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What Type Of Doctor Treats Bladder Problems

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What You Need To Know

Treatment Options for Common Bladder Problems
  • Issues with urinating or passing stools are referred to as bladder and bowel dysfunction.
  • Bladder and bowel problems often originate with nerve or muscle dysfunction, as these systems control the flow of urine and the release of stool.
  • Other health issues may cause bladder and/or bowel dysfunction, including medicinal side effects, stress, neurologic diseases, diabetes, hemorrhoids and pelvic floor disorders.
  • Therapy and management for these conditions can range from dietary changes and exercise to electrical stimulation and surgery depending on individual diagnosis.

Bladder or bowel incontinence means a problem holding in urine or stool. You may have unwanted passage of urine or stool that you cant control. These conditions can be stressful to deal with. But dont feel embarrassed about talking to your healthcare provider. They are used to dealing with these issues, and can help you manage the problem.

Nephrologist: Kidney Conditions Specialist

A nephrologist is a doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of kidney diseases. Since the kidneys process fluids and send them to the bladder, nephrologists can handle OAB treatment.

While a urologist is in training, theyre required to have two years of internal medicine patient contact. The American Board of Internal Medicine certifies nephrologists.

Your primary care doctor may refer you to a nephrologist who will help you develop a nutrition guide to manage symptoms. A nephrologist will also check your kidneys to make sure theyre working to process fluids before they enter the bladder.

Nephrologists also have expertise in high blood pressure, fluid- and acid-based physiology, and chronic renal failure.

You Have A Urinary Tract Infection That Wont Go Away

If you experience burning, painful and frequent urination that doesnt improve with antibiotics, it could be a sign that you have interstitial cystitis , also known as a painful bladder. A urologist will test your urine and examine your bladder with a cystoscope to make the diagnosis. IC can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and can also be prevented by avoiding certain triggers, typically alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine and chocolate.

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Causes Of Sudden Urine Loss

Some women develop symptoms of urinary dysfunction after childbirth or while pregnant. Other women develop symptoms during menopause or from illnesses such as diabetes.

Additional causes include bladder cancers, urinary tract infections, obesity, and a C-section or pelvic floor surgery. Even if you believe you know the cause, it is important to discuss the issue with your gynecologist so you can receive proper treatment.

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Infection occurs when the parasite cysts are accidentally swallowed by drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food. The infection can spread through person-to-person contact or by transferring the infection from the hands to the mouth after touching contaminated surfaces, such as doorknobs.

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Neurogenic Bladder Treatment Outcomes

The success of any treatment for neurogenic bladder depends upon the underlying problem and how severe it is.

  • Behavioral therapy: Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can improve the control of urination in 56 to 95 percent of cases. Pelvic floor exercises, along with biofeedback, are successful in 54 to 87 percent of cases. Bladder training improves urine control in 75 percent of cases, with only 12 percent completely cured of urinary incontinence.
  • Medication: The success of medical treatments depends upon the drug and dosage that is administered. Anticholinergic drugs were successful in treating incontinence in 13 to 90 percent of cases, and some antispasmodic drugs have been shown to cure incontinence in up to 50 percent of cases, although at times they may reduce symptoms in up to 90 percent of cases.
  • Surgery: Bladder augmentation has been shown to be an effective way to increase the bladder’s ability to store urine. However, one study found that 41 percent of patients had at least one complication after the procedure. Use of an artificial urinary sphincter has been found to improve symptoms of incontinence in up to 95 percent of cases, with total control of urination in 86 percent of cases.


Staskin DR, Comiter CV. . Surgical procedures for sphincteric incontinence in the male: artificial genitourinary sphincter and perineal sling. Campbell-Walsh Urology. 10th ed.


What Is Bladder Prolapse Surgery With Mesh

Bladder prolapse surgery is most commonly performed through the vaginal entrance. They can also do it abdominal but doctors prefer transvaginal as it is easier, faster, and not as invasive. What they aim to do, is to settle the bladder in its original position and mobilize it. For this, they use a surgical mesh that is made of synthetic material or animal tissue.

To reinforce the vaginal wall the surgeon will insert a mesh through an incision in the anterior wall of the vagina. The vaginal wall is straightened and the bladder is then being supported.

Depending on a womans condition and the complexity of the procedure, they do bladder lift surgery with regional, or local anesthesia, or if necessary, under general anesthesia.

A good thing to know about this surgery is that most often, they release women from the hospital the same day after the surgery.

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Providers And Specialists Who Treat Oab

Many types of health care providers can offer basic help for OAB. Here are the types of providers you may meet:

*Typically, specialists who treat OAB and incontinence include urologists and female pelvic medicine specialists. It helps to ask if your health care provider has direct training or experience with OAB.

What Do Urologists Do

The 3 Causes Of Urinary Bladder Problems/Issues Dr.Berg

A urologist is trained to diagnose and treat problems of the urinary tract. Urologists deal with men and women alike. With women, a urologist deals only with the problems of the urinary tract. With men, however, the urologist can diagnose and treat disorders of the penis and testicles also. They also look after male infertility and sexual disorders.

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How To Talk To Your Gynecologist About Urinary Incontinence

Men tend to go to their urologist sometimes almost treating them like their general practitioner rather than a specialist and women similarly tend to go to their gynecologist for their medical needs. One of the more embarrassing topics people of both genders may need to discuss with a physician is urinary incontinence, and this issue can definitely be addressed for women by a gynecologist.

Many women endure urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. Womens bodies go through an extremely challenging process when carrying a child, and often their bodies have difficulty recovering fully from pregnancy.

Since doctors rarely bring up the subject, it may be necessary for you to broach the topic with your doctor. Lets discuss how to make this conversation as pleasant and efficient as possible.

Bladder Surgery: Why Is It Done Procedure And Risks

Sep 26, 2017 | Surgery

Bladder-related problems can take a hit to ones self-esteem and confidence, especially if incontinence is a symptom. Serious problems like bladder cancer can be scary to go through as well. Bladder surgery is necessary for some conditions if other treatment methods havent worked. Continue reading to learn more about this type of surgery, the risks involved, and possible alternatives to surgery.

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What Is A Urologist

While most people who experience bladder issues start with their primary doctor, a Urologist can be a great next step in determining more advanced treatment options. Heres a breakdown of what urologist do, when to see them, what conditions they treat, and what you can expect at your appointment.

Should You Discuss Sexual Problems With Your Doctor

Does Interstitial Cystitis Start Suddenly &  Can It Be Sexually Transmitted?

If many women have problems talking to their partners about sex, isnât it even more difficult for them to broach the subject with their doctors? To complicate things even further, doctors are often uncomfortable about discussing sex and are rarely well trained to do so. Adding incontinence to a conversation may make both a woman and her doctor even more reluctant to pursue further discussion.

To illustrate what a significant problem this is, interviews with 324 sexually active women found that only 2 women had volunteered information about having incontinence during sex. However, when specifically asked about this symptom, 77 additional women acknowledged that they had incontinence during intercourse.

Patients and doctors need to do a better job communicating about incontinence and sexuality. If your doctor doesnât ask about incontinence, it is important for you to bring it up if there is a problem. If your doctor seems uncomfortable with the subject, ask for a referral to someone who regularly deals with incontinence. If you are having a problem with incontinence and sexuality, more than likely you will need to bring this up as well. If your doctor is not equipped to discuss this with you, ask for the name of a knowledgeable therapist who can help.

If your doctor doesnât know such specialists, make an effort to find someone on your own. The important thing is to get what you need. Youâre not alone with this problem.

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Which One Do I Choose

Choosing between a nephrologist and urologist can be a little confusing. Its easy to understand that urologists specialize in issues related to the bladder, penis, testicle, urinary tract and male reproductive system while nephrologists specialize in issues related to the kidneys.

But since the kidney, bladder, and urinary tract are related, how do you choose between the two? To make it easier, follow this rule: if you have any issue related to your kidneys or kidney function, you need a nephrologist. They have the education, training, and experience necessary to diagnose, treat, and prevent both common and complex kidney conditions.

A lot of issues in the bladder or urinary tract derive from an underlying problem in the kidneys. This is why a nephrologist is the best medical professional to treat your kidney-related issue. In the situation that you also need to see a urologist in addition to a nephrologist, your nephrologist will work with your urologist to ensure you get the best medical treatment possible.

Family Doctor Or Internist

Internists and family medicine doctors have experience in all types of health problems, including bladder conditions. Internists specialize in providing comprehensive care to adults. Family medicine doctors provide general care to people at all stages of life. They focus on health within the context of the family. Most of the time, these two types of doctors help you manage your overall care. If more than one healthcare provider is involved in your treatment, this doctor often coordinates everything.

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How Oab Can Affect Your Life

OAB can get in the way of your work, social life, exercise and sleep. Without treatment, OAB symptoms can make it hard to get through the day without many trips to the bathroom. You may not want to go out with friends or go far from home because you’re afraid of being far from a bathroom. This makes many people feel lonely and isolated.

OAB may affect relationships with friends and family. It can disrupt your sleep and sex-life. Too little sleep will leave anyone tired and depressed. In addition, if you leak urine, you may develop skin problems or infections.

You don’t have to let OAB rule your life. OAB can be controlled. If you think you have OAB, see your health care provider.

Get The Facts About Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery

What are some of the most common bladder problems?

Before scheduling your surgery, ask your surgeon about all stress urinary incontinence treatments, including non-surgical and surgical options. It is important to understand why your specialist is recommending a particular treatment for your urinary incontinence.

Be sure to ask your surgeon about any specialized training theyve received in the surgical treatment of urinary incontinence and overall patient experiences. Learn what drove Carol, physician, and mother of three, to find an experienced specialist here.

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Risks Involving Bladder Surgery

  • Strictures Scar tissue inside the bladder, ureters, or intestines.
  • Obstruction of the intestines or ureters.
  • Blood clots in the lungs or legs.
  • Infection at the surgery site.
  • Damage to organs near the bladder.
  • Some forms of bladder surgery, due to a cancer for example, make the patient infertile because reproductive organs may be removed in the process.
  • If men had their prostate and seminal vesicles removed during surgery, then they may experience erection problems.
  • Women who have part of their vagina removed during surgery may experience sex problems.

Many Options Available To Treat Female Bladder Problems

While as many as half of all women at some point in their lives experience what is known as pelvic-floor dysfunction, they often keep the problem hidden, even from their doctor.

Many women are embarrassed to talk about bladder problems, says Erin Mellano, MD, a UCLA urogynecologist in the South Bay. But they should understand that this is a very common problem, with a variety of treatment options that can dramatically improve their quality of life.

Pelvic-floor dysfunction can include such issues as diminished bladder or bowel control, as well as pelvic-organ prolapse the descending of the bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel or rectum as a result of weakening pelvic muscles. The most common symptoms relate to bladder control. This can include stress incontinence the involuntary leakage of urine as a result of increased abdominal pressure or overactive bladder, defined as either the need to urinate frequently or the inability to hold urine long enough to reach the bathroom. Dr. Mellano notes that approximately one-in-four young women, at least half of postmenopausal middle-aged women and up to 75 percent of older women suffer from one of these symptoms.

The doctors explain that there are many effective treatments for pelvic-floor dysfunction that dont involve surgery.

For women suffering from prolapse, a nonsurgical management includes intravaginal support devices with a pessary. When a pessary does not work, there are durable surgical options.


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How Is Vaginal Prolapse Surgery Performed

Your vaginal prolapse surgery will be performed in a hospital or surgery clinic. The procedure varies depending on the type and severity of your vaginal prolapse and other factors. Your doctor will perform vaginal prolapse surgery using one of the following approaches:

Your doctor will advise you on which procedure is best for you and how long you need to stay in the hospital or surgical center based on your diagnosis, age, medical history, general health, and possibly your personal preference. Learn about the different procedures and ask why your surgeon will use a particular type for you. Types of anesthesia that may be used

Your doctor will perform vaginal prolapse surgery using either general anesthesia or regional anesthesia.

What to expect the day of your vaginal prolapse surgery

The day of your surgery, you can generally expect to:

Is There A Possibility Of Recurrence After Surgery

Bladder Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

The results of a study carried out by then Radcliff John Hospital in Oxford show that 10.8 % of women undergoing pelvic organ prolapse surgery have a second or third operation within the next 11 years. The study followed a group of 2099 women that had surgery for POP between 1995 and 2005. Worth mentioning is that of the women that needed repeat surgery, 61,5% needed surgery in a different area than the site of the original operation.

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Medications For Overactive Bladder

Medications for overactive bladder target muscles that control bladder function. These drugs can be used alone or in combination, and include:

  • Anticholinergics such as trospium , darifenacin and oxybutynin relax bladder muscles. They are the most commonly prescribed medications for overactive bladder and are well tolerated. Side effects include constipation and dry mouth.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants, such as imipramine and doxepin, stop contractions in the smooth muscle of the bladder. Side effects include dizziness, fatigue, changes in vision, nausea, insomnia, and dry mouth.

Why Do Bladder And Bowel Incontinence Happen

When the bladder and bowel function normally, nerves tell certain muscles when to tense up and when to relax. Nerves in the spinal cord send messages from the brain to the bladder. Sphincter muscles control the flow of urine. Muscles in the rectum and anus control or release stool. These nerve and muscle processes allow urine and feces to be removed when you want them to.

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Key Points About Urinary Tract Infections

  • Urinary tract infections are a common health problem that affects millions of people each year. These infections can affect any part of the urinary tract.
  • Most UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria, which normally live in the colon.
  • The most common symptoms of UTIs include changes in urination such as frequency, pain, or burning urine looks dark, cloudy, or red and smells bad back or side pain nausea/vomiting and fever.
  • Antibiotics are used to treat UTIs. Other treatments may include pain relievers, and drinking plenty of water to help wash bacteria out of the urinary tract.
  • Other things that can be done may help reduce the likelihood of developing UTIs.

Help I Get A Uti Every Single Month

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First off, let me start by saying I have seen specialists, I have taken countless amounts of antibiotics and I follow every rule known to man to avoid UTIs.

Ive been getting them for about 4 years now. The last specialist I went to gave me a 2 year supply of bactrim and clearly it doesnt work. I am extremely clean. I wipe front to back, I wash before and after intercourse , I always relieve my bladder before and after intercourse as well. I drink about a gallon of lemon water a day. I also drink a cup of warm lemon honey water when I wake up and right before I go to sleep . I take vitamins that promote healthy vaginal walls and bladders. NOTHING WORKS!

I have to pee all the time. Im also getting recurrent yeast and vaginosis infections which I believe are causing the UTIs but I cant seem to shake those either. This is seriously ruining my life! Im miserable!!! Ive had so many tests done including a cervical cancer biopsy and countless blood work. Even had them inject dye into my bladder and take xrays.. Everything came back normal. I have been tested for STDs more times than I can count and I always comes back clean.

I read something about an injection directly into the bladder to cure this? Any advice will help. I have also tried just about EVERY SINGLE over the counter product on the planet. I have wasted so much money. I just want a solution. WTF IS GOING ON?!!!

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