Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who To See For Bladder Problems

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Symptoms Of A Prolapsed Bladder

What are the most common bladder problems?

The first symptom that women with a prolapsed bladder usually notice is the presence of tissue in the vagina that many women describe as something that feels like a ball.

Other symptoms of a prolapsed bladder include the following:

  • Discomfort or pain in the pelvis
  • Tissue protruding from the vagina
  • Difficulty urinating

Some women may not experience or notice symptoms of a mild prolapsed bladder.

Treatments For Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence occurs when weakened pelvic floor muscles cant hold up to the pressure on the bladder and urethra. These muscles may have weakened due to age, vaginal birth, or obesity.

If the issue may be related to weight, well talk about weight loss. As little as an 8 percent weight loss can decrease incontinence by half. I also recommend that patients work with a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor exercises. These exercises strengthen the muscles that control urination.

Another option is a pessary, which is a device that supports the walls of your vagina and lifts the bladder and urethra. Its a non-surgical fix. If were still not finding relief after trying a pessary, the surgical option is a urethral sling, which is a type of mesh thats placed under the urethra.

When you cough, for example, and the urethra moves, the mesh provides extra support for the muscles that arent doing their job.

You Have A Urinary Tract Infection That Wont Go Away

If you experience burning, painful and frequent urination that doesnt improve with antibiotics, it could be a sign that you have interstitial cystitis , also known as a painful bladder. A urologist will test your urine and examine your bladder with a cystoscope to make the diagnosis. IC can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and can also be prevented by avoiding certain triggers, typically alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine and chocolate.

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Who Treats Bladder Problems

Because a number of problems can affect the bladder, several types of doctors and other healthcare providers treat bladder problems. The doctor or specialist you should see depends on your age, gender, and the cause of your problem. Bladder problems may include:

  • Inflammation of the bladder, which causes or pressure
  • or loss of bladder control

It’s important to see a doctor who has experience treating the type of bladder problem that you have. Here are some healthcare providers you may see for bladder problems.

Surgical Treatment For Overactive Bladder

Irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems

Surgery may recommended for severe cases. The two most-commonly used procedures are:

  • increases bladder size by removing a section of the bowel and adding it to the bladder. Increased bladder size allows someone to store more urine, reducing the urge to urinate. Possible complications include infection, blood clots, bowel obstruction, urinary fistula, and an increased risk of bladder tumors .
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation is a newer surgical technique that involves placing a small electrical device in the lower back. The device sends electrical impulses to the sacral nerve, which improves control of the muscles in the bladder and pelvic floor.

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Bladder Pain In Women And Men

Bladder pain is more common in women. This is likely due to the fact that the two most common causes of bladder pain urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis more often affect women than men. It may be also due to the fact that the bladder comes into direct contact with a womans reproductive organs, which may cause irritation and aggravate symptoms.

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Talking With Your Health Care Provider

Questions to Ask the Doctor about OAB

  • Are my symptoms from OAB or from something else?
  • What tests will I need to find out if I have OAB?
  • What could have caused my OAB?
  • Can I do anything to prevent OAB symptoms?

Questions to Ask the Doctor about Treatment

  • What would happen if I dont treat my OAB?
  • What lifestyle changes should I make?
  • Are there any exercises I can do to help?
  • Do I need to see a physical therapist?
  • What treatment could help my OAB?
  • How soon after treatment will I feel better?
  • What are the good and bad things that I should know about these treatments?
  • What problems should I call you about after I start treatment?
  • What happens if the first treatment doesnt help?
  • Will I need treatment for the rest of my life?
  • Can my OAB be managed?
  • What are my next steps?

Questions to Ask Yourself about Symptoms

  • Do my symptoms make me stop doing the things I enjoy, or prevent me from going to events?
  • Am I afraid to be too far from a bathroom?
  • Have my symptoms changed my relationships with friends or family?
  • Do my symptoms make it hard to get a good nights sleep?

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Common Bladder Problems And When To Seek Help

Bladder problems can disrupt day-to-day life. When people have bladder problems, they may avoid social settings and have a harder time getting tasks done at home or at work. Common bladder problems include urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, and urinary retention.

Some signs of a bladder problem may include:

  • Inability to hold urine or leaking urine
  • Needing to urinate more frequently or urgently
  • Cloudy urine
  • Pain or burning before, during, or after urinating
  • Trouble starting or having a weak stream while urinating
  • Trouble emptying the bladder

If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your health care provider.

Treatment for bladder problems may include behavioral and lifestyle changes, exercises, medications, surgery, or a combination of these treatments and others. For more information on treatment and management of urinary incontinence, visit Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults.

Treatments For Urgency Incontinence

MS and Me: Managing Bladder Problems

Urgency incontinence is when you get the urge to go, and if you dont make it to a bathroom, your bladder will empty. It can have serious effects on your life and your work.

Experts dont know what causes urgency incontinence, but there are different ways to approach it. First we start with behavioral changes, which vary based on your situation. Steps could include:

  • Weight loss again, losing even a small amount of weight can help.

  • Avoiding excess fluids. If youre having trouble sleeping, we talk about limiting fluids before bedtime so sleep is less interrupted.

  • Time voiding, which is retraining the bladder. If the patient is in the bathroom every hour, well slowly lengthen that interval so theyre in the bathroom less often.

  • Pelvic floor exercises, with help from a physical therapist.

  • Changing your diet. I review a list of bladder irritants: coffee, chocolate, alcohol, spicy foods, and other things. We have patients skip those foods and drinks for a week or two and see what their urgency or frequency is like.

If behavioral changes dont help, there are other options to explore. We can try certain medications that relax your bladder muscles and prevent leakage. Botox, injected into the muscles of the bladder, can help some patients temporarily. And there are several medications we can try, including anticholinergics, which block the impulse to urinate. This can help you get more sleep at night.

Also Check: Bladder Pressure And Frequent Urination

Mistake : Going Too Often

One more trip to the bathroom before rushing out the door may seem like smart planning, but it can backfire. The danger is that you can end up training the bladder to respond to small volumes, which can lead to overactive bladder symptomsthe sensation of needing to urinate more frequently than is normal, explains Dr. Rickey.

Going too often at night can also be a problem for men who then cant fall back to sleep, says Stanton Honig, MD, director of Male Urology, adding that this condition, called nocturia, can affect quality of life. If this is bothersome to patients, there are treatment for it, says Dr. Honig.

Other problems can also cause increased urinary frequency, such as an infection along the urinary tract. Therefore, if you find that you need to visit the bathroom far more often than you used to, talk to your primary care physician or urologist. You may need a urinalysis to rule out a UTI, as well as to check for blood in the urine , which can happen to a small number of people with an overactive bladder who have a bladder tumor, Dr. Brito says. Blood in the urine is never normal and usually requires further testing to determine its cause, Dr. Brito says.

Diagnosing Male Urinary Dysfunction

At NYU Langone, our urologists can determine whether your urinary symptoms are caused by problems with the bladder muscles, the prostate gland, the urethral sphincterwhich are the muscles that control the exit of urine from the bladderor the nervous system, such as in Parkinsons disease.

Lower urinary tract symptoms can range from mild to serious and may include urinating frequently getting up at night to urinate having a sudden, unstoppable urge to urinate straining to urinate dribbling after urination pain with urination and weak urine flow.

After taking a medical history and performing a physical exam, your doctor may order one or more tests.

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Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Gland And Urinary Problems

If you are troubled by urination problems, see a doctor no matter what your age. If your doctor agrees that your symptoms need further evaluation and treatment, you may need to undergo a few tests.These may include:

  • general examination medical history and review of any health conditions including obesity, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, depression and erectile dysfunction. A rectal examination may be done to check the size and shape of your prostate gland
  • a urine check to ensure the prostate is not infected
  • a flow-rate check to estimate the speed with which you pass urine
  • an ultrasound examination to assess if the bladder is emptying completely and to examine your kidneys
  • urodynamics a series of tests on the bladder to see how your urinary system is functioning may be recommended in some circumstances.

Mistake #: Not Drinking Enough Water

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Many urinary complaints are related to poor hydration. Generally speaking, if your urine is clear or very light, that’s a sign you are drinking the right amount of water. If your urine is dark yellow or amber, that’s usually a sign of dehydration.

Odor, an “off” color, and the sense of burning while voiding are other signs that might indicate you are not properly hydrated. Not drinking enough water can contribute to UTIs and kidney stones. Concentrated urine can irritate the lining of the bladder, making it more sensitive. It is also more likely to form kidney or bladder stones.

Many patients ask if drinking alternative fluids will suffice, but many beverages contain high sugar concentrations or caffeine, which can have other health effects, says Dr. Brito, noting these might make overactive bladder symptoms worse. Water is the safest option to maintain hydration and keep your kidneys and bladder healthy.

There are some conditions that can make your urine appear more concentrated even if you are well-hydrated, such as liver problems or hematuria. So, if you are drinking enough water but have dark-colored urine, odor, or burning, its worth a trip to a urologist, who can evaluate your symptoms more closely.

“The ability to urinate freely and without difficulty is taken for granted by most people,” says Dr. Brito. So, next time you have to go, follow the above advice for better urinary health.

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Medications For Overactive Bladder

Medications for overactive bladder target muscles that control bladder function. These drugs can be used alone or in combination, and include:

  • Anticholinergics such as trospium , darifenacin and oxybutynin relax bladder muscles. They are the most commonly prescribed medications for overactive bladder and are well tolerated. Side effects include constipation and dry mouth.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as imipramine and doxepin, stop contractions in the smooth muscle of the bladder. Side effects include dizziness, fatigue, changes in vision, nausea, insomnia, and dry mouth.

How Do I Decide Between A Urologist Or Gynecologist

For women experiencing health issues in the pelvic region, it may seem natural to seek help from an OB-GYN. But sometimes, a urologist is the better option for down there care.

Obviously, a womans urologic and reproductive systems are close together in the body. And its not uncommon for people to see them as one network, needing the care of one doctor. But the reality is that these systems are quite different, regardless of their proximity. Indeed, problems in these regions often require different expertise to find the right diagnosis and treatment.

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When To See A Doctor For Bladder Infection

See your doctor promptly if you have any symptoms of a bladder infection including:

  • Cloudy, bloody, or strong-smelling urine

  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate

  • Pain or burning with urination

  • Pelvic discomfort or pressure

  • Urinating small amounts frequently

Left untreated, bladder infections can lead to a kidney infection, permanent kidney damage, and even . Seek immediate medical care for symptoms of a including:

  • or mental status changes

  • of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher

Treatment Of Urinary Incontinence

What are some of the most common bladder problems?

We treat men and women with the urge to urinate and urinary leakage caused by an inability to get to the toilet in time when they have a sudden urge to pee. These symptoms are called urinary urge incontinence, often abbreviated as UUI.

We also treat women and men who experience leakage of urine when they cough, run, lift heavy objects, or engage in other activities. This is called stress urinary incontinence, often abbreviated as SUI.

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Where To Get Treatment For Frequent Urination / Urinary Incontinence / Botox For Oab / In Nyc

At New York Urology Specialists, we offer same-day treatment of urinary problems for men and women. Same-day virtual video appointments and in-person appointments are available.

Call/text today: or make an appointment online.

We perform Interstim sacral neuromodulation, bladder tumor removal, slings for urinary incontinence, Botox for OAB, artificial urinary sphincter. We offer treatment for bladder stones, urinary retention, frequent urination, kidney stones, urinary incontinence, painful urination, prostatitis, frequent UTI, and pelvic pain. We treat sexual and erection problems and offer for infections. We offer confidential appointments.

Our appointment costs are affordable with or without insurance. We offer free insurance verification.

We perform cystoscopy, pelvic sonogram, and bladder ultrasound in our office. We offer Botox for bladder control, , in our office. We treat urinary and erection problems. We offer confidential appointments.

When To See A Doctor

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms that might indicate a urinary tract infection, it is time to see a doctor. While a bladder infection or urethra infection might only be uncomfortable or inconvenient, it can become far more severe if the infection spreads up to the kidneys.

It is also worth visiting a doctor if you notice a change in how frequently you urinate, are unable to hold your urine , or if you are having trouble urinating when you need to. All of these are additional signs that there might be a bladder problem at hand.

Common ways that doctors can test for bladder problems include:

  • A physical exam. This can be a pelvic or prostate exam depending on your gender
  • A urine sample. This will allow your doctor to test for different types of bacteria
  • A bladder ultrasound. This can help determine whether or not you are able to empty your bladder completely

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Cause Of Urinary Problems As Men Age

Many men experience urinary symptoms as they age, which may be caused by inflammation of the prostate gland . In older men, symptoms may be due to a blockage in the tubes due to a benign enlargement of the prostate gland . The most common symptom is difficulty emptying your bladder. Urinary symptoms may become bothersome enough that they require treatment. Not all urinary symptoms are due to changes to the prostate. Also, some men have enlarged prostates and yet experience few, if any, symptoms.

What Else Causes Bladder Control Problems In Women

Video on bladder control.

Certain life events and health problems can lead to stress incontinence in women by weakening the pelvic floor muscles

Weak pelvic floor muscles can make it hard for your bladder to hold urine in during stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when an actioncoughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical activityputs pressure on your bladder and causes urine to leak. A weak pelvic floor can also cause fecal incontinence, or bowel control problems.

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How Do You Fix A Weak Bladder

Here are 18 tips to help fix your weak bladder.

1. Get your bladder stronger through exercise

The best way to improve the strength of your bladder is with Kegel exercises. A weak bladder can cause problems like urinary incontinence. If you want to learn how to fix a weak bladder, then do some kegel exercises! These are supposed to be done by clenching the muscles in your pelvic floor. Keep doing these until you feel them getting stronger!

2. Add fiber to your diet

Fiber is important for a healthy digestive tract, but it can also help strengthen your bladder too. If you want to fix a weak bladder then add more fiber into your diet. You can eat high-fiber foods like oatmeal, flaxseed, popcorn, and nuts.

3. Use the bathroom at certain times

If you wait until its too late to go to the bathroom then your bladder will be weaker than it would have been if you went beforehand! Avoid drinking lots of liquids before bedtime so that you can wake up in the morning with a full bladder.

4. Avoid lifting heavy objects

A weak bladder can sometimes be caused by straining when you lift heavy items. If the pelvic floor feels the strain and its not strong enough, then your bladder might let go. You can easily prevent this by making sure that you lift objects in a healthy way!

5. Lose excess weight

This might seem obvious, but if your weight is over the line then it could cause problems with your bladder. If you are overweight, then losing excess pounds will make your bladder stronger!

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