Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Cystex Help Bladder Spasms

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Who Is Most Likely To Develop Bladder Spasms

Bladder Complications

Anyone at any age can have bladder spasms. In children, bladder spasms are the leading cause of daytime incontinence.

However, you are more likely to have bladder spasms with urine leakage if you:

  • Have recently had lower abdominal or pelvic surgery
  • Have bladder muscle damage caused by disease or injury
  • Have a neurologic disease such as stroke or spinal cord injury

What Are The Symptoms Of A Uti+

The telltale signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection include frequent urination, urgency to urinate, burning, accompanied sometimes by back and side pain. If these classic urinary tract infection symptoms are present, it is important to get to a health care professional quickly.Source:

You can help alleviate the pain with Cystex® Plus Urinary Pain Relief Tablets, a unique over-the-counter medication with a dual-action formula that combines pain relief with an antibacterial to help slow the progression of the infection. Learn more about Cystex Plus Urinary Pain Relief Tablets.

What Can I Do

Through research and trial and error, I found the things that worked for me. I now have been pain-free for over five years, and I am not taking any medications.

Many women find themselves in a situation like the one I have described at some point in their lives. Their GP or gynecologist may not be very knowledgeable about it. Trying to get information about urinary symptoms that are not caused by bacteria and getting the appropriate treatment can be very frustrating.

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How Doctors Diagnose Whats Causing The Spasm

Before running any tests, your doctor will assess your medical history and notes on any medications youre taking. Theyll also perform a physical exam.

Afterward, your doctor may examine a sample of your urine to check for bacteria, blood, or other signs of infection. If infection is ruled out, there are several tests that can help diagnose bladder issues.

Some tests measure how much urine is left in your bladder after voiding. Others measure the speed of your urination. Some tests can even determine your bladder pressure.

If these tests arent pointing to a specific cause, your doctor may want to perform a neurological exam. This will allow them to check for different sensory issues and certain reflexes.

Exercise and changes in your lifestyle may help ease your bladder spasms. Medications are another treatment option.

Consider Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises or Kegels are highly effective for strengthening the bladder and muscles that hold urine. Pair Kegels with biofeedback to reduce bladder spasms in kids. Doing Kegels for the first time can be daunting, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to do them anytime, anywhere. To perform a Kegel, tighten the pelvic muscles by squeezing the muscles just like you would when trying to stop urine flow. If you are still confused, ask your healthcare provider for detailed instructions.

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Whats A Bladder Spasm

Have you heard of the term bladder spasm? If you have an overactive bladder or incontinence, its likely that you have experienced them.

Bladder spasms are when the bladder muscle squeezes suddenly, without warning, making you feel like you need to empty your bladder immediately. This is one of the hallmark symptoms of Overactive Bladder the urgent and frequent needs to urinate, and can sometimes also result in urge incontinence if youre unable to make it to the bathroom in time.

Things You Can Do To Help Bps

Things that may help improve your symptoms include:

  • reducing stress try exercise, warm baths and mindfulness-based meditation techniques
  • making sure you are hydrated regularly throughout the day
  • keeping a food diary if you notice certain foods or drinks make symptoms worse, avoid them, but ask for medical advice first
  • stopping smoking the chemicals in cigarettes can irritate your bladder

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Palliation Of Bladder Spasms

Background: Bladder spasms induced by involuntary bladder contractions are a distressing symptom affecting 7-27% of men and 9-43% of women . Seriously ill patients may develop bladder spasms as a complication from genitourinary malignancies, indwelling catheters, or other medical issues. For some, these contractions may be imperceptible and only appreciated on urodynamic testing for others, they can be incapacitating and associated with urinary incontinence.

Differential Diagnosis: Common etiologies of bladder spasms include a urinary tract infection , ingestion of chemical irritants like diet soda or caffeine, constipation, obstruction of the bladder outflow tract , disinhibition from interruption of upper motor neurons, or irritation of the detrusor muscle from a tumor, catheter, or intramural stone . Medications can also lead to spasms either by bladder irritation or disruption of the detrusor muscle or bladder outlet . See Fast Fact #287.

Clinical Evaluation of Bladder Spasms:

  • Determine if the bladder is emptying properly. If not, consider urethral catheterization .
  • Evaluate for easily reversible causes e.g. stop offending agents, treat constipation.
  • Exclude UTI with a urinalysis . If an indwelling catheter is in place, it should be changed, and the culture sent from the new catheter as soon as it is placed.
  • Interventional Procedures:


  • Griffiths D. Neural control of micturition in humans: a working model. Nat Rev Urol 2015 12:695-705.
  • Other Risks And Side Effects

    What can help Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome | Philadelphia and Main Line, PA

    Bladder spasms, which feel like stomach cramps, are quite common when you have a catheter in your bladder. The pain is caused by the bladder trying to squeeze out the balloon. You may need medicine to reduce the frequency and intensity of the spasms.

    Leakage around the catheter is another problem associated with indwelling catheters. This can happen as a result of bladder spasms or when you poo. Leakage can also be a sign that the catheter is blocked, so its essential to check that its draining.

    Blood or debris in the catheter tube is also common with an indwelling catheter. This could become a problem if the catheter drainage system becomes blocked.

    Get medical advice as soon as possible if you think your catheter may be blocked, or if youre passing large pieces of debris or blood clots.

    Other potential problems include:

    Page last reviewed: 26 February 2020 Next review due: 26 February 2023

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    I Have A Uti Now What+

    Anyone who develops any of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection needs to be evaluated by a medical professional, preferably within 24 hours. Most medical offices can test urine for infection by using a quick urine “dip and read” test. The usual treatment for both simple and complicated urinary tract infections is antibiotics. The type of antibiotic and duration of treatment depend on the circumstances.Source:

    Reasons For Urethral Pain During The Insertion And Removal Of The Catheter

    Catheter is too rigid

    To begin with, different brands and lines of catheters are composed differently to achieve different levels of stiffness. Soft catheters are more comfortable to insert, and stiff catheters are easier to insert.

    For people who have urethral stricture and enlarged prostate, they might need a stiffer catheter to pass through the narrowed urethra. But for others, especially beginner users, stiff catheters may cause discomfort, pain, or blood in urine. When thats the case, they should opt for softer catheters.

    If you are not sure about your preference, most catheters companies offer free samples for you to try.

    Catheter is not lubricated enough

    It is strongly advised that you do not insert a catheter dry. The frictions can cause micro-tears along the urethra, possibly leading to pain, trauma, bleeding, and the formation of scars. Scars along the urethra, also known as urethral stricture, narrow the urethra and make future catheterization difficult.

    To prevent this, use a pre-lubricated catheter, or apply generous lubricant to dry catheters before use.

    You need a coudé catheter

    If you have bumps along your urethra as the result of urethral stricture or enlarge prostate, a straight catheter may jab into these bumps, causing pain and trauma. A coudé catheter has a curved tip that helps the catheter go over these bumps more smoothly. Ask your doctor if coudé catheters are right for you.

    You are not used to it

    You are using too much force

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    Otc Treatments That Can Help Your Uti

    Try these at-home treatments while youre waiting to get your antibiotics . And while youre at it, drink as much water as you can. Peeing often will help flush out more of the gunk and hopefully help you feel better a little faster.

    Price: $

    This is basically like Tylenol or Motrin for your urinary tract. It uses a different active ingredient phenazopyridine hydrochloride but the function is pretty much the same. Itll temporarily numb the tissue around your urinary tract to make the whole situation down there a little more tolerable. You can expect relief in as little as 20 minutes that lasts up to 8 hours.

    However, note that this can make your urine reddish-orange tinged and can stain fabric. Also dont take it for more than 2 days.

    There Is Great Advice In These Comments

    I have had many people visit this page and leave comments. If you need more advice, I would recommend looking through them.

    The list is long, but there is some great wisdom to be gained from others who have experienced persistent bladder pain.

    This content is accurate and true to the best of the authorâs knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

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    Azo Urinary Pain Relief Maximum Strength Tablets

    Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is the active ingredient of this OTC medication for urinary pain, a chemical which, when excreted into the urine, has a local analgesic effect.

    AZO Urinary Pain Relief® Maximum Strength Tablets, unfortunately, does nothing to fight the infection, but only masks the symptoms. Do not take it for longer than three days and dont take it if you have liver problems. If you cover up your symptoms, you might not notice that your UTI is getting worse.

    Phenazopyridine is also responsible for the bright orange color of your urine, that indicates the medicine has reached your bladder.

    Make sure to not wear white underwear or contact lenses , since this active ingredient can permanently discolor them.

    Keep in mind that some animal studies demonstrate a possible link between phenazopyridine and cancer in female rats. Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals according to National Toxicologyprogram report.

    AZO Urinary Pain Relief® Maximum Strength Tablets contains 97.5 mg of Phenazopyridine per dose.

    Treatment Of Bladder Spasms

    How your doctor treats your bladder spasms depends on what exactly is causing your painful symptoms. But in general, therapy may involve one or more of the following treatments. A combination of treatments often works best.

    Botox. Botulinum-A toxin has been shown to reduce nerve-related bladder spasms in children and adults. Botox prevents nerves from releasing chemicals that tell muscles to contract. The Botox is injected directly into the bladder muscle wall.

    Change in diet. This may help prevent bladder pain if certain foods and beverages are the culprit behind your spasms. Keeping a food diary, which tracks your meals and your symptoms, can be helpful.

    Timed voiding. This involves timed trips to the bathroom to urinate, usually every 1.5 to 2 hours. Timed voiding is especially helpful for children. As the bladder spasms get better and fewer wetting accidents occur, you can extend the time between trips to the bathroom.

    Pelvic floor exercises . Kegels and other forms of physical therapy help strengthen the bladder and other muscles that help the body hold in urine. Kegels, combined with biofeedback, are often a good way to help reduce bladder spasms in children. To tighten your pelvic muscles, squeeze your muscles in the same way as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine or prevent yourself from passing gas. Kegel exercises take practice, and tightening the wrong muscles can put more pressure on your bladder. Ask your doctor for specific instructions.

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    What Is Cystex Urinary Pain Relief

    Methenamine helps slow the growth of bacteria. Sodium salicylate is a pain reliever and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in a group of drugs called salicylates .

    Cystex Urinary Pain Relief is a combination medicine that is used to relieve symptoms of bladder infection or irritation, such as painful or burning urination, or feeling an urgent or more frequent need to urinate.

    Cystex Urinary Pain Relief may help slow the progress of a bladder infection. Consult your doctor to make sure you do not need a prescription antibiotic medicine.

    Cystex Urinary Pain Relief may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

    Causes Of Bladder Spams

    What is Interstitial Cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome)? â Symptoms & Remedy Covered by Dr.Berg
    • Certain medications, such as bethanechol and furosemide
    • Parkinsons disease

    What you eat or drink can occasionally irritate a fragile bladder and cause it to become a spasm. This is especially true in patients who have a condition called interstitial cystitis.

    Spicy, acidic, or citrusy foods and also the chemicals in certain preservatives and food additives may irritate the lining of the bladder in certain individuals. Such products may include:

    When to consult a doctor.

    Consult the doctor if you have :

    • Leakage of urine
    • Pain while urinating
    • Pain in the lower abdominal area

    Here are the best home remedies and self-care tips for treating urinary incontinence and bladder spasm.

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    Drugs To Treat Bladder Spasms

    For patients suffering from bladder spasms, that feeling is a painful reality which can lead to embarrassing wetting accidents and an undesired shift in lifestyle. However, a variety of treatment options are available today which can help manage the symptoms effectively. Some drugs for bladder spasms include effective in managing this condition.

    The random contractions of the bladder muscles can be controlled with the help of anticholinergics drugs. Some such anticholinergics medication, considered the best drugs for bladder spasms, which can help the bladder relax and retain urine are:

    Imipramine hydrochloride which is an antidepressant drug has also proven to be helpful in relaxing bladder to reduce bladder spasms. Alpha-blockers, like doxazosin or terazosin are sometimes used for relaxing the bladder and allowing bladder to become completely empty. However, all these drugs for bladder spasms need to be used only with medical advice and as prescribed by the physician.

    Optimal Treatment For Interstitial Cystitis

    Nhuan Nguyen, PharmD, MBA, CHEClinical PharmacistGeorgia Health Sciences Medical CenterAugusta, GeorgiaUniversity of Georgia College of PharmacyAthens, Georgia

    US Pharm. 2012 37:Epub.

    Interstitial cystitis is a bladder pain syndrome whose exactcause remains unknown. About 1.2 million people in the United Stateshave IC, most of them female .1-4 Typically, IC onset occurs in an individuals mid-40s, but one study noted that 25% of patients were younger than 30 years.5Because the clinical hallmarks of IC are not specific, misdiagnosis ordelayed diagnosis of this syndrome is common. Most patients havesymptoms for 2 to 7 years and visit several health care providers beforereceiving an accurate diagnosis.6 Outpatient-clinic visits for management of IC incurred about $66 million in health care expenditures in 2000.4,5

    The impact of IC on quality of life is significant, consideringthe associated pain and urinary urgency and frequency, which maycurtail daily activities. Patients may experience interrupted sleep,leading to fatigue and depression. Additionally, IC may cause painduring sexual intercourse, thereby affecting sexual intimacy.

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    Does Drinking Water Help Bladder Spasms

    Urine that is more concentrated from not drinking enough fluids may contribute to bladder irritability, bladder spasms and may contribute to the growth of bacteria in the urine. Drinking lots of fluid can help flush out bacteria. Water is best option, but fruit juices can count for some of your fluid needs.

    Supplements For Adequate Nutrition

    Developing a diet free of irritants can take some trial and error. During this time, its important to get the recommended amount of daily nutrients.

    Be sure to talk with your doctor about your individual nutritional needs. They can help determine the appropriate supplements for you.

    You may find it beneficial to supplement your diet with a daily multivitamin or nutrition drinks. Popular nutrition drinks include shakes, such as Boost or Ensure, and formulas, such as ProNourish.

    Check in with your doctor before adding a supplement or nutrition drink to your regimen. Certain ingredients may interfere with your medications or otherwise negatively impact your overall health.

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    Bladder Spasms And The Risk Factors

    Anyone can experience bladder cramps, no matter the sex or the age of the person. Even children can have this condition , and it is the number one daytime incontinence cause.

    However, some people are at increased risk of developing this condition. For instance, you may have a boosted risk of experiencing bladder cramps if you:

    • Are pregnant, or you recently gave birth
    • Have a UTI or a urinary tract infection
    • Have recently undergone pelvic or lower abdominal surgery
    • Have bladder muscle damage due to injury or disease
    • Have a neurologic illness such as spinal cord injury or stroke

    If you are experiencing pain, irritation, or other uncomfortable symptoms, it is best to consult with your doctor for bladder spasm treatment. By receiving the proper treatment early, you will increase your chances of a speedy recovery.

    Can I Take Azo Urinary Tract Defense If Im Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

    Ask a doctor before using this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    If you are pregnant, you should not take this medicine unless your doctor tells you to. Taking an NSAID during the last 20 weeks of pregnancy can cause serious heart or kidney problems in the unborn baby and possible complications with your pregnancy.

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