Thursday, July 25, 2024

Where Is Your Bladder Woman

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Layers Of The Bladder

Female Bladder Leakage: Solutions to Get Control | Christopher Tarnay, MD | UCLAMDChat

Your bladder is made up of layers.

The first layer is on the inside of your bladder and is called transitional epithelium. It is a special type of lining that stretches as the bladder fills up. It stops the urine being absorbed back into your body.

The second layer is a thin layer of connective tissue called the lamina propria.

The third layer is muscle tissue called the muscularis propria.

The fourth layer is fatty connective tissue. It separates the bladder from other body organs, such as the prostate and kidneys.

What Steps Can I Take At Home To Treat Urinary Incontinence

Your doctor or nurse may suggest some things you can do at home to help treat urinary incontinence. Some people do not think that such simple actions can treat urinary incontinence. But for many women, these steps make urinary incontinence go away entirely, or help leak less urine. These steps may include:

You can also buy pads or protective underwear while you take other steps to treat urinary incontinence. These are sold in many stores that also sell feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads.

What Are The Symptoms Of Bladder Control Problems

Signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence can include

  • leaking urine during everyday activities, such as lifting, bending, coughing, or exercising
  • being unable to hold in urine after feeling a sudden, strong urge to urinate
  • leaking urine without any warning or urge
  • being unable to reach a toilet in time
  • wetting your bed during sleep
  • leaking during sexual activity

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What Is Urinary Retention

Urinary retention is a condition where your bladder doesnt empty all the way or at all when you urinate. Your bladder is like a storage tank for urine. Urine is made up of waste thats filtered out of your blood by your kidneys. Once filtered, the urine moves to your bladder where it waits till its time to move through the urethra and out of the body.

When you have urinary retention, it can be acute or chronic . Acute means that it comes on quickly and it could be severe. Chronic urinary retention means that youve had the condition for a longer period of time.

The acute form of urinary retention is an emergency. In this case, youll need to see a healthcare provider right away. The chronic form happens most of the time in older men, but it can also occur in women.

How Can You Tell If Your Bladder Has Dropped

  • How Can You Tell If Your Bladder Has Dropped? Center
  • The urinary bladder is a hollow organ in the pelvis that stores urine. During urination, urine leaves the bladder and exits the body through the urethra. The vagina supports the front of the bladder in women. This wall can weaken with age or get damaged during vaginal childbirth. If weakness is significant, the bladder can prolapse , and this is called bladder prolapse or cystocele.

    Many patients may be asymptomatic in the early stages. Signs and symptoms of a prolapsed bladder depend on the extent and grade of prolapse. Patients can usually tell if their bladder has dropped when they face difficulty urinating, pain or discomfort, and stressincontinence , which are the most common symptoms of a prolapsed bladder. One of the early symptoms of a prolapsed bladder is the presence of tissue that feels like a ball in the vagina. Some common signs and symptoms of a prolapsed bladder include:

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    Location Of Bladder In Adult Males

    In this case, the excretory storage organ is comparatively large in size and, consequently, the fluid storage capacity. Concerning its position, the base of this elastic and muscular sac lies in the region between the pubic symphysis and rectum.

    The recto-vesical pouch serves to separate it from the rectum, while the prostate lies in the region below this urine-storing organ.

    Understanding The The Urinary System

    The bodys urinary system is also called the renal system, and it is made up of several different organs.1-3 The urinary systems job is to filter out waste and extra water from the blood and remove it from the body in the form of urine. The major organs that make up the urinary system are:

    • Two kidneys
    • One urethra

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    Watch What You Eat And Keep A Food Diary

    A condition called interstitial cystitis, which is much more common in women than men, can cause bladder pain, an urgent, frequent need to urinate, and sexual dysfunction. Some people find that certain foods worsen their bladder symptoms, Badlani says. Acidic foods, such as tomatoes and orange juice, may be linked to flare-ups. Keep a diary of your symptoms and see if you can connect them to any foods. If you can, steer clear of these foods and see if you notice any improvement.

    The Layers Of The Bladder Wall

    What Causes Incontinence – Bladder Control Problems In Men And Women

    The bladder walls are mainly made up of muscle tissue, but the inside of the bladder is lined with two different types of tissue.1-3 The inside of the bladder is lined with a thin layer of cells, which is called the urothelium. Between this lining of cells and the muscles of the bladder is another very thin layer of tissue called the lamina propria. Most bladder cancers start in the cells of the bladder lining.

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    Location Of Female Bladder

    Some aspects of its location are similar in both men and women, but it does manifest certain differences in the opposite genders. In the adult females, the organ lies anterior to the vagina and inferior to the uterus . Owing to the relative shift in location, it also reduces in size as it cannot store as much the volume of urine as in males.

    Is It Normal To Get Up To Wee During The Night

    It is very common to need to get up to wee once or maybe twice a night to go wee.

    If you are getting up more than twice a night to go to the toilet, then this is something you should speak to your GP or womens health physio about. Frequent toileting through the night is called Nocturia and can be a sign of things such as sleep apnoea, diabetes, heart problems and kidney problems. Its important any medical issues are investigated by a doctor if you are experiencing Nocturia. Your womens health physio can go through a quick checklist with you to help you and your doctor identify what may be causing your nocturia.

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    What Are Kegel Exercises

    Kegel exercises, also called Kegels or pelvic floor muscle training, are exercises for your pelvic floor muscles to help prevent or reduce stress urinary incontinence. Your pelvic floor muscles support your uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum.

    Four in 10 women improved their symptoms after trying Kegels.9 Kegels can be done daily and may be especially helpful during pregnancy. They can help prevent the weakening of pelvic floor muscles, which often happens during pregnancy and childbirth. Your pelvic floor muscles may also weaken with age and less physical activity.

    Some women have urinary symptoms because the pelvic floor muscles are always tightened. In this situation, Kegel exercises will not help your urinary symptoms and may cause more problems. Talk to your doctor or nurse about your urinary symptoms before doing Kegel exercises.

    Is It Normal To Have To Wee So Much

    Female Bladder Leakage Types &  Treatments

    Like I was saying earlier, everyone assumes what they do is normal. Especially when it comes to wees and poos. I bet its not something you chat about over coffee . So lets have a chat and talk about what is normal with your wees.

    The bladder is a seriously amazing organ and can hold up to 1 litre, yup, 1000ml of urine! But if everything is working well and youre not pregnant, then wed be hoping for your average wee volume to be about 300-500ml of urine each time you go.

    In terms of how often you go to the toilet to wee, a normal amount would be weeing from 6-8 times during your awake time and getting up once through the night to go wee. If you are pregnant then this may increase and you may find youre getting up through the night twice to wee.

    If you are reading this and thinking, But I need to go to the toilet every hour! then this can be a sign youre experiencing something called Urinary Frequency. This can happen for a whole range of reasons but the main thing is that it shows the bladder is sending the message to the brain to empty at much smaller volumes. This is something that you can get help for and seeing a womens health physio is a great place to get that help.

    If you are also experiencing pain, stinging, burning or blood in your urine then you may have a urinary tract infection and should seek medical help as soon as possible. Urinary tract infections can come on very quickly and if left untreated the infection can travel up to the kidneys.

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    Signs And Symptoms Associated With Bladder Pain

    The most common cause of bladder pain is a urinary tract infection often involving the urethra as well since most infections are bacterial and ascending. Other signs and symptoms may include :

    • Pain or burning sensation in the genitalia, especially when urinating, during intercourse and when ejaculating .
    • Urethral discharge and/or vaginal discharge in women
    • Cloudy urine that is strong smelling
    • Blood in the urine that may make the urine appear dark yellow to brow, orange or even red.
    • Frequent urination
    • Urinary incontinence
    • Suprapubic pain when defecating

    Straining to urinate, hesitancy and post-micturition dribble may indicate the involvement of the prostate gland in men. Fever, chills, malaise and nausea are indicative of a severe infection. Unintentional weight loss associated with bladder pain may be due to bladder cancer.

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    How To Treat Bladder Prolapse

    Women who have mild bladder prolapse without symptoms usually dont require treatment. The doctor may advise regular follow-up and conservative measures such as exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent worsening. You do not need to treat your prolapse if it is not causing distress.

    Treatment options for bladder prolapse depend on the grade of the condition. A combination of medical treatment and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and lifestyle modifications may be needed.

    Treatment options include:

    • Behavioral techniques:
    • Fluid and diet management: This includes reducing or avoiding alcohol, caffeine or acidic foods, and fluid consumption.
    • Bladder training: This includes training the bladder to delay urination after having the urge to urinate. The patient could start by trying to hold off going to the bathroom for 10 minutes every time theres an urge to urinate and gradually lengthening the time between going to the bathroom.
    • Double voiding: This means to urinate and then waiting to urinate again after a few minutes.
  • Electrical stimulation: Electrodes can be temporarily inserted into the rectum or vagina to stimulate and strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
  • Medications: Estrogen replacement therapy can help menopausal women.
  • Surgery: Surgery may be performed through the vagina or abdomen. Surgical treatments include open surgery, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery.
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    Bladder Pain Location And Symptoms

    Posted by Dr. Chris

    The urinary bladder lies in the lesser pelvis in adults and the lower part of the abdomen in adolescents. When distended, the adult bladder rises into the greater pelvis and in some individuals, it can extend into the lower abdomen. Bladder pain may arise for a number of reasons including infectious and non-infectious inflammation , prolapse , bladder stones and tumors.

    Bladder conditions may affect surrounding organs and structures or the pain may refer to these areas. In men, the bladder lies above the prostate gland, in front of the rectum and behind the pubic symphysis. In women, the bladder lies below the uterus and peritoneal cavity, in front of the vagina and behind the pubic symphysis. This is discussed further under bladder location.

    Where Do Girls Pee From

    How to Empty Bladder Contents to Overcome Bladder Emptying Problems

    Just like men, women pee out of their urethra. The difference is that men have a single opening at the very tip of the penis where they pee out of and ejaculate from. Women, on the other hand, have a separate orifice.

    In women, the urethral hole is between the vaginal opening and clitoris. Unfortunately, it is hard to figure out the exact location where the urine is coming out of, which leads to some accidents when trying to pee in a cup at the doctor’s office. The following picture explains the location of the urethral opening better and directly.

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    Take Steps To Reduce Your Bladder Cancer Risk

    The best way to lower your bladder cancer risk is to quit smoking. Smoking is the number one risk factor for bladder cancer, says Dr. Donat. There is some data to suggest that women metabolize carcinogens from smoking differently than men. In fact, woman may have a 30 to 50% greater risk of bladder cancer than men who smoke at comparable levels.

    Ask Your Doctor For A Referral To A Urologist

    For women diagnosed with a UTI, Dr. Donat has this advice: Make sure your doctor sends a urine culture for testing, she says. If you did have a culture, make sure it came back positive to confirm that you actually have an infection. If the culture was negative or your bladder symptoms continue despite treatment, dont be afraid to ask your doctor for a referral to a urologist to get a formal evaluation.

    Tests can sometimes distinguish the bleeding associated with bladder cancer from postmenopausal uterine bleeding, but the results are not always clear-cut. Your gynecologist can send a catheterized urine sample for testing to determine the source of the blood and to evaluate for gynecologic causes of the bleeding, Dr. Donat explains. If your gynecologic exam fails to identify the source of the bleeding or is inconclusive, or if your irritative bladder symptoms persist, you should also seek out the expertise of a urologist.

    Hematuria may originate in the bladder or the kidneys, says Dr. Donat, so a urologist needs to check both. This is best done with a special CT scan of the urinary tract called a CT urogram and by looking in the bladder with a lighted telescope called a cystoscope. This procedure, called a cystoscopy, is usually done in an office in just a few minutes and does not require anesthesia, says Dr. Donat. A urine test called a cytology may also be sent to check for cancer cells in the urine.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Retention

    The signs can vary. Some people with the chronic form have a hard time starting the flow of urine. Some have a weak flow once they start. Others may feel the need to go but cant start. Others have to go a lot, while others still feel the need to go right after going. You may leak urine when you arent going because the bladder is full.

    With the acute form, youre all of a sudden not able to go at all, or only able to go very small amounts. This occurs even though you have a full bladder. See a healthcare provider right away if this happens to you.

    Two Holes Near The Pee Hole

    Ghim trên Health

    It is important thing to remember that women have three holes. These include the vagina, the pee hole or urethral opening and the anus. You already know where the urethral opening is, so to give some context for the answer to “Where do girls pee from?” here is the pertinent information on the other holes.

    1. The Vagina

    The vagina is a muscular and soft canal with a flexible, soft lining that lubricates the area and provides sensation. The vagina is responsible for connecting the outside world and the uterus. The entrance includes the labia and the vulva, and the interior end contains the cervix which is part of the uterus that protrudes into a woman’s vagina.

    During sexual intercourse, the vagina is responsible for receiving the penis. During menstruation, it serves to bring the blood from the uterus out of the body. During birth, the vagina becomes the birth canal that the baby must pass through.

    The vaginal opening is surrounded by the hymen, a thin membrane which narrows it. You can tear this hymen by sexual activity at the first time, but it can be torn by exercising as well.

    2. The Anus

    The anus is a woman’s opening where their gastrointestinal tract ends in the body. The anus begins at the bottom portion of the rectum which is the final portion of the large intestine and colon. There is an anorectal line separating the rectum and anus. Fascia is a tough tissue that surrounds the anus, attaching it to the structures nearby.

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    How Does The Urinary System Work

    The urinary system’s function is to filter blood and create urine as a waste by-product. The organs of the urinary system include the kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra.

    The body takes nutrients from food and converts them to energy. After the body has taken the food components that it needs, waste products are left behind in the bowel and in the blood.

    The kidney and urinary systems help the body to eliminate liquid waste called urea, and to keep chemicals, such as potassium and sodium, and water in balance. Urea is produced when foods containing protein, such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in the body. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it is removed along with water and other wastes in the form of urine.

    Other important functions of the kidneys include blood pressure regulation and the production of erythropoietin, which controls red blood cell production in the bone marrow. Kidneys also regulate the acid-base balance and conserve fluids.

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