Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Scar Tissue In Bladder Treatment

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What Is A Urethral Stricture And What Happens If I Have One

Catheter removed after Bladder neck scar tissue surgery (Feb 2018)

Do you have or want to know what is a urethral stricture? A Urethral stricture is a narrowing of the urethra, often caused by scarring. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of your body. A urethral structure restricts the flow of urine out of the body and can cause inflammation or infection in the urinary tract.

Men are more likely to experience urethral stricture than women are, as men have longer urethras. Urethral strictures are not common in women and infants.

What Causes Bladder Neck Obstruction

An enlarged prostate is often responsible for causing bladder neck obstruction. The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system. It surrounds the urethra and produces most of the fluid in semen. When the prostate gland becomes swollen, it squeezes the urethra and restricts the flow of urine. The obstruction can become so severe that no urine will be able to leave the bladder at all.

Bladder neck obstruction may also be a side effect of surgery to remove the prostate or of radiation treatments used to treat prostate cancer. Scar tissue from these procedures can block the bladder neck.

Although bladder neck obstruction is rare in women, it can develop when the bladder drops into the vagina. This usually occurs as a result of a weakened vaginal wall. The vaginal wall may become weak due to:

  • advanced age
  • a difficult delivery
  • multiple births

In some cases, bladder neck obstruction might even be caused by a genetic flaw in the bladder structure or its surrounding muscles and connective tissues.

The symptoms of bladder neck obstruction are similar to those of several other conditions, including urinary tract infections and neurogenic bladder.

Scar Tissue Pain Years Later

When a person first sustains an injury, they usually experience pain due to inflammation and damage to the skin. However, this typically improves over time.

When the body creates scar tissue after the injury, though, a person may not experience scar tissue pain until much later.

Scars can take up to 1 year to mature fully and go through four stages of healing. This slow process may explain why some people do not experience scar tissue pain immediately. Initially, the scarring may look minimal, but over 46 weeks, the scar may get bigger or become raised, firm, and thick.

Over the next 23 months, the scar will become smaller and blend in more with the persons skin tone. Signs that a scar is mature include the tissue becoming a lighter color, less sensitive, and smoother in texture.

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Catherter Care After Surgery:

A small tube about the size of cooked spaghetti will be placed in the penis for 10 to 20 days after surgery to allow it to heal. The tube should be kept clean and taped to the skin to prevent movement. A small amount of antibiotic ointment should be put daily at the penis opening to keep the catheter from sticking.

How Does The Wurn Technique Treat Adhesions

Douglas F. Milam M.D.

We have helped many men, women and children overcome ongoing pain or dysfunction caused by scar tissue or adhesions. Our therapists use the Wurn Technique®, applying pressure and shearing to detach the crosslinks that adhesions are made of. Our primary therapy focus is treating adhesions affecting the soft tissues of the entire body:

We have helped many men, women and children overcome ongoing pain or dysfunction caused by scar tissue or adhesions. Our therapists use the Wurn Technique®, applying pressure and shearing to detach the crosslinks that adhesions are made of. Our primary therapy focus is treating adhesions affecting the soft tissues of the entire body:

  • fascia, the connective tissue that supports and separates all of the body structures, and is the bodys main shock absorber
  • muscles, which help us move
  • organs, which help us function
  • nerves, which alert us to problems, through pain
  • ligaments, which connect bone to bone
  • tendons, which connect muscles to bone

Freeing adhesions at the base of the skull is often the key to reversing years of debilitating headache pain.

Learn more about the Wurn Technique® and what to expect during treatment.

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Bladder Neck Incision And Urethrotomy

This information is designed to help you, your family and friends prepare for your surgery. It will also help you plan how to take care of yourself in the weeks following discharge from hospital.

A bladder neck incision and a urethrotomy, are operations for men who have a decreased urinary stream and problems passing urine because of a bladder neck stenosis or a urethral stricture.

Scarring can occur within the urethra for various reasons including previous surgery, catheterisation or trauma. Scarring that occurs at the neck of the bladder where it joins the prostate is known as a bladder neck stenosis and scarring within the urethra itself is called a urethral stricture. Both of these forms of scarring cause a narrowing of the urethra, much in the same way a rubber band would if it were placed around the urethra. This narrowing may cause some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Weak stream
  • Frequency,
  • Urgency,
  • Nocturia
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder

The aim of both a B.N.I. and the urethrotomy are to cut through these bands of tissue to resolve the narrowing and allow for an improved urinary stream and relief of your symptoms.

What Are The Treatments For Urethral Stricture

Urethral stricture treatments involve minor procedures, open surgery, or treating underlying conditions like urinary tract infections or an enlarged prostate. There are no medications to treat urethral strictures.

Some common procedures include:

  • Urethra dilation, a procedure to widen the urethra
  • Urethrotomy, where they use a laser and scope to remove scar tissue
  • Urethral reconstruction, an open surgery to cut out the scarring and then reconnect the urethra
  • Urethroplasty, a surgery to rebuild the urethra with tissue from the penis or scrotum

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Treatment For Urethral Stricture

Urethral stricture is the narrowing of the urethra the tube through which urine usually flows freely from the bladder and out of the penis which restricts urinary flow. It is due to tissue inflammation or the presence of scar tissue.

Scar tissue can result from numerous factors, but is commonly due to a straddle injury, such as falling off a bike and landing on the crossbar. Other causes leading to urethral stricture include pelvic fractures, catheter insertion, prostate surgery, benign prostate hyperplasia, radiation, a tumor, urinary tract infection, or a sexually transmitted infection .

Men with an enlarged prostate or who have had a recent catheter, one or more STIs, or urethritis due to infection are at higher risk of developing urethral stricture.

What Do Doctors Prescribe

Reconstruction for urethral stricture | Ohio State Medical Center

Doctors may prescribe pain medications or in certain cases surgery to remove the internal scars or adhesions, however these options dont always suit everyone.

Many medications cause side effects and surgery may not be welcome, natural remedies for internal scar tissue are a simple effective and safe option.

It would be unusual to go through life without getting a scar, Im sure you have had broken skin or cut yourself and your body has produced a scar in response to the injury.

You may have caused internal or external scarring, the result is that your skin looks different and you have a mark to remind you of what happened.

Scars can affect us in physical ways where our appearance isnt what it used to be, scars can affect you in a physiological way if they are noticeable.

Surgery can cause scarring and lesions to form leading to sometimes mild discomfort to sharp pain.

Doctors may tell you that its unfortunate but you will just have to live with the scars.

Luckily there is a natural alternative enzyme that can dissolve internal or external scar tissue naturally.

As you can see throughout life scars will develop either externally or internally and they can literally form anywhere in the body.

Our bodies are good at the first step in tackling inflammation following an infection, trauma or surgery, muscles nerve, bones, connective tissue and blood vessels are all involved in the protective structure of our bodies.

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What Are The Causes Of Urethral Stricture

Urethral strictures may be caused by:

Trauma or injury. Injury to the urethra or pelvis is the most common cause of urethral stricture. A fall onto your scrotum or perineum, the space between your scrotum and anus, or a fracture in your pelvis can cause inflammation and scarring. In many cases, men hit in the genitals or pelvis develop a urethral stricture years later.

Medical complications. Some procedures, treatments, and surgeries can cause scarring in your urethra and lead to a stricture. These often come from:

Infections. Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea can cause infection and inflammation in your urethra, leading to scarring and stricture.

Inflammatory conditions. Some chronic inflammatory skin conditions like lichen sclerosus can also lead to urethral strictures. Lichen sclerosus usually affects your genitals and anus and causes patchy, white skin thatâs thinner than normal.

Cancer. Prostate or urethral cancer can cause scarring in the urethra. An enlarged prostate can and previous prostate surgery can also lead to a stricture, too.

Birth irregularities. Some people are born with irregular or improperly formed genitals or urinary structures. Boys who have hypospadias, where the urethra isnât at the tip of the penis, might be more likely to have urethral strictures.

About 30% of urethral stricture causes are unknown.

What Happens If I Have A Urethral Stricture

It is important to seek treatment for a urethral stricture. Without appropriate treatment, urinary problems may continue. If a urethral blockage lasts a long time, it can damage the kidneys and lead to an enlarged bladder.

Appropriate treatments for urethral strictures depend on the size of the urethral blockage and the amount of scar tissue present. A urologist can help you determine the best treatment route for you. Treatment options include dilation of the structure with gradual stretching with an instrument called a dilator, urethrotomy , or open surgery to remove the stricture.

Contact us today to with the best urethral stricture urologist in NYC.

For more information, visit our website:

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Treatments For Bladder Neck Contractures

Bladder neck contractures typically form after a prior treatment for enlarged prostate, particularly laser treatments and button transurethral resection of the prostate.

Another scenario that can cause a bladder neck contracture is when someone has their prostate removed surgically and a scar forms at the site where the bladder is sewn back to the urethra.

The first treatment option in these scenarios is to perform an incision through the stricture, known as a transurethral incision of the bladder neck contracture. Some doctors then inject a small dose of chemotherapy to prevent the scar from returning. To date, there have been no trials to show that this truly makes a difference, but early reports seem promising.

In cases of radiation induced strictures, the success rate decreases with this procedure.

Advanced cases often involve a more aggressive approach. We currently perform anastomosis revision surgery, bladder augmentation surgeries or, if a patient cannot tolerate a large operation, we can place a Foley catheter to aid in bladder drainage.

What Is Contracture Of The Bladder Neck

Bladder Cancer Surgery

Contracture of the bladder neck is a rare condition that can occur in men after prostate surgery. Various telescopic procedures are commonly performed for benign enlargement of the prostate, known as benign prostate hyperplasia. This condition may be treated with medication or by telescopic surgical removal of a portion of the prostate gland. Following such surgical procedures on the prostate, a bladder neck contracture or scar tissue can form at the junction of the bladder outlet and the prostate. The prostate gland is located between the bladder and the urethra, the tube through which urine leaves the body.

For individuals who have prostate cancer, one treatment option is the removal of the prostate. If the prostate gland is removed, the bladder neck, which had been connected to the prostate, is reconnected to the urethra. This connection is called an anastomosis. In rare cases following prostate surgery, fibrous connective tissue replaces the normal muscle tissue of the bladder neck. The scar tissue at the site of the anastomosis may cause the opening between the bladder and urethra to narrow or to close completely.

In very rare situations, a bladder neck contracture may lead to more serious problems, such as bladder or kidney damage.

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Benefits Of Massaging Scar Tissue

Overall, there are many benefits of treating scar tissue, including the following:

Improves mobility and elasticity of the wounds scar

Helps improve the appearance of your scar

Helps you regain feeling and sensation in the affected area

Decreases numbness and tingling

Relieves pain

Restores normal function

Treating scar tissue damage is absolutely necessary to experience these benefits. Otherwise, you might find yourself dealing with excessive scar tissue buildup and a scar with limited flexibility. Acting quickly to treat scar tissue with wave therapy is crucial. Sign up for your consultation now!

Interested in using pulse wave therapy to break down your scar tissue or learning more about this scar management procedure? Flagstone Medical can help you get started, so get in touch!

*This service is currently only offered at our Long Beach location.

Pain That Comes On Years Later

In some cases, pain from scar tissue is noticeable right away. In others, the pain may come on years later. Sometimes this has to do with nerves that develop after the injury itself heals. Another possibility is that a severe burn or a deep wound can eventually affect underlying bones and joints, leading to subsequent pain at the site of the scar tissue.

For internal damage, the pain may develop as a result of the scar tissue taking place of healthy tissues, such as in the case of lung and liver diseases. As your condition progresses, you may feel pain from a lack of functioning of these body parts, along with other related symptoms.

For example, scar tissue that develops in your lungs can be a result of pulmonary fibrosis. You might experience a painful cough along with shortness of breath, achy joints, and fatigue. Fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver may not be painful at first, but the scar tissues that accumulate may cause jaundice, fluid retention, and bruising of the skin.

Despite your level of pain, treatments are available for scar tissue and its uncomfortable symptoms and appearance. Talk to your doctor about the following approaches.

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Internal Scar Tissue After Surgery

There is always the risk of getting an internal scar tissue after surgery. This is attributed to the fact that surgery typically involves making incision to tissues and organs. As the body attempts to heal itself of the remaining wounds, a scar tissue is naturally formed.

The scar tissue can then result in an adhesions a scar tissue joining two tissue or organs that are usually separate which can then culminate in pain , restricted movement, and other symptoms such as bowel obstruction, infertility, and urinary bladder dysfunction to name but a few.

As the Australia Better Health Channel reports, abdominal adhesions affect 93% of patients who have had abdominal surgery and 10 percent of people who have never undergone surgery.

Talk to your doctor or surgeon for appropriate treatment option if you experience any symptoms of scar tissue e.g. pain, after undergoing a surgical procedure.

Are There Other Related Conditions To Pelvic Adhesions

Urethral Stricture: Mayo Clinic Radio

The risk of Pelvic Adhesions is increased by endometriosis, not only because of endometrial lesions but also because endometriosis surgery may cause development of scar tissue. Serious pain symptoms are often caused by the presence of Pelvic Adhesions in conjunction with other disorders like endo or irritable bowel syndrome .

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Chimaphila And Magnesium Muriatica

Two powerful urethral stricture homeopathy medicine choices for cases of urine difficulty are Chimaphila and Magnesium muriatica. The urine output may call for straining of the bladder muscles.

Chimaphila is commonly used when the flow of urine is sparse and the sensation to urinate is enhanced. These frequent urges may produce a painful and burning output only after excessive straining.

Magnesium muriatica is also used for straining in which pressure on the abdominal muscles is required. Urine output can be pale droplets and the bladder does not completely empty.

This type of urinating difficulty is eased when positioning the body in a squat with feet spread widely apart.

Excision And Primary Anastomosis

The lowest re-stricture rate with least complications is achieved by excising the stricture, particularly where this is a short bulbar urethral stricture of < 2 cm in length and achieving an anastomosis of the two healthy ends on either side , . Success rates are reported to be between 90% and 95% , , , .

The length that can be gained depends on the anatomy of the individual patient, as well as the length and elasticity of the distal urethral segment, and more particularly, the size of the penis and urethra. By separating the corpora or freeing the urethra from the corpus cavernous up to the peno-scrotal junction as much as 24 cm in length can be gained. Additionally, younger men may have better tissue compliance, increasing the chances of successful primary re-anastomosis for long strictures .

This excision and primary anastomosis appears to have a negligible effect on penile shortening or chordae if more than 2 cm of urethra is excised. Another important complication is sexual dysfunction. Erickson et al. found that when patients did report postoperative erectile dysfunction after urethral reconstruction, it tended to be transient, with the vast majority of patients recovering preoperative erectile function within 6 months of surgery. Erectile function may be influenced by patient age, stricture length and location, and the method of reconstruction.

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