Thursday, July 25, 2024

Signs Of A Weak Bladder

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Can Nerve Stimulation Help Overactive Bladder

Overactive Bladder Symptoms & Treatments

Yes, nerve stimulation can help improve OAB. Your nerves help tell your brain that your bladder is full. By treating your nerves, you can improve your bladder control.

Nerve stimulation is a reversible treatment. Healthcare providers only recommend it if other treatments dont work.

There are several types of nerve stimulation treatments. These include:

Sacral nerve stimulation

Sacral nerve stimulation is a therapy that electrically stimulates the nerves that control your bladder.

A healthcare provider will implant a small device called a neurotransmitter under the skin near your upper buttock area. The neurotransmitter sends mild electrical impulses through a wire near your sacral nerve. Your sacral nerve is a nerve in your lower back. The impulses help you control your bladder.

Sacral nerve stimulation can reduce the number of times you have to use the bathroom or the number of times you accidentally leak pee. Its overall very effective. Its also an outpatient procedure, so you can go home afterward.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation

Percutaneous tibial stimulation sends small nerve impulses to a nerve branch near your ankle. It helps stimulate bladder control.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation is an outpatient procedure. Many people need 12 weekly sessions and then monthly maintenance sessions afterward.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botox® is the most well-known botulinum toxin brand. A healthcare provider injects Botox into your bladder wall using a cystoscope.

Overactive Bladder In Women

Women are more likely to report symptoms of OAB to their doctor. In fact, at least 40 percent of American women experience symptoms of overactive bladder. Many more may not report the experiences to their doctor at all.

Overactive bladder consists of a series of symptoms that cause you to need to urinate more frequently. These symptoms include

  • feeling a sudden need to urinate
  • not being able to control urination
  • urinating at least two times every night
  • urinating at least eight times every day

Its not clear what causes overactive bladder, but OAB becomes more common in women after menopause. That may be the result of estrogen deficiency. However, overactive bladder can occur at any age.

Overactive bladder is a common childhood condition, but not every accident or soiled bed is the result of OAB. Children frequently grow out of overactive bladder symptoms, but treatment can help prevent frequent urination or complications.

Symptoms of OAB in children include:

  • an urgent or frequent need to urinate
  • accidents or leaking urine
  • urinating more than eight times in a day
  • not feeling as if theyve emptied their bladder despite urinating

Symptoms of OAB become less common as children get older. With age, kids learn to properly control their bladder and recognize signals that they need to urinate. If symptoms of overactive bladder dont seem to be resolving or are getting worse, talk with your childs doctor.

Causes of OAB in children include:

  • urinary tract infection

What The Caregiver Can Do

  • Encourage or help the patient with appropriate skin care after using the bathroom. Use warm water and pat the area dry.
  • Help the patient keep a diary that records specific foods or drinks that may affect how frequently the patient goes to the bathroom.
  • Help the patient maintain a bladder or bowel plan.
  • Encourage the patient to go to the bathroom at consistent time frames during the day, like after a meal.
  • Encourage regular daily exercise, as permitted by the health care team.

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Drugs For Overactive Bladder

In people with overactive bladder, muscles in the bladder wall contract at the wrong time. A group of drugs called anticholinergics combat this problem by blocking the nerve signals related to bladder muscle contractions. Research suggests that these drugs also might increase bladder capacity and decrease the urge to go.

Anticholinergic drugs include:

Oxytrol for women is the only drug available over the counter. Overall, these drugs work about the same in treating overactive bladder, and generally people tolerate all of them well. The main side effect is dry mouth, but anticholinergics also can cause constipation, blurred vision, and increased heartbeat.

Anticholinergics arent right for everyone. Some people with glaucoma, urinary retention, or gastrointestinal disease should avoid using anticholinergic drugs.

The drugs mirabegron and vibegron called beta-3 adrenergic agonists. These medications work by activating a protein receptor in bladder muscles that relaxes them and helps the bladder fill and store urine.

Another type of drug for overactive bladder is the tricyclic antidepressantimipramine hydrochloride , which also relaxes bladder muscles.

Doctors also treat men with drugs that relax a muscle at the bladder neck and prostate to help with emptying. They include:

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What Is An Overactive Bladder

Overactive Bladder: Causes + 8 Natural Remedies

An overactive bladder is a condition resulting from the sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscle in the wall of the bladder.

An overactive bladder causes an uncontrollable and unstoppable urge to pass urine and the frequent need to urinate both during the daytime and night, even though the bladder may only contain a small amount of urine. It is sometimes referred to as small bladder syndrome.

The condition affects around 15% of adults , with women affected more frequently than men. The incidence also increases as you get older.

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Can Sciatic Nerve Cause Frequent Urination

There is no definitive answer to this question as the sciatic nerve is not directly connected to the bladder or any other urinary organs. However, it is possible that sciatic nerve pain or pressure could indirectly cause urinary frequency or urgency. For example, if the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated, this could lead to muscle spasms in the pelvic floor muscles. These muscle spasms could then put pressure on the urinary organs and cause urinary symptoms. If you are experiencing urinary frequency or urgency along with sciatic nerve pain, it is best to discuss this with your doctor to rule out any other potential causes.

Male Bladder Infection: Symptom Cause And Treatment

A bladder infection is a urinary tract infection caused by bacteria. This type of infection, like many UTIs, is more common in women than men due to the anatomical differences of their urinary tracts. The shorter urethra in women increases the risk of bacteria traveling up to the bladder. But, although women are more likely to get UTIs, bladder infection in males is not uncommon. And while the symptoms of urinary tract infections are similar in both men and women, some symptoms are unique to men.

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What Causes Bedwetting In Children

Nighttime wetting is often related to slow physical development, a family history of bedwetting, or making too much urine at night. In many cases, there is more than one cause. Children almost never wet the bed on purposeand most children who wet the bed are physically and emotionally normal.

Sometimes a health condition can lead to bedwetting, such as diabetes or constipation.

Do Daily Pelvic Floor Exercises

Overactive Bladder, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for supporting the bladder, and they help control the flow of urine through the urethra. When they become weakened or damaged, it can cause stress incontinence.

Performing pelvic floor exercises including Kegels, squats, and the bridge can help strengthen the muscles around and within the bladder to prevent urinary incontinence.

According to the results of two clinical trials , women who participate in pelvic floor muscle training are twice as likely to see an improvement in their urinary incontinence than those receiving symptomatic care alone. They are also five times more likely to have their symptoms completely resolve.

Those who have had recent surgery, have given birth recently, or have other health concerns should talk with a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen.

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Complementary Alternative And Integrative Therapies And Practices

There may be steps you can take on your own to improve your bladder control, either with or without medical therapies.

Keeping a bladder diary tracking your urination as well as food and beverage intake, and other activities can help you figure out what foods or behaviors might contribute to OAB.

Changing your urination behaviors may help train your brain to send signals to urinate in a more regular way. Techniques that may be helpful include:

  • Delayed voiding
  • Timed urination

Its a good idea to talk with your doctor about these techniques before trying any of them.

You may also benefit from exercises that use your pelvic floor muscles, including the following:

  • Kegels This exercise involves squeezing your pelvic muscles tight for a few seconds, then relaxing and repeating this for a set number of repetitions.
  • Quick Flicks When you have the urge to urinate, you may be able to help control it by quickly squeezing and relaxing your pelvic muscles over and over.

Overactive Bladder And Botox

Botox may be best known as a great wrinkle reducer for the face. But this injection has actually shown great promise as a treatment for many medical conditions.

Most overactive bladder medications aim to calm muscles and nerves in the urinary tract. If these medicines arent effective, your doctor may consider injecting Botox into your bladder muscles. This can help calm the muscles and reduce symptoms of OAB.

Botox injections for overactive bladder are well-tolerated with few side effects. The injections effects typically last six to eight months. After that time, your doctor may want to use another round of injections to control symptoms.

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Urinary Incontinence In Older Adults

Urinary incontinence means a person leaks urine by accident. While it may happen to anyone, urinary incontinence is more common in older people, especially women. Incontinence can often be cured or controlled. Talk to your healthcare provider about what you can do.

What happens in the body to cause bladder control problems? The body stores urine in the bladder. During urination, muscles in the bladder tighten to move urine into a tube called the urethra. At the same time, the muscles around the urethra relax and let the urine pass out of the body. When the muscles in and around the bladder dont work the way they should, urine can leak. Incontinence typically occurs if the muscles relax without warning.

Common Causes For Women

Pin by Leslie Kolkmann on health

The likelihood of developing a weak stream or urinary hesitancy is lower in women than men. Usually, women develop a weak stream during pregnancy and immediately after birth.

Women are more prone to develop a weak stream or urinary hesitancy after childbirth when they also experience the following:

  • Use of forceps or vacuum during childbirth
  • Baby weighing over 4000 grams

Urinary hesitancy among women is quite common after childbirth because of the trauma to the nerves that surround the urinary tract and the bladder.

Proper postpartum bladder care, such as voiding the bladder at least once every 6 hours can help prevent and relieve a weak stream or urinary hesitancy after childbirth.

Urinary tract infections are another common cause of urinary hesitancy in women.

Complications of a weak stream or urinary hesitancy

Even when there is a non-severe case of urinary hesitancy, ignoring your symptoms of weak urine flow or trouble starting urination may cause the condition to get worse. Eventually, the condition may lead to urinary retention, which is when a person cannot empty his bladder completely.

A complete or sudden inability to urinate is a serious condition that requires urgent medical attention. It may lead to serious health problems when not treated on time.

A person experiencing urinary hesitation must look for any signs of infection, such as pain or fever.

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What Causes Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is not an inevitable result of aging, but it is particularly common in older people. It is often caused by specific changes in body function that may result from diseases, use of medications and/or the onset of an illness. Sometimes it is the first and only symptom of a urinary tract infection. Women are most likely to develop urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth, or after the hormonal changes of menopause.

When Should I See A Gynaecologist About A Weak Bladder

If you begin experiencing regular incontinence or episodes where its more than a few drops and you wet yourself more, then you need to make an appointment to have this assessed. A history of how often you leak, what you are doing when leakage occurs, when it happens , any accidents, limitations on exercise, work or walking will guide your doctor in:

  • how much toll the problem is taking, and
  • what the causes might be
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    The Link Between Weak Bladder And Oab

    When the smooth muscle within the bladder becomes overactive, it can lead to improper contraction and relaxation of the muscle. Problems in the nerves that stimulate the bladder, as well as some neurological conditions, may lead to OAB.

    According to the Urology Care Foundation, as many as 30% of men and 40% of women in the United States have OAB symptoms.

    The muscles in the lower abdomen that support the bladder and urethra are known as the pelvic muscles. For women, these muscles often stretch and weaken during pregnancy and childbirth, which can cause organs in the abdomen to shift.

    A lack of muscle support around the bladder can cause sagging, which can lead to leakage. This can lead to stress incontinence, which often results from a mix of OAB and urge incontinence.

    If a person is experiencing frequent urination or having urine leakage after a sudden urge to urinate, it may be time to talk with a doctor about treatment options to help with OAB.

    However, there are also several lifestyle changes that a person can make to help to calm the bladder muscle, which may help improve OAB symptoms. Read on to learn more.

    The sections below provide suggestions for ways to help manage a weak bladder, which may also improve OAB symptoms.

    How You Can Manage Symptoms

    Does diabetes cause a WEAK bladder?! | A Urologist Explains

    Some guys have success by spacing out their fluid intake during the day and cutting back on liquids a few hours before bed. If that helps, stick with it. But dont restrict yourself too much you could become dehydrated. Not drinking enough fluids can lead to complications such as bladder infections, which can make urinary incontinence worse.

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    How Common Are Bladder Control Problems

    Bladder control problems are common, especially in women. Researchers estimate that approximately half of all women experience UI.1 Women are more likely to develop UI during and after pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. These events and how the female urinary tract is built make UI more common in women than men. Although UI is common, it is not a routine part of being a woman or getting older.

    As many as 1 in 3 men over the age of 65 may lose urine by accident, and approximately half of men who seek treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms experience UI.2,3 A man is more likely to develop UI with age because prostate problems occur more often with age.

    What Else Causes Bladder Control Problems In Women

    Certain life events and health problems can lead to stress incontinence in women by weakening the pelvic floor muscles

    • pregnancy and childbirth

    Weak pelvic floor muscles can make it hard for your bladder to hold urine in during stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when an actioncoughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activityputs pressure on your bladder and causes urine to leak. A weak pelvic floor can also cause fecal incontinence, or bowel control problems.

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    Signs Of Sciatica Improving

    Its as simple as knowing whether the pain is retreating or going. If you have pain in your bum one day and pain in your legs the next, you are more likely to experience worsening pain. In other words, if the pain is leaving, you can conclude that your sciatica is getting better.

    How do I know if my sciatica is getting better or worse? An irritated nerve causes a pain known as sciatica. The most common cause is a slipped disc, which places pressure on the sciatic nerve. While a Sciatica can get worse before it gets better, it can also get better over time. Even though the pain is severe, the movement and location of the wound do not indicate healing. Acute pain usually lasts 1-2 weeks and chronic pain usually lasts 2-6 weeks. You can also use physical therapy to help alleviate the symptoms.

    Would you like to see a physical therapist for free? We offer expert advice about the anxiety and frustration of life-changing aches and pains in as little as 30 minutes. Anyone who is unsure whether physical therapy is right for them can take advantage of our taster sessions.

    Managing Overactive Bladders In Men

    Weak urine stream

    Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

    For most men, one trip to the bathroom will empty the bladder and provide relief for several hours. Men with overactive bladder will regularly feel a powerful urge to urinate throughout the day and night. OAB can be life-altering, affect men of all ages, and wreak havoc on your job, social and active lifestyle, and your sleep. Thankfully, there are a variety of approaches available to ease an overactive bladder and get your life back.

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    Making Too Much Urine

    Your childs kidneys may make too much urine overnight, leading to an overfull bladder. If your child doesnt wake up in time, a wet bed is likely. Often this excess urine at night is due to low levels of a natural substance called antidiuretic hormone . ADH tells the kidneys to release less water at night.

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