatively with smoking in a number of ways:

    There are just so many ways smoking can mess with your penis.

    Many health officials prefer not to mention this. They want to tell you about how youll die young hooked up to a CPAP machinebut we know whats really important to you.

    Your pecker.

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