Friday, July 26, 2024

Natural Remedies For Painful Bladder Syndrome

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The Antibiotic Plant That Grows Nearby

7 steps for healing painful bladder syndrome

Did you know there is a sort of natural “doxycycline” to be found as close as your own backyard?

The plant is called Usnea, and itâs popularly known as Old Manâs Beard. This wild plant grows all over North-America and once you gather some, Iâll show you how to turn it into an antibiotic tincture to greatly increase its potency and shelf-life.

Or Find Around Your House

These are the lifesaving herbs that people in Venezuela ate when they couldnât afford to buy food from the market anymore.

These plants grow all over North America, and I bet some are also growing around your house.

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Symptoms Of Interstitial Cystitis Bladder Pain Syndrome And Painful Bladder Syndrome Include:

  • Sharp pain when urinating
  • Urgent need to go frequently
  • Need to go urgently
  • These symptoms will have recurred for over 6 months

As a bladder infection can be very serious if left untreated its crucial that you rule this out before treating as IC/BPS/PBS. Most who have found this blog have probably already been diagnosed with one and thats who Ive written the article for.

Get rid of Cystitis for good with our Cystitis Tea

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Interstitial Cystitis /bladder Pain Syndrome Is Often Associated With Other Conditions

The majority of the patients Ive seen with IC/BPS had other chronic health concerns.

Studies have shown that autoimmune and other conditions such as Sjögrens, systemic lupus erythematosus , inflammatory bowel disease , allergies, irritable bowel syndrome , chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, chronic migraine and fibromyalgia are more common among people with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome than in the general population.

The presence of allergies in IC/BPS patients has been estimated at 40-80% of those with the condition. Its likely that interstitial cystitis /bladder pain syndrome shares many of the same underlying inflammatory and immune challenges seen in these other disorders.

Cut Back On Meat And Poultry


Some studies, such as one published in August 2018 in the journal mBio, have linked contaminated poultry and meat to E.coli bacteria strains that can cause UTIs. These studies havent proven that eating meat or poultry causes UTIs. In fact, some E.coli can live in the intestines without causing any problems. However, bacteria from the gut can enter the urinary tract and cause infection. This risk is greater in women than men, because women have shorter urethras than men, meaning the bacteria has less distance to travel to reach the bladder.

Cutting back on meat and focusing on fruits and veggies may slightly cut your risk of UTIs. According to a study of Buddhists in Taiwan, published in January 2020 in Scientific Reports, compared with nonvegetarians, vegetarians had a 16 percent lower risk of UTI.

Related: Vegetarian Diet Linked to Lowered Risk Of Urinary Tract Infection

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How Is Interstitial Cystitis /bladder Pain Syndrome Diagnosed

Interstitial cystitis /bladder pain syndrome tends to be a diagnosis of exclusion.

Its critical to differentiate chronic UTI from interstitial cystitis /bladder pain syndrome .

Your doctor should take a comprehensive patient history and order testing to rule out infections, neurological disorders, kidney stones, cancer, endometriosis, pelvic masses, prostate enlargement and other structural abnormalities.

Normal Symptoms Of Cystitis Include:

  • Urgent need to go frequently
  • Urge to go despite small amounts of pee

Urinary tract infections account for 20% of all antibiotic prescriptions in the UK . But with the increasing resistance of bugs to these drugs it’s imperative we learn how to treat things like cystitis ourselves. Antibiotics won’t always be there .Bladder infections should never be ignored as they can travel to the kidney and cause so much trouble it can do damage to the kidneys and you can even lose function in them. Taking pain killers and getting on with your day as normal is not enough. It’s important when you treat your own cystitis that you understand a few signs which should always be referred to the doctors:

Read Also: Can A Kidney Or Bladder Infection Cause Back Pain

Things You Can Do To Help Bps

Things that may help improve your symptoms include:

  • reducing stress try exercise, warm baths and mindfulness-based meditation techniques
  • making sure you are hydrated regularly throughout the day
  • keeping a food diary if you notice certain foods or drinks make symptoms worse, avoid them, but ask for medical advice first
  • stopping smoking the chemicals in cigarettes can irritate your bladder

Natural Remedies For An Overactive Bladder

Can you get better from Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome?

1. Kegel Exercises

If a weak pelvic floor is at the root of your OAB then kegel exercises can help a lot. These pelvic floor exercises can be done anywhere at anytime and they benefit both men and women. When done regularly, they can really help an overactive bladder.

Melody Denson, MD, a board-certified urologist with the Urology Team in Austin, TX, recommends these exercises for OAB. She says, They will trigger a reflex mechanism to relax the bladder. If you feel a tremendous urge to urinate, doing a kegel before you run to the bathroom will help settle down the bladder spasm and help you hold it until you get there.

2. Avoid Dietary Triggers

Significantly reduce the following foods and drinks that are known to contribute to overactive bladder:

  • Soda and other carbonated beverages
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Milk and milk products
  • Sugar and high sugar foods

Caffeine, alcohol and certain medications like diuretics are known to be major causes of acute incontinence, especially in the elderly population. Cranberry juice is surprisingly another thing to avoid if you have OAB. Although cranberry juice is often recommend for bladder health, it actually acts as an irritant if you have OAB.

3. Watch Fluid Intake

4. Double-Void

5. Schedule bathroom trips

6. Delay Urination

7. Try Acupuncture

8. Stop Smoking

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How Do You Treat Interstitial Cystitis /bladder Pain Syndrome

Because there are multiple factors to consider in the underlying cause of IC/BPS, there is no one size fits all approach.

The American Urological Association has recommended a step-wise approach to treating interstitial cystitis /bladder pain syndrome .

  • First-line treatment includes education, self-care, behavior modifications and stress management.
  • Second-line treatment may include physical therapy, pain management and medications. These medications may be given orally or inserted directly into the bladder using a catheter .
  • Third-line treatment may include cytoscopy with hydrodistention or treatment of Hunners lesions with laser, electrocautery and/or injections. Cytoscopy is the insertion of a small tube through your urethra so that the doctor can see the inside of your bladder. During hydrodistention, the doctor fills the bladder to a high pressure state with fluid in order to see any abnormalities associated with interstitial cystitis.
  • Fourth-line treatment may include Botox injections or neurostimulation. Neurostimulation involves surgically inserting a small device into the body. The device sends out mild electrical signals that compete with the pain signals traveling between the spinal cord and the brain.
  • Fifth-line treatment is Cyclosporine .
  • Sixth-line treatment includes major surgery.

The complete UAU official guidelines can be found here.

As a naturopathic doctor, my approach is different. I look at all of the factors that contribute to a persons health:

More Things You Can Do If You Have Bladder Infections

Keep in mind that its important to use better hygiene habits and in general have a better lifestyle.

If your condition doesnt improve or you have complications, talk to your doctor as soon as possible for an examination and appropriate treatment. Remember that the sooner you start, the sooner youll recover, so dont leave your health at the back!

  • Ritchie, T., & Eltahawy, E. . Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Urinary Tract Infections. Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports.
  • Guay, D. R. P. . Cranberry and urinary tract infections. Drugs.
  • Bond, P., & Goldblatt, P. . Plants of the Cape Flora. A Descriptive Catalogue. Journal of South African Botany / Supplementary Volume.

30 January, 2021

About bladder infections

Bladder infections are the most common type of urinary tract infection . They can develop when bacteria enter the urethra and travel into the bladder.

The urethra is the tube that takes urine out of the body. Once bacteria go into the urethra, they can attach to the walls of the bladder and multiply quickly.

The resulting infection can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as the sudden urge to urinate. It may also cause pain while urinating and abdominal cramping.

A combination of medical and home treatments may ease these symptoms. If left untreated, bladder infections can become life-threatening. This is because the infection can spread to the kidneys or blood.

Here are seven effective bladder infection remedies.

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How To Know Whats Wrong If Youve Got Abdominal Pain

Iâll also show you what to do if youâre experiencing pain in your abdomen. Itâs called an abdominal evaluation, and youâve probably undergone it before when going to a doctor for a check-up.

Inside the Home Doctor, youâll have a complete diagram with nine sections of the abdomen that, upon palpation, should reveal where the problem is.

Precautions And Proper Diagnosis

Uti Symptoms but No Bacteria: What Worked for Me

The main symptoms of OAB can also occur in other health conditions like bladder cancer, urinary tract infection and enlarged prostate. Seeing blood in your urine is not a symptom of OAB.

A sudden and frequent need to urinate is common in both OAB and a UTI. How can you tell the difference between these two urinary health issues? Unlike OAB, a UTI also comes with other symptoms such as discomfort while urinating. In addition, OAB symptoms are continuous while UTI symptoms are sudden and may also include a fever.

Overflow incontinence is characterized by the involuntary release of urine from an overfull urinary bladder, often in the absence of any urge to urinate. This condition is not associated with OAB. It typically occurs in people who have a blockage of the bladder outlet, which can occur with benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer or a narrowing of the urethra. Overflow incontinence can also occur when the muscle responsible for removing urine from the bladder is too weak to empty the bladder in a normal way.

It is very important to see a doctor to ensure a proper diagnosis if you experience any changes in your urine and/or urination habits.

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Herbs That Relax Bladder Muscles

Your bladder muscle, also known as the detrusor muscle, relaxes when the bladder is storing urine, and contracts when it is expelling urine. If your bladder muscle cannot relax, you may have an overactive bladder and bladder control problems, like incontinence, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Symptoms include frequent urination, incontinence and nocturia. Herbs may help relax your bladder muscles naturally. Consult your health care provider before starting herbal therapy.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

What Is The Latest Research On Bladder Pain Syndrome Treatment

Researchers continue to search for new ways to treat bladder pain. Some current studies focus on:

  • New medicines to treat bladder pain
  • Meditation as a way to control bladder pain
  • The role of genetics in bladder pain
  • Acupuncture treatment

To learn more about current bladder pain treatment studies, visit

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Home Remedies For Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Overactive bladder is not a disease but a syndrome a set of symptoms. It is very easy for urinary retention, and can make the urine uncontrollably. This disease is not dangerous, but it will affect the course of action as well as the relationship of the patient. In regard to OAB, many people get and suffer from it in silence. It is estimated that at least 33 million populations in America have this condition . Actually, many of you are wondering that: how much is too much regarding urination? In reality, people having OAB have to urinate more than 8 times each day or more than once per night.

I know that the reason you are reading this article of 10 Natural Home Remedies For Overactive Bladder is to learn how to treat overactive bladder the natural ways, but before that, you had better understand some basic information about this problem. It is important to address OAB symptoms right instantly and early treatment could timely reduce, or completely remove the unwanted symptoms. Hence, you can deal with it the right way.

Types Of Treatments For Bladder Spasms

Treating Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS)

Treatment of bladder spasms largely depends on the underlying cause. However, below are four common treatment options that conventional and integrative doctors consider when treating bladder spasms:

  • Lifestyle changes

How do I stop bladder spasms? You can stop bladder spasms by diagnosing and treating their root cause. Common bladder spasm treatments include antispasmodic medication, Kegels, dietary changes, bladder training, and general stress relief.

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What Is Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic, inflammatory, painful pelvic and bladder condition that can sometimes be difficult to treat. According to the Interstitial Cystitis Association, IC is also referred to by several other names, including painful bladder syndrome , bladder pain syndrome and chronic pelvic pain.

Is interstitial cystitis considered a disability? In some ways, yes. IC is sometimes said to be debilitating and can be associated with severe pain and limitations, negatively impacting peoples quality of life. Unfortunately, its considered a life long condition that must be managed on an ongoing basis, much like autoimmune disorders or digestive issues such as IBS.

Many people mistake IC for other health conditions, especially urinary tract infections . This is because these two conditions share similar symptoms, like bladder and pelvic pain. However, with IC there is no infection present, unlike with UTIs. IC can also be confused with chronic prostatitis in men, which experts believe has led to an under-diagnosis of IC among adult men.

Cystitis: What It Is What Are The Causes Natural Remedies And Foods To Avoid

Cystitis is a very common but annoying condition, characterised by pain when urinating, feeling generally unwell, with the appearance of fever, frequent passing of small quantities of urine with the sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Cystitis creates a lot of discomfort. For this reason, people are always looking for the most effective therapy or natural remedies to fight and solve the problem in the shortest possible time.

Prevention is the most important therapy to prevent this condition from occurring frequently for this reason it is useful to investigate what cystitis is, the causes and its symptoms.

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Manual Physical Therapy Of The External Pelvis

Realignment of the sacrum and ilium aids in restoring normal tension to the pelvic floor musculature. In a pilot study of 16 IC patients with PFD and sacroiliac dysfunction, 94% had a significant improvement in irritative voiding symptoms and dyspareunia following manual therapy, myofascial massage, and muscle-energy techniques, along with a home exercise regimen that included stretch and strengthening exercises .23

The Only 4 Antibiotics People Stockpile

Natural Remedy for Bladder Retention

Modern antibiotics are lifesavers. Without them, a simple cold can quickly turn into a deadly pneumonia, an infection in a small cut can become life threatening.

Iâve selected to stockpile a 4 different antibiotics for just this reason and I want to show you how you can do the same… legally, without a prescription.

They contain distinctive substances that act very differently, so while it could happen that you stumble upon a bacteria that is resistant to one of them, the chance it can withstand all four is very slim.

Antibiotics will become priceless in times of need once they become scarce. Having these 4 at home for you and your family is at least as important as having food stockpiles. But under no circumstance should you take them without consulting a doctor first.

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Treatment Of Bladder Spasms

How your doctor treats your bladder spasms depends on what exactly is causing your painful symptoms. But in general, therapy may involve one or more of the following treatments. A combination of treatments often works best.

Botox. Botulinum-A toxin has been shown to reduce nerve-related bladder spasms in children and adults. Botox prevents nerves from releasing chemicals that tell muscles to contract. The Botox is injected directly into the bladder muscle wall.

Change in diet. This may help prevent bladder pain if certain foods and beverages are the culprit behind your spasms. Keeping a food diary, which tracks your meals and your symptoms, can be helpful.

Timed voiding. This involves timed trips to the bathroom to urinate, usually every 1.5 to 2 hours. Timed voiding is especially helpful for children. As the bladder spasms get better and fewer wetting accidents occur, you can extend the time between trips to the bathroom.

Pelvic floor exercises . Kegels and other forms of physical therapy help strengthen the bladder and other muscles that help the body hold in urine. Kegels, combined with biofeedback, are often a good way to help reduce bladder spasms in children. To tighten your pelvic muscles, squeeze your muscles in the same way as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine or prevent yourself from passing gas. Kegel exercises take practice, and tightening the wrong muscles can put more pressure on your bladder. Ask your doctor for specific instructions.

A Note About Cranberry Juice And Utis

Cranberry juice or cranberry extract in supplemental form has long been used as a home remedy for UTIs.

The thought is that the proanthocyanidins in cranberries may help prevent bladder infections by keeping the bacteria from clinging to the bladder wall, says Sonya Angelone, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant based in San Francisco, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Yet theres scientific controversy over how effective cranberry juice is at preventing UTIs due to conflicting conclusions in studies on the topic, according to an article published in May 2016 in Advances in Nutrition. Some studies have found it might work, while others have found no effect.

Bottom line, there is some evidence it may help, and it doesnt hurt to try it, says Angelone. Just be sure to chose unsweetened cranberry juice . Mix this with sparkling water or plain yogurt, she recommends.

Another low-calorie option choose a cranberry pill that contains d-mannose, she says.

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