Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Ease Bladder Discomfort

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See A Healthcare Provider

Kidney & Bladder Health : How to Relieve Bladder Pain

While UTIs arent usually a cause for major concern, if you dont get them treated, they can lead to more serious problems like a kidney infection. If you have a UTI, make an appointment with a healthcare provider as soon as possible. The fastest way to feel better is by taking an antibiotic to kill the bacteria causing your infection.

If going to see a provider in-person is not an option , there are plenty of telehealth services available that will allow you to set up a virtual appointment. Check out GoodRx Care for treatment of UTIs as well as many other medical conditions.

During your appointment, your provider will ask you questions about what symptoms you are experiencing and if you are prone to UTIs. You might be asked to provide a urine sample either in the office you are seen in or at a lab close to you. Lastly, your provider will prescribe you a course of antibiotics to get started on right away.

Some common antibiotics used for treating UTIs include nitrofurantoin , sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim , and ciprofloxacin . Typically, you only need to take them for 3 to 5 days, and most people start to feel relief within the first 2 to 3 days. Antibiotics can cause nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea for many people. But, taking your dose with food can help lessen nausea and stomach upset, and taking a probiotic supplement like L. acidophilus can help with the diarrhea.

When To See A Doctor For A Uti

Always go to your primary care physician immediately if there is blood in the urine, if you have a fever, and/or low back pain with your UTI symptoms, Sajdak advises. UTIs can move fast, so its better to go sooner than later.

Although natural remedies can be beneficial for alleviating UTI symptoms and preventing recurrent UTIs, they may not be effective in treating the infection.

If symptoms still persist after three days then it is time to move on to antibiotics, says Ivy Branin, ND, a naturopathic doctor in New York City who specializes in womens health. I often recommend a patient to see their doctor for a UA and a prescription for antibiotics just in case and to fill it if they have no improvement after three days.

Leaving a UTI untreated can cause additional health problems. Bacteria can reach the ureters or kidneys and cause kidney infections. Untreated UTIs during pregnancy can also potentially cause early labor and low birth weight. Seeking treatment for UTI that isnt going awayor one that keeps coming backis always a good thing.

What Are The Symptoms Of Interstitial Cystitis

Symptoms of IC/PBS vary from case to case, and can be mild, severe, occasional or constant. The symptoms may be similar to those of a bladder infection. Womens symptoms often get worse during menstrual periods.

Symptoms of interstitial cystitis include the following:

  • Suprapubic or pelvic pain.
  • Pressure or discomfort when the bladder is filling.
  • Having to urinate frequently.

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Can I Treat Uti Symptoms With Over The Counter Medicines

Weve already talked about the most common UTI symptoms, but what can you actually do about them?

  • Drink lots of water. Drinking water helps keep your urine diluted which makes urinating less painful. Staying hydrated also helps you urinate more often so that you continue to get rid of the bacteria in your bladder. This however will not cure a UTI once you have it.
  • Avoid irritating beverages. Water–good. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinksnot so good. The caffeine in beverages like coffee, tea, and alcohol can build up in the urine, which could make urinating even more painful while you have a UTI.
  • Try a heating pad. It might be time to pull out that good, old-fashioned heating pad your grandmother gave you. A low level of heat can help ease any abdominal pain or cramps you feel. This however will not cure a UTI once you have it.
  • Try over-the-counter pain medications. Many women search for over-the-counter UTI treatment. Even though some OTC medications can help relieve your symptoms, they cant cure a UTI.
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are OTC pain relievers that could help ease some of the pain and discomfort UTIs can cause. Phenazopyridine is another pain reliever that could help relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Some forms of phenazopyridine are OTC while others require a prescription.

  • Antibiotics. Taking antibiotics is the only way to get rid of a UTI completely.
  • Lets talk more about antibiotics.

    Final Thoughts On Interstitial Cystitis Natural Treatment

    Over The Counter Treatment for UTI Symptoms

    An inflamed bladder can cause a number of troublesome symptoms, including abdominal and pelvic pressure, accidental leakage of urine, frequent urination, the urge to urinate, and burning or pain upon urination. You are also at risk for anxiety, depression, and emotional stress.

    Thankfully interstitial cystitis natural treatment can help relieve your symptoms. For instance, you can train your bladder make positive dietary changes manage your stress drink more water or try pelvic floor physical therapy, acupuncture, or other mind-body relaxation techniques. Inflamed bladder home remedies also include arginine, quercetin, green tea, turmeric, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and hot compresses.

    Relief with natural treatment for interstitial cystitis is possible. It is a good idea to consult a natural practitioner like a holistic nutritionist or naturopathic doctor for further guidance in the treatment of interstitial cystitis and bladder problems.

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    How Is Bladder Pain Syndrome Diagnosed

    There is no one test to tell whether you have bladder pain syndrome. Your doctor or nurse will do a physical exam to look at your lower abdomen and lower back and ask you questions about your symptoms. Your doctor may give you tests to rule out other health problems, such as urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections , bladder cancer, or kidney stones.

    Some tests your doctor may do include:

    Can Utis Be Treated Without Antibiotics

    In general, its recommended that you see a doctor and be treated with antibiotics when you start feeling UTI symptoms. In some cases, your body might be able to fight it off without antibiotics, but that can be a very uncomfortable, time-consuming process. It can also become dangerous if it turns into a kidney infection.

    Dr. Rx

    Since the standard treatment for UTIs are antibiotics, let the doctor know if you have any allergies to medications. Dr. Chandrapal

    Recommended Reading: How Fast Can A Bladder Infection Come On

    Can Urinary Tract Infections Be Prevented Or Avoided

    There are many lifestyle choices that can help you prevent UTIs. These are some of the things you can do to protect yourself from them:

    • Drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria. For some people, drinking cranberry juice may also help prevent urinary tract infections. However, if youre taking warfarin, check with your doctor before using cranberry juice to prevent urinary tract infections. Your doctor may need to adjust your warfarin dose or you may need to have more frequent blood tests.
    • Dont hold your urine. Urinate when you feel like you need to. Some children dont go to the bathroom often enough. If your child does this, teach him or her to go to the bathroom several times each day.
    • Wipe from front to back after bowel movements. Teach your child to wipe correctly.
    • Urinate after having sex to help wash away bacteria.
    • Use enough lubrication during sex. Try using a small amount of lubricant before sex if youre a little dry.
    • If you get urinary tract infections often, you may want to avoid using a diaphragm as a birth control method. Ask your doctor about other birth control choices.
    • Avoid taking or giving your child bubble baths.
    • Wear loose-fitting clothing , and dress your child in loose-fitting clothing.
    • If you are uncircumcised, wash the foreskin regularly. If you have an uncircumcised boy, teach him how to wash his foreskin.

    What Is The Outlook For People Sensitive To Bladder Irritation

    How to Relieve Bladder Pain

    If foods irritate your bladder, you may worry about finding enough to eat. SOME people with IC are able to eat and drink these foods:

    • Alcohol or wines .
    • Almonds.
    • Coffee or highly roasted.
    • Extracts .
    • Nuts almonds, cashews and peanuts.
    • Onions .
    • Sun tea .
    • Tomatoes .
    • Zest of orange or limes.
    • Other foods not listed.

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    Cystitis In Men And Older People

    Men tend to get cystitis later in life. Where trouble with urine flow is a symptom, this may indicate that the underlying cause is a problem with their prostate gland.

    Cystitis is common in older people, particularly if they are unwell. Bladder catheters and some urinary-tract operations may also increase the risk of cystitis.

    What Is A Urinary Tract Infection

    A urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary system. This type of infection can involve your urethra , kidneys or bladder, .

    Your urine typically doesnt contain bacteria . Urine is a byproduct of our filtration systemthe kidneys. When waste products and excess water is removed from your blood by the kidneys, urine is created. Normally, urine moves through your urinary system without any contamination. However, bacteria can get into the urinary system from outside of the body, causing problems like infection and inflammation. This is a urinary tract infection .

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    Changes In Your Reproductive System

    Bladder pain in women may also be a result of thinning vaginal skin, says Karl Luber, MD, a urogynecologist and a founder of the female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery fellowship program at UCSDKaiser Permanente in San Diego.

    This is called atrophy and it’s most common when menopause deprives the tissues surrounding the vagina of estrogen, he explains. Oral estrogen doesnt help, but a vaginal estrogen cream may ease symptoms.

    Talking with your doctor about bladder pain and discomfort can help determine where the problem really lies, Dr. Luber says.

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    How To Relieve Uti Pain At Night

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    If youve ever had a urinary tract infection , you know they can cause incredible pain and discomfort.

    And theyre extremely common: More than half of all women will experience a UTI in their lifetime, and though less common, men can get them as well.

    UTIs occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract, infecting parts of the urinary system including the bladder, urethra, and kidney.

    The symptoms of a UTI can result in disturbed, restless nights with burning sensations, frequent urges to urinate, and sometimes abdominal or flank pain and cramping.

    While UTI treatment requires a course of prescription antibiotics, there are also home remedies and over-the-counter treatments that can help relieve pain so you can sleep.

    In this article, Ill go over a few of these remedies, the common symptoms of UTIs, ways to prevent future infections, and discuss when its time to speak with a healthcare provider about your symptoms.

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    How To Cure Bladder Pain

    This article was co-authored by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support , Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee in 2006.There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 2,799 times.

    Its normal to feel some discomfort or pressure in your bladder sometimes. However, if this pain doesnt go away, then there might be an underlying cause for it. You might have a urinary tract infection , bladder infection, or a condition called interstitial cystitis . If you are feeling bladder pain or a frequent urge to urinate, then dont panic. There are plenty of medical and home treatments to relieve your symptoms. With the right steps, youll feel much better and be able to get on with your life.

    Other Ways To Help Manage A Uti:

    • Drinking plenty of water may help to dilute your urine and help flush out bacteria that causes UTIs.
    • Avoid coffee, alcohol and soft drinks that contain citrus juices and caffeine. They can irritate your bladder and aggravate your need to urinate. No thanks.
    • Place a heating pad over your abdomen to help ease pressure and discomfort.
    • Once your UTI is treated, maintain a healthy urinary tract with AZO Cranberry®, in the form of your choice: caplets, softgels or gummies.*

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    How To Relieve Ureteral Stent Pain

    The ureter may develop some problems due to the treatment of kidney stones, and this can block the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. In order to provide relief from this problem, ureteral stents are placed into the ureter.

    The stent is nothing but a small hollow tube that runs from the kidneys till the bladder. It is flexible and has curls at both ends to keep them firm in the bladder and kidney. Some stents may have a visible string that runs outside the body.


    What Is The Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis/painful Bladder Syndrome

    Can you get better from Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome?

    There are many different treatments available for this condition. Many people need a combination of treatments. The type of treatment you receive is usually chosen for each person and is based on the symptoms you are experiencing.

    Most treatments are aimed at symptom control. IC/PBS treatment is often done in phases with constant monitoring of your pain and quality of life. It is important to talk with your doctor about how your treatments are working so that together you can find the best treatment option or options for you.

    You may find that you need to receive treatment for stress or anxiety symptoms that may be related to having this condition. There are many different treatments available and your doctor will be able to advise you.

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    Changes To Your Lifestyle

    It is likely that you will be recommended to make some changes to your lifestyle, especially your diet. Certain foods and drinks can irritate the lining of your bladder and make your symptoms worse. These may include alcohol, tomatoes, spices, chocolate, caffeinated and citrus drinks and acidic foods. It may be worthwhile making a food diary to try to assess which foods aggravate and worsen your symptoms.

    The simplest way to find out whether any foods bother your bladder is to try an elimination diet for one to two weeks. On an elimination diet, you stop eating all foods that could irritate your bladder. If your bladder symptoms improve while you are on the elimination diet, this means that at least one of the foods was irritating your bladder. The next step is to find out exactly which foods cause bladder problems for you. You should then try eating one food from the list of foods you stopped eating. If this food does not bother your bladder within 24 hours, this food is likely safe and can be added back into your regular diet. The next day, try eating a second food from the list, and so on. In this way, you will add the foods back into your diet one at a time and your bladder symptoms will tell you if any food causes problems for you.

    Some people look at ways to reduce their stress levels, as this can actually improve their symptoms.

    Are There Other Ways To Treat Incontinence

    Yes. Medicines or medical devices can treat some types of urinary incontinence. For example, estrogen cream to put in the vagina can be helpful for some women who have mild stress incontinence. Several prescription medicines are available to treat urge incontinence. For men, prescription medicine is available to shrink the prostate and improve flow of urine through the prostate. Talk to your doctor about possible medicine options for your type of incontinence.

    In some cases, surgery may be an option. Treatment depends on what type of urinary incontinence you have and what is causing it.

    There are two main types of urinary incontinence:

    Stress incontinence

    If you have this type, activities that raise the pressure inside your abdomen cause urine to leak through the ring of muscle in your bladder that normally holds it in. Coughing, sneezing, jumping and lifting heavy objects could lead to a leak.

    Going through childbirth, smoking or being overweight can raise the risk of stress incontinence for women, Wright says. Stress incontinence in men is rare, and when it arises, its often due to prostate cancer treatment, such as radiation or surgery.

    Urge incontinence

    With this type, your brain, spinal cord and bladder dont work together properly to allow you to hold and release urine at the right time. Your bladder may suddenly empty itself without warning. Or you may feel like you need to urinate frequently, a problem called overactive bladder.

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    How To Prevent A Uti From Striking Again

    Sick of dealing with urinary tract infections? Really, the best natural remedy is simple: just prevent one from striking in the first place! Heres how:

    Drink cranberry juice

    Although it has often been thought of as a treatment option, cranberry juice can only help as a preventative measure. Cranberry juice can be helpful in preventing UTIs by making the urine more acidic and preventing harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder, Dr. Sherry explains. An acidic environment in the urine makes bacterial build-up more difficult and reduces your chance of getting a UTI. But even with this information, studies have conflicting evidence about cranberries being a reliable source for prevention. So if youre prone to UTIs, it wont hurt to drink unsweetened cranberry juice. But its definitely not the UTI cure-all it has always been thought to be.

    Practice good hygiene after sex and ask your partner to, too

    Overall health with increased water intake and exercise is the best way to improve health and help with decreasing UTIs, Dr. Shepherd shares. This includes good hygiene and being diligent about cleaning all of your lady parts. And make sure your partner does, too. Bacteria from sexual intercourse is one of the most common ways women can get a UTI, Dr. Shepherd explains.

    Limit antibiotic use

    Avoid feminine hygiene products with scents and chemicals

    Wipe front to back

    Stay hydrated

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