Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Bladder Cancer Make You Tired

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Trouble Urinating Is Another Common Symptom

Bladder Cancer Treatment: Intravesical Therapy – Urology Care Foundation

If you are making many more trips to the restroom to urinate than you normally do, feel the need to urinate even when your bladder is empty or pain or burning when urinating, you could be experiencing a symptom of bladder cancer. Just like seeing blood in your urine, having trouble urinating can be a symptom of other more common conditions like a urinary tract infection, an enlarged prostate in men, or bladder stones. Let your doctor know right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

Losing Weight Rapidly After Surgery

Then came getting very ill, being diagnosed, and having a major surgery, followed by several complications in recovery. I lost 25 pounds in a single month. We can estimate I lost somewhere in the ballpark of 60 pounds in 2019. So naturally, my nutritionist and family just wanted me to get any calories I could to try and maintain weight. I had to eat calorie-dense foods to maintain my body and get on track to handle my cancer treatment.

How Can I Lower Stress If I Have Cancer

Managing stress can play an important role in combating cancer-related fatigue. Here are some suggestions that may help.

  • Adjust your expectations. For example, if you have a list of 10 things you want to accomplish today, pare it down to two and leave the rest for other days. A sense of accomplishment goes a long way to reducing stress.
  • Help others understand and support you. Family and friends can be helpful if they can “put themselves in your shoes” and understand what fatigue means to you. Cancer groups can be a source of support, as well. Other people with cancer understand what you are going through.
  • Relaxation techniques such as audiotapes that teach deep breathing or visualization can help reduce stress.
  • Activities that divert your attention away from fatigue can also be helpful. For example, activities such as knitting, reading, or listening to music require little physical energy but require attention.
  • If your stress seems out of control, talk to a health care professional.

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    How We Diagnose Bladder Cancer:

    • Urine analysis to determine if microscopic blood is present in the urine can be a way to detect bladder cancer. Cytology is also a way to examine a sample of urine for cancer markers that may be present with bladder cancer.
    • Cytology
    • Cystoscopy, or examining the bladder with a tiny camera is another way to diagnose and even biopsy/treat bladder cancer.
    • CT/MRI imaging. Depending on risk factors, findings on urine analysis and overall suspicion, advanced imaging may be used to view the bladder and surrounding organs.

    What Bladder Problems May Occur As Side Effects Of Cancer Treatment

    Overactive Bladder

    Irritation of the lining of the bladder is called cystitis. This condition is commonly caused by a urinary tract infection, where bacteria have infected your bladder. However, it is also a side effect of some cancer treatments. Cancer patients in particular are at increased risk of developing a more severe form of cystitis called hemorrhagic cystitis. This condition may occur during treatment, immediately following treatment or months after treatment. Hemorrhagic cystitis can be a very serious condition leading to significant bleeding and/or life-threatening infection.

    Also Check: Whats The Difference Between Uti And Bladder Infection

    Communicating With Your Healthcare Provider About Fatigue

    Many people underestimate fatigue and fail to discuss it with their practitioner. There can be underlying medical reasons for fatigue, such as anemia, that may need to be addressed. Unfortunately, there is no medication, prescription or OTC, that treats fatigue, but your healthcare provider may be able to determine what is contributing to fatigue and offer solutions specific to your situation.

    When Should I See A Doctor

    Most cases of unexplained weight loss arent caused by cancer. Still, its a good idea to follow up with your healthcare provider about any significant weight loss that cant be explained by changes in your diet or activity levels.

    Generally, losing more than 5 percent of your body weight within 6 to 12 months warrants a visit. And if youre an older adult with other health issues, even a smaller amount of weight loss may be reason to see your healthcare provider.

    Your provider will begin by taking your medical history, including any medications you are taking. Urine and blood tests, as well as imaging scans, can find signs of cancer or another condition that may be behind your weight loss.

    Seek immediate treatment if your weight loss is accompanies by any of the following symptoms:

    • inability to swallow solids or liquids

    Also Check: Bladder Cancer Symptoms Mayo Clinic

    Theres Blood In Your Urine

    Pink, red or cola-coloured urine can seem scary, but its usually not a sign of anything life-threatening. Its often present when you are suffering from a UTI, but there are other reasons it can happen, ranging from something as simple as having just eaten beets to kidney stones and certain cancers. Bottom line: It should be checked out.

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    Can Bladder Cancer Cause Decreased Appetite And Weight Loss

    Bladder Cancer Risks & Warning Signs | Part II: Warning Signs

    The symptoms of decreased appetite and weight loss are more common among patients who are diagnosed with advanced or metastatic bladder cancer than it is in patients with bladder cancer diagnosed at an early stage.

    If you experience the symptoms of decreased appetite and weight loss, talk with your healthcare provider so you can work together to diagnose and treat the cause. This is particularly important if you have seen blood in your urine or if you have experienced other problems or changes related to urination that can be caused by bladder cancer, such as:

    • Urinating more frequently than usual
    • Feeling pain or burning before, during, or after urination
    • Needing to urinate urgently even though your bladder is not full
    • Being unable to urinate even when your bladder is full

    Don’t Miss: Treating Overactive Bladder In The Elderly

    Why Does Cancer Sometimes Cause Weight Loss

    According to the American Cancer Society, unexplained weight loss is often the first noticeable symptom of cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, stomach, and lung.

    Other cancers, such as ovarian cancer, are more likely to cause weight loss when a tumor grows large enough to press on the stomach. This can make you feel full faster.

    Other types of cancer can also cause symptoms that make eating difficult, such as:

    • nausea
    • lack of appetite
    • difficulty chewing or swallowing

    Cancer also increases inflammation. Inflammation is part of your bodys immune response to a tumor, which produces pro-inflammatory cytokines and alters your bodys metabolism. This disrupts the hormones that regulate your appetite. It also promotes the breakdown of fat and muscle.

    Finally, a growing tumor uses a significant amount of your bodys energy, which may increase your resting energy expenditure . REE is how much energy your body burns at rest.

    Not all cancers cause symptoms in their early stages. And those that do often cause vague symptoms that are commonly caused by less serious conditions.

    Cancers known to cause unintended weight loss early on will likely also cause other symptoms.

    These include:

    Before My Bladder Cancer Diagnosis

    I know that sounds odd, but hear me out. I was anemic, iron deficient, and had a massive tumor for a very long time . My incredibly high white blood cell count meant I had a resting heart rate that sat at a minimum of 90 bpm and often in the 100-115 range. That is the equivalent of exercising around the clock, every day, for nearly 3 years. Prior to when we think my cancer took off, I had a little extra weight on my body. This meant my weight loss prior to diagnosis wasnt very remarkable. However, I quite literally burned off calories as quickly as I took them in.

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    Is It Possible To Have A Uti Without Any Symptoms

    Yes. Symptoms of a UTI can vary, and its not entirely uncommon for someone to experience no symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Its estimated that 1 to 5 percent of younger women experience asymptomatic bacteriuria , which is a UTI without the classic symptoms. While its unclear why the bacteria involved with urinary tract infections sometimes dont cause symptoms for these people, we do know that instances of symptom-free UTIs increase with age. Up to 16 percent of women older than 65 have been found to have ASB, and that number grows to almost 20 percent for women over 80. Other factors that increase your chances of an asymptomatic UTI are:

    • Urinary catheter use

    How Can Exercise Help Reduce Cancer Fatigue

    Yoga for bladder cancer â Bladdergraffiti

    You may feel ill from your cancer or treatment, which may lead to less physical activity. Decreased levels of physical activity can lead to tiredness and lack of energy. Scientists have found that even healthy athletes forced to spend extended periods in bed or sitting in chairs develop feelings of anxiety, depression, weakness, fatigue and nausea. Regular, moderate exercise can decrease the feeling of fatigue and help you feel energetic. Even during cancer therapy, it’s often possible to continue to exercise. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting an exercise program.

    Exercise has many health benefits. Regular exercise can:

    • Increase your appetite.

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    Is There A Recommended Diet For Bladder Cancer

    There are many factors in determining the right eating pattern for you. If youre feeling fatigued or experiencing other symptoms, it can be hard to eat well. You may not be able to eat the way you used to. The goal is to eat a variety of nutritious foods to support your health.

    Theres no one specific diet recommended for the treatment or prevention of bladder cancer. However, some research suggests that certain dietary patterns may help reduce the risk of bladder cancer and cancer in general.

    An Italian case-control study showed some advantages of a Mediterranean diet for reducing bladder cancer risk. The Mediterranean diet is a nutrient-dense diet rich in foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. It also includes healthy fats from fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

    The Mediterranean way of eating has other health benefits, such as lowering inflammation and risk of heart disease.


    Theres no one recommended diet for people with bladder cancer, but the Mediterranean diet may have some benefits.

    Signs Of Bladder Cancer: What Women Should Know

    Bladder cancer may not be on your radar even if youre vigilant about getting routine GYN care. After all, its far more common among men than women, and the majority of cases affect patients over age 65. However, dont let those stats keep you from learning to spot the warning signs.

    While bladder cancer isnt one of the most common cancers in women, about 18,000 women are diagnosed with bladder cancer every year in the United States . The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network reports that women are more likely to be diagnosed with bladder cancer at an advanced stage because they may not be on the lookout for early signs.

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    Doing My Research About Bcg

    This treatment along with other alternatives was explained to me by my urologist after two operations to remove tumors from the bladder. My medical team was confident that my cancer was contained within the bladder lining. So as a result of this feedback and doing my research on the effects of BCG I opted for this course of treatment. The BCG is given once a week for a period of six weeks through an outpatient department. The drug is delivered through a catheter into the bladder and is relatively painless and takes no longer than 2 minutes. I was told after each visit to go home after treatment to relax and not to pass urine for two hours after. This helps to increase the concentration and of effects of BCG in your bladder.

    When Should I Call My Doctor About Cancer

    Why do cancer patients often feel tired and weak? | Norton Cancer Institute

    Although cancer-related fatigue is a common, and often expected, side effect of cancer and its treatments, you should feel free to mention your concerns to your doctors. There are times when fatigue may be a clue to an underlying medical problem. Other times, there may be treatments to help control some of the causes of fatigue.

    Finally, there may be suggestions that are more specific to your situation that would help in combating your fatigue. Be sure to let your doctor or nurse know if you have:

    • Increased shortness of breath with minimal exertion
    • Uncontrolled pain

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    Changes In Bladder Habits Or Symptoms Of Irritation

    Bladder cancer can sometimes cause changes in urination, such as:

    • Having to urinate more often than usual
    • Pain or burning during urination
    • Feeling as if you need to go right away, even when your bladder isn’t full
    • Having trouble urinating or having a weak urine stream
    • Having to get up to urinate many times during the night

    These symptoms are more likely to be caused by a urinary tract infection , bladder stones, an overactive bladder, or an enlarged prostate . Still, its important to have them checked by a doctor so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed.

    Types Doses And Forms Of Pain Medicines

    The nurse or doctor will assess your pain and figure out the average level or degree of pain you have. There are a lot of different types, forms, and doses of pain medicines available.

    The types of pain medicines range from acetaminophen to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to stronger drugs called narcotics, such as opioids . Sometimes other drugs may be used. For instance, certain anti-depressants or anti-convulsants often work well to help with nerve pain. Steroids may be used to help with certain types of pain, such as that caused by swelling or inflammation. These medicines are often given along with the opioid drugs.

    There are also different doses of each medicine. Some people need less, and some need more to keep pain controlled. Some may find they need to increase their dose over time. Needing larger doses of drugs has nothing to do with being unable to withstand pain, nor does it mean that you are a complainer. The body can become tolerant to a drug, and you may need to increase the dose because of that tolerance.

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    Are There Any Supplements That Can Help

    Depending on your health, your doctor may recommend certain supplements. If youre feeling fatigued, they may check levels of iron and vitamin B12 in your blood. Fatigue can be caused by your cancer or treatment.

    Fatigue may be worse if iron or B12 levels are low in your blood. Supplements can help to boost your iron and B12 levels.

    If you have an infection and need antibiotics, taking probiotics afterwards may help. Your body is home to trillions of bacteria, many of which live in the digestive system. Antibiotics are important medications because they destroy harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, they also destroy some good bacteria, which can result in digestive trouble.

    Probiotics can increase good bacteria in your digestive system. This may help reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea. There is also limited evidence that probiotics could play a role in reducing bladder cancer recurrence.

    Talk to your healthcare team if you have questions about whether any supplements could help you. Certain types of probiotic strains may not be safe for some people with bladder cancer, so its important to speak with your doctor before using probiotics.

    Cancer treatments may reduce other nutrients in the body, including vitamin D and folate. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have questions about nutrient depletions caused by cancer treatments.

    Tell Your Doctor If You These Notice Symptoms

    Early symptoms of ovarian cancer: What does it feel like?

    Tell your healthcare provider if you experience fatigue and weakness, especially if you notice blood in your urine or have any of the other symptoms related to urination. While bladder cancer is not usually the cause of fatigue and weakness, it is important to diagnose and treat whatever is causing it.

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    Feeling Tired And Unwell: Uti Or Could It Be Something Else

    Many diseases, ailments, and conditions can lead to a general feeling of being tired and unwell, fatigued and drained. Especially if a person is experiencing chronic fatigue, its important to take a look at the overall bigger picture and try to determine the underlying cause, since some such causes left untreated can lead to extreme complications to health.

    How Is Cancer Fatigue Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider will assess your symptoms. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire or rate your fatigue level. Your provider may ask you to keep a journal to track your level of fatigue and factors that might contribute to fatigue.

    Blood tests can check for anemia, signs of infection or other problems that cause fatigue.

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    What Is Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

    Muscle invasive bladder cancer is a cancer that spreads into the detrusor muscle of the bladder. The detrusor muscle is the thick muscle deep in the bladder wall. This cancer is more likely to spread to other parts of the body.

    In the U.S., bladder cancer is the third most common cancer in men. Each year, there are more than 83,000 new cases diagnosed in men and women. About 25% of bladder cancers are MIBC. Bladder cancer is more common as a person grows older. It is found most often in the age group of 75-84. Caucasians are more likely to get bladder cancer than any other ethnicity. But there are more African-Americans who do not survive the disease.

    What is Cancer?

    Cancer is when your body cells grow out of control. When this happens, the body cannot work the way it should. Most cancers form a lump called a tumor or a growth. Some cancers grow and spread fast. Others grow more slowly. Not all lumps are cancers. Cancerous lumps are sometimes called malignant tumors.

    What is Bladder Cancer?

    When cells of the bladder grow abnormally, they can become bladder cancer. A person with bladder cancer will have one or more tumors in his/her bladder.

    How Does Bladder Cancer Develop and Spread?

    The bladder wall has many layers, made up of different types of cells. Most bladder cancers start in the urothelium or transitional epithelium. This is the inside lining of the bladder. Transitional cell carcinoma is cancer that forms in the cells of the urothelium.

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