Friday, September 6, 2024

Fibroid Pressing On Bladder Treatment

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Why Do Fibroids Cause Bowel Or Bladder Issues

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids – Women’s Health

In the United States, an estimated 26 million women between the ages of 15 and 50 have uterine fibroids.Uterine fibroidsare benign tumors located within the uterine walls or cavity. Since fibroids dont always cause symptoms, many women are unaware of their presence.

For others, uterine fibroids can cause a decreased quality of life. Common symptoms include heavy bleeding, periods lasting more than ten days, bleeding between cycles, pain during intercourse, fatigue from anemia, severe pelvic pain, andabdominal swelling.

Some women also experience problems involving the bladder and bowels, such as frequent urination or constipation. Below, we discuss fibroids and constipation, along with fibroids and bladder issues. For additional information, we recommend consulting a fibroid specialist.

Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound

MRgFUS is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to heat and destroy uterine fibroids. This “thermal ablation” procedure is performed with a device, the ExAblate, which combines magnetic resonance imaging with ultrasound.

During the 3-hour procedure, the patient lies inside an MRI machine. The patient receives a mild sedative to help relax but remains conscious throughout the procedure. The radiologist uses the MRI to target the fibroid tissue and direct the ultrasound beam. The MRI also helps the radiologist monitor the temperature generated by the ultrasound.

MRgFUS is appropriate only for women who have completed childbearing or who do not intend to become pregnant. The procedure cannot treat all types of fibroids. Fibroids that are located near the bowel and bladder, or outside of the imaging area, cannot be treated.

This procedure is relatively new, and long-term results are not yet available. Likewise, it requires an extensive period of time involving MRI equipment. Many insurance companies consider this procedure investigational, experimental, and unproven and do not pay for this treatment. Currently available evidence suggests that the procedure is moderately effective, however UAE may be more effective, with fewer treatment failures and subsequent need for a second procedure.

Pelvic Exam And Medical History

Doctors can detect some fibroids as masses during a pelvic exam. During a pelvic exam, the doctor will check for pregnancy-related conditions and other conditions, such as ovarian cysts. The doctor will ask you about your medical history, particularly as it relates to menstrual bleeding patterns. Other causes of abnormal uterine bleeding must also be considered.

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The Three Types Of Uterine Fibroids

The most common kind of uterine fibroid is a subserosal fibroid. They range in size, and can sometimes attach themselves to the uterus with a stalk. They can push against the uterus and the pelvis.

Another form uterine fibroids can take is an intramural form. These grow in the wall of the uterus. Finally, we have submucosal fibroids, which are the least common form. They can develop within the uterus itself. Like subserosal fibroids, submucosal fibroids may have a stalk to attach themselves to the uterus.

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Other Facts About Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms and Risk Factors You Should be Aware About

Other key points about uterine fibroids:

  • Uterine fibroids are the most common tumor of the reproductive tract.
  • Women who are nearing menopause are at the greatest risk for fibroids.
  • Fibroids are most often found during a routine pelvic exam.
  • Symptoms may include heavy and prolonged periods, bleeding between periods and pelvic pain.
  • There are a variety of treatment options available.

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Other Research Supports Impact Of Ufe On Fibroid Symptoms

While the results of the IUJ study were dramatic, they are not an isolated discovery. Other research has also shown that UFE can serve as an effective treatment for urinary-related symptoms of fibroids.

For example, a study of 9 postmenopausal women who suffer from fibroids found that urinary symptoms were the most common fibroid-problem reported by patients. Yet, after UFE, 8 of the women no longer experienced any urinary tract problems related to uterine fibroids,2 such as urinary tract problems such as frequent urges to urinate.

Fibroids Can Cause Frequent Urination Difficulty Urinating Or Urinary Incontinence

Anterior fibroids can obstruct the urinary tract and press on the bladder, causing frequent urination, difficulty urinating, pain while urinating, and even urinary incontinence. Larger fibroids can occasionally obstruct the ureters . In such cases, the kidneys mays swell due to an inability to drain urine .

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Shrinking Fibroids Naturally How To Eliminate Fibroids

If you are on the lookout for ways of shrinking fibroids naturally, then you will be pleased to know that there are ways to eliminate fibroids without surgery. Very often, there are very few or no treatment options given by doctors other than surgery and whilst surgery will get rid of the fibroids, they are highly likely to grow back, unless you have a full hysterectomy. This can therefore be classed as nothing more than a temporary treatment and many women believe it is simply not worth it only to have fibroids return a few months after surgery.

However, one of the drawbacks of shrinking fibroids naturally is that it does require some effort and a little determination. Looking at the theory behind natural treatments, it is easy to understand why. Fibroids are caused largely by the lifestyle of the sufferer and also sometimes as a result of certain pre-existing conditions which may have been inherited or which could have developed over time. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly why fibroids have grown in certain cases, and here lies the problem.

This means that most treatments for shrinking fibroids naturally must encompassed many different elements to ensure success

It has long been known that Chinese medicine can play a part in helping to shrink fibroids, with herbs such as Semen Litchen, Spica Prunellae and Fructus Corni being beneficial.

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  • Many Patients With Fibroids Struggle With Bladder Symptoms

    Mayo Clinic Minute: Know options for uterine fibroids

    Have you struggled with urinary symptoms that arent responding to traditional bladder treatments? Do you also struggle with painful cramping and/or intense bleeding? Uterine fibroid tumors might be a hidden source of your symptoms. A new research study has shown that when fibroid tumors are reduced in size and/or removed, urinary symptoms can improve dramatically. In fact, 97% of the patients in this study had urinary symptoms and 65% were cured of their urinary symptoms once the fibroids were treated.1

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    Can A Bicornuate Uterus Be Corrected Without Surgery

    Some will go their whole lives without knowing they have the condition. Surgery, called a Strassman metroplasty, can sometimes be used to correct a bicornuate uterus in women with a history of miscarriage. In one analysis , 88 percent of those who had a Strassman metroplasty achieved pregnancies that ended with a successful birth.

    Fibroids And Bladder Issues

    One of the most common symptoms of large or numerous fibroids is the effect they have on the bladder and urinary tract. When fibroids are left untreated, some can grow up to the size of a melon. This situation can resemble a second trimester pregnancy. When the uterus is expanded, it can put excess pressure on the bladder, causing it to compact to a smaller size.

    If the bladder is squeezed enough, it can lead to frequent urination. If the fibroids are causing the uterus to push on the urinary tract, this can lead to the inability to fully empty the bladder. These symptoms can cause women to plan their entire day around being close to a restroom in case they need to use it at a moments notice. Some women may even be forced to wear pads or incontinence underwear in case of an accident.

    Missing out on events with loved ones and feeling controlled by your bladder can severely impact your quality of life. In addition, frequent urination can become worse over time if the fibroids continue to grow or new ones develop.

    Discover if your frequent urination or bowel issues could be caused by uterine fibroids by taking our two-minute quiz!

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    Ruling Out Other Conditions That Cause Heavy Bleeding

    Almost all women, at some time in their reproductive life, experience heavy bleeding during menstrual periods.

    A number of conditions can cause or contribute to the risk:

    • Menstrual disorders
    • Having late periods or approaching menopause
    • Uterine polyps
    • Copper intrauterine device contraceptive

    The intrauterine device shown uses copper as the active contraceptive others use progesterone in a plastic device.

    • Bleeding disorders that impair blood clotting, Von Willebrand disease, some coagulation factor deficiencies, or leukemia.
    • Uterine cancer.
    • Pelvic infections.
    • Adenomyosis. This condition occurs when glands from the uterine lining become embedded in the uterine muscle. Its symptoms are similar to fibroids, but there is usually more pain with adenomyosis.
    • Medical conditions, including thyroid problems and systemic lupus erythematosus.
    • Certain drugs, including anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory medications.
    • Often, the cause of heavy bleeding is unknown.

    Can Fibroids Cause Back Pain

    Fibroids Cause Indigestion

    There are multiple areas of the uterus where fibroids can be located. Intermural fibroids are located in the wall of the uterus, submucosal fibroids are located in the inside lining of the uterus, and subserosal fibroids are located in the outside lining of the uterus. Only subserosal fibroids can cause back pain, if they are large and protrude from the back of the uterus into the spine. On the other hand, submucosal fibroids bulge inwards towards the uterine cavity, and thus are unlikely to cause back pain.

    Women typically undergo an ultrasound at their gynecologists office to visualize the uterus for fibroid tumors. Ultrasound, however, does not show other underlying diseases or all the existing fibroids, particularly their positions. Some doctors will suggest MRI to reveal if the fibroid is pressing against the spine, and rule out the possibility of other causes of back pain. Finding the appropriate treatment is key to getting relief from back pain and fibroid symptoms. For more information on the types of fibroids and associated symptoms please visit this article.

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    Drinking Too Many Fluids

    Simply put, the more fluids you consume, the more often you will need to use the bathroom. Although its healthy to drink an ample amount of liquids, especially water, over the course of your day, you should also be mindful that the more you put in, the more you will need to come out. If you find yourself unusually thirsty, and unable to stop drinking, it may be wise to make an apointment with a physician to check that all is well.

    Fibroids Pressing On The Bladder

    ByGail Atkinson | Submitted On June 23, 2010

    If you have fibroids pressing on your bladder, this is no doubt causing you great discomfort. It is not always the size of fibroids which is relevant, but often their location and this is a case in point!

    Sometimes even large fibroids can cause very few issues when they are located centrally in the uterus. However, those which happen to be pressing on nerves, the bowel, other internal organs or, in this case, the bladder can cause significant problems.

    The uterus lies just below the bladder and there is a partial attachment at one point. When fibroids grow forward, it can press on the bladder so that it cannot fill properly with urine meaning that you may want to pass urine more often. Some women also find that when they cough or sneeze, the fibroid can press on the bladder causing urine leakage . This can naturally cause extreme embarrassment for many women.

    So, what can you do about fibroids pressing on the bladder?

    The problem with fibroids is that conventional medicine and surgery are really only temporary solutions. The reality is that unless you treat the causes of your fibroids they will regrow. This is the very reason why many doctors advocate a “watchful waiting” approach.

    If you are the type of person who is willing to take charge of your own treatment, you could make a significant difference to the size of your fibroids by following a number of protocols including:-

    * Dietary changes

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    What Is The Clinical Presentation Of A Bicornuate Uterus

    Clinical presentation. In most cases, a bicornuate uterus is incidentally discovered when the pelvis is imaged. The most common symptomatic presentation is with early pregnancy loss and cervical incompetence 6. Infertility is not usually a problem with this type of malformation because implantation of the embryo is not impaired.

    Sensation Of Feeling Full But With No Appetite

    What Are Fibroids?

    A person typically knows their own limits as to how much they can eat and when their stomach should be full. If you notice you are beginning to feel full before youve consumed an average amount of food, or havent eaten, it could be a sign uterine fibroids have developed in your stomach. These fibroids can push up into your stomach and cause you to feel full because there is limited space for digestion.

    If gone untreated, you could lose a significant and unhealthy amount of weight because you are not feeling hungry and not eating. You need to contact your physician at All Womens Care to have your condition diagnosed and treated.

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    Pressure On The Rectum

    Uterine fibroids can cause other painful conditions. These growths can cause rectum pressure. If the fibroids are small, there will be only a small amount of pressure on your large intestine. If they are larger, they can block the intestine completely and cause serious constipation. You must talk to your physician at All Women’s Care as soon as symptoms appear. If not treated early, the fibroids can cause permanent damage to your digestive tract. This damage can also lead to a series of surgeries.

    Complementary And Alternative Medicine

    You might choose to explore complementary and alternative medicine to treat fibroids and the pain they cause. Of CAM techniques, the ones with the most evidence to support them are acupuncture and herbs from traditional Chinese medicine.


    Acupuncture involves a licensed practitioner sticking very thin needles into specific acupuncture points along your body that correspond with meridians or energy channels. The science of how acupuncture works is not fully understood, but theories include the release of endorphins and regulation of the autonomic nervous system to help regulate the pain response.

    There is a lot of evidence to support the efficacy of acupuncture in treating gynecological conditions, but there is limited evidence specifically on acupuncture as a treatment for fibroids.

    Currently, a systematic review is underway to assess the usefulness of acupuncture for fibroid pain.

    Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Current research evidence neither supports nor refutes the use of Chinese herbal medicine for fibroids. Most studies have focused on the impact of herbs on fibroid size and volume, rather than on a person’s pain.

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    How Large Do Uterine Fibroids Need To Be Before Being Surgically Removed

    The normal uterine size is the size of a lemon or 8 cm. There isnt a definitive size of a fibroid that would automatically mandate removal. Your healthcare provider will determine the symptoms that are causing the problem. Fibroids the size of a marble for instance, if located within the uterine cavity, may be associated with profound bleeding. Fibroids the size of a grapefruit or larger may cause you to experience pelvic pressure, as well as make you look pregnant and see increased abdominal growth that can make the abdomen enlarged. Its important for the healthcare provider and patient to discuss symptoms which might require surgical intervention.

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    Get Answers From Fibroid Institute Dallas

    Fibroid Tumor Pressing On Bladder (With images)

    Uterine fibroids typically cause a host of life-altering symptoms. However, for women who arent experiencing the typical symptoms such as bleeding and pelvic pressure and discomfort, its easy for fibroids to sneak through undetected. As a result, its important to stay on top of regular physical exams. In addition, do not hesitate to let your doctor know about even the smallest changes to your health and wellness.

    However, if you do have fibroids and are experiencing painful fibroid symptoms, please know that at Fibroid Institute Dallas, we dont believe you need to decide between suffering in silence or having a hysterectomy. We are dedicated to treating fibroids using Uterine Fibroid Embolization , the gold standard in non-surgical fibroid treatment.

    Do you have questions about fibroid pain and UFE as an option to relieve those symptoms for good? Request a free 10-15 minute phone screening to determine if you are eligible. However, you must have a formal consultation before your procedure is scheduled. Telehealth consults and/or in-office appointment consults are available. Dr. Suzanne Slonim is voted a top fibroid doctor for women in North Texas and the leader in UFE fibroid treatment without surgery. To learn more about the non-surgical, revolutionary fibroid treatment, Uterine Fibroid Embolization , call 214-838-6440.

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    What Every Woman Should Know About Uterine Fibroids

    The female body is incredible: It undergoes amazing changes throughout its lifespan, tolerates a not-so-enjoyable monthly cycle, carries and births children, and does so much more. Unfortunately, the female body is also sometimes troublesome. It runs into unexpected kinks and endures unexplained symptoms, which can be incredibly frustrating.

    Uterine fibroids are one of those unexpected and unexplained conditions. Dr. Neeraj Kohli, a urology and gynecology expert at Boston Urogyn, explains what uterine fibroids are, what they feel like, and how to get rid of them.

    What Are The Risk Factors Of Uterine Fibroids

    Risk factors that can contribute to the development of fibroids are African-American race and hereditary factors. African-american females tend to have a higher likelihood of having uterine fibroids and are often more symptomatic, with development at an earlier age and having larger-sized fibroids. Also, fibroids tend to be hereditary, so if a mother or sister has fibroids, her daughter or sister will also be at an increased risk of having fibroids. Lifestyle factors, such as obesity, alcohol and high red-meat diet also may contribute to development of fibroids.

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