Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Does Botox Help Bladder Control

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How Effective Is Botox

Botox for the Treatment of Overactive Bladder

Botox has been shown to be an effective treatment option for bladder problems. In studies, people who received Botox injections for overactive bladder symptoms saw improvements in certain symptoms, such as frequent urination, in the 12 weeks after treatment. People also noticed an increase in the amount released during urination.

Another improvement that people using Botox for OAB symptoms noticed after receiving the injections was fewer episodes of urinary incontinence. In studies, these improvements lasted from 19 to 24 weeks.

In other studies of Botox used for OAB symptoms in adults, people reported improvements in their symptoms and in their quality of life.

Two studies looked at adults who had urinary incontinence with detrusor overactivity* linked with a neurological condition. These studies found that people who received Botox injections had fewer episodes of urinary incontinence. These improvements lasted 42 to 48 weeks for at least half the people in the study.

If you have questions about the results you can expect with this drug, talk with your doctor.

* This refers to overactivity of the detrusor muscle, which is the muscle that lines the bladder.

How Is Botox Given

To treat bladder conditions, Botox is given as an injection into the detrusor muscle .

At each injection appointment, adults with OAB symptoms or children with detrusor overactivity will receive a Botox injection in 20 sites, located 1 centimeter apart in the detrusor muscle.

Adults with detrusor overactivity will receive a higher dose of Botox, which is injected in 30 sites, located 1 cm apart in the detrusor muscle.

In some cases, your doctor may inject a medication before your Botox injection to help with pain.

Your doctor will monitor you for at least 30 minutes after each Botox injection. If youre using Botox to treat OAB symptoms, youll need to show that you can urinate before leaving your doctors office.

If you have questions about what to expect at your injection appointments, talk with your doctor.

Side Effects In Few Patients

The main side effect of the procedure, which occurs in about 5 to 8% of patients, is urinary retention, or problems emptying ones bladder.

Those patients may need temporary catheterization to guard against an increased risk of urinary tract infections, Dr. Vasavada says. And for that reason, some patients decide against the procedure.

We just cant predict whos likely to go into retention, he says. Its not a high likelihood, but not zero, either. We still have no direct ability to predict.

But most patients havent had that hesitancy, Dr. Vasavada says. Since its been approved for incontinence, its certainly generating more enthusiasm and interest, he says.

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Botox Approved To Treat Leaky Bladder

Urinary Incontinence From MS, Spine Injuries Helped by Injections of Botox

Aug. 24, 2011 — Botox can now be used to treat a leaky bladder due to conditions such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury, the FDA says.

Nerve damage from these and other conditions can make it difficult for patients to retain urine. Patients often need medications to relax the bladder, as well as catheters to empty the bladder.

Botox treatment involves injection of the drug into the bladder during cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is a medical procedure that lets a doctor see the inside the bladder. It sometimes requires general anesthesia.

The Botox treatment for leaky bladder lasts nine months. In two clinical trials that enrolled nearly 700 patients, Botox decreased the episodes of urinary leakage per week.

Botox helps urinary incontinence by relaxing the bladder, thus allowing it to store more urine.

The most common side effects of the Botox treatment were urinary tract infections and inability to urinate. Patients who retain urine may have to insert a catheter in order to empty their bladders.

In addition to its cosmetic uses, Botox is FDA approved for treating chronic migraines, various kinds of muscle stiffness and contraction, severe underarm sweating, eyelid twitching, and improper alignment of the eyes.

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Who Is A Candidate For Treatment With Botulinum Toxin

FDA approves Botox for bladder control  Injectible OKd for ...

People who have not responded to medications, bladder retraining and pelvic floor physiotherapy for their overactive bladder symptoms are potential candidates for treatment with Botulinum toxin.

People who have neurological problems with their bladder may benefit from treatment with Botulinum toxin.

The use of Botulinum toxin is contra-indicated in people with certain neurological conditions such as Myasthenia Gravis or Motor Neuron Disease, and in pregnancy or when breastfeeding.

Part of the assessment before treatment with Botulinum toxin is a urodynamic study both to help confirm the diagnosis and suitability for this treatment.

Botulinum toxin is NOT effective in treating stress urinary incontinence which is leakage associated with a rise in abdominal pressure e.g. due to cough, sneeze and exercise.

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Botox Helps Control Leaky Bladders

The wrinkle-busting mainstay might hold promise for urinary incontinence, too.

Success Rate For Incontinence Surgery?

“They said, ‘You got to be kidding,'” Williams recounted. “They kind of freaked out.'”

She was nonplussed. “I’m up for a lot of stuff,” she added.”I didn’t have any reservations.”

Williams had been living with a leaky bladder for three years, and the condition was getting worse over time. Eventually, she was forced to wear incontinence pads every day.

So when her sister mentioned an ad that was asking for research volunteers with leaky bladders, Williams signed up.

The results of the study in which Williams participated were released today. And it turns out that what’s helpful for wrinkles appears to be good for leaky bladders, as Botox might be as good as or even better than standard medications used to treat bladder leakage.

The clinical trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, involved nearly 250 women with leaky bladders. Half the women received a Botox treatment to their bladders and a six-month supply of placebo pills. The other half received medication useful for treating leaky bladders and a saltwater injection instead of Botox. Neither the women nor the doctors knew who was getting what treatment.

Leaky bladders affect nearly one in five older women across the United States. Women are twice as likely to be affected, compared to men.

In leaky bladders, he said, that muscle contracts on its own and unexpectedly.

Botox May Beat Neural Stimulation For Urge Incontinence But Has Risks

DURHAM, N.C. — When women suffer from bladder incontinence, the urge to urinate can come on suddenly and sometimes uncontrollably, leading to leakage. Patients looking for relief can initially opt for first- and second-line therapies such as drinking fewer liquids or caffeinated beverages, pelvic floor muscle training, and medication.

If those treatments prove inadequate however, patients may seek more invasive options, including a form of nerve stimulation called sacral neuromodulation , or a bladder injection of botulinum toxin, which is sold as Botox.

A head-to-head comparison of sacral neuromodulation and botulinum toxin led by a Duke Health researcher shows that Botox provides more daily relief for women, but might also be associated with more adverse events.

The findings were Oct. 4 in the Journal of the American Medical Association .

An injection of botulinum toxin in the bladder muscle works to address urgency urinary incontinence by relaxing the overactive bladder muscles that cause the condition. A sacral neuromodulation implant does the same thing by sending electrical pulses to nerves in the spine.

The study involved 381 women from nine U.S. medical centers who recorded at least six urgency incontinent episodes over three consecutive days and had not improved with other treatments.

Botulinum toxin participants also reported a greater reduction in bothersome symptoms, higher satisfaction with treatment, and a greater likelihood of endorsing the treatment.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Botox

The lists below include some of the main side effects that have been reported in people using Botox. For information about other possible side effects of the drug, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

You can also learn more about side effects from this in-depth Botox article or from the drugs medication guide.

Note: After the Food and Drug Administration approves a drug, it tracks and reviews side effects of the medication. If youd like to notify the FDA about a side effect youve had with Botox, visit MedWatch.

Botox Treatment For The Bladder

How can botox help with MS bladder issues?

Botox is a powerful drug that acts to temporarily paralyze muscles when it is locally injected. Botox is known for its popular use in cosmetics, but it actually has far reaching medical applications. It is commonly used for diverse conditions like muscle spasticity, headaches, as well as the treatment of urinary incontinence.

Botox is a well-tolerated treatment and the application of this therapy ranges from simple conditions like overactive bladder to treatment of severely spastic bladders from neurologic disease. In many instances, Botox can be injected in a short procedure in our clinic. The therapy last for six to eight months and then is re-injected. There is no limitation to the duration of using this type of therapy.

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Potential Side Effects Of Treatment With Botulinum Toxin

Like all medications Botulinum toxin can have potential side effects.

  • Burning and blood in the urine may be noticed immediately after the procedure but settles very quickly and can be managed with Ural® sachets and paracetamol.
  • Urinary tract infection can occur after treatment with Botulinum toxin.
  • This risk is minimised by giving a dose of antibiotics at the time of the procedure and potentially after the procedure, as well as checking that no bacteria are present in the urine with a MSU a few days before the procedure.
  • UTI can easily be treated with antibiotics.
  • In some people the treatment with Botulinum toxin can work too well and potentially result in problems with the bladder not emptying well or inability to pass urine.
  • In people with overactive bladder symptoms who empty their bladder well before treatment, studies showed that about 6% of patients had difficulty with bladder emptying requiring a treatment known as ISC .
  • Intermittent self-catheterisation involves passing a tiny tube into the bladder to empty it. This is a simple and safe procedure.
  • Although the rate of potentially requiring ISC is very low, people who wish to consider treatment with Botulinum toxin need to be able and willing to learn ISC or accept a temporary indwelling catheter.
  • If needed, ISC is temporary as the effect of the Botulinum toxin wears off and bladder contractions return.
  • To date there does not seem to be a reduction in the effectiveness of Botulinum toxin with retreatment.
  • Benefits Of Bladder Botox

    Many patients express that bladder BOTOX® therapy is a life-changing treatment option for overactive bladder and urinary incontinence. Some of the many benefits of bladder BOTOX ® therapy include:

    • Safe and effective treatment to manage overactive bladder

    • Lasts 6 months to a year before repeat treatment is needed

    • Consistent effect over time

    • Significant drop in daily incontinence episodes

    • Minimal side effects

    If you have moderate to severe symptoms of overactive bladder or urinary incontinence, Blue Ridge Urological can help. Before receiving bladder BOTOX® therapy, one of our board certified urologists will explain how the botox treatment is administered and what you can expect during the procedure. You will receive an antibiotic to start 1 to 3 days prior to treatment to prevent a urinary tract infection. On the day of the procedure, we will make sure that you do not have a urinary tract infection and numb the bladder with a local anesthetic. The doctor will use a cystoscope to place small injections of botox into the bladder wall. After the procedure, you will be scheduled for a follow-up visit to evaluate your progress and determine when the next treatment is needed. If you would like to learn more about Bladder BOTOX ® and how it can help improve the quality of your life, call Blue Ridge Urological today at .

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    Boxed Warning: Spread Of Toxin Effects

    This drug has a boxed warning . This is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration . A boxed warning alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

    Receiving Botox injections can raise your risk for botulism. Botulism is a fatal condition that causes paralysis. In rare cases, Botox may spread away from where its injected to other parts of your body. This is known as botulism.

    Symptoms of botulism may include:

    • muscle weakness all over your body
    • double vision or blurred vision
    • drooping of your eyelids
    • change in or loss of your voice
    • loss of bladder control
    • trouble breathing or swallowing

    If you have any of these symptoms after receiving Botox injections, call 911 right away or seek immediate emergency medical care.

    If you have questions about your risk for botulism from Botox injections, talk with your doctor.

    How Often Will I Get Botox Injections

    Urinary Incontinence Q& A: Causes Plus Botox And Other Treatments

    How often you receive Botox injections may vary. Youll need to track the symptoms of your bladder condition so that your doctor can determine how often you need the injections.

    The minimum period between injections is 12 weeks, but in some cases, people feel the effects of Botox for longer periods. This means that they may need injections less often.

    If you have questions about how often youll need to get Botox injections for your condition, talk with your doctor.

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    Risk With Botox Treatment

    Sometimes Botox works too well, and the bladder has difficulty emptying. In rare occasions it may require a doctor to pass a catheter into the bladder in order to empty it and can last until the Botox wears off.

    If you are experiencing symptoms for overactive bladder it you would be advised to see your general practitioner and possibly obtain a referral to see Dr Gailani at

    What Can I Expect After Receiving Botox Injections For My Bladder Problem

    After receiving a Botox injection, you may have improved bladder control for about 12 weeks. Some people may still have bladder control after 24 weeks. After this period, the effect of Botox wears off, and youll need more injections.

    Your experience with Botox injections may vary. If you have questions about the results you can expect with this drug, talk with your doctor. And for more information, see the How effective is Botox? section below.

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    Treatments For Urinary Incontinence

    Now its time to look at some of the most common ways to help improve and hopefully eliminate your urinary incontinence. A good approach is to divide treatment into 3 categories: simple, medical, and surgical.

    Most of the time, you can begin with one or more simple approaches. More advanced or unresponsive cases may require medical intervention by a health care professional. A surgical solution may be appropriate for severe cases or people who have not benefited from more conservative and medical interventions.

    Treatments for urinary incontinence can be very similar for women and men with some notable distinctions. Some treatments may require a specific diagnostic evaluation with things like urine and blood testing, measurements that show how your urine drains , Xrays, CT scans, and endoscopic visualization .

    Botox Bladder Injection Treats Overactive Bladder And Leakage

    Medical Monday: Overactive bladder? Botox may help

    While Botox is best known for its cosmetic use as a treatment for lines and wrinkles on the face, it has been FDA-approved for a number of uses including treatment of overactive bladder . Botox essentially paralyzes the bladder muscle so that it no longer spasms. Botox injections also interfere with the way muscles and nerves talk to each other. The medication disrupts any inappropriate signals going from the bladder to the brain, which might be telling the brain that the bladder is full when its really not.

    OAB is a common problem in men and women as they get older. Women in particular may have OAB symptoms associated with pregnancy and menopause.

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    What Happens During Botox Treatment

    During Botox treatment for incontinence, the Botox is injected directly into the muscles of the bladder. The procedure can be performed in as short a time as one hour, and can be administered directly in the urologists or urogynecologists office.

    The injection process involves using a cystoscope, which is a thin, lighted tube that helps with visibility inside the bladder. The physician will first administer an anesthetic such as lidocaine in order to numb the bladder for a less painful experience. The Botox is then injected directly into the muscles of the bladder in multiple areas.

    After treatment, the patient should not experience any significant pain, though blood might be present in the patients urine and there may be a slight burning or stinging sensation during the first few instances of urination after the procedure.

    The Botox injections themselves take approximately 10 minutes, while the prep time beforehand should take about 20 minutes. The assessment of the results after the injections should take approximately 30 minutes.

    About Oab And Detrusor Overactivity

    OAB and detrusor overactivity can both cause trouble with urination. With these conditions, you may have involuntary spasms in your bladder muscles, even when you dont actually need to urinate.

    The exact cause of OAB isnt known. But some possible factors or causes may include:

    • consuming caffeine, alcohol, or other bladder irritants
    • taking medications that increase urine output
    • other bladder problems, such as bladder stones
    • not completely emptying the bladder

    Detrusor overactivity can be linked with neurological conditions such as MS or a spinal cord injury. These neurological conditions affect how your brain communicates with the rest of your body. In some cases, they can cause bladder problems such as detrusor overactivity.

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