Friday, July 26, 2024

Muscle Spasm In Bladder Area

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Latex Vs Silastic Catheters

30 YEARS of Pelvic and Bladder Pain and Spasm Vanishes Instantly

Silastic catheters have been recommended for short-term catheterization after surgery. Compared with latex catheters, silastic catheters have a decreased incidence of urethritis and, possibly, urethral stricture.18 However, use in animal models for longer than six weeks showed no difference in inflammatory response between latex and silastic catheters.18 Because of its lower cost and similar long-term outcomes, latex is the catheter of choice for long-term catheterization. The cost differential becomes less significant in patients who do not require frequent catheter changes.6 Silastic catheters should be used in latex-allergic patients.

Catheters impregnated with various substances have not proved to be beneficial in patients with long-term catheterization. Silver-impregnated catheters, antibiotic-coated catheters and electrified catheters may diminish bacteriuria for a few days but are costly and have no role in long-term catheterization.4,1921 In one study, silver-impregnated catheters were associated with more frequent bacteriuria and an increased risk of staphylococcal bacteriuria.21

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What Causes Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder can be caused by several things, or even a combination of causes. Some possible causes can include:

  • Weak pelvic muscles: Pregnancy and childbirth can cause your pelvic muscles to stretch and weaken. This can cause the bladder to sag out of its normal position. All of these factors can cause leakage.
  • Nerve damage: Sometimes signals are sent to the brain and bladder to empty at the wrong time. Trauma and diseases can cause this to happen. These can include:
  • Pelvic or back surgery.
  • Stroke.
  • Medications, alcohol and caffeine: All of these products can dull the nerves, which affects the signal to the brain. This could result in bladder overflow. Diuretics and caffeine can cause your bladder to fill rapidly and possibly leak.
  • Infection: An infection, like a urinary tract infection , can irritate the bladder nerves and cause the bladder to squeeze without warning.
  • Excess weight: Being overweight places extra pressure on your bladder. This can lead to urge incontinence.
  • Estrogen deficiency after menopause: This hormonal change could contribute to a loss of urine due to urgency. Ask your doctor if vaginal-only estrogen therapy is right for you. This is different from systemic hormone therapy, which is absorbed throughout the body.
  • Often, there may be no specific explanation for why this is occurring.

    Pain Infection From Catheter Use

    For the new study, Saint and his colleagues from U-M, the Ann Arbor VA and two Texas hospitals analyzed data from 2,076 patients who had recently had a catheter placed for short-term use. Most of them received the catheter because they were having surgery.

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    The team went back to each patient twice two weeks and one month after their catheter placement, respectively and asked about their catheter-related experiences.

    Because two of the hospitals in the study are Veterans Affairs hospitals, nearly three-quarters of the patients were male. The catheter was removed within three days of insertion for 76 percent of the patients.

    In all, 57 percent of the patients said theyd experienced at least one complication.

    Key findings include:

    Among those who had already had their catheter removed, about 20 percent said they had experienced urine leakage or difficulty starting or stopping urination. Nearly 5 percent said it had led to sexual problems.

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    What Are The Treatment Modalities For Bladder Spasms

    The options for treatment include medical, surgical treatment and lifestyle changes for coping with the condition.

    1. Medical treatment includes drugs that help in reducing the symptoms of bladder spasms and reduce urinary incontinence. These drugs come under the class of antispasmodics.

    Examples are tolterodine, oxybutynin chloride, and trospium chloride.

    Drugs indicated for depression also help in bladder relaxation and reduce spasm. Examples are amitriptyline and nortriptyline.

    Onabotulinumtoxin A injections for the bladder help in reducing the urinary incontinence by paralysis of the muscle in the bladder. This is given in small doses and has temporary results.

    2. Surgical treatment is employed in patients who are suffering from severe symptoms when all other treatment modalities have failed. It aims at increasing the capacity of the bladder or bringing down the pressure of the bladder.

    Surgical modalities include:

    • Surgery to increase bladder capacity
    • Bladder removal
    • Urinary diversion
    • Artificial sphincter

    3. Lifestyle changes are also required to enable the patient to cope with his/her conditions. These include:

    • Control weight to appropriate levels
    • Reduce intake of drinks containing alcohol and caffeine
    • Reduce fluid intake following consultation of physician

    Bladder Spasms And Foley Catheter Usage Understanding And Prevention

    Why Is My Uterus Twitching?

    A foley catheter is very commonly used medical device used to treat all manners of incontinence. Unfortunately, for some users, bladder spasms from the use of a foley catheter may also be quite common. By its very nature, an indwelling catheter is invasive and has the potential to trigger a wide range of side effects, but keeping bladders spasms in check is still possible.

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    How Can Nerve Stimulation Help Overactive Bladder

    There are several treatments that involve stimulating your nerves to help improve overactive bladder. Your nerves help communicate the message that your bladder needs to be emptied to your brain. By treating the nerves, your healthcare provider can improve your bladder control. Nerve stimulation is a reversible treatment that is considered when conservative treatments have not worked or have not been tolerated. Conservative treatments include behavioral therapies and medications.

    There are several types of nerve stimulation treatments. These can include:

    What Are The Symptoms Of Pfd

    Symptoms of PFD include:

    • Urinary urgency, frequency, hesitancy, stopping and starting of urine stream, painful urination, or incomplete emptying
    • Constipation, straining, pain with bowel movements
    • Unexplained pain in the low back, pelvic region, genital area, or rectum
    • Pain during or after intercourse, orgasm, or sexual stimulation
    • Uncoordinated muscle contractions causing the pelvic floor muscles to spasm

    Side effects of certain medicines commonly used to treat IC, such as tricyclic antidepressants , may worsen PFD symptoms. Ask your healthcare provider if your medicines may be contributing to your symptoms.

    Recommended Reading: What Do Bladder Spasms Feel Like

    How Do Health Care Professionals Diagnose Muscle Spasms

    Most people have experienced a skeletal muscle spasm due to overexertion, especially in a warm environment, and are able to self-diagnose. However, if the spasms are severe, last a long time, or keep recurring, it is reasonable to see a health-care professional for an evaluation.

    The diagnosis usually begins with a history and physical examination. It is helpful to know the circumstances surrounding the muscle spasms.

    • When did they begin? How long do they last? How frequently do they occur? Are they rhythmic or more random? Is it always the same muscle group of the body involved?
    • Other information that is helpful includes understanding the general health of the patient and whether there have been any recent illnesses or whether any medications have been taken, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, food supplements, and herbal remedies.
    • The past medical history may give a clue as to the reason for the muscle cramps. These may include a history of diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, and spinal cord injury.
    • Work or exercise history may be of importance.
    • The environment is also important information regarding heat exposure and associated signs and symptoms of dehydration.

    If there is concern that the spasms are due to a nerve or muscle disorder, electromyography may be done to determine whether there may be an abnormality of the muscle, of the nerves, or both.

    Life With An Overactive Bladder Or Abnormal Bladder Function

    Bladder Spasm, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    A normally functioning bladder wont send you exit alarms that makes you want to visit the toilet within seconds. Instead, you will probably feel an increasing need over time. Thats not the case when you suffer from bladder spasms, as the sensation usually occurs very sudden. What really happens is that the bladder muscle starts to contract or squeeze without warning, creating this tightening spasm that can cause a pretty severe need to release urine.

    An abnormal bladder function can even make this happen without you being able to do so much about it, and thats when we talk about urge urinary incontinence. Its caused by heavy bladder contractions, that overrides the sphincter muscles of the urethra which usually keeps control over your bladder, resulting in leaks.

    Living with any of these conditions can, for obvious reasons, affect your quality of life since you will be dependent on you keeping track of the nearest toilet.

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    What Is A Muscle Spasm

    A muscle spasm, or muscle cramp, is an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Muscle spasms occur suddenly, usually resolve quickly, and are often painful.

    A muscle spasm is different than a muscle twitch. A muscle twitch, or fasciculation, is an uncontrolled fine movement of a small segment of a larger muscle that can be seen under the skin.

    Other Risks And Side Effects

    Bladder spasms, which feel like stomach cramps, are quite common when you have a catheter in your bladder. The pain is caused by the bladder trying to squeeze out the balloon. You may need medicine to reduce the frequency and intensity of the spasms.

    Leakage around the catheter is another problem associated with indwelling catheters. This can happen as a result of bladder spasms or when you poo. Leakage can also be a sign that the catheter is blocked, so its essential to check that its draining.

    Blood or debris in the catheter tube is also common with an indwelling catheter. This could become a problem if the catheter drainage system becomes blocked.

    Get medical advice as soon as possible if you think your catheter may be blocked, or if youre passing large pieces of debris or blood clots.

    Other potential problems include:

    Page last reviewed: 26 February 2020 Next review due: 26 February 2023

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    What Are The Treatment Options For Pelvic Floor Muscle Spasm

    There are 2 main ways to treat pelvic floor muscle spasm.

    First, physical therapy by a trained expert can work over a long period of time. This physical therapy will include internal vaginal manipulation, a well-designed home exercise program, vaginal dilators and a biofeedback program.

    Often, it is recommended that patients use diazepam to decrease the overall muscle spasm when there is daily discomfort and/or urinary symptoms associated with the pelvic floor muscle spasm.

    The second main treatment for pelvic floor muscle spasm is the use of botulinum toxin A . This is the same botox that is used for muscle spasm in other parts of the body and for cosmetic purposes, except the pelvic floor muscles are very large muscles relative to the facial muscles so much higher doses are needed.

    The benefits of botox therapy are that it works quickly and lasts for a long time. Typically, fewer than 5% of patients need a repeat injection. Botox works by blocking the communication between the nerve and the muscle. Thus, it gives time for both nerve and muscle to heal from the hyperactivity. After 8-10 months have passed and the muscle tone returns to normal the pain does not return.

    Side effects of botox in the pelvic floor are uncommon , but can be associated with fecal urgency and incontinence.

    Our success rate with botox therapy is approximately 95%. That means that 95% of patients will achieve greater than 75% relief.

    Bladder Spasms And Their Triggers

    (PDF) Complications of Uterine Fibroids and Their ...

    Now here is some information you will not find elsewhere. It is very easy once you start to have prostate problems to become more and more sensitive to different foods. This sensitivity easily triggers temporary swelling of the prostate, irritating the bladder.

    Knowing this, you can avoid those triggers and be confident that temporary flare ups will pass.

    If it doesn’t, you may have a bladder problem and not a prostate problem resulting in bladder conditions.

    I teach you how to know and test which foods, medications and supplements may actually be irritating your prostate in my book. Once you know this, you can then avoid these irritating inputs and give your prostate and bladder a break!

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    Living With Overactive Bladder

    Living with overactive bladder will depend on how serious your problem is and how well your treatment works. In either case, living with the condition may require better planning. You may have to plan when you consume liquids and how close you are to a bathroom. You also may consider wearing disposable undergarments that protect your clothing from leaking urine.

    What Do Bladder Spasms Feel Like

    Normally, the bladder gently fills with urine and you slowly become aware of the need to urinate. This feeling is your cue to start looking for a bathroom.

    But in people who have bladder spasms, the sensation occurs suddenly and often severely. A spasm itself is the sudden, involuntary squeezing of a muscle. A bladder spasm, or “detrusor contraction,” occurs when the bladder muscle squeezes suddenly without warning, causing an urgent need to release urine. The spasm can force urine from the bladder, causing leakage. When this happens, the condition is called urge incontinence or overactive bladder.

    People who have had such spasms describe them as a cramping pain and sometimes as a burning sensation. Some women with severe bladder spasms compared the muscle contractions to severe menstrual cramps and even labor pains experienced during childbirth.

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    What Do Pelvic Muscle Spasms Feel Like

    When your pelvic floor muscles spasm, it can feel like tight bands of muscle. If youve ever had a massage you will remember what trigger points feel like small, tough knots under the skin that are painful to the touch. When pressed firmly, it hurts but they may then release, providing relief soon after.

    What Does A Pelvic Floor Spasm Feel Like


    The symptoms above are what women describe the experience during pelvic floor muscle spasms. During the spasms, similar to other muscles that cramp, a pelvic diaphragm spasm can feel like a sharp, strong contraction of the muscle that results in a balled-up feeling of the tissue similar to a knot that can develop in overworked muscles .

    Others have described it as a heavy feeling in the pelvic area or like a charley horse. The muscles that are commonly affected by these spasms are the pubococcygeus muscle group. These muscles are also involved in intercourse, especially during an orgasm.

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    Suprapubic Catheter Complications: Tips And Tricks

    Urinary catheters are commonly utilized devices in the emergency department . In addition, complications from these devices are also commonly seen and treated in the ED. This is not a guide on how to place a suprapubic catheter in a patient presenting to the ED. Rather, this is a review of the suprapubic catheter itself and how to manage mechanical problems and its uncommon, but potentially serious, complications.

    Four Types of Urinary Catheterization

  • Indwelling urethral catheters most commonly used in the inpatient or hospital setting for short term drainage of the bladder
  • External catheters
  • Intermittent catheters the catheter is removed immediately after bladder decompression.
  • Suprapubic catheters
  • The most invasive of the catheter types requires surgical placement through the abdominal wall and into the bladder.
  • In non-emergent situations, these are usually placed by a urologist via a percutaneous or open surgical technique.
  • I rarely ever see suprapubic catheters. What are the reasons a patient would have one?

    Suprapubic catheters are beneficial because they prevent urethral trauma and stricture formation seen with long term indwelling catheters. They allow patients to attempt normal voiding without the need for re-catheterization of the urethra and they also interfere less with sexual activity.

    Take Home Point

    Mechanical Complications of Suprapubic Catheters

  • More common with silicone vs latex catheters.13
  • A pair of scissors
  • What Problems Are Caused By Pelvic Floor Muscle Spasm

    When there is dysfunction or malfunction of the pelvic floor muscles the result can be dysfunction or malfunction of the critical functions provided by the pelvic floor.

    • Vaginal Problems Namely there can be painful intercourse mainly at the entrance to the vagina. This can lead to further problems such as persistent vaginal entrance pain from the resulting neurologic hypersensitivity.
    • Urinary Problems There can be sensations of need to urinate frequently, urgently or feelings of incomplete bladder emptying. These problems must be distinguished from a problem inside the bladder. This can easily be done with urodynamic testing and a comprehensive exam by an expert in the area.
    • Defecatory Problems There can be feeling of constant need to move the bowels and incomplete bowel emptying. There can also be a levator-sphincter dyssynergia. This is when the pelvic floor contracts to move the bowels out but the anal sphincter does not open properly.

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    Bladder Pain In Women And Men

    Bladder pain is more common in women. This is likely due to the fact that the two most common causes of bladder pain urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis more often affect women than men. It may be also due to the fact that the bladder comes into direct contact with a womans reproductive organs, which may cause irritation and aggravate symptoms.

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    Natural Prevention For Bladder Spasms

    Bladder Spasms â Causes, Symptoms &  Treatment

    To prevent bladder spasms, you can live a healthy lifestyle and avoid triggers for the underlying causes of bladder spasms. Here are a few tips for maintaining your quality of life and your continence.

    What can you do to prevent bladder spasms? To promote healthy bladder function and prevent bladder spasms, follow these guidelines:

    • Reduce your daily stress
    • Exercise regularly.

    Additionally, for women, wipe from front to back after defecating. This will avoid transferring bacteria to your urethra. Urethral bacteria is how urinary tract infections happen.

    For both men and women, urinate after sex to flush out any bacteria trapped in your urethra. This will help to avoid any UTIs that may trigger bladder spasms.

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