Other Therapeutic Treatment Options
A doctor may recommend types of treatments that will work in conjunction with prescription medication.For example, if a person is unable to fully empty the bladder after they urinate normally, they may require self-catheterization. This involves inserting a thin, flexible catheter into the bladder to safely remove the excess urine. Another option is injecting Botox into the bladder wall, which can reduce the incidence of uncomfortable bladder spasms.
Electrical nerve stimulation sends electrical impulses through the nerves that affect the bladder, which can provide symptom relief in some cases.
When to See a DoctorBladder spasms usually only require emergency care when a person also has a high fever, severe pelvic pain, or a significant amount of blood in their urine.But everyone who has frequent bladder spasms has difficulty making it to the bathroom in time, or has urine leaks, should see a doctor and establish a treatment plan.
Natural RemediesLifestyle changes are one of the first things you should try if you are dealing with an overactive bladder and/or bladder spasms. Lots of people use a combination of these options to control their symptoms. Maybe one or more of these alternatives could improve your bladder health!
Remedies For Interstitial Cystitis
It is speculated that interstitial cystitis is associated with allergies. Anti-allergic drugs may be effective. Injecting a local anesthetic or anticoagulant into the bladder may help.
Bladder training is an effective treatment for interstitial cystitis. It is easy to incorporate into everyday life because you can do it yourself without any tools.
When interstitial cystitis progresses considerably, almost no urine may be retained in the bladder. If you cannot collect urine in the bladder, the number of urinations will increase considerably and it will be a big obstacle to your daily life. It may be said that the bladder has almost no function under these conditions. For severe interstitial cystitis, your doctor may consider removing the bladder surgically or replacing the wall of the bladder with tissues from the intestine so that urine accumulates in the bladder. Both the surgical procedure has a considerable burden on the body, so they should be carefully examined and interstitial cystitis rarely requires surgery.
Is Bladder Cancer Painful
When its in its earliest stages, bladder cancer doesnt usually cause much pain. Some people have no pain whatsoever, while others may experience pain or burning when they urinate. Blood in the urine, either microscopic or visible to the naked eye, is commonly the first sign of bladder cancer.
As the cancer grows and spreads to other areas of the body or during treatment for bladder cancer, pain may become a bigger issue. You may experience pain:
- when having sex
Sometimes, the disease itself isnt the only source of pain in people with advanced bladder cancer. It can also be caused by treatment. Chemotherapy, a common treatment method for bladder cancer, can cause uncomfortable side effects, such as mouth sores.
Chemotherapy can also cause peripheral neuropathy, which may present as pain, numbness, tingling, or other sensations in the hands, arms, feet, or legs.
Surgery may be a part of treatment for bladder cancer. The pain associated with surgery depends on the operation.
Early bladder cancer can be managed with a minimally invasive surgery, during which the tumor is scraped off the bladder wall from within.
More advanced bladder cancer may require surgery to remove the entire bladder. This operation is much longer and usually has a more painful recovery.
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What Does A Bladder Spasm Feel Like
One of the most common bladder spasm symptoms is feeling an urgent need to urinate. As a result, the bladder spasms might cause urine leakage, otherwise known as urinary incontinence. If a urinary tract infection is causing bladder spasms, you might also notice the following bladder spasm symptoms:
- A burning sensation during urination
- Failure to fully empty the bladder
- Urine that has a cloudy, red, or pink appearance
- Strong smelling urine
- Pain in the pelvic area
- uncontrollable bladder contractions
On the other hand, if your bladder spasms are a result of an overactive bladder, you can also experience the following bladder spasm symptoms:
- Leakage of urine before you get to the toilet
- Frequent passing of urine, sometimes up to eight times per day
- Waking up once or twice during the night to urinate
Natural Prevention For Bladder Spasms
To prevent bladder spasms, you can live a healthy lifestyle and avoid triggers for the underlying causes of bladder spasms. Here are a few tips for maintaining your quality of life and your continence.
What can you do to prevent bladder spasms? To promote healthy bladder function and prevent bladder spasms, follow these guidelines:
- Reduce your daily stress
- Exercise regularly.
Additionally, for women, wipe from front to back after defecating. This will avoid transferring bacteria to your urethra. Urethral bacteria is how urinary tract infections happen.
For both men and women, urinate after sex to flush out any bacteria trapped in your urethra. This will help to avoid any UTIs that may trigger bladder spasms.
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Does Bladder Inflammation Go Away
Although the symptoms of interstitial cystitis may improve over time, there is no cure for the condition. The following are some of the treatments: Caffeinated drinks, tobacco, citrus fruits, spicy foods, and chocolate are only a couple of the foods that some people find aggravate their interstitial cystitis.
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Constipation From Not Eating Enough Fiber
Constipation is defined as having stools which are large, hard, and difficult to pass. This leaves the person feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Many things can cause constipation, and a common one is lack of fiber in the diet.
To determine whether lack of fiber is causing the constipation, all other causes are first ruled out:
- Not drinking enough water, sometimes to the point of dehydration.
- Lack of exercise, which helps increase blood circulation and therefore motility of the bowel.
- A very low or no-fat diet.
- A need for probiotics, which replenish the “good” bacteria in the gut.
- Medications, or certain illnesses, which have a constipating effect.
- Constantly ignoring the feeling of needing to move the bowels, and delaying going to the toilet.
If fiber is needed, the best sources are fresh vegetables fresh or dried fruits and whole wheat and brown rice, because those include the fiber-rich bran. Over-the-counter fiber tablets can be tried, though laxatives should only be used if recommended by a medical provider.
Rarity: Common
Top Symptoms: constipation, constipation, pain in the lower left abdomen, pain when passing stools, feeling of needing to constantly pass stool
Symptoms that always occur with constipation from not eating enough fiber: constipation, constipation
Symptoms that never occur with constipation from not eating enough fiber: vomiting
Urgency: Self-treatment
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How Long Do Kidney Stone Symptoms Last
As mentioned, the time frame for these symptoms can be as short as a week or up to a month and beyond. So, even if it feels like your kidney stone pain has subsided, it’s important to reach out to your doctor since sporadic pain is common with this condition.
“While some kidney stones pass on their own, others require treatment such as medications or procedures to help break up the stone or even surgical removal. Your doctor can perform the tests needed to determine whether the stone is likely to pass on its own or if you might need treatment. In addition, your doctor can help you manage the pain associated with passing the stone,” adds Dr. Kannady.
Painful Sex During Treatment
Sex can become a painful experience while you undergo treatment for bladder cancer.
Some women may also experience vaginal dryness during certain cancer therapies, which can make sex uncomfortable and painful without lubrication.
Even though changes may happen to your body during your bladder cancer treatment, sex can still be an enjoyable experience with some adjustments.
Keep the lines of communication open with your partner and explore alternative techniques to penetrative intercourse. Consider asking your oncology team about specific recommendations that may work best for you.
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Treating Painful Bladder Syndrome
If you suspect your symptoms are related to painful bladder syndrome, the first step is to see a doctor who can provide a proper diagnosis. The source of your pelvic pain may be diagnosed after a thorough pelvic exam, lab work to rule out infections, ultrasounds, or laparoscopy.
Once painful bladder syndrome or another gynecologic condition is confirmed, our team at Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Group works with you to find the treatment thats right for you. Examples of possible treatments for painful bladder syndrome include:
- Lifestyle changes, including drinking enough water each day and managing stress levels
- Bladder training
- Physical therapy to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
- Bladder procedures, such as bladder instillation
If you have pelvic pain and suspect that painful bladder syndrome is the cause, call our Long Beach, California, office at 562-247-3038. Alternatively, you can request an appointment anytime through our convenient online booking tool.
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How Doctors Diagnose The Cause Of Bladder Pressure
If you have bladder pressure and feel like you need to urinate frequently, its a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. In some cases, these symptoms may be signs of a UTI. If you truly have IC, your doctor should still be able to help.
Your doctor may ask you to start keeping a log of your symptoms to bring to your appointment. You should write down how much you drink, how much you urinate, and any pain or pressure you experience.
At your appointment, you will first assess your medical history. Theyll also perform a pelvic exam and test a urine sample to rule out infection.
Other tests include:
Cystoscopy: Your doctor will insert a thin tube into your urethra to look at the inside of your bladder. Youll be numbed beforehand, so this procedure shouldnt hurt.
Biopsy: Your doctor will put you under anesthesia. Then, theyll take some tissue from your bladder and urethra for examination. Your doctor will check the tissue for symptoms of bladder cancer and other causes of pain.
Urine cytology: This urine sample test allows your doctor to examine the cells for cancer.
Potassium sensitivity test: After placing water and potassium chloride into your bladder, your doctor will ask you to rate your pain and need to urinate on a scale from 0 to 5. People with normal bladders usually cant tell a difference between the two solutions. If youre more sensitive to the potassium chloride, it may indicate IC.
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What Are The Treatment Modalities For Bladder Spasms
The options for treatment include medical, surgical treatment and lifestyle changes for coping with the condition.
1. Medical treatment includes drugs that help in reducing the symptoms of bladder spasms and reduce urinary incontinence. These drugs come under the class of antispasmodics.
Examples are tolterodine, oxybutynin chloride, and trospium chloride.
Drugs indicated for depression also help in bladder relaxation and reduce spasm. Examples are amitriptyline and nortriptyline.
Onabotulinumtoxin A injections for the bladder help in reducing the urinary incontinence by paralysis of the muscle in the bladder. This is given in small doses and has temporary results.
2. Surgical treatment is employed in patients who are suffering from severe symptoms when all other treatment modalities have failed. It aims at increasing the capacity of the bladder or bringing down the pressure of the bladder.
Surgical modalities include:
- Surgery to increase bladder capacity
- Bladder removal
When Should You Call A Doctor Or Go To The Emergency Room
You should call your doctor if you have any symptoms of gallbladder pain that concern you.
Certain complications of a gallstone attack can be serious or life threatening. You should seek immediate medical care if you develop:
- severe abdominal pain
- yellowing or discoloration of your skin or whites of your eyes
- a high fever with chills
Doctors may perform different tests to diagnose your condition, including an:
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Bladder Cancer: Less Common In Women
Bladder cancer is rare, especially in women. Of the roughly 83,730 new diagnoses each year in the United States, about 19,450 are in women, according to the American Cancer Society . The most common symptom is blood in the urine some women also experience a painful, burning sensation when urinating.
Bladder cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. According to the ACS, most people need surgery to remove a tumor or tumors. All or parts of the bladder are removed in severe cases.
Causes Of Frequent Urination
Sometimes frequent urination and painful urination go together. In women, painful urination is most often a symptom of a urinary tract infection . UTIs often include an urgent need to urinate, uncomfortable, painful or burning sense when urinating, fever, and a painful or uncomfortable abdomen.
A variety of other problems can cause frequent urination, including:
Rarely, bladder cancer, bladder dysfunction and radiation therapy or other cancer treatment can cause issues with frequent urination.
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Pain Relief Is Within Reach
The good news: Once the antibiotics kick in, youll start feeling much better. The bad news: It might take a day or two. How can you find relief if youre in crazy pain while waiting for a doctors appointment or the antibiotics to work their magic?
The best thing you can do is drink lots of water. Yes, this will make you pee more, but frequent bathroom trips will help move the bacteria out of your system. Plus, the extra water will dilute your urine, taking away some of the sting. Keeping the bladder flushed can help with the pain while waiting for treatment, says Dr. Carusi.
Over-the-counter medication like AZO, which acts as an antiseptic for your bladder, can also diminish your discomfort. Pain relievers like ibuprofen can help ease your aches and any flu-like symptoms.
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Interstitial Cystitis/painful Bladder Syndrome
Interstitial cystitis, also referred to as bladder pain syndrome, is a chronic condition that causes painful urinary symptoms. It affects mostly women, according to the . The cause of the condition is currently unknown, but certain factors may trigger symptoms, such as infections, physical or emotional stress, diet, bladder injury, or certain medications.
Symptoms of interstitial cystitis
The symptoms can range from mild to severe and vary from person to person. Symptoms can include:
- urinalysis to check for infection
- cystoscopy to view the lining of your bladder
- urinary function tests
- potassium sensitivity test
Your doctor may also perform other tests to help rule out cancer as the cause of your symptoms, such as a biopsy, which is usually performed during cystoscopy or urine cytology to check for cancer cells in your urine.
Treatments for interstitial cystitis
There is no one specific treatment for interstitial cystitis. Your doctor will recommend treatments for your individual symptoms, which may include:
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Should I Limit The Amount Of Fluids I Drink
No. Many people with bladder pain syndrome think they should drink less to relieve pain and reduce the number of times they go to the bathroom. But you need fluids, especially water, for good health. Getting enough fluids helps keep your kidneys and bladder healthy, prevent urinary tract infections, and prevent constipation, which may make your symptoms worse.9
Why Dont Doctors Believe Women With Urinary Symptoms
For many years doctors were taught that urinary symptoms with no discernible cause were psychosomatic. As late as 1984, they questioned whether interstitial cystitis was even a real medical disorder.
Studies showed that women with such symptoms were anxious and depressed. Gee, I wonder why that would be? I think the medical community has been far too ready to dismiss symptoms they cant explain as being all in your head.
Its encouraging that the doctors are becoming more aware of these invisible problems and trying to address them.
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Some Hot Drinks You Can Try
- Have hot vanilla milk in the morning instead of coffee. Just put a drop of pure vanilla extract and a little sugar or honey in a mug of hot milk.
- Some good tea options are marshmallow root, chamomile, catnip, licorice, ginger, or peppermint. They are usually well tolerated and can be beneficial. Make your teas weak until you are sure they dont bother you.
- Sometimes, just sipping a cup of hot water is comforting, and it helps keep you hydrated.
How Is Ic Diagnosed
Interstitial cystitis is often mistaken for a urinary tract infection. Patients often go as long as four years between the time they first experience symptoms and the time they receive their diagnosis. It most commonly affects women, although men can get it too.
IC is diagnosed by ruling out other conditions, such as bladder infections or bladder cancer. Also, when it is advanced, it can be diagnosed by cystoscopy, as there will be visible ulcers on the lining of the bladder. For a cystoscopy, you will have to see a urologist. Not all doctors believe a cystoscopy is a necessary or effective way to diagnose the condition since the exam can be normal but you still may have IC.
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How Are Urinary Tract Infections Treated
You will need to treat a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria and fight an infection. Antibiotics are typically used to treat urinary tract infections. Your healthcare provider will pick a drug that best treats the particular bacteria thats causing your infection. Some commonly used antibiotics can include:
- Nitrofurantoin.
Its very important that you follow your healthcare providers directions for taking the medicine. Dont stop taking the antibiotic because your symptoms go away and you start feeling better. If the infection is not treated completely with the full course of antibiotics, it can return.
If you have a history of frequent urinary tract infections, you may be given a prescription for antibiotics that you would take at the first onset of symptoms. Other patients may be given antibiotics to take every day, every other day, or after sexual intercourse to prevent the infection. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best treatment option for you if you have a history of frequent UTIs.