Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prostate Cancer And Bladder Cancer Connection

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Genetics and Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer and Bladder Cancer

Diagnosis begins with detailed family history and a complete physical examination. Part of the exam has us press on your abdomen to feel for any unusual solid masses. Urine is tested for blood and the presence of cancer cells. An X-ray of the kidney is taken, as well as ultrasound, CT scans, and an MRI. The point of these imaging tests is to determine the nature of the abnormality of the kidney and to see the extent of cancer. Chest X-rays and bone scans may be ordered to check for distant cancer sites.

Bladder And Urinary Troubles

A prostate tumor that has grown significantly in size may start to press on your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the passage the carries urine from your bladder out of your body. If the tumor is pressing on your urethra, you might have trouble passing urine.

One of the common areas for prostate cancer to spread to is the bladder, because the two organs are close. This can cause additional problems with urination and bladder function.

Some symptoms your bladder and urethra are being affected by cancer include:

  • urinating more frequently
  • getting up in the middle of the night to pee
  • having blood in your urine or semen
  • feeling like you have to urinate often and not actually passing anything

Its not as common, but prostate cancer can also spread to your bowel. The cancer first spreads to the rectum, which is the part of your bowel closest to the prostate gland.

Symptoms of cancer thats spread to the bowels include:

  • stomach pain

Should I Make Any Lifestyle Changes Including In My Diet Or Physical Activity

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and staying physically active, can help your overall health. These lifestyle changes can also have a positive effect for men with bone metastases, Tagawa says. Both diet and exercise, he says, are things that are under a mans direct control.

A healthy lifestyle can help you better manage side effects from treatment as well. Try setting small but realistic goals for yourself when it comes to eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise.

While no single food is likely to have a benefit for prostate cancer, smart food choices may help you feel better day to day. Start by cutting out foods high in sugar, saturated fat, and added flavorings and preservatives.

If youre not sure which healthy foods to choose, ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian. This specialist can help you develop a meal plan that includes foods that offer the best chance of slowing the cancers growth and keeping you as healthy as possible.

As an oncologist, Tagawa says he concentrates on treating the cancer itself, but hes aware that many of the men he sees with advanced prostate cancer are older and more likely than younger men to have health problems that can benefit from diet and exercise.

And if youre on hormone therapy, talk to your doctor about investing in some weights or elastic resistance bands to support your bone strength too.

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Side Effects Of Prostate Surgery

The major possible side effects of radical prostatectomy are urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction . These side effects can also occur with other forms of prostate cancer treatment.

Urinary incontinence: You may not be able to control your urine or you may have leakage or dribbling. Being incontinent can affect you not only physically but emotionally and socially as well. These are the major types of incontinence:

  • Men with stress incontinence might leak urine when they cough, laugh, sneeze, or exercise. Stress incontinence is the most common type after prostate surgery. Itâs usually caused by problems with the valve that keeps urine in the bladder . Prostate cancer treatments can damage this valve or the nerves that keep the valve working.
  • Men with overflow incontinence have trouble emptying their bladder. They take a long time to urinate and have a dribbling stream with little force. Overflow incontinence is usually caused by blockage or narrowing of the bladder outlet by scar tissue.
  • Men with urge incontinencehave a sudden need to urinate. This happens when the bladder becomes too sensitive to stretching as it fills with urine.
  • Rarely after surgery, men lose all ability to control their urine. This is called continuous incontinence.

After surgery for prostate cancer, normal bladder control usually returns within several weeks or months. This recovery usually occurs slowly over time.

There are several options for treating erectile dysfunction:

The Following Stages Are Used For Bladder Cancer:

Bladder Cancer

Stage 0

In stage 0, abnormalcells are found in tissue lining the inside of the bladder. These abnormal cells may become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue. Stage 0 is divided into stages 0a and 0is, depending on the type of the tumor:

  • Stage 0a is also called noninvasive papillary carcinoma, which may look like long, thin growths growing from the lining of the bladder.
  • Stage 0is is also called carcinoma in situ, which is a flat tumor on the tissue lining the inside of the bladder.

Stage I

In stage I, cancer has formed and spread to the layer of connective tissue next to the inner lining of the bladder.

Stage II

In stage II, cancer has spread to the layers of muscle tissue of the bladder.

Stage III

Stage III is divided into stages IIIA and IIIB.

  • In stage IIIA:
  • cancer has spread from the bladder to the layer of fat surrounding the bladder and may have spread to the reproductive organs and cancer has not spread to lymph nodes or
  • cancer has spread from the bladder to one lymph node in the pelvis that is not near the common iliac arteries .

Stage IV

  • In stage IVB, cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the lung, bone, or liver.
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    How You Might Feel

    Finding out that you cant be cured is distressing and can be a shock. Its common to feel uncertain and anxious. It’s normal to not be able to think about anything else.

    Lots of information and support is available to you, your family and friends. Some people find it helpful to find out more about their cancer and the treatments they might have. Many people find that knowing more about their situation can make it easier to cope.

    Talk to your doctor or nurse to understand:

    • what your diagnosis means

    How Does Kidney Cancer Appear

    Kidney cancer is the growth of malignant cells in one or both kidneys. The two kidneys, located deep in the body at about the middle of the back, control the fluid balance in the body and filter wastes out of the blood and into the urine. The renal pelvis is the site in the kidney where the urine pools. From there, it moves through a narrow conduit and empties into the bladder. There are three main types of kidney cancer: renal cell carcinoma , transitional cell cancer , and Wilms tumorwhich affects young children. Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 85% of all kidney cancers. Remember, only one kidney is necessary to support life. So if a kidney is cancerous and has to be removed, the other kidney takes over the function of the missing one.

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    How Effective Is A Cystoprostatectomy

    Once the cancer has reached the muscle of the bladder walls, it is considered invasive, Li says. This means recovery and survival rates are likely to be lower than if the cancer had not spread beyond its first site.

    The prognosis for people with bladder cancer who have had a cystoprostatectomy depends on many factors, but the 5-year survival rate is still relatively good, an estimated 60% to 70% overall, Li says. If the cancer is found outside the bladder, that number drops to about 50%. If the lymph nodes are involved, it drops again to about 30%, he adds.

    In general, your prognosis is better when the cystoprostatectomy is performed by experienced surgeons at âhigh-volumeâ centers , Li says. There are four or five different centers in the U.S., Moffitt being one of them, which performs about 150 to 200 cystectomies a year, Li says. This includes both women and men, though females do not have the âprostatectomyâ part of the operation.

    Soreness In The Groin

    Latest advances in precision medicine for prostate and bladder cancer

    When prostate cancer spreads, its common for cancer cells to go to your lymph nodes and then move to more areas of your body. The lymph nodes are a network of glands that help your body filter fluids and fight infections.

    There are several lymph nodes in your groin. These are the ones closest to your prostate, so its common for the cancer to spread to them first. Cancer cells prevent your lymph nodes from draining fluid and working properly. When this happens, your lymph nodes swell. As a result, you might experience pain or soreness in the area.

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    There Are Three Ways That Cancer Spreads In The Body

    Cancer can spread through tissue, the lymph system, and the blood:

    • Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas.
    • Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the lymph system. The cancer travels through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body.
    • Blood. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the blood. The cancer travels through the blood vessels to other parts of the body.

    Symptoms Of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    Metastatic prostate cancer means that a cancer that began in the prostate gland has spread to another part of the body. It is also called advanced prostate cancer.

    If your prostate cancer has spread you might:

    • have bone pain
    • feel generally unwell
    • have weight loss for no known reason

    You might have specific symptoms depending on where the cancer has spread to. These symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions so might not be a sign that the cancer has spread.

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    Despite This Pancreatic Cancer Is Among The Deadliest Types Of Cancer Which Is Why Its Extremely Important To Know And Recogni

    In fact, most people donât even know what it does. When malignant cancer cells form and grow within a personâs breast tissue, breast cancer occurs. Although it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in american women, breast cancer can impact people of all genders. It may grow slowly and itâs typically treatable. The pancreas is a bodily organ that few people think about. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in men. The pancreas is located behind the stomach, so having pancreatic cancer doesnât involve a palpable mass that you can feel. If breast cancer is diagnosed at an early enough stage, itâs treatable. Being armed with information is vital to begin the fight. Find the information you need today. Here are 10 more facts about prostate cancer. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer found in women after skin cancer but that doesnât mean men arenât at risk as well. But hearing the words can still be scary.

    The Top 7 Signs Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

    Upfront Chemotherapy Improves Survival in Bladder Cancer Subtype

    In the early stages, you may not notice any symptoms related to prostate cancer. This is why screenings are important. Symptoms can sometimes be noticed for the first time when the cancer advances.

    Advanced prostate cancer, also called metastatic cancer, means the cancer has spread to other areas of your body beyond your prostate gland. The most common areas for prostate cancer to spread are your bladder, rectum, and bones. It can also spread to your lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and other body tissues.

    Whether youve just been diagnosed or youre in treatment, its also important to know the signs of advanced cancer. Cancer can behave differently depending on your genetics, so not every person will experience the same symptoms in the same way.

    Read on to learn more about the seven top symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and how to spot them.

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    Prostate Cancer & Bladder Cancer

    The genitourinary oncology staff at the University of Florida form a comprehensive, multidisciplinary oncology service. Faculty physicians from Radiation Oncology, Urologic Surgical Oncology, and Medical Oncology all maintain clinical services within the Shands Cancer Center, with patients seen by any or all indicated services every weekday. A weekly multidisciplinary tumor conference, or tumor board, is held on Tuesday mornings to review new and active clinical cases, with formulation of treatment recommendations based on both institutional and national clinical research and experience.

    Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer An Overview in English

    The genitourinary oncology service both participates in NCI-sponsored treatments protocols and maintains institutional treatment protocols for the management of prostate, bladder, and testicular cancers. Patients treated at the Shands Hospitals and Clinics are closely followed in both prospective and retrospective clinical outcome reviews emphasized by the educational and research commitment of the University of Florida.

    Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer An Overview in Spanish

    Prostate Kidney & Bladder Cancer

    Wisconsin Institute of Urology offers a full range of state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options for genitourinary cancers. These include cancers of the prostate, kidneys, bladder, testicles, penis and adrenal glands. Treatment for tumors of these organs includes open, laparoscopic, and robotic surgery, radiation, cryotherapy , and medication, including in-office shots, oral medication, and chemotherapy. The providers at Wisconsin Institute of Urology work closely with other local, regional, and national specialists to deliver comprehensive care.

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    Where Does Prostate Cancer Spread

    The most common place for prostate cancer to spread to is the bones. It can also spread to the:

    • lymph nodes
    • liver
    • lungs

    A large tumour in the prostate gland can spread into or press on areas around the prostate, such as the back passage or urethra. The urethra is the tube which carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

    Transitional Cell Carcinoma Is The Most Common Form Of Bladder Cancer

    Prostate, ED & Your Bladder: What’s the Connection?

    Essentially, there are three types of bladder cancers, transitional cell carcinomas which begin in the layer of cells lining the bladder, squamous cell carcinomas which originate in one type of cell in the bladders lining, and adenocarcinomas that begin in glandular cells. Bladder cancers are further identified according to how theyve spread. If the cancer is only found within in the bladders lining, its characterized as superficial cancer, while carcinomas which have spread to the muscle wall are referred to as invasive. Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer of the bladder and accounts for approximately 90% of bladder cancer cases.

    Its worth noting that 70% of transitional cell carcinoma cases are the superficial kind and, therefore, unlikely to metastasize. Unfortunately, the remaining 30% of TCC occurrences fall into the muscle invasive group, having invaded the bladders muscular wall and potentially other nearby organs. Prompt diagnosis is crucial as treatment options are determined by how deeply the carcinoma has invaded the bladder, whether or not its metastasized, and if so, to where.

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    Bladder Cancer: What You Need To Know

    Bladder Cancer is most common in men over the age of 60. There are two broad categories of bladder cancer based on what symptoms you may be experiencing, including:

    • Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Approximately 70 percent of patients have non-muscle invasive cancer
    • Muscle-Invasive And Advanced Bladder Cancer Between 20 percent and 25 percent of bladder cancer cases are muscle-invasive

    Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer

    We know processing this information and planning treatment can be difficult. Our doctors are here to help make you to feel at ease throughout the treatment process. Here are some things you can expect with the different treatment options. If the cancer has spread into the bladder wall or outside the bladder, treatment may include:

    • Cystectomy With Urinary Diversion In men, the bladder and prostate are identified, dissected and removed. Surrounding lymph nodes are removed to assess the extent or spread of the cancer.
    • Chemotherapy A systemic treatment in which drugs are given throughout the entire body. Its designed to kill cancer cells. Typically, it is administered intravenously .
    • Radiation Therapy with Chemotherapy Radiation uses high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells. The addition of systemic chemotherapy makes cancer cells more vulnerable to the killing effects of radiation. Radiation therapy is also used to relieve symptoms of advanced bladder.

    How Is Bladder Cancer Diagnosed

    Anyone with blood in the urine should have other testing done. Often, the first thing that is done is a urine cytology, which looks at the urine under a microscope to find abnormal appearing cells. If these cells are seen, a diagnosis of cancer may be made. However, the test does not detect all cases of bladder cancer.

    • An X-ray of the upper urinary tract may be done to diagnose bladder cancer or to see if these structures contain cancer.
    • Ultrasound can be used to study the kidneys.
    • A CT scan is used to look at the entire urinary tract.
    • An intravenous pyelogram can be used to study the urinary tract. An IVP puts a dye into a patient’s vein and then an x-ray is done a short time later. The dye exits the body via the kidneys and urine and can be seen on the x-ray, showing the kidney collecting system, ureters, and often the bladder.

    Though the above tests are useful, the most important test for diagnosis and staging is a cystoscopy. A fiberoptic camera is placed into the bladder, going through the urethra. Cystoscopy allows the provider to see the entire bladder and biopsy any suspicious lesions. If the biopsy reveals cancer, a repeat cystoscopy and resection is done to see the whole tumor and if it has started to spread.

    If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will also have a complete physical done. Your provider will tell you what tests you need to have done to help determine the extent of the cancer and if it has spread.

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