Monday, September 2, 2024

How To Improve Bladder Control After Pregnancy

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What Is Postpartum Incontinence

How to Self-Treat Urinary Incontinence During or After Pregnancy With Dr Anuja Mathew

Most commonly, postpartum incontinence refers to urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary partial or full release of the bladder after pregnancy and childbirth. In many cases, this may look like leaking or dribbling a little urine if their bladder is full, when performing a physical activity like running and jumping, or with forceful movements like coughing and sneezing.

According to a 2004 study on postpartum urinary incontinence, incontinence during pregnancy is very common, affecting nearly half of all pregnancies. And if you pee your pants regularly doing pregnancy, you are also more likely to have problems with bladder control after pregnancy. The same study found that people who experienced pregnancy incontinence had a three times higher risk of postpartum incontinence at 3 months postpartum.

How To Treat Urinary Incontinence After Pregnancy

Stress Incontinence Remedies:

Regular kegel exercises, or pelvic floor muscle training, will speed up the process of get your strength and control back quickly after birth. Also, remember that any “pushing down” action in the first weeks after labor may stress or further stretch your pelvic floor. Protect those muscles by following these tips:

  • Squeeze, lift and hold your pelvic floor muscles before you sneeze, cough, blow your nose or lift an object
  • Cross your legs and squeeze tightly together before coughing or sneezing
  • Do not lift heavy loads
  • Avoid exercises that make your pelvic area feel strained
  • Shed some extra pounds to reduce extra pressure on your bladder

If your sensitive bladder doesnât improve after six months, talk to your women’s health doctor. He or she can help try new ideas for treatment or explore other possible causes of the stress incontinence youâre experiencing.

Notice The Difference Within 3 To 6 Months

As we all know, results dont happen overnight. You may start to notice the difference after consistently doing these exercises for 3 to 6 months. You may then regain control of your bladder, have fewer accidents, and able to do more repetitions. They may also help minimise your risk of associated complications, such as emotional distress and sleep deprivation.

If you experience a little discomfort while youre working out, wear light pads. We have a wide range of pads, from mini, normal, extra, maxi to super. For product enquiries, feel free to contact us.

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How Can I Stop Leaking Urine After Giving Birth

In general, there are 5 things you can do to help manage postpartum urinary incontinence.

  • Improve the strength of your pelvic floor muscles
  • Train your bladder
    • Illiococcygeus, and
    • Coccygeus

    These muscles act as a sort of hammock or sling to hold up your bladder and rectum.

    Weakness in these muscles leads to pelvic floor dysfunction which can manifest as urine leakage and even pelvic organ prolapse, later in life.

    So lets discuss the best pelvic floor muscle exercises you could start doing today.

    As always make sure you have received clearance from your OBGYN prior to engaging in any exercise program in the postpartum period. Additionally, if any exercise causes pain or discomfort, stop.

    Kegel Exercises

    The kegel is probably the most important pelvic floor exercise you could perform in the postpartum period.

    It is super easy and literally can be done anywhere, at any time.

    You can do it in the sitting, standing, quadruped, or lying position.

    The idea is that you want to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor as if you are trying to prevent yourself from peeing or pooping.

    Dont engage the glutes or leg muscles- you really want to focus on the pelvic floor and not any other accessory muscles.

    Modified side planks

    The modified side plank is another great exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor postpartum.

    It also has the advantage of strengthening your core muscles as well!

    Bird dogs

    Is Incontinence Common During Pregnancy

    How can I improve bladder control after pregnancy?

    As the baby grows, the enlarging uterus causes pressure on the bladder below it. This extra stress on the bladder makes it easier for any additional exertion, such as laughing, sneezing or exercising, to push urine out of the bladder. This is why women who are pregnant often have mild urinary incontinence during pregnancy. During a first pregnancy, more than one-third of women develop temporary stress incontinence. During subsequent pregnancies, more than three quarters develop this problem. However, most of the women who have incontinence during pregnancy return to full continence after delivery as the tissues of the birth canal heal. Only about 5% of these women still have stress incontinence a year after the delivery.

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    Pelvic Floor Muscles And Bladder Control

    The urethra, anus and vagina all pass through the pelvic floor muscles, which stay slightly tense to avoid urine, gas or faeces from leaking.

    When you need the toilet, your pelvic floor muscles relax to allow your urethral sphincter to open and release urine, then tighten back up once youve emptied your bladder.

    The pelvic floor muscles also tighten when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jump or lift heavy weights to prevent any leaks.

    When your pelvic floor is weak, these activities can often lead to involuntary leakage, known as stress incontinence.

    Another result of a weak pelvic floor is urge incontinence when you feel a sudden, intense urge to pee that results in involuntary leaks.

    So if youve ever experienced a leaky bladder, it could be because of a weak pelvic floor.

    Pelvic floor problems can happen when the pelvic floor muscles are too weak, tight or stretched. The most common causes of pelvic floor dysfunction are pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal changes during menopause, or trauma .

    Pelvic floor issues are a lot more common than youd think, with up to one in three women will experience pelvic floor issues at some point in their life.

    What Can I Do About Urinary Incontinence When I’m Pregnant

    • Do your Kegels. Try to work up to three sets of 10 Kegel exercises a day. Also try doing a Kegel exercise when you feel the need to cough or sneeze, or when you’re about to laugh or lift something heavy. That can help control bladder urges and decrease your leakage.
    • Keep your pregnancy weight gain moderate. Extra pounds put extra pressure on your bladder during pregnancy.
    • Try to minimize constipation during pregnancy. Full bowels can put added pressure on your bladder.
    • Keep drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluids every day. Cutting back on water to control the peeing only makes you vulnerable to dehydration and urinary tract infections.
    • Avoid coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol. They can irritate your bladder and make it harder to control those leaks.
    • Use pads as a backup to absorb leaks. But no tampons, please they don’t block the flow of urine and they’re off-limits during pregnancy anyway.

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    Benefits Of Kegel Exercises For Women

    The benefits of doing Kegel exercises – especially during pregnancy and after giving birth – include:

    • Improved bladder control. Many women experience frequent urination, or leaking urine during pregnancy or after having given birth. The risk increases with a vaginal delivery, as well as with having had a greater number of children. Kegels can help prevent or treat conditions like urinary incontinence – when you feel the strong urge to pee and pass urine before you can get to the washroom, or stress incontinence, which involves leaking a few drops of urine when you cough, laugh, or sneeze.

    • Strengthening pelvic organ support. Vaginal childbirth is one potential cause of pelvic organ prolapse . This is because pregnancy and vaginal childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, so they don’t provide enough support for the pelvic organs. As part of a treatment plan, your doctor may recommend Kegels.

    • Reduced risk of fecal incontinence. This is a condition that causes you to leak stool before you make it to the washroom. Kegels can help strengthen the rectal muscles to help prevent this.

    Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy also helps you develop the ability to relax and control these muscles in preparation for labour and birth. In the postpartum period, Kegels can help heal perineal tissues, which are stretched during vaginal birth.

    Is Overactive Bladder Normal After Birth

    Top 3 Kegel Exercises For Pregnant Women, Bladder Control, After Birth and Tightening

    When you were pregnant, you probably found yourself using the bathroom frequently, especially as your baby grew larger and put more pressure on your bladder. Maybe youre noticing that this common issue doesnt necessarily end just because you deliver.

    Dr. Neeraj Kohli at Boston Urogyn understands the impact that bladder issues can have on your life. As a national and international leader in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery, he can identify whats causing your urinary incontinence and offer innovative treatments to help.

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    Pelvic Floor Exercises For Bladder Control

    So your pelvic floor muscles are key for bladder health, and like with all muscles, they can be kept strong and healthy with a little bit of exercise.

    Dont worry, you wont need access to a gym to train your pelvic floor!

    Although Kegels are often touted as the go-to for better orgasms, they were originally created as a non-surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and theyve been shown to improve symptoms in up to 70% of cases of stress incontinence.

    Here’s Why Bladder Leakage May Happen

    Let’s talk about the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles that surround the vagina, urethra, and anus, Dr. Dune explains. When these muscles are strong, they work in conjunction with the nervous system to keep us from leaking. Think about when you actively “hold your pee.” Yep, you’re using your pelvic floor muscles to do that.

    The thing is that having a growing baby pushing down on those muscles for months on end can weaken them. And then, there’s childbirth itself. “Imagine a bowling ball coming through those pelvic floor muscles, expanding the muscles and connective tissues,” Dr .Dune says. A vaginal delivery can also damage the nerves that control the bladder. After all of that physical stress, “it takes time for that tissue and those muscles to heal.” In the meantime, for many, a little bit of leaking may just be a fact of life.

    Some people may not leak at all, others may only leak during pregnancy or only postpartum, while others leak both during and after. And there are a ton of factors that can impact whether or not you’re destined to join the club. First, the strength of your pelvic floor going into pregnancy can play a role. “Some women start off with strong pelvic floor muscles and can withstand the bowling ball,” says Dr. Dune. “Some women start with weak pelvic floor muscles without even knowing it and this event puts them over the edge.”

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    What Are The Benefits Of Pelvic Floor Exercises

    Pregnant women who perform Kegel exercises often find they have an easier birth. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy can help you develop the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery. Toning these muscles will also minimize two common problems during pregnancy: decreased bladder control and hemorrhoids. Other benefits include:

    • Toned and strengthened pelvic floor muscles help reduce the risk of a prolapse
    • Proper bladder and bowel movements, relief from constipation and minimal possibilities of hemorrhoids
    • Lessens instances of urinary incontinence or leakage when laughing, sneezing, coughing or carrying something heavy
    • Helps support the increasing weight of the growing baby
    • Proves beneficial in the ninth month as it relaxes the pelvic floor, shortening the second phase of labor as you are attempting to push the baby out, also minimizing the chances of requiring an episiotomy

    Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The best thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done anywhere, and no one knows youre doing them.

    Behind Postpregnancy Problems With Oab

    Treating Bladder Control Problems

    During your pregnancy, you may have developed some minor issues with incontinence, which makes sense given that your growing baby placed more pressure on your urinary tract, namely on your bladder and on your bladder sphincter.

    In many cases, these incontinence problems resolve themselves shortly after childbirth, but many women are left with ongoing OAB, which may be caused by:

    • A weakened pelvic floor

    To put some numbers to the problem, at least 40% of women in the United States have OAB, mainly due to pregnancy and menopause.

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    Risk Factors For Incontinence When Pregnant

    While urinary incontinence during pregnancy is a common condition that nearly all women experience, there are a number of risk factors and underlying medical conditions that may make symptoms more frequent or intense, which include:

    • Older maternal age
    • Previous vaginal delivery that weakened the pelvic floor or damaged the nerves around the bladder
    • Previous pelvic surgery, such as a C-section, that damaged the nerves and tissues around the bladder
    • Bladder infections, such as a urinary tract infection
    • Smoking, which leads to chronic coughing
    • Gestational diabetes, which can affect your nerve function

    When Does Urinary Incontinence Start During Pregnancy

    You may have noticed soon after you learned that you were pregnant that you suddenly needed to run to the ladies room more often than usual.

    Gradually, a frequent need to pee during pregnancy may have become even more frequent, especially during the last trimester, when your growing baby puts extra pressure on your bladder. It may even turn into difficulty with bladder control.

    Dont worry or be embarrassed! Involuntary peeing during pregnancy can be annoying, messy and occasionally mortifying. But it’s common and usually temporary.

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    Exercise To Prevent Incontinence

    There is usually no reason to avoid exercising during pregnancy unless your doctor has suggested you do so. In fact, regular exercise can help you strengthen your core and protect your pelvic floor. If at all possible, work with a trainer who is knowledgeable about modifications that you may need during your pregnancy.

    Because your abdominal muscles will move quite a bit during pregnancy, its important not to do certain exercises that will strain them and potentially injure your pelvic floor. For example, avoid exercises that focus heavily on the transverse abdominals, since those are separated during pregnancy. Exercises that work the transverse abdominals include planks, sit-ups, straight leg raises, and twisting crunches.

    What Causes Urinary Urgency Or Incontinence In Pregnancy

    Leaking Urine During Pregnancy – Tips to Prevent Involuntary Urine Leakage

    The most common cause of pregnancy-related urinary incontinence or urgency is weak pelvic floor muscles . This might be temporary as the pelvic floor muscles relax to prepare for labour .

    Pelvic floor muscles support the uterus and help control the bladder and bowel. The weight of your baby can weaken these muscles.

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    When Should I See My Doctor

    Most women who leak urine after childbirth find that it goes away in the first few weeks, as the stretched muscles and tissues recover.

    However, for some women it can take months while other women find their pelvic floor never recovers fully.

    If you are still experiencing leakage after 6 months, talk to your midwife or doctor. Dealing with it early on can reduce the risk of it becoming a life-long problem.

    Stress incontinence is common, but many women are too embarrassed to talk about it. However, doctors, midwives, maternal and child health nurses and continence nurses are used to talking about it. If you are experiencing leakage, they will have suggestions that can help.

    There Are Treatment Options

    If your postpartum urinary incontinence is causing a problem, or not resolving in a timely manner, there are treatment options available. The first line of defence is to do Kegel exercises. Dr. Pourzand can help you learn how to do Kegels properly, if youre not sure. She will also give you guidance on how many you should do each day to build up strength and flexibility in the muscles of your pelvic floor. There are other treatments that may be appropriate, depending on numerous factors. One of the reasons so many of her patients prefer Dr. Pourzand is the highly personalized treatment she provides. Before suggesting treatment for your postpartum urinary incontinence, Dr. Pourzand will take your medical history, current medical needs, and your lifes circumstances into consideration. If you have questions or concerns regarding postpartum urinary stress incontinence, book your appointment with Dr. Pourzand today. We have two locations for your convenience, and you can use our online scheduling tool or call to make an appointment at the location that works best for you.

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    Urine Frequency In Early Pregnancy

    In the early weeks of pregnancy, you may pee more frequently because your growing uterus is still situated within the pelvis and competes for space with the bladder. As the uterus rises into the abdomen after the 12th week, youâll notice you have to urine less frequently. But donât get too comfy. During the last weeks of pregnancy, as your baby gets in position for birth, his or her head may be pushing directly on your bladder, making it harder to hold in urine reliably.

    Donât worry. If you’re experiencing unexpected urine leaks while pregnant, it is typically temporary. Your bladder should return to its pre-motherhood condition not long after you give birth as your pelvic floor muscle regains strength. Some women experience urinary incontinence postpartum, but this usually resolves within a year. If it doesnât, reach out to your doctor.

    % Of Women Cant Do A Kegel Properly We Do Them For You

    Carin Restores Pre

    Stress Urinary Incontinence is surprisingly common and affects 1 in 3 women. Your pelvic floor is a powerful set of muscles that play an important role in bladder control, core stability and intimate wellbeing. INNOVO takes the guesswork out of strengthening your tricky to isolate pelvic floor muscles, all from the comfort of your own home.

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