Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do You Calm An Irritated Bladder

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What Are The Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

Bladder Irritation with Urology Specialist Joan Meaney
  • Blood in the urine is the and often the first sign noticed. Depending on the amount of blood present, urine can appear red, pink, or brownish in color. There may be no associated pain, and long periods of time between episodes of hematuria .
  • Changes in urinary habits and symptoms of urinary irritation, which may include increased frequency and urgency of urination, pain or a burning sensation during urination, and/or difficulty passing urine.
  • If bladder cancer has grown in size or spread to other areas of the body, the symptoms experienced will depend on how far and to where the cancer has spread. They may include, for example, lower back pain on one side of the body, appetite and/or weight loss, general weakness, or bone pain.

As hematuria and urinary symptoms are common to several bladder disorders, including bladder cancer, it is important to see your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms so that the cause can be determined.

Will The Type Of Treatment Youre On Affect Your Diet

There are many medications that are available to treat overactive bladder. Most of these medications work by relaxing the bladder muscles to prevent bladder spasms. They can, however, have side effects, and those may in turn affect what you eat and drink.

A common side effect of OAB medications is dry mouth. This may cause you to drink more water than normal, which may then increase your oab symptoms. Keep an eye on how much water youre consuming, and try to take small sips throughout the day to avoid overloading your bladder.

Constipation is another potential side effect of OAB. Constipation places increased pressure on your bladder a problem in general, but especially when you have overactive bladder. Patients who experience constipation can help relieve this symptom by eating fiber rich foods, such as the ones listed above.

Talk to your doctor about any potential side effects of OAB medications you may be taking or considering.

OAB can be a frustrating condition, and one that can be tricky to treat. Talk to your doctor about the diet changes you can make to improve your symptoms, and incorporate some of the tips above. With a few small tweaks to what you eat, you may soon be on to drier days.

Should I Limit The Amount Of Fluids I Drink

No. Many people with bladder pain syndrome think they should drink less to relieve pain and reduce the number of times they go to the bathroom. But you need fluids, especially water, for good health. Getting enough fluids helps keep your kidneys and bladder healthy, prevent urinary tract infections, and prevent constipation, which may make your symptoms worse.9

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Calming The Overactive Bladder: A Nurse Practitioner Perspective*

Overactive bladder is not a single entity but, rather, a symptom complex consisting of urgency, with or without urge incontinence, and often frequency and nocturia.

The hallmark symptom is urgency, a compelling desire to urinate that is difficult or impossible to defer.1 The urgency is caused by detrusor hyperactivity. Urge incontinence ranges from leakage of a few drops of urine to a full gush, and occurs when contractile forces of the bladder overcome the ability of the pelvic floor muscles and urethral sphincter to retain urine.2 Urgency and leakage can be triggered by certain events, such as unlocking the door to ones house upon return , approaching a toilet, or hearing running water.3 Like urge incontinence, stress urinary incontinence entails an involuntary loss of urine. With SUI, urine loss occurs as a result of physical exertion or performing certain activities , whereas with urge incontinence, urine loss is preceded by a sudden, intense urge to urinate.1

OAB is not life threatening, but it is lifestyle threatening.4 Patients with OAB need not suffer with it, though. OAB can be identified quickly, by a nurse practitioner or even by a woman herself, and it can be managed fairly easily.

Foods With Vitamin D Are An Eggs

Dont Let Your Uncontrollable Bladder Creep in on You! 5 Tips for Good ...

Did you know a lack of Vitamin D3 is associated with frequent bladder leaks? One study showed that Vitamin D receptors are present in the pelvic floor muscles and can influence the development of urinary incontinence. In other words, if you have enough Vitamin D, then you may be able to keep your bladder protected and happy. One of the most Vitamin D-enriched foods is eggs, so stock up next time you hit the grocery store. And then spend a few minutes soaking up the sun because being outside is another way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

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Natural Ways To Help Calm An Overactive Bladder

As many as 30 percent of men and 40 percent of women in the U.S. live with symptoms of an overactive bladder.

The often embarrassing condition can cause a sudden urge to urinate. It can interfere with your work life, your social life and especially your sleep.

But there are some natural ways to lessen the symptoms.

About 33 million Americans have an overactive bladder, a condition that causes a sudden or frequent urges to urinate.

Here are a few simple changes: First, cut out alcohol.

Alcohol is not only an irritant to the bladder, as you know, but also a diuretic, meaning that it impacts the kidneys to make more urine, Dr. R. Mark Ellerkmann said.

Other drinks to avoid include caffeinated or carbonated beverages, citrus juices and cranberry juice.

Also, steer clear of spicy foods and acidic foods, like tomatoes, chocolate and artificial sweeteners.

Doctors also recommend keeping track of how much you drink and how often you go.

A 24-hour voiding diary can be very helpful,” Ellerkmann said. “Better yet is a three-day voiding diary that can give us a little more specific information about what is being consumed, especially with respect to bladder irritants. How much is being consumed and how often one is voiding.

But if these natural remedies dont work, see a doctor for other treatment options, which may include medications or certain procedures. They could offer you much-needed relief.


REPORT #2530

What Are Some Of The Causes Of Bladder Irritation

Many different things can cause bladder irritation. Some of the most common causes include:

-Infection: A urinary tract infection is a very common cause of bladder irritation. UTIs occur when bacteria enters the urethra and travels to the bladder. Symptoms of a UTI include a strong urge to urinate, pain or burning during urination, and cloudy or bloody urine.

-Chemicals: Certain chemicals, such as those found in cleaning products, can irritate the bladder.

-Allergies: Allergies to certain foods or environmental allergens can cause bladder irritation.

-Trauma: An injury to the bladder can cause it to become irritated.

-Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as interstitial cystitis or irritable bowel syndrome, can cause bladder irritation.

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What Foods And Drinks To Avoid

While you may want to drink less liquid so you dont have to urinate as often, you should still make sure you stay hydrated. More concentrated urine, usually darker in color, can irritate your bladder and cause more frequent urination.

Other foods and drinks can contribute to OAB symptoms, including:

  • tomato-based foods

You can test which drinks or foods irritate your bladder by eliminating them from your diet. Then reincorporate them one by one every two to three days at a time. Permanently eliminate the particular food or drink that worsens your symptoms.

How Can I Manage Bladder Irritation

Bladder Pain Syndrome and how to Treat it

You can manage discomfort by avoiding foods you have identified as bladder irritants. But removing foods from your diet doesnt mean you can never have them again. You might be able to enjoy them in moderation . Drinking plenty of water will help reduce pain from any bladder-irritating foods you might ingest, in moderation or accidentally.

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How To Know If Your Bladder Is Irritated

If your bladder isnt healthy, it’ll tell you through symptoms. Your bladder symptoms may include:

  • Painful urination.
  • Pain or pressure in the abdomen or bladder areas.
  • Pain in the pelvic floor muscles or bladder muscles.
  • General bladder pain.

Some common bladder issues that can cause these symptoms are:

Urinary tract infections . UTIs occur when bacteria enter your urethra and infect a part of your urinary tract. Symptoms are usually pain and burning while urinating, cloudy urine, and frequent urination.

Bladder infections. Bladder infections are another form of infection created by unwanted bacteria entering your urethra and spreading to your bladder. A bladder infection is usually more severe than a typical UTI. Symptoms typically include pain in your bladder or abdomen, fever, and chills.

Interstitial cystitis. Also known as painful bladder syndrome, this chronic condition has many causes and symptoms, are general pain and pressure in your bladder. Symptoms include painful and frequent urination and chronic pain in your bladder.

Overactive bladder . OAB comes with a frequent and sudden urge to pee that you may not be able to control. Damaged or weak detrusor muscles cause OAB. Symptoms of OAB often include voiding your urine more than usual and during the night.

Stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when you leak urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising, or lifting heavy objects. In addition, weak bladder muscles can cause stress incontinence.

Dont Suffer With Bladder Problems Norman Urology Can Help

Even when you eat the right foods, bladder problems can occur. Whether youre suffering from incontinence or a suspected urinary tract infection, or just want more advice to keep your bladder healthy, Norman Urology has the answers and the most current treatments. And you can count on superior, specialized care from experienced, compassionate professionals.

Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment. We cant wait to meet you!

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Final Steps In Interstitial Cystitis Treatment

When all else fails, hereâs what you could try:

  • Cyclosporine. This drug suppresses your immune system.
  • Surgery. In very rare cases when nothing else works, this may be an option. This is a complex operation that diverts your urine away from your bladder.

Even if IC treatments donât work for you, pain management using painkillers, acupuncture, or other methods can keep symptoms at bay.

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Determine Which Foods And Drinks Are Your Triggers

11 Fixes For A Weak Bladder

This is sometimes easier said than done, however, there are a few dietary offenders that should be eliminated to determine if they trigger your symptoms. These foods and drinks tend to be irritating due to their acidity, diuretic properties or inflammatory action on the bladder. Avoid the following foods and drinks for a period of three weeks to determine if there is improvement: alcohol, coffee, caffeinated tea, spicy foods, citrus fruit, cranberry juice, tomato products, artificial sweeteners, cured meats, MSG and carbonated drinks. This is not an all-inclusive list but a good start if you consume these regularly. Often when I have a look at a patients common dietary choices, I eliminate more foods or test for IgG mediated food sensitivities to look for other foods that may contribute to bladder inflammation.

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Tips For Suppressing The Urge To Pee

If you know for a fact that your bladder isn’t full, yet you still feel the need to pee, try using one of these strategies to suppress the urge. When the urge finally dissipates, slowly and calmly walk to the bathroom to urinate. This delay can help break the association that’s creating the problem in the first place. If you continue to have urges or notice other bladder control issues, see a PT for help. Suppressing urinary urges can be hard to do on your own and other factors may be contributing to your symptoms.

If you usually have to pee multiple times before going to sleep at night… Wait to go to the bathroom until right before getting into bed.

If you feel a strong urge to go whenever you hear running water… Start going to the bathroom before you turn on the shower or sink.

If your bladder tends to pipe up at other, specific times of day… Try one or more of these strategies:

Have To Pee Again How To Calm An Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder can drive you crazy. You just peed. And yet, there it is again â that tingly, gotta-go sensation around your urethra. You know your bladder canât possibly be full, but that feeling is both distracting and insistent. So you head to the bathroom for the third time in less than two hours.

Whatâs going on? The upshot is that a full bladder isnât the only reason you might feel like you have to pee. Other forces are at work, including the power of association. Just like driving past your favorite restaurant can trigger a food craving that has nothing to do with physical hunger, certain associations can trigger the urge to urinate.

These associations can be unique to you, but some common ones include:

  • Putting your key in the door when you get home
  • Getting ready to leave the house
  • Hearing running water
  • Knowing you have a long meeting or commute coming up
  • Starting your bedtime routine

Mental connections like these develop over time, based on your habits. If youâve made a habit of peeing before meetings, opening a Zoom invite may generate the urge to go, even if you just came back from the bathroom. Itâs important to know that this phenomenon is not âall in your head.â A mental association can cause your central nervous system to send a real signal to your bladder. The message: Itâs time to contract and push the urine out. See here for more info about this process.

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How Is Bladder Pain Syndrome Diagnosed

There is no one test to tell whether you have bladder pain syndrome. Your doctor or nurse will do a physical exam to look at your lower abdomen and lower back and ask you questions about your symptoms. Your doctor may give you tests to rule out other health problems, such as urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections , bladder cancer, or kidney stones.

Some tests your doctor may do include:

Avoid Foods That Irritate Your Bladder

Relief for painful bladder and interstitial cystitis IC | ChristiMD Medical Group

The first step toward calming an irritated bladder is to avoid foods that worsen the symptoms you experience. The most troublesome foods include citrus fruits and juices, caffeine, tomato, and tomato-based products, spicy foods, alcohol, vinegar, and some artificial sweeteners .

Besides these foods, other foods that may irritate your bladder include chocolate, carbonated drinks, onions, and processed foods.

Ideally, you should avoid or reduce your intake of these foods. While some foods are known as bladder irritants, the experiences may vary.

Its useful to have a food journal where youll track your intake of foods and vegetables and also log symptoms you experience. This will help you detect foods that irritate your bladder and urethra.

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Hot And Cold Compresses

Another simple and effective treatment is applying a hot compress to your bladder. This can reduce bladder swellingâa common interstitial cystitis symptom.

Your doctor may also recommend the combination of cold and hot packs on your abdomen to provide relief from pain and inflammation. But a hot compress is used specifically to reduce muscle spasms.

For this, wrap a thin cloth around a hot water bag, and apply it to your pelvic floor muscles for a five-minute period. After a five-minute break, reapply the hot water bag for another five minutes.

Repeat this two or three times per day, or whenever you feel pain around your pelvic floor or bladder.

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Can Bananas Cause Frequent Urination

Its not just citrus fruits that can trigger the need to pee. Other fruits like apples, bananas, and grapes could be to blame, too. If you think a certain food has caused you extra trips to the bathroom, try a little test. Stop eating it for a while, then start again in small amounts to see if the symptoms return.

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Medicines And Medical Conditions

  • Medicines such as diuretics for high blood pressure cause you to get rid of fluid that your body is keeping.
  • If you take a diuretic, it will make your bladder fill up quickly and then you will need to pee more often.
  • For some women, after taking the medicine, they stay close to a bathroom and pee more often to lower leakage.
  • Do not take this type of medicine at bedtime. You will need to get up often during the night to pee.
  • Certain medicines or medical conditions may cause you to have a dry mouth or become thirstier.
  • Try to limit the amount of fluids that you drink a few hours before you go to bed.
  • Ask us about ways to lessen dry mouth if you have a problem.
  • If you have leg swelling, you can elevate your legs. The fluid from the swelling will go into your circulation and then into your bladder.
  • You can lower the number of times that you have to get up at night to pee if you:
  • Raise your legs a couple of hours before you go to bed
  • Wear compression stockings to lower swelling
  • Tips For Handling Specific Ic Triggers

    What You Need to Know About the Overactive Bladder Patch
    • Sexual Intercourse Flares Unfortunately, for some people, interstitial cystitis and sex are connected. Sexual intercourse can lead to interstitial cystitis flares. To prevent flares from intimacy, try taking pain-reducing and anti-spasmodic medications prior to sex, use lubricant during intercourse, and after sex take a sitz bath or ice your perineum.
    • Clothing Flares If you feel a flare coming on while youre wearing athletic pants, pantyhose, tight jeans, or slimming undergarments, remove them immediately. Opt for clothing that is not constrictive and fits loosely around the waist and pelvic region.
    • Diet flares While research consistently shows no links between certain foods or drinks to IC, there is a strong relationship between diet and painful bladder syndrome. Dietary modification can lessen the severity of your symptoms. Coffee, soda, caffeinated beverages, tomatoes, spicy foods, high-acid foods, citrus, and MSG can all trigger IC symptoms. If you have a flare, journal what you ate prior to it. This will help you identify foods that could be causing your IC flares and allow you to avoid these in the future.

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