Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Stop Bladder Irritation

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Natural Prevention For Bladder Spasms

How to Stop Interstitial Cystitis Bladder Pain in 4 minutes!

To prevent bladder spasms, you can live a healthy lifestyle and avoid triggers for the underlying causes of bladder spasms. Here are a few tips for maintaining your quality of life and your continence.

What can you do to prevent bladder spasms? To promote healthy bladder function and prevent bladder spasms, follow these guidelines:

  • Reduce your daily stress
  • Exercise regularly.

Additionally, for women, wipe from front to back after defecating. This will avoid transferring bacteria to your urethra. Urethral bacteria is how urinary tract infections happen.

For both men and women, urinate after sex to flush out any bacteria trapped in your urethra. This will help to avoid any UTIs that may trigger bladder spasms.

What Is The Latest Research On Bladder Pain Syndrome Treatment

Researchers continue to search for new ways to treat bladder pain. Some current studies focus on:

  • New medicines to treat bladder pain
  • Meditation as a way to control bladder pain
  • The role of genetics in bladder pain
  • Acupuncture treatment

To learn more about current bladder pain treatment studies, visit

Common Treatments For Interstitial Cystitis

Treatment Oral drugs

Tricyclic antidepressants

Taken at low doses, tricyclic antidepressants relax the bladder and interfere with the release of neurochemicals that can cause bladder pain and inflammation. They may also improve sleep. Amitriptyline is the medication most commonly prescribed for interstitial cystitis.

Pentosan polysulfate sodium

Elmiron is the only oral drug approved by the FDA specifically for interstitial cystitis. It improves the bladder lining, making it less leaky and therefore less inflamed and painful. The full effect may take three to six months. Side effects, which are rare, include reversible hair loss, diarrhea, nausea, and rash.


Antihistamines such as hydroxyzine interfere with the mast cells’ release of histamine, helping to relieve bladder inflammation and pain, urinary frequency, and nighttime voiding. Because antihistamines can cause drowsiness, they are usually best taken at bedtime.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen can help relieve mild to moderate pain. Check with your clinician about possible side effects of long-term use of these over-the-counter medications.

Bladder instillations

Hyaluronic acid

Cystistat may help repair the bladder lining.

No single treatment alleviates all symptoms, and some may stop working over time, so finding what works is often a matter of trial and error. The good news is that in 50% of cases, the disease will disappear on its own.

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What Causes A Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are caused by microorganisms usually bacteria that enter the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. Though a UTI most commonly happens in the urethra and bladder, bacteria can also travel up the ureters and infect your kidneys.

More than 90% of bladder infection cases are caused by E. coli, a bacterium normally found in the intestines.

How To Prevent Utis

How To Stop Bladder Pain

While some people are more likely to get UTIs than others because of their anatomy, there are things everyone can do to prevent UTIs.

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will help flush your urinary tract, stopping bacteria from building up.

Always go to the toilet when you feel the need to urinate dont hold on. When it comes to timing, nature knows best!

Always urinate after having sex to flush out any bacteria that might have been pushed into the urethra. This goes for men and women.

Wear cotton underwear rather than silk, nylon or spandex, and avoid wearing tight fitting clothes that dont allow your downtown to breathe. Bacteria thrive in warm, moist areas, so wear loose-fitting cotton clothing to avoid setting up their ideal environment.

Looking after yourself by eating a healthy diet, doing plenty of physical activity and getting good quality sleep will help your immune system stay strong and keep bacteria in check.

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Weight Loss & Health Improvements To Reduce Your Symptoms

Studies suggest that losing excess weight can reduce the symptoms of stress incontinence and an overactive bladder.

What does this mean exactly? If you can lose about 8 percent of your body weight thats typically around 15 to 20 pounds you will likely see remarkable results. In fact, even just a few pounds of weight loss can reduce incontinence episodes by over 25%.

Aside from all the other health benefits, by losing weight the abdomen will alleviate pressure on all the organs in the area, including the bladder.

As well as weight loss, getting regular exercise can reduce overactive bowel symptoms. Exercise can help to reduce the strain on your bladder which ultimately means less urine leaks.

Stopping smoking can also help with OAB problems since the smoke from cigarettes can irritate your bladder. Smoking can also lead to hacking cough a loud, dry cough which can cause further leaks.

Causes Of Bladder Infection In Men

Cystitis is less common among men. In men, a common cause is bacterial infection of the prostate that causes repeated episodes of cystitis and urethritis. Urethritis Urethritis is infection of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. Bacteria, including those that are sexually transmitted, are the most common cause of urethritis read more Although antibiotics quickly clear bacteria from the urine in the bladder, most of these drugs cannot penetrate well enough into the prostate to quickly cure an infection there. Usually antibiotics must be taken for weeks at a time. Consequently, if drug therapy is stopped prematurely, bacteria that remain in the prostate tend to reinfect the bladder.

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Symptoms Of An Irritated Bladder

Specific symptoms of an irritated bladder vary from patient to patient. In most cases, they include :

  • Urinary urgency
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

In people with chronic irritated bladder, symptoms often go away and dont appear for quite some time until something triggers them. Common triggers include sexual activity, stress, exercise, and others.

Urinary Tract Infections In Babies And Young Children

How to Relieve Bladder Pain

Babies and children are at risk of UTIs. These infections always need to be investigated as they may indicate a serious underlying condition, such as urinary reflux. Reflux is caused by a bladder valve problem allowing urine to flow back into the kidneys from the bladder. Reflux can cause the urine to stay inside the body increasing the risk of infection. It may lead to kidney scarring, which in turn leads to high blood pressure and sometimes kidney problems.

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What Foods Can Calm The Bladder

Various factors affect bladder health, and diet is one of them. Some foods irritate your bladder, whereas others exhibit calming effects.

Here are 21 foods that calm the bladder:

  • Beans and other legumes

Basically, you should choose foods that are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that the bladder needs for proper functioning. You should also strive to eat non-acidic foods and a lot of fiber. Fiber prevents constipation which would put pressure on your bladder and aggravate irritation .

How Is Bladder Pain Syndrome Treated

There is no cure for bladder pain syndrome. But your doctor will try different treatments to figure out how to improve your symptoms.

The first treatment many people try includes steps you can take at home. Sometimes, by changing what you eat, you can make your symptoms go away. But even when symptoms do go away, they may return days or years later.

If your symptoms do not get better, other treatments your doctor may suggest include:10

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Can You Get Rid Of A Uti Naturally At Home Or Do You Need Antibiotics

Sometimes, you can get rid of a UTI naturally by resting, drinking lots of water, taking dietary supplements, and giving the infection some time to heal. Research from 2017 suggests that somewhere between 25% and 42% of UTIs resolve naturally without the use of antibiotics.

However, there are certain situations where wait and see just isnt an acceptable approach. Untreated UTIs can cause potentially life threatening complications, including .

How Do You Prevent A Bladder Infection

Overactive bladder: Natural remedies and symptoms

People who have recurrent bladder infections may be able to prevent them in some cases:

  • Drink more fluids
  • Urinate right after intercourse
  • It is believed this will help flush out germs that can enter the bladder. There is no evidence this prevents bladder infections but it is not harmful.
  • Change birth control: avoid spermicides and diaphragms
  • Vaginal estrogen may be recommended for women who have been through menopause
  • Wiping the bottom from front to back after having a bowel movement
  • Preventive antibiotics or antibiotics taken following intercourse, as recommended by your doctor

    Cranberry juice, cranberry tablets, and a supplement called D-mannose have been promoted to help prevent frequent bladder infections but there are no studies that show these products are effective. However, use of these products probably is not harmful. Tell your doctor before taking any supplements.

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    Key Points About Urinary Tract Infections

    • Urinary tract infections are a common health problem that affects millions of people each year. These infections can affect any part of the urinary tract.
    • Most UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria, which normally live in the colon.
    • The most common symptoms of UTIs include changes in urination such as frequency, pain, or burning urine looks dark, cloudy, or red and smells bad back or side pain nausea/vomiting and fever.
    • Antibiotics are used to treat UTIs. Other treatments may include pain relievers, and drinking plenty of water to help wash bacteria out of the urinary tract.
    • Other things that can be done may help reduce the likelihood of developing UTIs.

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    Soothe Bladder Pain With These Foods

    If you suffer from Overactive Bladder , Bladder Pain Syndrome, or Interstitial Cystitis , youre probably familiar with the feeling of discomfort and urgency that accompanies normal, everyday activities. One way to soothe bladder pain and control these symptoms is through your diet. Eliminating irritating foods and eating soothing foods should dull some of your bladder pain.

    According to the IC Network, there are several foods that can affect your bladder symptoms and soothe bladder pain.

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    When To See A Gp

    You should see a GP if you have persistent pelvic pain or you notice a change in your usual peeing pattern.

    These symptoms can have a number of causes, so itâs a good idea to get a proper diagnosis.

    The GP can refer you to a hospital specialist like a urologist, a specialist in conditions affecting the urinary system, for further tests, such as a cystoscopy. A cystoscopy is a procedure to examine the inside of the bladder.

    Whats The Difference Between Urinalysis And A Urine Culture

    6 Ways to STOP NOCTURIA For a Good Night’s Sleep | Overactive Bladder 101

    A urine culture involves growing bacteria from a urine sample in a lab to diagnose urinary tract infections and other infections. Urine cultures are not part of routine urinalysis tests. Like a urinalysis, a urine culture sample must be obtained by the clean catch method or by inserting a catheter through the urethra into the bladder.

    If your urinalysis results indicate a UTI is likely, your healthcare provider may order a urine culture for a laboratory to run off the urine sample you gave for the original urinalysis. A urine culture can determine the type of bacterium that caused the UTI.

    Urinalysis can include several different tests, measurements and assessments of aspects of your urine.

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    Wipe From Front To Back

    This one is more about prevention. Because many UTIs develop from the spread of bacteria from the rectum, its important to pay attention to how you wipe both after a bowel movement and after urinating. Always wipe from front to back to avoid spreading bacteria to the urethra, and on to the urinary tract.

    What Drinks Make You Pee The Most

    Beer, wine, liquor alcohol in any form makes you need to pee more. It also interferes with brain signals to the bladder about when to go.

    Is there anything you can do to prevent a bladder infection?

    Cranberry juice may be helpful in preventing a bladder infection, some studies show. It may keep bacteria from attaching to the bladder and creating an infection. Although the UTI benefits of drinking enough fluids arent certain, it probably wouldnt hurt to try. Pee after having sex.

    What should I avoid if I have an urinary tract infection?

    Water helps to dilute your urine and flush out bacteria. Avoid drinks that may irritate your bladder. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks containing citrus juices or caffeine until your infection has cleared. They can irritate your bladder and tend to aggravate your frequent or urgent need to urinate.

    What to do if your urinary tract infection comes back?

    If your UTI comes back any time after treatment, youll usually be prescribed a longer course of antibiotics. If you keep getting UTIs and regularly need treatment, your GP may give you a repeat prescription for antibiotics. Mild urinary tract infections often pass within a few days. To help ease pain while your symptoms clear up:

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    How Are Urinary Tract Infections Treated

    You will need to treat a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria and fight an infection. Antibiotics are typically used to treat urinary tract infections. Your healthcare provider will pick a drug that best treats the particular bacteria thats causing your infection. Some commonly used antibiotics can include:

    • Nitrofurantoin.

    Its very important that you follow your healthcare providers directions for taking the medicine. Dont stop taking the antibiotic because your symptoms go away and you start feeling better. If the infection is not treated completely with the full course of antibiotics, it can return.

    If you have a history of frequent urinary tract infections, you may be given a prescription for antibiotics that you would take at the first onset of symptoms. Other patients may be given antibiotics to take every day, every other day, or after sexual intercourse to prevent the infection. Talk to your healthcare provider about the best treatment option for you if you have a history of frequent UTIs.

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    How Are Utis Diagnosed


    To diagnose a UTI, health care providers ask questions about whats going on, do an exam, and take a sample of pee for testing.

    How a sample is taken depends on a childs age. Older kids might simply need to pee into a sterile cup. For younger children in diapers, a catheter is usually preferred. This is when a thin tube is inserted into the urethra up to the bladder to get a clean urine sample.

    The sample may be used for a urinalysis or a urine culture . Knowing what bacteria are causing the infection can help your doctor choose the best treatment.

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    Things You Can Do To Help Bps

    Things that may help improve your symptoms include:

    • reducing stress try exercise, warm baths and mindfulness-based meditation techniques
    • making sure you are hydrated regularly throughout the day
    • keeping a food diary if you notice certain foods or drinks make symptoms worse, avoid them, but ask for medical advice first
    • stopping smoking the chemicals in cigarettes can irritate your bladder

    Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

    A physical therapist can also help you strengthen and stretch your pelvic floor muscles, because performing the wrong exercises can actually worsen your interstitial cystitis symptoms. When you overstimulate an already tense pelvic muscle, this can lead to more tension and aggravate bladder symptoms.

    A study published in the Journal of Urology in 2001 found that pelvic floor manual therapy reduced pelvic pressure and the urge and frequency of urination in interstitial cystitis patients.

    Another study published in the Journal of Urology, in 2012, found that 10 myofascial physical therapy treatment sessions significantly reduced pain, urgency, and frequency of urination in 59% of women with interstitial cystitis.

    Myofasical release is a technique used by physical therapists to alleviate pain in the myofascial tissues along the pelvic floor.

    Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist that specializes in pelvic floor problems like interstitial cystitis. In addition, the physical therapist can teach you how to stretch your pelvic floor muscles and keep them relaxed.

    You can also reduce urine urgency and improve bladder control at home with pelvic floor exercises called Kegels. Before you perform this exercise, you must find your Kegel muscles, which stop urine flow during urination.

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    Should I Limit The Amount Of Fluids I Drink

    No. Many people with bladder pain syndrome think they should drink less to relieve pain and reduce the number of times they go to the bathroom. But you need fluids, especially water, for good health. Getting enough fluids helps keep your kidneys and bladder healthy, prevent urinary tract infections, and prevent constipation, which may make your symptoms worse.9

    Choose Foods That Reduce Constipation

    6 Secret Ways to STOP Urinary Urgency FAST | Overactive Bladder 101

    Constipation can often put extra pressure on the bladder and therefore increase the urge to urinate . If it is incontinence you are experiencing, you can eat foods high in fiber such as whole wheat bread, vegetables and fruits. It can be helpful to incorporate these into your daily life to prevent constipation from occurring. Many people find a small glass of prune juice and a tablespoon of flaxoil. Remember however that eating too much fiber without any water can sometimes worsen constipation. Ensure you drink a lot of water if you are also increasing fiber intake.

    If eating foods to help constipation is unsuccessful for you can talk to your Doctor about prescribing laxatives.

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