Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bladder Pain And Smelly Urine

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What Does Diabetic Urine Smell Like

9 Causes of Smelly Urine | How to Fix Urine Odor | #DeepDives

One warning sign of diabetes or high blood sugar is urine that smells sweet or fruity. The sweetness comes from sugar in your urine and is a sign your body is trying to get rid of extra sugar in your blood. Some people say their pee smells like Cheerios, which might be a sweet smell that you should tell your doctor about.

How Your Pee Looks

Lastly, if your pee looks cloudy or bloody, it could be a sign that you have a bladder infection.

You may also have a kidney stone, which causes pee to be cloudy. However, if your pee is murky and is bloody and you have the previous symptoms of a bladder infection, you should consider scheduling an appointment with a doctor.

When To See A Doctor For Urine Odor

If you notice an increased odor when you urinate that you cannot pinpoint the cause of, contact your doctor. It is also important to contact your doctor if you notice a change in urine odor alongside other symptoms.

Symptoms alongside urine odor you should tell your doctor about include:

  • burning or discomfort when you urinate
  • needing to urinate more frequently than usual
  • having difficulty urinating
  • itching in your genital area
  • developing severe pain in either side of your back

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Or Youve Got Kidney Stones

Often caused by dehydration, kidney stones form when chemicals in your urine crystalize together. While small stones may pass without you even noticing, larger stones can lead to pain and a slew of other symptoms, including cloudy, foul-smelling, and even bloody urine, according to the National Kidney Foundation.

Since having kidney stones increases risk of developing kidney disease , its important to stay well hydrated and work with your doctor to make any lifestyle or dietary adjustments that can reduce risk.

Why Does My Pee Smell

Does Interstitial Cystitis Cause Smelly Urine &  Can A Urine Test Detect IC?

Urine is mostly waste products and water and normally has a mild smell and a light yellow color. If you have more waste than water in your urine, it can smell more strongly.

In most cases, a strong smell isnât a sign of disease. Itâs usually from your diet and medications, or it means you need to drink more water. Certain urine smells can be a sign of some conditions, but your doctor might not consider that to be the case unless you have other symptoms.

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Proteinuria: What Does Protein In The Urine Mean And How Is It Tested

Proteins serve many functions in the body, but when proteins escape into urine, it can be a sign of potential kidney problems.

Its normal to have a small amount of protein in your urine, and temporarily higher levels can be caused by exercise, dehydration, stress, fever, or cold temperatures.

If high levels of protein are detected multiple times, you may have kidney disease. People with diabetes and hypertension have a higher risk of developing kidney disease, so their urine may be analyzed regularly via urinalysis.

Protein in urine can also be a sign of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

If kidney disease is caused by hypertension or diabetes, treatment will involve getting these medical conditions controlled and monitored. Treatment may also include lifestyle changes and prescription medication, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers .

Learn More About Proteinuria

When To See Your Doctor About Smelly Urine

Though stinky pee alone may not always be cause for alarm, strange-smelling urine thats accompanied by other symptoms may be.

If youre also noticing cloudy or bloody urine, experience pain during urination, are peeing a lot more or less than usual, or have lower back or abdominal pain, make an appointment with your doctor, says Dr. Dune.

Just a few days of persistent symptoms warrants a visit, says OLeary. When in doubt, just get it checked out.

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What Causes Cloudy Urine

The most common cause of cloudy urine is the presence of alkaline. Urine is comprised of water, salts and waste from the kidneys and the balance of these components affects the alkaline or acidity in urine. Normal urine acidic-to-alkaline levels range from 4.5 to 8 pH. Urine that is under 5 pH is considered acidic, with urine measuring at 8 pH or higher is alkaline . High alkaline causes cloudy urine.

Other possible causes for cloudy urine include:

If you experience repetitive, cloudy or discolored urine, or have any symptoms like headache, blurry vision, abdominal pain or swelling, visit your healthcare provider for further examination.

Its Burns When You Pee

What causes foul smelly urine in men? – Dr. Sanjay Panicker

One of the symptoms of a bladder infection is that it burns when you pee.

Its often because you have bacteria coming out of your pee. In addition, you may also have to pee more frequently.

If you are experiencing a burning sensation and having to pee more often, you should consider scheduling an appointment with a doctor.

You can also find more about bladder infections on our website that can offer insight on what to do.

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You Just Drank Lots Of Coffee

Coffee has a light diuretic effect, meaning it can cause your body to release water, ultimately dehydrating you and contributing to ammonia-like urine, says Dr. Dune.

Plus, the metabolites produced as your body breaks down coffee may also influence the smell of your urine, Dr. Dune adds. Nothing to be concerned aboutas long as you make the effort to hydrate post latte.

If Your Urine Smells Like Ammonia

You may be dehydrated.

Urine is mostly made up of water, with the addition of waste products like urea. If you have foul-smelling or pungent urine that has a strong ammonia scent, then it’s likely you’re dehydrated, leading to more concentrated urine.

Where doctors worry is when you have additional symptoms. For instance, an ammonia smell to your urine along with burning, pain with urination and fever may point to a urinary tract infection , Dr. Agarwal says.

âFix it:â Drinking more water will dilute your urine, which will tame the smell. You’ll know you’re properly hydrated if your pee is somewhere between clear and a light yellow color, per the Cleveland Clinic.

If you have additional symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor.

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You Just Started Taking Certain Meds Or Supplements

Some supplements, vitamins, and medications can cause changes in your urine smell. “These include B1 and B6 , both of which are common in multivitamins and prenatal supplements, as well as sulfa-containing medications, which include antibiotics such as Bactrim, and diabetes medications such as glyburide, says Dr. Pannell.

Sulfonamide antibiotics, diabetic medications, such as Diabeta and Glynase PresTabs, and medications for rheumatoid arthritis, specifically, Azulfidine, may make urine smell like eggs by creating a sulfuric chemical excreted in the urine, adds Dr. Garvey. Calcium supplements and vitamin D may make the urine smell fishy, while iron supplements and kelp may precipitate a metallic smell to the urine.”

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Also, artificial flavors are put in some pill coatings to make them more palatable, but they can also change the scent of your urine.

What to do about it: The most likely offenders? Pills high in vitamin B6, including some multivitamins, heart, and pregnancy medications. It’s not particularly worrisome, says Dr. Ross, but be sure to mention your urine odor to your doctor if you’re concerned about it, if it changes suddenly, or if you experience other negative side effects along with the smell.

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what your urine color tells about your health

Bladder cancer typically occurs in older people, those who have a family history of cancer, and those who work or have worked with harmful chemicals. A new study discovers that a certain olfactory receptor is often present in malign bladder tumors. This finding may lead to better therapies.

Researchers led by Drs. Hanns Hatt and Lea Weber, from Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany, have made a fascinating find.

They have discovered that there is an olfactory receptor in the human bladder, and it occurs more frequently in cancerous than healthy tissue.

The receptor is also found in greater quantities in the urine of those with bladder cancer.

This, the researchers explain, could make it a viable biomarker when it comes to detecting the presence of this type of cancer.

But the study the findings of which have been published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology has also revealed that this receptor is a promising therapeutic target for bladder cancer, which is diagnosed in around

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An Introduction On Smelly Urine:

Medically speaking, urine is a sterile by-product of the human body that is secreted by the human kidneys via a process called as urination and anatomically excreted through the human urethra, which is a part of the kidney. The urine is composed of waste materials and some water-soluble chemicals that our body does not need. Apart from this, urine is a primary basis of numerous medical conditions and should not be given less importance. It can contribute to the understanding of what the human body is experiencing in an internal manner.

Normally our urine is characterized as having a straw yellow hue and being clear in appearance. Moreover, it is not characterized as something that has a strong odor. There are instances when an individual experiences foul smelling urine and it may indicate a benign or serious medical condition that may or may not require strict medical attention. If you are experiencing foul smelly urine for a long time then you need to consult your doctor and get yourself diagnosed and treated well.

If You Suddenly Notice A Chemical Or Strong Smell From Your Urine This Can Be Unnerving Especially If You Already Know That Some Cancers Have An Odor That Dogs Can Sniff Out

Excrement always has an unpleasant odor. Sometimes even in the healthiest people, urine really stinks.

But people should become very acquainted with what their urine typically smells like.

Sometimes, the odor cannot be detected as one sits on the toilet and voids, then rises and wipes.

But there are other times, when at the moment the urine hits the toilet, its odor is easily detected. This is particularly true in the morning.

Urine can have different smells from many different reasons, says Dana Rice, MD, a board certified urologist and creator of the UTI Tracker mobile app, which helps patients catalog daily urinary tract symptoms, medication and behavioral patterns, and offers personalized tips for UTI prevention.

Foul smelling urine is not always an infection, continues Dr. Rice. Some foods, like pineapple and asparagus, can cause a sweet or chemical like smell to the urine. Many medications can change the smell of urine as well.

While I cannot think of a cancer with diagnostically distinct urine odor, when patients are ill or immune compromised may notice a different smell to their urine.

If a chemical odor to your urine lasts longer than a few days, make an appointment with a doctor.

In the meantime, take note if youve had a change in eating habits lately or have not been drinking your usual amount of water.

And remember, the smell of cancer that dogs can sniff out in urine is NOT detectable by the human nose. chemical

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When To See A Doctor

A bad smell in the urine often goes away on its own, especially when dehydration or something in the diet causes it.

A person does not need to see a doctor if they can identify a harmless cause of their smelly urine, such as asparagus.

Other causes need medical treatment. While a UTI is relatively harmless, it can progress and cause serious health issues, including kidney infections. With early treatment, a person should feel better in a few days.

Because some people with UTIs have no symptoms, see a doctor if the bad smell lasts longer than a few days. This is especially important for people who are pregnant.

Other health issues that can cause this odor require ongoing treatment. For example, a person with diabetes may need to switch medications or make certain lifestyle changes.

If a person who has any chronic condition finds that the smell of their urine changes significantly, it may be a good idea to flag it with a doctor.

Pee That Smells Like Ammonia

Causes and management of strong smelling urine – Dr. Sanjay Phutane

If you detect a hint of ammonia in your urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. The odor suggests that bacteria may be swimming around in your urinary system, most likely in your urethra, kidneys or bladder.

Urine showing signs of a UTI also may be cloudy or even a bit bloody. Peeing may also become painful a symptom made even worse by the fact that you may feel the need to urinate more often. A fever and mental confusion are other tell-tale accompanying signs.

If you have multiple symptoms, schedule a visit with your healthcare provider.

UTIs are pretty common, sending approximately 10 million Americans to the doctor every year for antibiotic treatment, says Dr. Bajic. Women and older adults are more prone to getting the infection.

Other potential causes of urine that carry the whiff of ammonia include:

Now an ammonia-like odor also can be linked to dehydration and certain foods and vitamins, as mentioned previously. So if the smell pops up and disappears quickly, theres little reason for concern. If it lingers, though, get checked by a medical professional.

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And remember, the smell of cancer that dogs can sniff out in urine is NOT detectable by the human nose. chemical. A urinary tract infection, though capable of causing numerous symptoms, will not give urine a foul or chemical odor. For more information on the UTI Tracker, go to Dr. Rice is with Inova Medical Group in Fairfax, VA, and her clinical interests

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What Is Maple Syrup Urine Disease

Maple syrup urine disease is a rare genetic disorder in which an infants body cannot properly process amino acids found in proteins. This causes urine to have a sweet-smelling odor, much like maple syrup. It affects roughly 1 in 185,000 infants.

The more serious form of the disease can be detected in newborns, and other times the onset of symptoms is delayed until late infancy or childhood.

Additional symptoms of maple syrup urine disease can include:

  • Trouble feeding

If untreated, the condition can lead to neurological damage, coma, and even death. Treatment typically involves a diet low in certain amino acids, and sometimes requires dialysis. If your family has a history of maple syrup urine disease, talk to your doctor about genetic counseling.

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Asparagus And Urine Odor

One food that many people say makes their urine smell strong is asparagus. The culprit of urine odor from asparagus is caused by the level of naturally occurring sulfurous compounds that the food contains.

This compound is called asparagusic acid. While it doesnt harm the body, it does create a strong, odd smell after you eat something that contains it such as asparagus.

Typically, the urine smell will go away after the asparagus has passed through your system. You should contact your doctor to check for other causes if the odor persists.

Not Being Able To Pass Urine

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An individual who reports not being able to pass urine can be a manifestation of bladder cancer. The urinary tract functions to drain urine from the body. The kidneys filter these unneeded fluids and wastes out of the bloodstream. The urine then flows down two small narrow muscular tubes called ureters. From the ureters, urine flows into an individuals bladder. The bladder expands to accommodate urine.

As the bladder fills up to its fluid capacity, nerves in the region send signals to the brain that it is time to urinate. The individual then controls when and where the sphincters in the bladder and urethra open to allow urine to flow out. The muscles around the bladder and the sphincters work together to hold urine in the bladder until the individual is ready to urinate. Bladder cancer can expand to the point where it causes one or more of the sphincters to be unable to open. A bladder tumor can also compress and pinch the urethra itself, which prevents urine from being excreted. In addition, malignant bladder tumors can grow in and around the bladder outlet, not allowing urine to pass.

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Cystitis In Men And Older People

Men tend to get cystitis later in life. Where trouble with urine flow is a symptom, this may indicate that the underlying cause is a problem with their prostate gland.

Cystitis is common in older people, particularly if they are unwell. Bladder catheters and some urinary-tract operations may also increase the risk of cystitis.

Ketones In Urine: When And Why To Test For Ketones In Urine

Ketones are chemicals that are produced when the body begins to burn fat instead of sugar. Ketones in urine are often a sign of poorly managed or uncontrolled diabetes, when there is insufficient insulin to carry sugar from blood to the cells that need it.

Common symptoms that accompany high levels of ketones in urine include:

  • High blood sugar
  • Fruity-smelling breath

You can test for ketones in urine at home or at your doctors office via a dipstick test. People with diabetes are advised to test for ketones more frequently when their blood glucose level is high, or when they are sick with a cold or flu. If diabetes is left uncontrolled, people can develop diabetic ketoacidosis, which can lead to coma and even death.

High levels of ketones in urine can also be a sign of an eating disorder, chronic vomiting or diarrhea, hyperthyroidism, or other medical conditions.

Treatment for ketones in urine typically involves treating the underlying issue.

Learn More About Testing for Ketones in Urine

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