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Back Pain Causing Bladder Problems

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What Is The Prostate Gland

Personal Injury Doctor Atlanta – How the Gallbladder Causes Back Pain

The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut. It is part of the male reproductive system and wraps around the tube that carries urine out of the bladder. It grows larger as you get older. If your prostate gets too large, it can cause health issues. Having prostate problems does not always mean you have cancer.

Sometimes a doctor may find a problem during a routine checkup or by doing a rectal exam. If you think there is something wrong with your prostate, see your doctor right away.

When Should I See A Doctor If I Have Lower Back Pain

In many cases lower back pain stops on its own. But if it doesnt, here are some guidelines on when you may want to start seeking professional help:

  • If the pain lasts four weeks or longer
  • If the pain keeps getting worse as time goes by
  • If you are experiencing other symptoms, such as fever, major weight loss or weight gain, loss of function or weakness in extremities, bladder problems, etc.

Is Back And Hip Pain A Symptom Of Prostate Cancer

The American Society of Clinical Oncology estimates 174,650 cases of prostate cancer this year alone. As the most commonly occurring type of cancer in menmostly those over the age of 50.

That isnt to say that you cant get it at a younger age, but the risk of getting this type of cancer is lower. However, studies have pointed to the growing incidence of prostate cancer among younger males as well. This is owing to environmental factors and early screenings.

The prostate is a small gland that produces seminal fluid for semen. Prostate cancer occurs when a group of cells in a mans prostate gland grows faster than others. These cells can often spread and affect normal tissue in the adjoining area.

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What Are Symptoms Of Gallstones

Symptoms of gallstones may include:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, usually on the right side, just under the ribs
  • Pain in the shoulder or back on the right side

A gallbladder attack happens when a gallstone blocks a bile duct, causing severe, stabbing pain in the belly that can last hours. Symptoms of a gallbladder attack include:

  • Severe, stabbing belly pain
  • Tea-colored urine and light-colored stools
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes

The Cauda Equina And Its Function

Unlock Hip Flexor Tips: back pain causes urinary problems

The cauda equina gets its name from Latin for “horses tail,” because the nerves at the end of the spine visually resemble a horses tail as they extend from the spinal cord, through the lumbar spine and over the sacrum, and down the back of each leg.

The cauda equina consists of about 10 pairs of nerve roots, some of which combine to form larger nerves in the lower bodyone example of which is the sciatic nerve.

The cauda equina is responsible for sensory and motor innervation to the pelvis and lower limbs, as well as bowel and bladder function. If the cauda equina is damaged by inflammation or compression in the low back, symptoms may be severe and may develop quickly. Early medical attention and treatment are crucial for making as full a recovery as possible.

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How Is Bladder Pain Syndrome Diagnosed

There is no one test to tell whether you have bladder pain syndrome. Your doctor or nurse will do a physical exam to look at your lower abdomen and lower back and ask you questions about your symptoms. Your doctor may give you tests to rule out other health problems, such as urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections , bladder cancer, or kidney stones.

Some tests your doctor may do include:

Urinary Problems Often Paired With Lower Back Pain In Men

14 Mar 2019 12:09 | Urban Vitality

Ninety per cent of men who go to see a urologist due to difficulty urinating also experience lower back pain. Tom Vredeveld, a physiotherapist and lecturer-researcher at the AUAS, is going to be studying links between these two common symptoms in order to improve future treatments to address both issues. He has been awarded an NWO Doctoral Grant for Teachers to pursue this research.

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Remedies For Uti Due To Constipation

The infection should be treated with a suitable antibiotic. You should see your doctor and get an antibiotic.

Drinking plenty of water will produce enough urine flow and help clear the infection.

Reducing the acidity of the urine can help control the infection and reduce the symptoms. There are many over the counter preparations available such as Ural, Citralite, and Citravescent.

Want a home remedy? Then try cranberry juice. Studies show that drinking cranberry juice can help prevent UTI. However, cranberry juice is not enough to treat a full-blown bladder infection.

Relieving your constipation is one of the top priorities in the treatment. Taking an over the counter laxative can be a quick fix for your problem.

To get a long term relief, you should eat fiber-rich foods. Alternatively, you can use a fiber supplement such as Metamucil.

How Do You Treat Back Pain And Frequent Urination


The treatment for back pain and frequent urination depends on the cause and how long symptoms persist.

Your doctor may prescribe medications or antibiotics for infections that cause back pain and frequent urination. They may also recommend over-the-counter pain relievers and exercises to stretch and strengthen the back. Surgery may be necessary if you have stones, a tumor, or an abscess.

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Managing Low Back Pain And Incontinence

If youre experiencing back pain, incontinence, or even both, go speak to your doctor. They may be able to rule out any serious conditions contributing to the issues and they can put together a proper treatment plan.

In some cases, incontinence can be treated and with physical therapy to relieve pain and Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles may go away over time. In other cases, incontinence can only be managed.

Generally, medications can assist with back pain and urinary issues, but a back brace or postpartum compression garment are all-natural solutions for relieving pain as well.

Lifestyle changes can be beneficial for assisting with both back pain and incontinence symptoms. Try to become more active, with at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise about three times a week. Try swimming, riding a bike, or simply even walking to get moving.

Also, a healthy diet to relieve pressure on your digestive tract. Caffeine, items high in sugar, spicy foods, and alcohol can increase incontinence symptoms. Try adding more water, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet to relieve constipation and pressure on the bladder. The added nutrition may help with your low back pain as well.

Back Pain And Bladder Cancer

Pain in the lower back and/or abdomen can sometimes be caused by bladder cancer, and it is more common in patients who are diagnosed with bladder cancer that is advanced or metastatic. The symptom is not usually experienced by patients who are diagnosed with bladder cancer that is considered early stage. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine that is visible to the eye, which is experienced by around 80% to 90% of patients diagnosed. Between 20% and 30% of patients diagnosed with bladder cancer experience other problems or changes related to urination, such as

  • The need to urinate more frequently than usual
  • Pain or burning before, during or after urination
  • Feeling the urgent need to urinate despite the bladder not being full
  • Being unable to urinate

If you experience lower back or abdominal pain as well as any of those symptoms related to urinationand especially if you have ever noticed blood in your urine then you should let your healthcare provider know. If the symptoms are being caused by bladder cancer, then finding it out as soon as possible is important so you can begin treatment.

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Does An Inflamed Gallbladder Cause Back Pain

Since the gallbladder is located in the upper-right quadrant of the abdomen, people suffering from this condition often suffer from upper-right abdominal pain. However, its not necessary that the pain remains restricted to the upper-right quadrant, where the gallbladder is located. At times, pain could be felt at a place other than the place of its origin. This explains why many people suffering from gallbladder disease complain about back pain. It is quite common for people suffering from an inflamed gallbladder to experience back pain. Pain may even radiate to the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades. Most patients complain about experiencing severe abdominal pain or referred pain in the lower back, soon after the ingestion of cholesterol-rich foods. Such episodes of severe pain, which are also referred to as gallbladder attacks, may occur due to decreased tolerance or intolerance to fatty foods.

What Are The Causes

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A large ruptured disc can cause cauda equina syndrome. During a herniation, the gel-like center of a spinal disc can bulge or rupture through a weak area in the disc wall and compress the nerves. In the majority of cases, the disc herniation occurs at the L4-5 or L5-S1 discs in the lumbar spine. A sports injury, fall, or car accident can fracture the spine or tear a muscle and damage nerves. Other causes include a narrowing of the spinal canal , a tumor, an infection, or a hemorrhage.

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Who Should I See For Lower Back Pain

Your primary care physician knows you best and should be your first contact for lower back pain. If he or she is unable to diagnose or treat the issue, you may get referred to a specialist, such as a rehabilitation physician . These specialists practice a comprehensive approach to lower back pain, and can diagnose and treat a variety of conditions that have lower back pain as a symptom.

Later, you may get referred to a physical therapist, a chiropractor or another practitioner depending on the nature of your back pain. The good news is that surgery is rarely needed for lower back pain. Only about one in ten patients needs lower back surgery, Chhatre says.

How Can The Low Back And The Bladder Be Connected

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The diagram to the left shows the sacral nerves coursing by the L5-S1 disc in the low back. These then head toward the bladder and act as a conduit for bladder sensation. Without any pressure on the nerves, they function normally to allow the sensation from the bladder to reach the brain through these spinal nerves.

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The second diagram to the right shows what happens when an L5-S1 disc bulge or slipped disc places pressure on the sacral nerves. These irritated nerves in turn cause pain in the bladder as well as spasm. They can also make the patient believe the bladder is full when its not. All of this happens because the electrical impulses that represent bladder sensation get disrupted by the irritated sacral nerves.

Whats even more interesting is that only some patients who have bladder burning, spasm, and pain and get diagnosed with interstitial cystitis will have back pain. Many patients dont have that symptom even though the trouble spot is in the spine. So whether you have back pain or not, your sacral nerves being irritated by a disc bulge can still cause bladder issues.

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Ways To Relieve Bowel Problems And Low Back Pain

Is there any relief for bowel problems and back pain?

The simple answer is yes. The more complicated answer, however, is it depends.

There are therapies that can relieve the pain, but more may be needed to cure the problem once the source has been pinpointed.

If youre experiencing severe pain, seek immediate medical attention right away.

Back Pain Due To Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What are the most common bladder problems?

A frequent complaint and diagnosis are colon spasms or irritable bowel, a syndrome that occurs more often in women, also during the menstrual cycle. When you suffer from abdominal pain and bloating, it is possible that you suffer from IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. One of the symptoms is a very painful lower back.

Pain in the lower abdomen and the lower back occurs in various ways. Depending on the condition, you can feel the pain in a specific part of the abdomen, for instance at the bottom. Sometimes the entire abdomen can be painful with a painful feeling in the sides and the lower back or in the lower back and the pelvis. This does not always mean it is serious. Many women have this periodically. A hot water bottle and pain killers are still the best cure. In the event of serious pain, you must contact a GP.

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Constipation Frequent Urination And Pain Or Discomfort

Reviewed on 10/9/2020

Pain or discomfort can accompany constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections. These symptoms or conditions may also be present at the same time and may be related to different conditions. Keep track of your symptoms. If you are worried about your symptoms, discuss them with your doctor.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

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Back Pain Bladder Problems

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How We Diagnose Prostatitis:

Prostatitis may be a clinical diagnosis, meaning it is presumed to be the causative issue even when no definitive findings are found. Our urologists may order/perform the following to diagnose prostatitis:

  • History & Physical Exam
  • Digital Rectal Exam: Inserting a gloved, lubricated, finger into the rectum to feel the prostate. The prostate may feel boggy and is usually more tender than normal in men with prostatitis.
  • Urinalysis & Culture: Urine will almost always be positive for infection in men with bacterial prostatitis. However, because not all prostatitis is caused by bacteria, the urine may be negative for infection.
  • Blood cultures/labs
  • Transrectal ultrasound: An ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum to visualize the prostate.
  • Cystoscopy: A look at the prostate and bladder with a small camera inserted through the urethra.
  • Urodynamics: A study used to exam the function of the bladder and help determine if there is an outflow obstruction.

Treatment For Lower Back Pain And Frequent Urination

Living without a gallbladder Archives

Treatment for lower back pain thats accompanied by frequent urination is largely dependent on the cause. For example, antibiotics may be prescribed when an infection is present, and exercise may be recommended if weight loss is necessary or to strengthen the back muscles. Your doctor may also remove any abnormal tumors, abscesses, or growths.

Some causes of lower back pain and frequent urination arent preventable, but you can try and lower your risk by controlling factors that are. Regularly exercising, taking the necessary precautions or reducing your risk of urinary tract infections, and drinking plenty of water to flush out bacteria and toxins are all good tips for prevention.

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Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Once a tumor causes your prostate gland to swell, or once cancer spreads beyond your prostate, you may have symptoms including:

  • The need to pee often, especially at night
  • Trouble starting or stopping a stream of urine
  • A weak stream or one that starts and stops
  • Leaking pee when you laugh or cough
  • Not being able to pee standing up
  • Pain or burning when you pee
  • Pain or burning when you ejaculate
  • Less fluid when you ejaculate
  • Blood in your pee or semen
  • Pressure or pain in your rectum
  • Pain or stiffness in your lower back, hips, pelvis, or thighs
  • New trouble getting an erection

These arenât symptoms of the cancer itself. They happen because the cancer growth is blocking your prostate.

Cauda Equina Syndrome And Incontinence

Cauda equina syndrome is a condition that causes squeezing or compression in the cauda equina sac of nerves at the base of the spinal cord, resulting in lower back pain and urinary incontinence. As the nerves are pinched, they are unable to properly function and may result in the involuntary loss of urine.

Cauda equina symptoms include weakness in the legs, numbness or tingling in the lower back and legs, and incontinence.

In some cases, cauda equina can be treated by surgically decompressing the spine, depending on the extent of damage involved with the nerve tissue.

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What Are The Symptoms

The symptoms of cauda equina compression include problems with bladder, bowel, or sexual function, such as trouble urinating or trouble holding it . Most people have searing pain in the low back and buttocks as well as numbness and tingling in the âsaddle areaâ . Pain may travel down the back of the thigh, past the knee, to the calf and foot . An individual might experience weakness or paralysis in the leg or foot, especially when getting up out of a chair. Extreme leg weakness and loss of bladder or bowel function are signs of an emergency if this has occurred, seek medical help immediately.

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