What Is The Outcome Of The Male Sling Procedure
The majority of men undergoing the male sling procedure are either cured or markedly improved afterward. Men who do not have a good result, or who have recurrent urinary leakage at a later date, are still good candidates for an artificial urinary sphincter . Your doctor will discuss any additional procedures you may need in the future and will help develop a plan with you.
Frequently Asked Questions Expand All
- What is stress urinary incontinence ?
Stress urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine with physical activity, such as exercise, or when coughing, laughing, or sneezing. It is a common problem in women. SUI can be treated with both nonsurgical and surgical treatment methods.
- What causes SUI?
SUI is a pelvic floor disorder. These disorders occur when tissues and muscles that support the urethra, bladder, uterus, or rectum are damaged.
In SUI, the sphincter muscle that controls the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra may weaken. Or the muscles that support the position of the bladder and the urethra may weaken. Weakness in these muscles may occur from pregnancy, childbirth, or aging.
- What nonsurgical treatments may help with SUI?
If you have SUI and your symptoms bother you, your health care professional may suggest nonsurgical treatments first. Lifestyle changes, such as drinking less fluid, limiting caffeine, stopping smoking, and losing weight, can help decrease the number of times you leak urine.
Other nonsurgical options include pelvic muscle exercises , physical therapy and biofeedback, or use of a pessary. Another option is an over-the-counter product that is inserted into the like a tampon. If these treatments do not improve the problem, surgery may help.
- What are the surgical treatments for SUI?
Surgery improves SUI symptoms in most women. There are different types of surgery for SUI:
Medical history
Cause of the problem
What Are The Side Effects Of A Bladder Sling
While most patients experience few side effects, there are always risks involved with any surgery. If you experience bloating after bladder sling surgery, the placement may be off, and you should consult your doctor.Other complications include prolonged abdominal pain, painful intercourse and urinary tract infection. There is also a small chance that the mesh material could begin to erode through your tissue or become exposed.
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Medicolegal Problems With Vaginal Mesh Surgery
In addition to the medical problems, surgeons must be aware of potential litigation resulting from complications of vaginal surgeries with implantation of meshes. Since the FDA released a warning on the safety and effectiveness of trans-vaginal placement of meshes in 2011, the number of lawsuits has increased exponentially and has thus become a major concern to all vaginal surgeons. Given the potential risks involved, as well as the readily available legal recourse for patients who experience complications, it is important to deter litigation by appropriately counseling patients about the risks and documenting informed consent in the medical record .
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What Happens After The Male Sling Procedure
Following your surgery, you may have a catheter exiting from the urethra for a short period of time. The catheter is in place to allow you to empty your bladder since there may be swelling after surgery that makes it difficult to urinate. After the swelling goes down, you will gradually be able to urinate on your own and empty your bladder well. However, your normal pattern of urination may not return for a few weeks. You can resume a normal diet after surgery.
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What You Should Know:
- A bladder sling procedure is done to treat women who have urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence occurs when urine leaks out of your bladder. Your bladder is an organ at the bottom of your abdomen where urine is stored. Urine leaves your bladder through a tube called your urethra. Strong muscles around your urethra keep urine from leaking out. If these muscles weaken, you may have trouble controlling your urine flow. Urine leakage occurs most often when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or lift objects.
Complications Of Vaginal Mesh Slings For Incontinence
Surgery that uses a synthetic mesh is the most common operation done to correct urinary stress incontinence in women, but may lead to complications or failure. Dr. Blaivas is an expert on reconstructive surgery for patients with significant mesh complications. He has published the largest series of reports in the world on women who have undergone urethral reconstructiona procedure that can help patients whose urethras were damaged by mesh surgeryand the largest series on treating urinary fistulas after mesh sling complications.
Mesh complications may cause new symptoms that were not present before the surgery. They may include:
- Difficulty urinating or inability to urinate at all due to a blockage by the sling
- Urinating too often and having to rush to the bathroom
- Urinary urge incontinence
- Recurring urinary tract infections
- Vaginal discharge or bleeding
- Ureteral obstruction
If the bladder muscle is too weak, you may not be able to urinate normally even if there is no blockage from the sling. The best treatment for this is for you to learn to insert a catheter to empty the bladder. It sounds gruesome, but its not, and just about everybody can do it without difficulty. Fortunately, this condition improves in most people within a month or so and then the catheter is no longer needed.
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Contact A Caregiver If:
- You have a fever .
- You do not feel like you are able to empty your bladder completely when urinating.
- You feel the need to urinate very suddenly.
- You have pain when urinating.
- You have a new skin rash.
- You have chest pain or trouble breathing that is getting worse over time.
- You have questions or concerns about your procedure, medicine, or care.
Everyone Is A Little Different
Know that surgery and recovery are a different experience for everyone. And there is a range of experiences that are normal. Women that have medical diagnoses such as fibromyalgia or a history of trauma frequently have more pain after surgery. And recovery, even after a small procedure like a sling surgery, is always impacted by your social support. Women with a good social support system always have an easier road after surgery. Trying to manage your daily life- family, kids and work- on top of recovering from surgery is a daunting task.
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Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation
Your posterior tibial nerve runs down your leg to your ankle. It contains nerve fibres that start from the same place as nerves that run to your bladder and pelvic floor.
It’s thought that stimulating the tibial nerve will affect these other nerves and help control the urge to pee.
A very thin needle is inserted through the skin of your ankle and a mild electric current is sent through it, causing a tingling feeling and your foot to move.
You may need 12 sessions of stimulation, each lasting around 30 minutes, 1 week apart.
Some studies have shown that this treatment can offer relief from urge incontinence and overactive bladder syndrome for some people, although there’s not enough evidence yet to recommend tibial nerve stimulation as a routine treatment.
Tibial nerve stimulation is only recommended in a few cases where urge incontinence has not improved with medicine and you do not want to have botulinum toxin A injections or sacral nerve stimulation.
Who Needs Bladder Suspension Surgery
Your doctor may recommend bladder suspension surgery if you have moderate to severe stress incontinence that does not get better with non-invasive treatments such as Kegel exercises, medications, and electrical stimulation.
For example, bladder suspension surgery may be an option if you develop stress incontinence because of:
- Problems with the muscles in the bladder and urethra
Before considering bladder suspension surgery, make sure your symptoms are actually brought on by stress incontinence. If need be, seek a second opinion. Bladder suspension surgery only helps treat stress incontinence. It is not helpful for other forms of incontinence. The No. 1 reason surgery fails is an incorrect diagnosis.
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Comparing Voiding Trials After Midurethral Sling For Stress Incontinence
The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. Read our disclaimer for details. |
First Posted : March 26, 2015Last Update Posted : October 21, 2016 |
Stress Urinary IncontinenceUrethral HypermobilityCystocele | Other: Voiding trial | Not Applicable |
Urinary incontinence is a prevalent health and quality of life concern affecting an estimated 49.6% of women over the age of 20 years in the USA. Of these, 49.8% describe pure stress urinary incontinence and 34.3% report mixed stress and urgency urinary incontinence.
Midurethral sling surgery is used to treat women with SUI, but accepted protocols for voiding trials after midurethral sling placement do not exist. Primarily, many surgeons measure postvoid residual urine volume. This is done by retrograde filling of the bladder with a predetermined amount of normal saline or water. The catheter is then removed and the patient is permitted to void into a collection basin. The amount in the basin is subtracted from the filled amount. The need for catheterization is generally based on arbitrarily determined ratios of voided urine to PVR or postoperative.
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
How Do I Do Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises are a simple way to build strength in your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises are done by lifting, holding and then relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. You can find these muscles by stopping the flow of urine mid-stream while youre urinating. Only do this until you learn how to find the muscles stopping the flow of urine mid-stream isnt healthy over a long period of time.
When youre doing Kegel exercises, start small. Only hold it for a few second. Over time you can slowly work your way up to longer and longer stretches of holding the muscles tight.
Unlike other types of workouts, no one can tell when youre doing Kegel exercises. Aim to do several sets of Kegel exercises twice a day.
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Surgical Management Of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections: A Review
Paul A. Bergamin1,2, Anthony J. Kiosoglous1,2
1Department of Urology, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Acacia Ridge, Queensland, Australia School of Medicine and Surgery , , Australia
Contributions: Conception and design: AJ Kiosoglous Administrative support: None Provision of study material or patients: None Collection and assembly of data: All authors Data analysis and interpretation: All authors Manuscript writing: All authors Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to:
Keywords: Urinary tract infections surgical management urinary stasis bladder outlet obstruction
Submitted Jan 14, 2017. Accepted for publication Jun 05, 2017.
doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.06.17
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Bladder And Bowel Perforation
Bladder and bowel perforation after mesh placement can result in serious infections and other problems. Perforation happens when mesh or surgical tools injure or cut through an organ.
Bladder perforation is the most commonly reported of these issues. It happens when surgeons puncture the bladder with a needle while placing mesh. But it can also happen when the edges of mesh cut the bladder. John Chang and Dominic Lee with St. George Hospitals Department of Urology in Australia reported bladder perforation rates of up to 24 percent.
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When Should You See A Doctor For Difficulty Urinating After Surgery
Your care team will monitor your ability to urinate after surgery. In some cases, you will have a urinary catheter in place for a period of time after surgery. It will be important to monitor your ability to urinate once the catheter is out. If you stay in the hospital, you need to call your nurse for any urinary symptoms or problems you may have. If you go home, you need to call your provider or seek prompt medical care for urinary problems.
This includes:
- Being able to urinate, but feeling like your bladder is still full afterwards
- Difficulty starting to urinate or having to strain to start urinating
- Dribbling or leaking urine
- Having a feeling of fullness in your pelvis or lower abdomen
- Urinating frequently, but only voiding small amounts
- Waking often during the night to urinate
or go to your nearest emergency room if you are completely unable to urinate.
What Are The Risks And Complications Of The Male Sling Procedure
Complications are rare with the male sling procedure. However, if complications do occur, they can include:
- Inability to urinate This is the most common problem after surgery, and may require catheter reinsertion for another week or two. In very rare cases, a second surgical procedure may be needed to resolve this issue.
- Bleeding and infection This is a rare complication.
- ErosionThis is a rare complication.
- Recurrent leakage of urine
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Bladder Sling Surgery Without Mesh
Bladder sling surgery is a well-established procedure that works well serious complications are rare. Jerry Blaivas, MD, Professor of Urology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, pioneered the use of natural tissue slings. He has also written numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on the subject and has lectured worldwide.
The operation that Dr. Blaivas performs is called the autologous rectus fascial pubovaginal sling, uses a strip of your own tissue called fascia as the sling instead of a synthetic mesh. Using your own tissue means there is no possibility of rejection, erosion, or any of the serious complications associated with mesh. The fascial sling is considered a gold standard for the treatment of stress incontinence in women today.
Recovery From Bladder Suspension Surgery
How fast you recover depends on the specific procedure. Open retropubic suspension surgery is done under general anesthesia, and requires a hospital stay. The surgery itself takes about one hour, but discomfort can last 6-8 weeks. Some sling procedures may be done under local anesthesia in an outpatient clinic. In general, recovery times are longer for procedures done through the abdomen, and shorter for those done through the or via laparoscopic incisions.
Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after surgery. Avoid activities that put stress on the bladder and vaginal area. For example:
- Do not use tampons or douches for 6 weeks
- Avoid intercourse for 6 weeks
- Do not strain during bowel movements
- Avoid strenuous exercise
- Do not do any heavy lifting
Remember, the most common reason surgery fails to improve symptoms is an incorrect diagnosis. That means, if you still have urinary leakage when you cough and sneeze after bladder suspension surgery, be sure to tell your doctor. You may have another medical condition causing the problem, and may need additional treatment or tests.
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Pelvic Organ Prolapse And Recurrent Utis
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Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Recurrent UTIs could be connected but the relationship is much more complicated than you might think.
As you know, urinary tract infections are very common, affecting nearly 40 percent of women over the course of their lifetime .
Vaginal Mesh Has Caused Health Problems In Many Women Even As Some Surgeons Vouch For Its Safety And Efficacy
Following the surgery in 2010, Stepherson, then 48. said she suffered debilitating symptoms for two years. An active woman who rode horses, Stepherson said she had constant pain, trouble walking, fevers off and on, weight loss, nausea and lethargy after the surgery. She spent days sitting on the couch, she said.
In August 2012, Stepherson and her daughter saw an ad relating to vaginal mesh that mentioned 10 symptoms and said that if you had them, to call a lawyer.
My daughter said, Oh mom you have every one of those, Stepherson, of Tyler, Tex., recalled.
Vaginal mesh, used to repair and improve weakened pelvic tissues, is implanted in the vaginal wall. It was initially in 1998 thought to be a safe and easy solution for women suffering from stress urinary incontinence.
But over time, complications were reported, including chronic inflammation, and mesh that shrinks and becomes encased in scar tissue causing pain, infection and protrusion through the vaginal wall.
Chrissy Brajcic, a Canadian who struggled for four years with persistent infections following a mesh implant, became the face of mesh victims with a Facebook page. Brajcic died in December 2017 from sepsis at age 42.
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Trouble Urinating After 5 Weeks Of Bladder Sling And Rectocele And Cystocele Surgergy
I have had a easy time after surgery, except for bladder. I had a catherator when I went home from surgergy. Which was out patient. The next day they took it out and I could pee. Had to go back that same day and have it out back in had 2 liters they removed. Had it on for 3 more days went back still couldn’t pee. They showed me how to self cath, so I did that for 3 days and was able to go but would only go small amounts. For last 4 weeks been going but not normal. Meaning sometimes a good flow other very slow or almost a drip. Very frustrating. Now I’m not going. I did s self catherator at 12 today now 8 hours later did it again. And only 5 oz came out. I’m scared it back up into kidneys. I’ve drinker more the 8 glasses today and a glass of cranberry. I did not have bladder trouble before surgergy. I am in very good health, except for having prolapse and going threw surgergy. I really hoping it just starts working again. Anybody else had this kind of trouble.
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Posted 6 years ago
If you are in a lot of pain or feel sick I would definitely go to ER or clinic
Posted 6 years ago
Thanks for replying. I was tested last week and they gave me Bactrim but sent it off to lab, it came back negative so I quick taking. I had some left and took it last night. I didn’t go to ER it’s been a long night. When I do catherator only getting 3 to 4 oz the stream is strong, then I get a sharp pain and it stops. Almost feel like the hole is block. Crazy.