Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Zantac Cause Bladder Cancer

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Chances Of Getting Cancer After Taking Zantac

Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawsuit Settlement Value | 2022 Outlook

Although NDMA is linked to an increased cancer risk, evidence on the prevalence after cancer after Zantac use is limited at this time. These findings are very recent, and studies are currently under review. However, there are studies available about NDMA contamination in other medications.

For example, one 2020 study examined valsartan, a high blood pressure medication also found to have been contaminated by NDMA. This study found that approximately 12 to 30 cases of cancer occurred per every 100,000 valsartan patients. These patients took at least 320 milligrams of valsartan containing 24.1 micrograms of NDMA every day for at least four years.

While the cancer rate for valsartan may seem slim, findings are limited, and Zantac patients may see a higher risk of these conditions. In the 2020 study, the researchers acknowledged that the risk from NDMA in ranitidine is more problematic and may be greater.

How Can I File A Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

If you’re wondering about your legal options as a former Zantac user with bladder cancer, you’re not alone. People who have been diagnosed with cancer after Zantac use have been exploring their legal options across the country, wondering how such a popular medication could be so harmful to so many people.

Manufacturers of defective drugs must be held accountable for the harm they’ve caused. Our team of defective drug lawyers is prepared to help you take on the pharmaceutical companies who have released dangerous drugs to the public. Contact us today to learn more about your legal options, including a possible Zantac bladder cancer lawsuit.

Is Zantac Still Approved By The Fda

Zantac, a medication used to treat heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues, will no longer be available in the United States. Sanofis drug manufacturer has decided to stop selling ranitidine products in the US. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter versions of the drug. Sanofi has not yet commented on why it made this decision.

This news may surprise many people, as Zantac is still approved by the FDA. Sanofi may be discontinuing sales because it doesnt believe there is enough demand for the product. Its also possible that the company faces legal challenges from competitors or that there are safety concerns with Zantac.

Whatever the reason, this decision will leave many people without effective treatment for their gastrointestinal problems.

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Statute Of Limitations Exceptions

There are exceptions to the statutes of limitations. For example, the clock may stop ticking on the statute of limitations if the defendant left the state or if the defendant was concealed. Additionally, if the plaintiff was not aware of their injury or the cause of their injury, then they may have more time to file a lawsuit.

Given that the news has emerged within the last couple of years, there may be time for you, even if you were diagnosed with cancer years ago. Again, our legal team can help you get the compensation you deserve.

There are many things you need to do before you file a Zantac lawsuit, But, unfortunately, that two-year period can fly by real quick before you get all of them done.

It is why you need to hire a legal team early on and engage them to put your case together so that you can file it on time!

Contact our law firm today for your free consultation. All sensitive information you provide is held confidential through our attorney-client relationship.

What To Do If You Were Diagnosed With Cancer

Zantac Bladder Cancer Risk

A cancer diagnosis can feel scary and overwhelming. You may wonder about your prognosis, worry about how you will pay for treatment, and struggle with the physical and psychological impact of the condition.

Drug manufacturers have a duty to warn patients of all possible risks and side effects, and Zantacs manufacturers failed to uphold this duty by not examining the medications cancer risk. As a result, patients who developed cancer after taking Zantac could file a lawsuit and recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Take the following steps after your diagnosis to seek help and initiate your Zantac claim.

If you were diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac, you may be eligible for financial compensation. In these situations, it is important to consult with a Zantac lawsuit attorney as soon as possible. After receiving treatment for your condition, contact a lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your eligibility and next steps.

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Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

As with all cancers, it is difficult to determine the exact survival rate for men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer since so many factors must be considered. Survival rates are set based on the stage of prostate cancer a man is diagnosed with at the time of diagnosis.

The survival rates are as follows for prostate cancer, according to the American Cancer Society:

  • SEER stage: Localizednearly 100 percent
  • SEER stage: Regionalnearly 100 percent
  • SEER stage: Distant31 percent
  • All SEER Stages combined98 percent

For example, this means that a man who is diagnosed with prostate cancer in the SEER stage, Localized, has a nearly 100 percent chance of survival after five years.

Our Featured Case Results

The popular heartburn/antacid drug Zantac was officially recalled by the US Food and Drug Administration on April 1, after investigations found that it contains unsafe levels of the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine . There have been a number of lawsuits filed against Zantacs manufacturers by consumers diagnosed with cancer.

The petition for this recall was submitted by Valisure, the drug testing company which conducts routine reviews of Zantac and other drugs. After the petition in September 2019, further testing showed that NDMA levels can increase with higher temperatures, including during storage and when being processed by the body.

Ranitidine In Zantac Can Trigger Ndma Formation Causing Cancer

  • News
  • Ranitidine in Zantac Can Trigger NDMA Formation, Causing Cancer
  • Zantac and its manufacturer Sanofi are under harsh scrutiny and potentially facing a wave of lawsuits, perhaps through multidistrict litigation , after it was announced that the popular heartburn medication could cause cancer with regular use. Zantac can be purchased off-the-shelf, over-the-counter , or with a prescription to treat heartburn and chronic indigestion. The drug relies on ranitidine as an active ingredient, but studies show ranitidine could lead to stomach, bladder, kidney, and intestinal cancers.

    When ranitidine comes into contact with water, such as the naturally-occurring water inside the human digestive tract, it can undergo a chemical compound change, forming N-nitrosodimethylamine . It is NDMA that has been linked to various types of cancers. The Food and Drug Administration considers NDMA a possible carcinogen.

    If you are taking prescription Zantac, please see your doctor before discontinuing use. There may be alternative medicines without ranitidine to treat your heartburn and indigestion symptoms.

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    Could Zantac Cause Bladder Cancer

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Mr. Kacey Jones

    Due to detected levels of a probable human carcinogen, NDMA, in prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine medications, taking Zantac may increase your risk of developing bladder cancer.

    Get A Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawyer

    Zantac Cancer Lawsuits :: Bladder Cancer :: Stomach Cancer :: What You Need to Know

    If you or a loved one received a bladder cancer diagnosis, and believe the cancer may have been caused by this heartburn drug, contact a Zantac bladder cancer attorney today. Our Zantac lawyers can investigate your case and determine whether you are eligible for compensation. Call 800-553-8082 or reach out for free online consultation. The call is free. You only pay a fee if you receive compensation for your Zantac claim.

    • Overview of Zantac lawsuits and the premise of these claims

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    Where The Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawsuits Stand

    Right now, the ranitidine medications lawsuits have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation. An MDL is when cases are grouped together for the purposes of developing common facts that are used when the cases go to the jury.

    Each trial proceeds individually. It is possible for some people to win their cases, while others may not.

    At this point, the parties are selecting bellwether cases. The MDL has been assigned to Hon. Robin Rosenberg in United States district court in Florida.

    There are nearly 2,000 cases, and we expect the number of cases filed to grow. At this point, the bellwether cases are scheduled to go to trial in the summer of 2023.

    For your purposes, it does not matter whether you already had risk factors for cancer or had a family history. So long as the strong bladder carcinogens in Zantac contributed to your cancer, you may be able to receive financial compensation.

    Ndma In Prescription Zantac Was Not A Secret

    At the time that Valisure conducted its tests, talk of the presence of a chemical called n nitrosodimethylamine in ranitidine products was prominent in the scientific community.

    There were tests going as far back as four decades that showed the possible health risks of ranitidine. There was a study in 2011 that found possible NDMA contamination of ranitidine.

    However, the pharmaceutical manufacturers continued to sell Zantac in spite of these studies. They knew or should have known of the dangers, and they did nothing. The FDA did nothing too until they had to do something.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, NDMA is a yellow and oily liquid. It can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed by the skin.

    The target organs for NDMA are:

    • Liver
    • Lungs

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    How To File A Lawsuit After Using Zantac

    Not everyone who has used Zantac will be eligible to file a claim against Sanofi in pursuit of damages. The strongest claims will come from people who have been diagnosed with bladder, stomach, kidney, or similar cancers, and who have evidence of long-term Zantac use, like a prescription.

    At Bailey Cowan Heckaman PLLC, our team of trial attorneys is currently hearing from Zantac users from around the country to help determine if they are eligible to file a claim. Depending on how the story develops, a mass tort or class action could soon develop against Sanofi by thousands of people nationwide. As highly experienced injury lawyers with a focus on multidistrict litigation and major cases, we can help you get ready to file your own Zantac lawsuit, too.

    Please call us or contact us online to take the first step in demanding justice from Zantac for causing your cancer and hardships.


    Ndma In Zantac Linked With Bladder Cancer

    Does Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer?

    In addition to the study above, other research has linked N-nitrosamine chemicals with bladder cancer. For example, researchers from the Ontario Cancer Institute tested urine from 50 healthy men. Ten of those men had N-nitrosamines in their urine. In addition, out of 4 samples from bladder cancer patients, 2 contained nitrosodibutylamine, another type of nitrosamine. The scientists noted that possible sources of these chemicals included smoking, urinary infections, diet, and medications.

    In a 1993 study from Spainwhich at the time had the highest reported levels of nitrates in the drinking water within Europescientists looked at mortality rates from bladder cancer. They found that the mortality rates in municipalities where water contained levels of over 50 mg/L nitrate were 38 percent higher overall compared to the rates in other regions where nitrate levels were lower.

    The U.S. Iowa Womens Health Study, which included over 21,000 women, evaluated nitrates in both the diet and drinking water in relation to the incidence of cancers of the bladder and kidney. They found a slightly increased risk for bladder cancer among those in the top three quartiles of dietary nitrate intake. Those in the top quartile of exposure via drinking water also had a higher risk of bladder cancer than those in the lowest quartile.

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    Zantac And Liver Cancer Risk: Does Zantac Cause Liver Cancer

    Although existing research explored exposure to NDMA through meat products, drinking water, and other sources, the results are clear. Any exposure can lead to an increased risk of liver cancer. A study from 2006 clearly stated that, just as related products in tobacco cause lung cancer, NDMA causes liver cancer.

    More recent research quantified this risk and specifically linked several types of cancer to ranitidine use. A study from January of 2021 concluded that ongoing ranitidine use increased the risk of liver cancer by 264%.

    Some of the most common symptoms of liver cancer include swelling and pain in the abdomen. If you formerly took Zantac, talk to your doctor about the best approach for getting screened for liver cancer.

    The Fda Just Told Manufacturers To Remove Ranitidine Drugs From Shelves

    On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a total recall of all prescription and over-the-counter Zantac and other ranitidine-containing pharmaceuticals. The agency is concerned these products might be contaminated with N-nitrosodimethylamine , a probable cause of bladder and stomach cancer. Patients who used the drug for a long time may be at risk.

    Our experienced defective drug attorneys at Ashcraft & Gerel are investigating claims of contaminated Zantac. If you or a loved one took Zantac or another ranitidine-based pharmaceutical and were subsequently diagnosed with bladder or stomach cancer, call us at 709-0505 today for a free case evaluation.


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    Meet With A Qualified Utah Personal Injury Lawyer

    If you have become seriously ill or diagnosed with cancer and you suspect that Zantac may be the cause, contact a reputable Utah personal injury lawyer at Craig Swapp & Associates for help with your Zantac cancer lawsuit. We can be reached by phone at 1- or through the convenient contact form included at the bottom of this page.

    Taking Zantac Turned Out To Be Bad For Your Health

    UPDATE: Zantac (Ranitidine) Recall and Cancer Lawsuit

    N nitrosodimethylamine is classified by the World Health Organization as a “probable human carcinogen.” It is a colorless and odorless substance that can occur naturally.

    It used to be produced industrially and used in lubricants and rocket fuel. As you can see, it would not be something that you would want in your body in large quantities.

    One 2011 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that dietary NDMA led to a noticeable increase in colorectal cancer.

    Another prior study found that rubber workers who were orally exposed to workplace chemicals such as NDMA had an increase in esophageal and larynx cancer.

    Essentially, the part of the body that is in contact with NDMA is at a higher risk of developing cancer.

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    What To Do If You Were Diagnosed With Bladder Cancer After Taking Zantac

    If you took Zantac and developed bladder cancer, you may be eligible for a lawsuit against the drugs manufacturers. Many former patients across the United States are filing claims to recover compensation for their damages, such as past and future medical expenses. To file a successful lawsuit, you will need to act quickly and bring as much documentation as possible to your Zantac bladder cancer attorney.

    After you receive your cancer diagnosis, take the following steps to seek help and preserve evidence.

    • Save all medical records related to your bladder cancer diagnosis and the treatment you receive, including bills and insurance statements.
    • Additionally, save all records related to your Zantac use. If your doctor wrote a prescription, save it. If you have receipts detailing your Zantac purchases, collect them. This will help prove that you took Zantac on a regular basis.
    • Start a daily journal. Each day, record any information related to your bladder cancer, such as what treatments you receive or the symptoms you experienced. Make sure to record your emotional state as well as your physical condition.
    • Contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and your legal options.

    Are Generic Versions Of Zantac Equally Risky

    If you have any version of ranitidine that you take for heartburn or other stomach acid-related issues, speak with your doctor immediately to create a plan to discontinue use and move to a safe medication to continue treating your stomach issues.

    Fortunately, there are a number of safe alternatives such as Esomeprazole , Lansoprazole , or Omeprazole . Do not discontinue use on your own, as this can cause harmful side effects that may result in serious damage to your stomach.

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    Should I Get Checked For Cancer If I Took Zantac

    There is no way to determine with certainty what your risk of developing cancer from the use of Zantac might be. However, the Food and Drug Administration has classified Zantac as a Cancer Risk Factor and recommends that all individuals who take this medication get checked for cancer periodically. If you have any concerns about getting cancer from the use of Zantac, please talk to your doctor.

    Zantac is made from the chemical NDMA. It is possible that taking Zantac can increase cancer risk in humans. Animal testing has shown that the higher doses and the longer exposures to NDMA increase the risk of test animals getting cancer. There is currently no evidence that Zantac can cause cancer in humans. But several lawsuits claimed Zantac caused them cancer and demanded compensation.

    What Cancers Does Zantac Cause

    Does the Regular Use of Zantac Cause Bladder Cancer?

    Zantac been completely recalled from the market as of April 1, 2020. The FDA pulled the drug from shelves after research showed dangerous levels of the carcinogenic chemical N-nitrosodimethylamine is formed when the drug is stored long-term and when heated .

    While our defective drug attorneys want to hear about any and all illnesses potentially linked to Zantac, early indications show that NDMA in the medication may lead to cancers of the:

    • Stomach
    • Prostate
    • Colon

    NDMA from ranitidine has also been linked to leukemia, multiple myeloma and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. This list is in no way exhaustive, and you should call us to ask about any disease, illness or injury you experienced after using Zantac.

    While a lawsuit settlement cannot be guaranteed, our attorneys will tirelessly pursue the best outcome for you and your family. We will be looking at whether the makers of Zantac continued to sell the medication despite evidence of the presence of NDMA, and an initial warning issued by the FDA in September, 2019. If the manufacturer put profits over your health, then you deserve justice.

    You could be owed economic and non-economic damages, including:

    • The costs of medical care, current and future
    • Medical monitoring
    • Costs of in-home care and assistance
    • Lost income
    • Diminished earning capacity
    • Diminished quality of life

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