Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Can I Not Empty My Bladder

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How to Better Empty My Bladder

Urgency: This is the main symptom of OAB. It is a strong need to urinate that can’t be ignored. This “gotta go” feeling makes people afraid that they’ll leak urine if they don’t find a bathroom right away. OAB may also cause:

  • Incontinence : Sometimes OAB causes urine to leak out before getting to the bathroom. This is called “urgency incontinence.” Some people may leak just a few drops, while others can have a sudden gush.
  • Urinate frequently: OAB may also cause people to go to the bathroom many times during the day. Experts say that “frequent urination” is when you have to go to the bathroom more than eight times in 24 hours.
  • Wake up at night to urinate: OAB can wake a person from sleep to go to the bathroom more than once a night. This is called “nocturia” by health providers.

Some foods and drinks can bother the bladder. Caffeine, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, chocolate and very spicy foods may make OAB symptoms worse.

OAB does not cause pain. If you feel pain while urinating, you may have an infection. Please talk with your health care provider about pain.

Mistake #: Not Drinking Enough Water

Many urinary complaints are related to poor hydration. Generally speaking, if your urine is clear or very light, that’s a sign you are drinking the right amount of water. If your urine is dark yellow or amber, that’s usually a sign of dehydration.

Odor, an “off” color, and the sense of burning while voiding are other signs that might indicate you are not properly hydrated. Not drinking enough water can contribute to UTIs and kidney stones. Concentrated urine can irritate the lining of the bladder, making it more sensitive. It is also more likely to form kidney or bladder stones.

Many patients ask if drinking alternative fluids will suffice, but many beverages contain high sugar concentrations or caffeine, which can have other health effects, says Dr. Brito, noting these might make overactive bladder symptoms worse. Water is the safest option to maintain hydration and keep your kidneys and bladder healthy.

There are some conditions that can make your urine appear more concentrated even if you are well-hydrated, such as liver problems or hematuria. So, if you are drinking enough water but have dark-colored urine, odor, or burning, its worth a trip to a urologist, who can evaluate your symptoms more closely.

“The ability to urinate freely and without difficulty is taken for granted by most people,” says Dr. Brito. So, next time you have to go, follow the above advice for better urinary health.

How Is Chronic Urinary Retention Diagnosed

History and physical exam: During the diagnosis process, your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms and how long you have had them. He or she will also ask about your medical history and your drug use. A physical exam of the lower abdomen may show the cause or give your provider additional clues. After this, certain tests may be needed. Men may have a rectal exam to check the size of their prostate.

Your urine may be saved and checked to look for infection.

Ultrasound of the bladder: The amount of urine that stays in your bladder after urinating may be measured by doing an ultrasound test of the bladder. This test is called a postvoid residual or bladder scan.

Cystoscopy: Cystoscopy is a test in which a thin tube with a tiny camera on one end is put into your urethra. This lets the doctor look at pictures of the lining of your urethra and bladder. This test may show a stricture of the urethra, blockage caused by a stone, an enlarged prostate or a tumor. It can also be used to remove stones, if found. A computed tomography scan may also help find stones or anything else blocking the flow of urine.

Urodynamic testing: Tests that use a catheter to record pressure within the bladder may be done to tell how well the bladder empties. The rate at which urine flows can also be measured by such tests. This is called urodynamic testing.

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Techniques For Complete Bladder Emptying

  • Timed voids. Urinate at least every three to four hours. Never hold the urine.
  • Double void. Before leaving the restroom, try to empty your bladder a second time. Focus on relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor. You may try running your hands under warm water before your second void to trigger a relaxation response.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids keep the urinary tract hydrated and clean.
  • Have a bowel movement every day. The rectum is just behind the bladder. If it is a full, it can prevent the bladder from functioning properly. Increase your fruit, fiber, water and walking until you have soft bowel movements and dont have to strain. You may add over the counter medications like Senna , Colace or Dulcolax .
  • Comfort and privacy are necessary to empty completely. Give yourself time to go.
  • Leaning forward may promote urination.
  • After you have finished passing urine, squeeze the pelvic floor to try to completely empty.
  • The sound of water can promote the bladder muscle to contract, but care should be taken not to promote bladder muscle instability with overuse of this technique.
  • Tapping over the bladder may assist in triggering a contraction in some people.
  • Stroking or tickling the lower back may stimulate urination and has been reported to be helpful in some patients.
  • Whistling provides a sustained outward breath with a gentle increase in pressure in the abdomen that may help with emptying your bladder.
  • What Causes Urinary Retention

    How to Empty the Bladder: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    Urinary retention can be caused by an obstruction in the urinary tract or by nerve problems that interfere with signals between the brain and the bladder. If the nerves arent working properly, the brain may not get the message that the bladder is full. Even if you know that your bladder is full, the bladder muscle that squeezes urine out may not get the signal that it is time to push, or the sphincter muscles may not get the signal that it is time to relax. A weak bladder muscle can also cause retention.

    Nerve Disease or Spinal Cord Injury

    Many events or conditions can damage nerves and nerve pathways. Some of the most common causes are

    • vaginal childbirth
    • heavy metal poisoning
    • pelvic injury or trauma

    In addition, some children are born with nerve problems that can keep the bladder from releasing urine.

    Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    As a man ages, his prostate gland may enlarge. Doctors call the condition benign prostatic hyperplasia , or benign prostatic hypertrophy.

    As the prostate enlarges, the layer of tissue surrounding it stops it from expanding, causing the gland to press against the urethra like a clamp on a garden hose. As a result, the bladder wall becomes thicker and irritable. The bladder begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination. Eventually, the bladder weakens and loses the ability to empty itself, so urine remains in the bladder.




  • doxepin
  • Bladder Stone

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    What Are The Complications Of Urinary Retention And Its Treatments

    Some complications of urinary retention and its treatments may include:

    • Urinary Tract Infections Because urine is normally sterile and the normal flow of urine usually prevents bacteria from infecting the urinary tract, developing urinary retention means an abnormal urine flow gives bacteria at the opening of the urethra a chance to infect the urinary tract.
    • Bladder damage If your bladder is stretched too far or for extended periods, the muscles may become permanently damaged and lose their ability to properly contract.
    • Kidney damage Sometime urinary retention can cause urine to flow back into the kidneys. This is called reflux and can damage or scar the kidneys.
    • Urinary incontinence Transurethral surgery to treat an enlarged prostate can result in urinary incontinence in some men. Its often temporary with most men gaining bladder control in a few weeks or months after surgery. The removal of tumours or cancerous tissue in the bladder, prostate, or urethra may also result in urinary incontinence.

    Urology : : Frequent Urination Sensation With Discomfort On My Lower Left

    Hello,I heard that you should drink half your weight in oz of water a day. I did that, and now I can’t stop feeling like I have to urinate. I only urinate a little and now I have a discomfort on my lower left side somewhat into my back. This has been going on for the past 2 days. Should I go see my doctor or is this something that will go away?

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    Don’t Do Kegels While Urinating

    At some point in the history of kegeling, word got out that a good time to do kegels is while urinating . The logic behind this theory is that you use your pelvic floor muscles to voluntarily stop the flow of urine, hence if you can stop the flow while urinating, you will know whether or not you can successfully contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles. Heres the deal: its okay to try a kegel or two while you urinate in order to check in to see if you are doing kegels correctly . But this is not something you should do on a regular basis.

    Regularly doing kegels while urinating can lead to incomplete bladder evacuation, which can make your bladder feel like its always full.

    You might think your bladder is the size of an acorn But really, its simply the fact that its never fully empty! To fully empty your bladder, practice your kegel exercises when you are OFF the toilet.

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    What If I Cant Get My Bladder Emptied?

    Thirty or more years ago, when I learned to use ergonomics to go to the bathroom, it was so I wouldn’t have to self-catheterize. There was always a risk of getting more infections from self-catheterizing, not because it was unclean, but because it was invasive, often scraping the urethra and causing irritation .

    This method was the answer to my prayers. All I wanted was to get a good night’s sleep.

    My Own Personal Method

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    Catheters Vs Johnny Or Jane Bottles

    At some point, many people who aren’t able to go to the bathroom on their own will find the urine just trickled out by itself, leaving them wet. You need to find ways to keep dry. Many patients resign themselves to the fact that they need a catheter in place all the time. Catheters can be intra-urethral or super-pubic .

    Some people find that having a catheter in place during a long car ride, plane ride, etc. assisted by a leg or belly bag can be most comfortable and reduce bathroom stops, thus making the driver happy. A Johnny or Jane bottle is also good to keep handy.

    As for sleeping, catheters connected to a bed bag , will most certainly eliminate bathroom trips and allow for a full restful night’s sleep.

    I use a bed bag every time I get a UTI so that I don’t have to get up and run to the bathroom only to find a few painful drops have eeked out. A catheter is very helpful during treatment of a UTI. I usually use it for two nightsthen, I go back to my ergonomic method above.

    Restful sleep is paramount when you are sick like that. You can choose to take the catheter out each morning but it’s best to leave it in for the whole two days/nights.

    Anxiety : : Bladder Not Emptying Completely / Frequent Restroom Trips

    I have been dealing with anxiety my whole life and have had off and issues with emptying my bladder. I will use the restroom and will either feel like i need to go again right after or will experience burning then I know that it didn’t completely empty, will go back and be able to go a little more then the burning will fade. I have had this for a long time and wonder if I could have possibly been born with a minor abnormality causing it or the chronic anxiety not letting the muscles relax enough to empty my bladder. I am constantly told I have a bladder infection by doctors and think this might be the reason. I do experience a tiny burn at the end of the stream but no other bladder infection symptoms. Unless they are diagnosing it solely because of hematuria, which i do have a minor kidney issue that causes microscopic blood in my urine. Does anyone else with anxiety suffer from this? Could it just be the muscles too tense to let the bladder empty?

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    What Are The Complications Of Treatments For Urinary Retention

    UTI from Catheter Use

    Placement of a urinary catheter provides an opportunity for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. Bacteria may come from the patients anus and perineum or from the health workers hands. Health workers must take great care, using sterile technique, when placing a catheter. If you are performing clean intermittent catheterization, you must follow the same sterile procedures every time you handle the catheter.

    Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

    Transurethral surgery to treat an enlarged prostate may result in loss of bladder control or erection problems in some men. These problems are usually temporary. Most men recover their bladder control in a few weeks or months, and most recover their sexual function within 1 year after the operation.

    Hope through Research

    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has many research programs aimed at finding and improving treatments for urinary disorders. Researchers supported by the NIDDK are working to develop methods for preventing UTIs in patients who must use urinary catheters. One team of researchers is developing a catheter that gradually releases an antiseptic agent while it stays in the urinary tract. Another team is studying the use of benign bacteria on a catheter to inhibit the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

    Surgery For Women With Cystocele Or Rectocele

    Why is my bladder weak? 3 possible reasons

    Women may need surgery to lift a fallen bladder or rectum. The most common procedure for cystocele and rectocele repair is for the surgeon to make an incision in the wall of the vagina to find the defect or hole in the membrane-a wall of tissue called fascia-that normally separates the vagina from the other pelvic organs. The surgeon places sutures in the fascia to close up the defect, then closes the incision in the vaginal wall with more stitches, removing any excess tissue. These suturing steps tighten the layers of tissue that separate the organs, creating more support for the pelvic organs.

    Read Also: What Causes Weak Bladder In Females

    My Bladder Never Feels Empty

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

    What Is The Outcome

    The outcome will depend on the underlying cause of urinary retention and whether the urinary retention has caused any damage to your kidneys:

    • Some causes of urinary retention resolve quickly without any long-term problems – eg, urinary retention after a general anaesthetic.
    • In other cases, urinary retention will resolve once the underlying cause has been treated – eg, prostate gland enlargement.
    • Occasionally the cause of urinary retention cannot be cured and a long-term small, flexible tube is needed. Sometimes this can be done by regularly inserting a catheter into the bladder and then removing the catheter once the bladder is emptied.

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    Why Cant I Empty My Bladder All The Way

    Incomplete bladder emptying occurs when the muscles of the bladder are not able to squeeze properly to empty the bladder. This can happen in cases where there may have been nerve or muscle damage, perhaps caused by injury, surgery, or disease such as Parkinsons disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Spina Bifida.

    Why Do I Feel Like I Still Have To Pee After Peeing

    How to Empty Bladder Contents to Overcome Bladder Emptying Problems

    If a person has a constant urge to pee but little comes out when they go, they may have an infection or other health condition. If a person frequently needs to pee but little comes out when they try to go, it can be due to a urinary tract infection , pregnancy, an overactive bladder, or an enlarged prostate.

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    Do I Need To Push To Empty My Bladder

    A healthy bladder works best if the body just relaxes so that the bladder muscles naturally contract to let the urine flow, rather than using the abdominal muscles to bear down as with a bowel movement.

    In men, the need to push urine may be a sign of bladder outlet obstruction, which is commonly due to BPH..

    What Causes Incomplete Emptying Of The Bladder

    Incomplete bladder emptying occurs when the muscles of the bladder are not able to squeeze properly to empty the bladder. This can happen in cases where there may have been nerve or muscle damage, perhaps caused by injury, surgery, or disease such as Parkinsons disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Spina Bifida.

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    What Is Urinary Retention

    Urinary retention is a condition where your bladder doesnt empty all the way or at all when you urinate. Your bladder is like a storage tank for urine. Urine is made up of waste thats filtered out of your blood by your kidneys. Once filtered, the urine moves to your bladder where it waits till its time to move through the urethra and out of the body.

    When you have urinary retention, it can be acute or chronic . Acute means that it comes on quickly and it could be severe. Chronic urinary retention means that youve had the condition for a longer period of time.

    The acute form of urinary retention is an emergency. In this case, youll need to see a healthcare provider right away. The chronic form happens most of the time in older men, but it can also occur in women.

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