Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bladder Medication Over The Counter

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How Should This Medicine Be Used

Does Azo Treat Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)? Phenazopyridine | How to Manage a UTI with OTC Meds

Phenazopyridine comes as a tablet or capsule to take by mouth. It usually is taken three times a day after meals. Do not chew or crush the tablets as it may cause your teeth to become stained swallow them whole with a full glass of water. You may stop taking this drug when pain and discomfort completely disappear. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take phenazopyridine exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

What Is Overactive Bladder

Normally, your urinary tract functions quite well. Yourkidneys produce urine that is stored in the bladder, and your bladder isrelaxed when there is no urine present. As your bladder fills withurine, your nerves send a signal that it needs to be emptied. When youhave overactive bladder, the signals to empty the bladder are sent eventhough the bladder is not full. As a result, you may notice thefollowing: 1) you feel the need to urinate 8 or more times during theday, and 2 or more times during a typical night 2) you feel a sudden,strong, and immediate urge to urinate and 3) you leak urineuncontrollably after you have the sudden and strong urge to urinate.Further, when you attempt to urinate, there is often very little urineor no urine at all.

Overactive bladder is not the same as stress incontinence.With stress incontinence, you leak urine when sneezing, laughing, orcarrying out other physical activities.

When To Consider Meds

If you have urge incontinence and have tried nondrug measures for several months but symptoms are still interfering with your quality of life, you might consider adding medication.

There is a role for these drugs, Hochman says, but typically only after trying safer treatments first.

How do they work? In some people with urge incontinence, the bladder muscles contract at the wrong time, causing the uncomfortable feeling of urgency and often leaks. Drugs used to treat the condition relax the bladder muscles, which can increase the storage size of the bladder and reduce the urge to urinate.

Based on analysis of the evidence by CR Best Buy Drugs, none of the drugs clearly works better than the others.

If you and your doctor conclude that one is worth trying, consider generic prescription extended-release oxybutynin. It costs about twice as much as the short-acting drug if youre paying out-of-pocket but offers the convenience of once-a-day dosing.

In addition, research suggests that it has a somewhat lower risk of side effects than other forms of the drug, including the OTC patch, as well as some other bladder drugs, including short-acting tolterodine.

Watch closely for side effects, particularly memory problems or confusion, which can be subtle, Hochman says. Because of those risks, our experts advise against the drugs for anyone diagnosed with dementia.

If symptoms havent improved after eight weeks, ask your doctor about adjusting the dose or trying a different option.

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Basic Considerations When Buying Medicine For Uti

With so many different types of UTI medicine, it can be easy to make the wrong purchase. To save yourself from a bad buy and a potentially harmful product, make sure you consider these factors to help you land the best over the counter UTI medicine.

  • Effects. It pays to keep in mind that a urinary tract infection is a bacteria-caused infection, and that means the best medicine for UTI should be an antibiotic however, because antibiotics for UTI cant be purchased over the counter, its the second best choice to buy a product that promotes urinary tract health to fight off the infection.

Most of the products you will find are much less geared towards healing the infection itself, and are formulated to provide health effects that improve the wellness of the overall system. In doing this, these medicines are able to encourage the body to fight off the infection, thus causing the infection to weaken over time.

  • Homeopathic. Because over the counter UTI remedies are more focused on improving health than fighting off the infection directly, many of them come as homeopathic remedies. These options are made from all natural ingredients, and do not cause any toxicity associated with long term use.

For some, however, these products may not provide results at all. This always depends on how the body reacts to the formulation. Because homeopathic remedies do not contain any synthetic, clinically designed ingredients, they may or may not work on some people.

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Phenazopyridine

AZO Urinary Tract Defense Antibacterial Protection Pain ...

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives difficult breathing swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Stop using phenazopyridine and call your doctor at once if you have:

Common side effects may include:

  • headache
  • dizziness or
  • upset stomach.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Recommended Reading: How To Help A Weak Bladder Naturally

What If I Forget To Take It

If you forget to take your medicine, take it as soon as you remember unless the next dose is due in less than 6 hours. In this case skip the missed dose and take your next one at the usual time.

Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.

If you forget doses often, it may help to set an alarm to remind you. You could also ask your pharmacist for advice on other ways to help you remember to take your medicine.

How Can Diet Affect Overactive Bladder

Some foods and drinks irritate the bladder, possiblycontributing to the problem. You should strive to eliminate caffeinefrom your diet by halting use of coffee, tea, and all caffeinated softdrinks. Alcohol should be eliminated entirely, as it is another bladderirritant. Spices such as pepper add flavor to foods, but they also cancause severe irritation to the bowels and bladder. It may be helpful tokeep a diary of your intake of these foods and drinks to see if theyactually do produce a worsening of symptoms.

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How Common Is Urinary Incontinence

Losing bladder control doesnt commonly occur in younger men, but if youre an older man especially over the age of 60 your chances of developing urinary incontinence increases due to associated prostate issues. The National Institutes of Health reports that between 11% and 34% of older men experience incontinence at least occasionally and 2-11% report it is a problem daily.

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It can affect your everyday life because if you strain physically, or even sneeze or cough, you could find yourself with leakage in your pants. As a result, you might stop doing things you enjoy, such as socializing or sporting activities. Even sexual encounters can be affected, as position and pressure during intercourse can cause bladder spasm or leakage.

Other Treatments To Try

Medications For Overactive Bladder

In rare cases when all OAB treatment fails and overactive bladder is severe, doctors may recommend one of several types of surgery.

A procedure called bladder augmentation uses part of the bowel to increase bladder capacity. Or, urinary diversion, an alternate route for bladder drainage for severe, complicated OAB patients.

Sacral nerve stimulation. Another procedure implants a small device, similar to a pacemaker, under the skin. The device is connected to a wire, which sends small electrical pulses to nerves around the pelvic floor that control the bladder and muscles surrounding it. This helps build bladder control. Itâs often called a bladder pacemaker. The main limitation with this treatment is that it keeps you from having a spinal MRI.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation. The doctor places a needle on nerves near your ankle that affect bladder control. Youâll have one session a week for 12 weeks and then maintenance treatments as needed. This procedure is done in the office.

An overactive bladder doesnât have to get in the way of your daily life. With a little time, patience, and the right treatment, you can regain control — and peace of mind. Whatever treatment for overactive bladder you and your doctor decide upon, it’s important that you stick with it. If you do, chances are your condition will improve in time.

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Overactive Bladder Medication Over The Counter

When you are suffering from overactive bladder , it can be easy to run to the drugstore or your local supermarket to look for a quick solution. But does the easiest option mean it will be effective? In this article we will explore overactive bladder medication that is over the counter to see if it is an effective treatment option.

Over-the-counter overactive bladder medications are an easy option, but they might not work for everyone. Symptoms often vary between people, and depending on what you experience, speaking with a doctor and getting a prescription may be a better option.

A New Nonprescription Product For Overactive Bladder In Women

W. Steven Pray, PhD, DPhBernhardt Professor, Nonprescription Products and DevicesCollege of Pharmacy

Gabriel E. Pray, PharmD CandidateCollege of PharmacyWeatherford, Oklahoma

US Pharm

Occasionally, the nonprescription product market undergoesa significant change. There is no greater change than the debut of anew product labeled to treat a medical condition that has never beforebeen judged amenable to self-care. The September 2013 introduction ofOxytrol For Women to the nonprescriptionproduct market is a perfect example of an Rx-to-OTC switch that couldalter the health care habits of countless women.1,2

Also Check: Best Supplements For Bladder Infection

How Is It Treated

Treatments depend on the type of incontinence you have and how much it affects your life. Your treatment may include medicines, simple exercises, or both. A few men need surgery, but most don’t.

There are also some things you can do at home. In many cases, these lifestyle changes can be enough to control incontinence.

  • Cut back on caffeine drinks, such as coffee and tea. Also cut back on fizzy drinks like soda pop. And limit alcohol to no more than 1 drink a day.
  • Eat foods high in fiber to help avoid constipation.
  • Don’t smoke. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for good.
  • Stay at a healthy weight.
  • Try simple pelvic-floor exercises like Kegels.
  • Go to the bathroom at several set times each day. Wear clothes that you can remove easily. Make your path to the bathroom as clear and quick as you can.
  • When you urinate, practice double voiding. This means going as much as you can, relaxing for a moment, and then going again.
  • Use a diary to keep track of your symptoms and any leaking of urine. This can help you and your doctor find the best treatment for you.

If you have symptoms of urinary incontinence, don’t be embarrassed to tell your doctor. Most people with incontinence can be helped or cured.

Natural Treatment For Overactive Bladder

UTI Prevention

Bladder training and pelvic floor exercises are just two natural treatments for overactive bladder. Research suggests that these nondrug remedies can be very effective for many women, and they have almost no side effects.

But before starting any OAB treatment, itâs important to understand bladder function and what things may cause overactive bladder.

Another way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles is electrical stimulation, which sends a small electrical pulse to the area via electrodes placed in the vagina or rectum.

Until you get your overactive bladder under control, wearing absorbent pads can help hide any leakage.

Other lifestyle tips for preventing incontinence include:

Recommended Reading: Over The Counter Bladder Control Meds

Medications That May Cause Increased Urination

There are several potential causes of frequent urination, and the meds youre taking might be one of them.


Maybe youve noticed that youre rushing to the restroom lately. Or youre waking up in the middle of the night to go. Perhaps you’re needing to take way more breaks at work to pee.

There are many potential causes of frequent urination. They include, but are not limited to, an increase in water intake, a urinary tract infection, or onset of a new disease such as diabetes, as the Mayo Clinic notes.

Its worth asking yourself: Have I started a new medication lately?

That gotta-go impulse is a relatively common side effect of various drugs available over-the-counter and by prescription. Many medications can lead to urinary retention and something we call overflow incontinence, which is when the bladder is not able to contract and expel urine effectively, leaving urine in the bladder, says Brooke D. Hudspeth, PharmD, an associate professor and the chief practice officer at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy in Lexington. Other meds may interfere with the function of the urethra and lead to leakage or cause the bladder to quickly fill up with urine and make you pee more frequently.

Whether youre on diuretics to reduce your blood pressure, a decongestant to clear your sinuses, or a mood-stabilizing medication for bipolar disorder, here are some common medications that may be causing you to urinate more.

What Are Common Bladder Irritants

Before you find out what products to buy, it is important to learn more about the bladder itself. After all, most of us dont know enough about organs and their functions. The bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis located right above and behind the pubic bone.

When its empty, the bladder resembles a pear in shape and size. On the other hand, when its full your bladder expands. The inner lining of the bladder tucks into the folds and it expands to accumulate the fluid i.e. urine.

Kidneys make urine which then travels to the bladder via tubes called ureters. The urine is stored in your bladder. During urination, muscles in the bladder squeeze, and two sphincters open to allow urine out. On its way out of the bladder, the urine goes through the urethra, a tube that carries it out of your body. Men have a larger urethra than women because it passes through their penis.

Weak bladder control is a frequent problem that happens due to a wide array of causes. Some of the most common causes of weak bladder control include:

  • Diabetes
  • Stay hydrated drink enough fluids, particularly water
  • Take enough time to empty your bladder completely
  • Urinate after sex
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and cotton underwear

Bladder control requires some lifestyle adjustments, but sometimes you need more than that. This is where bladder control products step in. They help you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms and urgent urination in an entirely natural manner.

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Complementary And Alternative Medicine

There are many complementary and alternative therapies used to treat OAB. These include mind-body therapies that help minimize urinary urgency and symptoms of stress incontinence .

Naturopathic doctors and others also use herbal remedies to treat OAB, but few of these are strongly supported by research. Among those that have some evidence of a positive effect are:

  • Gosha-jinki-gan : This traditional Chinese medicine remedy is composed of 10 herbs. Animal studies suggest GJC can mute bladder sensations that contribute to urinary urgency. Small studies in women and men have shown positive results, albeit with side effects in 1 in 10 users .
  • Saw palmetto: Saw palmetto is a popular herbal remedy said to increase testosterone levels and alleviate prostate enlargement that can contribute to OAB symptoms in men. A 12-week study involving 44 men with OAB reported improved bladder control and decreased prostate size compared to men who didnt take it.

Always speak with your healthcare provider before using a herbal remedy to treat OAB. The overuse of herbal remedies, especially imported ones, can expose you to substances that may be toxic to your liver and kidneys or interact with drugs you are taking.

Use Of Myrbetriq And Important Safety Information

How to help a “leaky bladder” – And my favorite over the counter products for stress incontinence.

Do not take MYRBETRIQ® if you are allergic to mirabegron or any ingredients in MYRBETRIQ. MYRBETRIQ may cause your blood pressure to increase or make your blood pressure worse if you have a history of high blood pressure. You and your doctor should check your blood pressure while you are taking MYRBETRIQ.

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Jazzee Naturals Higher Extra Strength Dosage

Another great over the counter UTI medicine is Jazzee Naturals D-Mannose Healthy Urinary Tract Support. This product is also an all-natural remedy that seeks to improve urinary tract health and fight off infections. The product incorporates mannose into its formula as well, however the concentration is slightly less potent that the previous item.

The product works by cleansing the system to encourage the body to expel whatever bacteria caused the infection. While this is a very effective method for ridding the body of foreign particles, it also causes much more urination. This, coupled with the already strong urge to urinate associated with UTI, can be troubling for some users.

Cautions With Other Medicines

Mirabegron may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may affect how mirabegron works.

Tell your pharmacist or doctor if you’re taking:

  • digoxin, a medicine for heart failure or abnormal heart rhythm
  • imipramine or desipramine, medicines for urinary incontinence or nerve pain
  • dabigatran, a blood thinner
  • ketoconazole or itraconazole, medicines used to treat fungal infections
  • ritonavir, a medicine used to treat HIV

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