Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Zantac Cause Bladder Cancer

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How Attorneys Prove Zantac Cancer Cases

Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawsuit Settlement Value | 2022 Outlook

What is your Zantac drug lawsuit worth? If you were harmed due to NDMA, ranitidine, or Zantac, your cases would be worth exactly how much you were hurt or damaged.

Zantac litigation and MDL cases where ranitidine contained high doses of NDMA are meant to reimburse the victim, not reward.

Let a Zantac cancer lawyer from our law offices review and analyze how the events may have caused your injury or losses.

  • Injury: Did the NDMA in Zantac injure you physically or in any other way? Exposure to NDMA could result in cancer or cause pain and suffering that is not so easy to identify. Emotional scarring, diminished mental health, lost quality of life, long-term aggravation, and other non-economic damages should still be considered and recovered.
  • Loss: Did the NDMA exposure to ranitidine in Zantac lead to extensive medical bills and out-of-pocket expenses due to your prostate, stomach, or other types of cancer? If you had to pay for extended hospital stays, lost paychecks while away from work, or suffer other tangible losses these will be factored into a global Zantac settlement.

Our Zantac attorneys provide free case analyses on Zantac cancer claims. Our attorneys have worked on many settlements involving drug malpractice and can discuss your options for a global NDMA Zantac settlement.

Still In Zantac Litigation

The Zantac MDL cases involving these dangerous drugs are still early in the litigation phases, and there are no trial dates set or anticipated settlements forthcoming.

However, massive Zantac settlement amounts have been negotiated for people who have developed cancer after taking Zantac will receive compensation.

Many people have asked our law firm about the high levels of NDMA in prescription Zantac and ranitidine by the US Food and Drug Administration.

They wonder if their pain and suffering are related to the fact that they took Zantac and if participating in a class action lawsuit, mass tort Zantac cancer lawsuit, or an individual lawsuit is possible.

The Costs Of Diagnosing And Treating Cancer Are High

In most cases, the time and costs involved in treating cancer are substantial. You may have had to undergo hospitalizations, chemotherapy, regular visits to your doctor, and more.

If you recovered from an initial diagnosis, you still may have faced a recurrence of cancer. This could have required more time, treatment, and expenses. Zantac may cause bladder cancer, and you may be able to seek financial recovery for the costs of treatment, your suffering, and other damages.

In the event that you lost wages because of an inability to work while receiving treatment, the makers of Zantac could be responsible for compensating you. You may also be able to claim pain and suffering-related losses, which can help compensate you for the emotional toll of your health condition and its effects on your life.

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Zantac And Bladder Cancer

Most cancer diseases are caused due to mutation in the normal cells DNA. When this mutation occurs in the cells of our urinary bladder, we call it bladder cancer. Common symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in the urine, backache, frequent urination, pain in the abdomen, and weight loss.

Smoking, old age, and family history are some other common contributing factors. Certain chemicals like the NDMA also have the potential to cause mutations in the cells that may develop into bladder cancer.

NDMA is a chemical that is permitted but only up to 96 nanograms per day. Any increase in this amount can be fatal. In 2020 FDA found out that the amount of NDMA in Zantac is higher than recommended and hence the temporary ban on it.

It is not the manufacturers fault. The NDMA content can increase on its own when subjected to higher temperatures. This is what the earlier studies proved. However, recently it has been found that NDMA content can increase even at normal temperatures.

Buying it from the pharmacy and storing it in the fridge wont help either. The short time of taking the medicine in your hand from the chemist can cause an increase in NDMAs content.

Fda Warning Ranitidine Products Containing Ndma Poses Cancer Risk

Is Zantac Dangerous?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reported an advisory on September 13, 2019, after discovering the carcinogenic contaminant NDMA in ranitidine, the active ingredient in Zantac, at levels between 3,000 to 26,000 times higher than FDA approved standards.

These high levels of NDMA put users at a higher risk of cancer.

The FDA acceptable threshold of daily NDMA intake is set at below 100 nanograms.

The plaintiffs cited a study that claims that a 150-milligram pill of Zantac contains over 2.5 million nanograms of NDMA.

Over-the-counter Zantac is typically sold in 150-milligram tablets – the recommended dosage to treat peptic ulcer disease for adults is 300 milligrams a night for four to eight weeks.

Plaintiffs allege that Sanofi and Boehringer Ingleham knew the risks of NDMA formation in ranitidine and did not alert the public through the drugs label or through any other means.

Several published studies have shown that generic ranitidine users have a 400-fold increase of NDMA concentration in their urine.

The suit attests that had consumers known the risks, they would not have purchased or consumed ranitidine.


These are the nine most common Zantac products and generic Zantac products containing ranitidine:

  • Zantac 150 Tablets

Both class-action lawsuits and civil lawsuits have been filed against the manufacturers of Zantac.

These are separate types of lawsuits.

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What Is In Zantac That Causes Cancer

NDMA is the main chemical in Zantac that is known to cause cancer in animals and probably in humans.

Zantacs relationship with NDMA is unique. Out of all the drugs that FDA has found to be contaminated with NDMA including valsartan, losartan and metformin ranitidine has been the only medication in which levels of the carcinogen may actually increase over time as the drug sits on the shelf.

FDA has found N-nitrosodimethylamine levels in some ranitidine products increase with time and temperature posing a risk to consumers, and therefore the agency has requested the withdrawal of all ranitidine products from the U.S. market.

Is Sanofi Liable For Cancers Caused By Zantac

A medications cancer risk does not make that drugs manufacturer automatically liable for damages caused to users. The problem with Zantac and Sanofi is the lack of transparency and information given to consumers about ranitidine and NDMA. Studies dating back to 2004 concluded that Zantac use can cause bladder cancer due to ranitidine producing large quantities of NDMA in the body. However, there has been no widespread effort from Sanofi to bring this information to the publics attention.

Even as word spreads throughout news headlines about Zantacs dangers, the products own official website does not address the cancer risk. It lists some side effects like vomiting with blood and alludes to a serious condition, but says nothing more. As a result, Sanofi is being targeted by lawsuits not for making a dangerous drug, but for knowingly selling one without warning consumers appropriately.

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I Am A Regular Zantac User And Was Diagnosed With Bladder Cancer What Should I Do

If you are experiencing signs of bladder cancer, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early detection and prompt treatment can increase your chances of a successful recovery.

You may require Zantac as part of your regular heartburn treatment plan. There are several other medications that do not contain ranitidine and serve the same purpose as Zantac. Your doctor can advise you on your future heartburn treatment in addition to addressing any symptoms of bladder cancer.

Once you have received the proper medical care, contact Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP. Our legal team can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

To schedule a free consultation with our attorneys, complete our or call 600-0114.Categories

Other Consumers Are Taking Legal Action After Taking Ranitidine

Zantac Lawsuit – Getting Justice for Cancer Victims

What is the average payout for a Zantac drug lawsuit? We might know that soon because many other consumers like you are filing Zantac litigation cases against drug manufacturers after taking the prescribed or over-the-counter Zantac.

Their Zantac claims are very similar: the popular heartburn drug harmed them, primarily by increasing their risk of cancer and other health problems linked to NDMA.

Unfortunately, NDMA has also been found in enormous quantities in the popular blood pressure drug generic Valsartan. Some research suggests that N Nitrosodimethylamine is inadvertently produced when the drugs manufacturing process is changed.

Many people filed a Zantac lawsuit based on the same complaints against one defendant . Because of that, thousands of lawsuits were combined into one Zantac MDL, or multidistrict litigation, as it is commonly known.

You can read about the brand-name and generic Zantac MDL class action right here.

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What Is The Current Status Of The Zantac Lawsuit

The multidistrict litigation containing the Zantac lawsuits has begun its discovery phase, which will determine if there is evidence of cancer-causing impurities in the drug. This phase will likely last until the end of this year. After that, a bellwether trial phase will begin. Bellwether trials are test cases that help determine the viability of a lawsuit. If a bellwether trial proves to be successful, the rest of the lawsuits will likely proceed.

The Zantac lawsuit is likely to go to trial in October of 2022. Trial in the Zantac lawsuit could be delayed until 2023, although there are still some outstanding issues to resolve. There are several important deadlines that must be met before the trial can move forward.

The lawsuit was originally filed by Benjamin Cohen, a middle-aged resident of upstate New York. He filed a complaint against 13 defendants, including Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline. He alleges that he was exposed to the chemical while taking Zantac for 17 years.

Hiring A Zantac Lawsuit Lawyer

The first step after mitigation is hiring a personal injury attorney who has experience handling bad drug lawsuits, such as the Zantac Lawsuit.

In the unfortunate event that you are representing a loved one who has died as a result of injuries from Zantac, you may need to consult with a wrongful death attorney who has knowledge of Zantac lawsuits.

Your experienced Zantac Lawsuit lawyer will work to:

  • Gather evidence
  • Get you compensated for your losses

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The Fda Just Told Manufacturers To Remove Ranitidine Drugs From Shelves

On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a total recall of all prescription and over-the-counter Zantac and other ranitidine-containing pharmaceuticals. The agency is concerned these products might be contaminated with N-nitrosodimethylamine , a probable cause of bladder and stomach cancer. Patients who used the drug for a long time may be at risk.

Our experienced defective drug attorneys at Ashcraft & Gerel are investigating claims of contaminated Zantac. If you or a loved one took Zantac or another ranitidine-based pharmaceutical and were subsequently diagnosed with bladder or stomach cancer, call us at 709-0505 today for a free case evaluation.

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Does Zantac Cause Fetal Cancer

Zantac COVID

There are ties between ranitidine drugs and infants born with testicular cancer. Mothers who took Zantac while pregnant may have unknowingly exposed their babies to this toxin. Researchers suspect that NDMA dangers could be passed to the fetus.

Although normally harmless in babies, testicular tumors are not necessarily a cakewalk. Cancer is still a threat in NDMA exposure cases like these. Early detection and proper treatment are the best ways of keeping these infants cancer-free.

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You Could Recover Damages If You Lost A Loved One

If your loved one passed away after a battle with cancer and their health condition could have been caused by Zantac, you may be able to bring a wrongful death case against the drugs makers.

In such cases, you may be able to seek financial recovery for the medical costs that your loved one required before their passing, the costs of their funeral and burial, and the loss of their companionship in your life.

Get A Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawyer

If you or a loved one received a bladder cancer diagnosis, and believe the cancer may have been caused by this heartburn drug, contact a Zantac bladder cancer attorney today. Our Zantac lawyers can investigate your case and determine whether you are eligible for compensation. Call 800-553-8082 or reach out for free online consultation. The call is free. You only pay a fee if you receive compensation for your Zantac claim.

  • Overview of Zantac lawsuits and the premise of these claims

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Does Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer

A study done in 2000 focused on 9,000 people. Subjects worked around rubber, which is known for having high concentrations of nitrosamines like NDMA. Findings showed death rates increased because of exposure levels that led to prostate and other types of cancer.

The growth rate of this type of cancer can be on the slow side sometimes but its still possible to diagnose in time. Stay on top of prostate cancer screenings, especially if youve taken Zantac before.

Measuring Ndma In Drugs: Old Vs Newer Methods

Zantac (Ranitidine) Recall and Cancer Lawsuit

NDMA, or n-nitrosodimethylamine, is a nitrosamine. Itâs common in low levels in water and foods such as grilled meats, but it has also recently been found in commonly used medications such as some blood pressure drugs.

The test method used by the Stanford and Syracuse professors, who have not yet responded to a request for comment, is known as gas chromatography mass spectrometry or GC/MS. “Gas chromatography has to heat the sample in order for you to be able to analyze anything,” Najafi of Emery Pharma says. “That heating messes up the sample.”

According to the Stanford and Syracuse professors, however, the GC/MS measurement method was standard for analyzing NDMA in drugs as recently as January 2019.

In September and October 2019, however, the FDA published two other testing methods involving liquid, not gas chromatography, that don’t involve heating the sample, which they recommend to detect NDMA in ranitidine.

For the Emery investigation, Najafi’s team used a liquid chromatography as recommended by the FDA to evaluate NDMA in ranitidine. “You still see the NDMA,” Najafi says. “The NDMA is not an impurity in Zantac. It is a side product of ranitidine. As time and temperature affect the product, NDMA is a breakdown product. Even at room temperature, if you keep it long enough, it keeps growing NDMA.”

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What Kinds Of Cancers Does Zantac Cause

The popular stomach acid and heartburn medication, Zantac, has been linked to a notable increase in cancer risk. In 2020, the FDA recalled ranitidine, the generic name for Zantac and other over-the-counter stomach acid-blocking drugs. However, by that time, millions of Americans had potentially been exposed to a deadly carcinogen.

Today, Zantac class action lawsuit attorneys across the country are helping victims and their families pursue justice and fair financial compensation.

At Gerling Law, our Zantac lawsuit attorneys assist victims in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Nationwide. For more than 50 years, our firm has provided aggressive, highly personalized representation to injury accident victims.

We believe that anyone who sustained harm due to the negligence or wrongful actions of a drug company deserves justice. You could be entitled to recover compensation for your medical treatment, lost wages, emotional trauma, and more.

What Type Of Cancer Did Zantac Cause

According to recent studies, a drug like Zantac can increase your risk of developing cancer. It belongs to a class of drugs called H2 blockers, which are used to treat various ailments, including GERD, heartburn, and acid reflux. However, these drugs have been linked to several types of cancer, including kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancer. Moreover, one chemical found in the drugs has been found to be a probable human carcinogen.

Zantac contains N-Nitrosodimethylamine , a carcinogen. This chemical is naturally produced in the human body and can also result from chemical reactions. Though it is not extremely common in humans, it is known to cause cancer in animals.

Since Zantac was first released to the public in 1985, it may have caused cancer in thousands of people. A class action lawsuit was filed against the manufacturers of the drug, claiming that they sold the drug despite knowing it was linked to cancer. As a precautionary measure, patients taking Zantac should discuss the possibility of switching to alternative medications. Most of the cancers associated with Zantac are usually treatable if they are detected early with standard diagnostic procedures.

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What To Do If Youve Been Diagnosed With Cancer

If youve been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac, tell your doctor about your history with ranitidine. It may help them determine your diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Make sure to keep your doctors notes and medical records. You may qualify to file a Zantac lawsuit and be eligible for compensation from Zantacs makers.

If you are interested in finding out more about your legal options, contact a Zantac lawyer right away because there may be time limits on your case.

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Board-certified physicians medically review Drugwatch content to ensure its accuracy and quality.

Drugwatch partners with Physicians Review Network Inc. to enlist specialists. PRN is a nationally recognized leader in providing independent medical reviews.

Reviewer specialties include internal medicine, gastroenterology, oncology, orthopedic surgery and psychiatry.

What Are The Common Causes Of Bladder Cancer

What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common form of bladder cancer in people. More than 80,000 people were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2019, and more than 17,000 people died. By avoiding certain chemicals like NDMA and not smoking you can lower your risk of developing bladder cancer. The common causes of bladder cancer include:

  • Smoking and other tobacco use
  • Certain gene mutations
  • Overexposure to workplace chemicals, including those found in dye, paint, petroleum, and metal
  • Taking chemotherapy drugs
  • Past radiation exposure
  • Chronic irritation of the lining of the bladder
  • Parasitic infections
  • Drinking water contaminated with arsenic
  • Chronic urinary tract infections

It is not always clear what causes bladder cancer. Some people with bladder cancer had no obvious risk factors. However, research suggests that NDMA-contaminated Zantac and ranitidine may cause bladder cancer.

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