Saturday, July 27, 2024

All Natural Bladder Infection Remedies

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How Can You Cure A Uti

Home remedies for urinary tract infection or UTI (urine infection)

For all the anti-antibiotic people out there, I have bad news. You cant cure the infection with natural remedies. Sorry. Though there are natural solutions that might help prevent UTI , all the unsweetened cranberry juice in the world wont actually help you. In fact, in the study Cranberry juice fails to prevent recurrent urinary tract infection, cranberry juice cocktail had the exact same effect as a placebo in recurrent UTIs. Barbosa-Cesnik C, et al. . Cranberry juice fails to prevent recurrent urinary tract infection: Results from a randomized placebo-controlled trial. DOI: Though you probably guessed that from the study title.

The only way to totally get rid of a UTI is with antibiotics. If youre experiencing symptoms, its best to get to the doctor quickly. Theyll test your urine, and if its indeed a UTI, youll get a weeklong course of antibiotics. Usually, your symptoms go away in a few days and you can enjoy pain-free peeing again. But you must continue your antibiotics until youve completed the prescription.

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

The typical treatment for a UTI is antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. To diagnose a UTI, your doctor may identify your symptoms and prescribe you the appropriate medication.

In other instances, if your symptoms aren’t straightforward, or if you’ve been struggling with recurrent UTIs, your doc may suggest further testing.

More in-depth testing may involve:

  • Additional bacteria cultures of a urine sample
  • Ultrasound, computerized tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging
  • Cystoscopy using a camera to look inside your urethra and bladder

Remedies For Bladder Infections

If you think you have a bladder infection, you should contact your doctor and schedule an outpatient appointment. Youâll need medication to get rid of the bacterial infection. That said, there are home remedies you can also use to help ease symptoms and help with the healing process. Here are five remedies and treatments for bladder infections that you can use:

1. See your doctor for an antibiotic

If youâre diagnosed with a bladder infection, your doctor will likely prescribe an oral antibiotic. Antibiotics work by getting rid of the bacteria that is causing your bladder infection. Research has shown that antibiotics are effective and perform better than a placebo.

You need to complete the full course of the prescribed antibiotic, even when you start to feel better. If you stop the antibiotic before completing the prescription, you risk getting another infection. In an uncomplicated or simple bladder infection, youâll typically notice an improvement in your symptoms within a day or two of starting the antibiotic. Your doctor may select an antibiotic treatment course that will last three to five days. In complicated bladder infections, the course is longer, typically seven to fourteen days.

2. Drink more water

When caring for a bladder infection, itâs critical to drink lots of fluids to help flush the bacteria out of your bladder. The additional fluids also help dilute your urine, which can make urinating less painful while youâre healing from the infection.

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Causes And Risk Factors


OAB occurs in both men and women. Its possible to have overactive bladder at any point in your life. But, its especially common in older adults. The prevalence of OAB in people younger than 50 years of age is less than 10 percent. After the age of 60, the prevalence increases to 20 to 30 percent.

The following are some of the other most common underlying causes and risk factors associated with OAB symptoms:

Nerve Damage

A healthy, normal functioning bladder holds urine until it gets full and is prompted to empty by nerve signals. However, when nerve damage occurs in the body, the muscles surrounding the urethra can be too loose. This undesirable looseness can cause someone to become incontinent. What can cause nerve damage that can then lead to bladder leakage? Some possibilities include:

  • Back or pelvis surgery

Weak pelvic muscles

When a man or womans pelvic floor muscles are weak, bladder control issues can happen. The pelvic floor muscles are like a sling that holds up the uterus and bladder. For women, a pregnancy and childbirth can often lead to a stretching and weakening of the vital pelvic floor muscles. When pelvic floor muscles are compromised for this reason or another, the bladder can then sag out of place. The opening of the urethra also stretches and urine easily leaks out.


Natural Urinary Tract Infection Remedies Recovery In Dogs

Natural Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Rest for your dog during treatment is important. However, allow your dog outside to urinate frequently. Cleaning out the urinary tract during this time will be essential to create the correct pH balance for a healthy urinary tract.

Once your dog is feeling better, begin to add cranberries and blueberries to their meals. Some natural food brands and prescription foods are specifically designed for urinary tract issues and are created with natural foods that promote a healthy urinary tract.

Also Check: Bcg Treatment Schedule For Bladder Cancer

How Uva Ursi Works For Utis

Uva ursi works as an antimicrobial and has been shown to act against E.coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and 70 other urinary tract bacteria. It is believed the antimicrobial action is due to arbutin and hydroquinone, constituents of Uva ursi. It also contains tannins that help to shrink and tighten mucous membranes, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation and fight infection. Importantly, arbutin is only released in alkaline urine, which means Uva ursi may have little benefit if the urine is acidic.

Home Remedies For Bladder Infection Blueberries

Blueberry that has bacteria-inhibiting properties can help in treating the bladder infection.

In addition, blueberries have also the antioxidants that are beneficial for the immune system. They also prevent the growth of bacteria, which causes bladder infection.

Way 1:

  • You should have some fresh blueberries for your breakfast or add them to your favorite cereal.

Way 2:

  • You make the fresh blueberry juice and drink it every day, especially at night and in the morning for quick results. You should remember that the juice is not mixed with any artificial sweetener.

You should add the juice or fresh blueberries in your daily diet, which is also a great way to prevent bladder infection.

Recommended Reading: Panty Liners For Light Bladder Leakage

Where To Find Good Herbs/supplements

Head on over to my Trusted Products page for direct links to the pharmaceutical-grade supplements I trust. Microbiome Labs has an excellent probiotic called Mega Spore, which works really well, and you can find other supplements at FullScript.

For bulk herbs, I like Mountain Rose Herbs because theyre a small company with excellent quality botanicals. Sure, Amazon sells bulk herbs but the quality is often dicey depending on the brand, whos selling it/storing it, etc. With Mountain Rose, and other established bulk herb companies, you know youre ordering direct from a real company with a real quality assurance/quality control department that ensures youre getting unadulterated, toxin-free, species-verified, organic herbsand that counts for a lot.

Natural Home Remedies For Bladder Infection Pain

Top Natural Remedies for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

When you urinate if you feel stabbing or burning pain, you might get a bladder infection. Bacteria that grow in the urethra or bladder cause the bladder infections. The tube, which takes the urine out of the body, is the urethra. Anyone can have the bladder infection. However, it is more popular in women than children or men. In this writing, will introduce to you the best natural home remedies for bladder infection pain without any side effect. These home remedies are collected effectively and safely from reliable sources. However, it is not intended to give medical advice and it is solely for the informational purpose. Continue reading this article to understand more!

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Do I Really Have To See A Doctor For A Uti

It may seem unnecessary to see a doctor for such a common illness. Why not just let it go and treat it on your own? Dr. Elizabeth Rice, a licensed naturopathic doctor and primary care physician at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, has tips for natural treatments, but says you always have to be careful. A partially treated or mistreated UTI can quickly become a serious condition known as pyelonephritis , so care must always be taken when treating UTIs naturally.

If youre just starting to feel or see potential UTI symptoms, you can try a few natural remedies to try to flush out the bacteria and reduce inflammation before the infection really takes hold, Rice says. Increase your intake of fluids to help flush the bladder. But if the symptoms persist more than a day, or get worse, you have to go to the doctor.

Going to the doctor may be a bit annoying, but a UTI that morphs into a kidney infection is way worse than an afternoon in the waiting room. Kidney infections can lead to potentially life-threatening sepsis or permanent kidney damage. Seeing a doctor to prescribe antibiotics may ultimately help you avoid a lifetime of medical complications.

You know your body best, so listen to it. You may not run to the doctor after one weird-feeling pee. If you start to have mild symptoms, here are a few natural choices that may help you out.

Are Bananas Good For Utis

The American Urological Association calls bananas a bladder-friendly food. Thats because bananas arent likely to irritate the bladder in most people. Other bladder-friendly fruits and veggies include: pears, green beans, winter squash, and potatoes. While eating bananas may help to lessen bladder irritation, eating bananas alone wont make a UTI go away.

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Urinary Incontinence In Dogs

Urinary incontinence in dogs, means your dog has the inability to retain urine in his bladder in other words, bladder leaks.

The urinary system is quite elegant. Urine is produced by the kidneys and fed through the ureters to the bladder. A sphincter keeps the passage to outside closed until its voluntarily opened during urination. At that point, urine flows through the urethra to whatever object your dog decides to gift with his or her scent.

When the sphincter doesnt stay fully tightened, involuntary leakage occurs. If the bladder is too full, urine can overflow into the urethra and escape. This often happens while your dog is resting or sleeping, or when she gets up from lying down.

Dribbling urine can also be a behavior issue if it happens when your dog is frightened or being submissive.

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Chiropractic Acupuncture And Osteopathy

10 Natural Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

These hands-on treatments are excellent choices that can be very successful in resolving incontinence. Theyre especially effective if urinary incontinence in dogs is due to physical issues like spine misalignment, muscle spasms, or nerve injury or impairment.

Read how to find a practitioner under the Find A Holistic Vet section below. You may also be able to find a local veterinary rehab facility that offers these modalities.

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How To Get Rid Of A Uti In 24 Hours

Are you experiencing painful urination and a constant need to run to the bathroom? If so, then youre already wondering how to get rid of a UTI in 24 hours. The seven home remedies in this article can help.

If youre still experiencing symptoms after 24 hours, then you need antibiotics. To get your hands on them, youll need to visit the doctor.

The doctors at Oxford Urgent Care will provide you with prompt treatment and relief. Check out our contact information and visit our office as soon as possible to remedy your UTI.

Looking For More Natural Remedies

As you may know, I’m extremely passionate about providing women with all the details they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

I’m not in any way against pharmaceuticals when they are necessary and indicated for a particular treatment. Antibiotics have a time and a place in our health. But when other options are safe and effective, I like to offer women choices that include natural options they can administer themselves.

If you’re into that sort of balance too, I’d love to send you an email when I post new articles. Hop on my mailing list HERE so I can share my research with you!

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Homeopathic Remedies For Uti

1. Aconitum apellus : this remedy is useful when there is a feeling of anxiousness both before and while urinating. It is also good for UTI-burning relief.

2. Belladonna: if there is a frequent feeling of urination along with cramps in the area of the bladder, accompanied by a very small amount of colored urine, this remedy is helpful.

3. Apis mellifica: this remedy can be taken if there is a frequent urge to urinate along with a burning sensation and soreness in the abdominal area.

4. Borax: this remedy is helpful to treat acute cystitis accompanied by pain in the bladder as well as urinary opening.

5. Chimaphila umbellata: if a person has to strain a lot in order to pass the urine, along with a scalding sensation, this remedy works well.

6. Staphysagria: this remedy is quite useful for women if cystitis occurs due to sexual activity. This condition may be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the bladder even after urinating.

Apart from these, you can try some other homeopathic treatments, like Berberis Vulgaris, cantharis, clematis, lycopodium, equisetum, nux vomica, sepia, and sarsaparilla.

Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics

Top Remedies for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection: Updated)

Some of the common antibiotics your doctor may prescribe to treat a UTI include:

In certain instances, your doctor may prescribe a less common antibiotic. If you have allergies to certain antibiotics, for example, or your UTI is more severe, you may receive a prescription for a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. These include Cipro and Levaquin .

A typical course of antibiotics for a mild UTI lasts several days. If you’re otherwise feeling fine besides your UTI, your physician may suggest a shortened course of drugs, maybe 1-3 days. Follow your doctors direction, though. Stopping an antibiotic too soon could enable your infection to return.

If you are getting frequent, recurring infections, your doctor might suggest a low dose antibiotic regimen over the course of several months.

It’s important to note that an estimated 22% of women receiving antibiotic treatment for a UTI develop candida overgrowth soon after. If you have to take antibiotics, be sure to accompany them with a course of probiotics to help to keep candida at bay.

Symptoms like fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, pain in your low back or side is a sign that its time to talk to your provider and start that antibiotic. Your microbiome can heal, but your kidneys cant if an infection is left untreated.

Also Check: Sulfa Medication For Bladder Infection

Preventative Tips For Recurring Or Chronic Utis:

  • Avoid wearing thongs, as it makes it easier for bacteria to travel from the rectum to the vulva/vagina. Think of thongs as a road for bacteria to travel back and forthyeah, not so sexy now, huh?
  • Reconsider your contraceptives if youre using a diaphragm, cervical cap, or condoms with spermicide, all of which increase your chances of UTIs.
  • Be mindful about feminine protection. Wearing pads has been shown to increase your risk of UTI. However, if you use tampons I recommend organic, 100% cotton tampons ONLY as pesticide residues can also kill off healthy vaginal flora. If you prefer pads, change them often and go for plastic-free varieties or reusables made from natural, preferably organic cotton or linen.
  • Take showers instead of baths.
  • Drinking cranberry juice daily has been shown to decrease UTIs in women with a recent history of infection.12
  • Consider an anti-inflammatory diet which discourages foods that can trigger inflammation or irritation in the bladder, such as gluten, sugar, vinegar, nightshade vegetables, dairy, soy, corn, coffee, refined oils, and chocolate.13, 14
  • Eat probiotic-rich foods and/or take a Lactobacillus-containing probiotic.15
  • Talk to your integrative functional medicine doctor or practitioner about using certain antimicrobial herbs prophylactically. Some of my top recommendations are available on FullScript and include: Herb Pharm Cranberry Tincture, DFH UT Synergy, and Metagenics Womens Probiotic.

Control Your Urge To Urinate

You may be able to control, or suppress, the strong urge to urinate, which is called urge or urgency suppression. With this type of bladder training, you can worry less about finding a bathroom in a hurry. Some people distract themselves to take their minds off needing to urinate. Other people find that long, relaxing breaths or holding still can help. Doing pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor also can help control the urge to urinate. Quick, strong squeezes of the pelvic floor muscles can help suppress urgency when it occurs, which may help you get to the toilet before you leak.

Recommended Reading: E Coli Bladder Infection Symptoms

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Cranberries Watermelon And Cherries

Cranberry juice has been traditionally used as an adjuvant for bladder infections. Studies show its effective as a preventative treatment, especially in women with recurrent incidence.

So, it could be an aid in the treatment of a bladder infection when mixed with other fruits containing antioxidants and other bioactives. However, note that it isnt recommended for people taking anticoagulants.



  • Wash and dry the cherries and cranberries
  • Separately, extract the pulp from the watermelon and discard the rind and seeds
  • Blend with the water for two to three minutes to a a smooth texture
  • Serve and drink in moderation
  • Add some fresh mint for an extra touch of flavor

Top 12 Natural Home Remedies For Uti

69 Best Of What Homeopathic Remedy Is Good For Uti

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

Urinary tract infections are some of the most frequent clinical bacterial infections in women, accounting for nearly 25 percent of all infections. More than 50 percent of women will develop a UTI and UTI symptoms in their lifetimes, and because antibiotics are the most common conventional treatment for UTIs, bacteria have become antibiotic-resistant and recurring infections are a major concern. For this reason, its important to use home remedies for UTIs that eliminate bacteria completely and reduce the risk of developing recurrent urinary tract infections.

Some of the best home remedies for UTI include drinking plenty of fluids, staying clean and dry, and consuming things like cranberries, probiotics, vitamin C and using essential oils. Read on for all 12 of my top home remedies for UTI.

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