Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Bladder Hurts When I Pee

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You Have Atrophic Vaginitis

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The stinging sensation when you pee may be related to atrophic vaginitis, a condition that occurs when the lining of the vagina becomes thin, dry and inflamed due to a decrease in estrogen, Dr. Horton says.

While a drop in estrogen and vaginal dryness is most common in menopausal people, those who are perimenopausal, breastfeeding or taking certain types of birth control can also experience atrophic vaginitis, Dr. Horton says.

In addition to vaginal dryness and burning with urination, atrophic vaginitis can also cause symptoms such as the following, per the Mayo Clinic:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal

âFix it:â While many postmenopausal people experience these symptoms, few seek help, as they’re too embarrassed to discuss their situation with their doctor, per the Mayo Clinic.

But you don’t have to suffer silently with this condition âthere are effective treatments available. “Hormone therapy or vaginal estrogen cream can help reduce the dryness, restore a normal vaginal pH and alleviate vaginal burning and painful urination,” Dr. Horton says.

Causes Of Frequent Urination

Sometimes frequent urination and painful urination go together. In women, painful urination is most often a symptom of a urinary tract infection . UTIs often include an urgent need to urinate, uncomfortable, painful or burning sense when urinating, fever, and a painful or uncomfortable abdomen.

A variety of other problems can cause frequent urination, including:

Rarely, bladder cancer, bladder dysfunction and radiation therapy or other cancer treatment can cause issues with frequent urination.

You Have A Vaginal Tear

Tiny tears down there can cause a burning sensation after peeing even with no infection.

“Vaginal tears can occur after childbirth,” Dr. Horton says.

But small microtears can even happen during sex, Dr. Horton adds. “A penis, finger or sex toys that are inserted can tear the delicate tissue in the vagina,” she explains.

âFix itâ: During the postpartum period, patients are often given a small bottle to spray the vagina when urinating to decrease the burning or stinging sensation, Dr. Horton says. “New moms can also sit in shallow water called a sitz bath” to relieve pain and inflammation, she says.

And while preventing vaginal tears during birth isn’t always possible, you can avert abrasions during sex. To decrease friction and your risk of tearing, Dr. Horton recommends using a silicone-based or pH-balanced, water-based lubricant like Sex Stuff Personal Lubricant .

And always make time for foreplay and arousal. “This allows the vaginal walls to relax and your body to make its own natural lubricant,” Dr. Horton says.

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What Kind Of Tests Will I Need To Have Done

Your doctor usually will be able to tell what is causing your pain by the way you describe your pattern of urination and your symptoms, along with a physical exam. Testing your urine can help your doctor see what kind of infection you have. Usually, a sample of your urine is taken at the doctors office and sent to a lab to check for infection.

If your doctor thinks your pain may be from vaginal inflammation, he or she may wipe the lining of your vagina with a swab to collect mucus. The mucus is looked at under a microscope to see if it has yeast or other organisms. If your pain is from an infection in your urethra, your doctor may swab it to test for bacteria. Your doctor may examine your prostate gland if your pain might be caused by an enlarged or infected prostate gland.

If an infection cannot be found, your doctor may suggest other tests, such as pressure measurements within the bladder or cystoscopy .

Symptoms Of Interstitial Cystitis

Whats causing bladder pain or burning?

The symptoms associated with painful bladder, or interstitial cystitis syndrome include:

  • Frequency day and night
  • Urgency the need to urinate straight away, in some cases followed by pain, pressure or spasms
  • Pain pain can be located in the abdomen, pelvis, bladder, urethra or vagina.

It is most important that you go to see your GP first because PB/IC is a diagnosis of symptoms plus exclusion of other serious possibilities such as cancer.

Your GP may refer you to a Urologist who may perform tests such as urodynamics or cystoscopy. A cystoscopy uses a cystoscope, which is a long tube that can be inserted into the urethra. It has a camera attached to the end so that an image can be shown on a monitor. It can take time to obtain a correct diagnosis as symptoms of PB/IC can be similar to other conditions for example, Overactive Bladder or Bacterial Cystitis.

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How Is Bps Diagnosed

There is no single test to diagnose BPS . You may have several tests to exclude other causes of your symptoms before a diagnosis can be confirmed.

The tests offered may include:

  • cystoscopy a procedure to look inside your bladder using a thin camera called a cystoscope
  • urine tests

Ask your doctor to explain what tests you are being offered and what they’re for.

How Does Bladder Pain Syndrome Affect Pregnancy

Some women find that their bladder pain symptoms get better during pregnancy. Others find their symptoms get worse. During pregnancy, you need to urinate more often and are at higher risk for urinary tract infections and constipation. This can make symptoms worse for some women. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

If you are thinking about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor about your bladder pain syndrome and any medicines you might be taking. Some medicines and treatments are not safe to use during pregnancy.

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How Can I Prevent Painful Urination

You can prevent painful urination in several ways! First, avoid any laundry detergent or toiletries that contain fragrances or dyes. This will significantly reduce your risk of developing irritation.

You may need to change how you dress if you suffer from frequent UTIs. Avoid wearing tight clothing and always change out of sweaty, wet underwear and clothes as soon as possible. This will keep bacteria from growing!

Next, you can make changes to your diet. Eliminate foods that can irritate your bladder.

These foods include artificial sweeteners, tomatoes, spicy foods, and citrus fruits. Both alcohol and caffeine should be avoided. Caffeine in drinks like coffee and tea can build up in your urine, making it more painful to void.

Drinking plenty of water can also help prevent painful urination because it dilutes the urine, making it less painful to pass. Staying hydrated also means that any bacteria that are in your bladder or kidneys will be flushed out. If you have chronic bladder infections, drinking cranberry juice may help prevent them!

Finally, if you are sexually active, be sure to use a condom every time you have intercourse. This is especially true if you have multiple partners. Getting tested regularly for sexually transmitted diseases is also a good idea. You may not know you have an STD because many of these infections do not have cause any symptoms.

What Are The Causes Of Dysuria

Why does it hurt when I urinate with a ureteral stent?

There are many causes of dysuria. Also know that doctors cant always identify the cause.

WOMEN: Painful urination for women can be the result of:

The inflammation may also be caused by sexual intercourse, douches, soaps, scented toilet paper, contraceptive sponges or spermicides.

Normal female anatomy

MEN: Painful urination for men may be the result of:

  • Urinary tract infection and other infections outside the urinary tract, including diverticulosis and diverticulitis.
  • Prostate disease.
  • Cancer.

Normal male anatomy

Painful urination for men and women may be the result of a sexually transmitted infections or the side effect of medications. Chemotherapy cancer drugs or radiation treatments to the pelvic area may inflame the bladder and cause painful urination.

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Ive Seen Those Otc Pills At The Drugstore Too Can I Just Take Those And Skip The Doctor

Nope. What youre likely seeing in those OTC pills is something that contains phenazopyridine, which can soothe any burning during urination, but is not an alternative to antibiotic treatment, as Dr. Cross mentions.

Another thing to keep in mind, Dr. Irobunda says treatments that contain phenazopyridine will probably turn your urine bright orange, and as Dr. Cross mentioned before, could potentially cause an incorrect diagnosis for an at-home UTI test. Ultimately, you gotta see the doc, but in the meantime, its fine to try those for pain relief just make sure you also tell your doc what youve been taking so they can take that into consideration when looking at any diagnostic work.

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are infections that occur when bacteria enters the urinary system. The urethra, the tube responsible for carrying urine to the outside world, is located between the clitoris and the vagina, which unfortunately means its perfectly positioned to receive errant bacteria when youre wiping in the bathroom or having any kind of sex.

When pathogens reach your bladder, warm urine unrolls its welcome mat, inviting the bad guys to colonize and trigger an infection, according to Craig Comiter, M.D., a professor of urology and obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University. Left untreated, the infection can go away on its own, but in rare cases, it can also progress to a kidney infection, he says.

There now. Dont you feel better already?

How Is Painful Urination Diagnosed

Be sure to tell your doctor all of your symptoms. This will help them make the right decision about the course of treatment.

Your doctor will also want to know how long you have had your symptoms and whether they occurred suddenly or gradually. They will also want to know if you have any trouble urinating or a weak stream. They will also ask if you feel pain when you begin urinating or after.

Once they have taken your history and symptoms, your doctor will perform a physical exam. They will also take a urine sample to test for a UTI.

Your urine sample will be analyzed for both red and white blood cells and any foreign chemicals.

Your doctor will look for white blood cells in your urine to see if you have a bacterial infection. They can also take a culture of your urine to determine what bacteria is causing the infection. After they get these results, you may need further testing, or they will have a diagnosis and can prescribe medication.

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Pain In The Clit During Urination

Guest over a year ago

I have been experiencing some pain in my clit, mainly during urination. I am sexually active and have been doing it unprotected alot frequently then I should be, although im on the pill. I quite abit of sexually activity on the weekend after I havn’t had any sex for just over 2 weeks. I last had sex sunday early morning where the guy focussed alot on my clit, and was quite rough with it causing alot of friction, it became unconfortble rather then stimulating. I didn’t notice any pain until i went to the bathroom midday monday, and it stung while i urinated. It is now tuesday and the pain had gradually grown. The only area that hurts is my clit and its quite red and swollen looking, the rest of my vagina is fine. Im worried though because of the unprotected sex i have an STI… I don’t believe its a yeast infection just alot of friction on the clit, but im unsure. My parents are not aware i am sexually active so seeing a doctor would be dificult. I have experienced this kind of pain before when i lost my virginity and there was alot of friction on my clit and that went away in a few days. Im hoping this time it is the same thing… but i would love to know everyones opinions, or how to lesson the pain.


cynamyngrlx68 over a year ago

cynamyngrlx68235474 over a year ago

Rachel 2693 over a year ago

Guest over a year ago

What Is The Outlook For People Sensitive To Bladder Irritation

Interstitial Cystitis

If foods irritate your bladder, you may worry about finding enough to eat. SOME people with IC are able to eat and drink these foods:

  • Alcohol or wines .
  • Almonds.
  • Coffee or highly roasted.
  • Extracts .
  • Nuts almonds, cashews and peanuts.
  • Onions .
  • Sun tea .
  • Tomatoes .
  • Zest of orange or limes.
  • Other foods not listed.

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You Ate Something Thats Causing The Burning

Believe it or not, what you eat or drink can potentially produce painful urination, Dr. Horton says.

Spicy or acidic foods, including citrus fruit like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit, as well as caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder and trigger burning when you pee, she says.

âFix it:â Because not all people are affected by the same food or drinks, it is helpful to keep a food diary to track which things caused you a twinge on the toilet, Dr. Horton says.

Another smart strategy: Drink lots of water to dilute your urine. “Very concentrated urine can also cause discomfort and burning,” Dr. Horton says.

Preventing Frequent Or Painful Urination

Whenever possible, physicians treat frequent or painful urination by determining what underlying problem is causing the symptoms, and treating that problem. For example:

  • If diabetes is the cause of a persons frequent urination, the physician will work with the patient to control blood sugar to minimize the urinary issue.
  • If a mans frequent urination is due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostatitis, the physician will treat that issue to relieve urinary symptoms.
  • For women who have painful or frequent urination due to urinary tract infections, the physician will prescribe antibiotics or suggest other treatments to eliminate the infection.

Sometimes, behavioral treatments may also help alleviate symptoms of painful or frequent urination. These are activities the patient can do to minimize or eliminate symptoms for conditions such as OAB. Behavioral treatments might include:

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Ok Ok Fine You Convinced Me I Booked A Doctors Appointment In The Meantime What Can I Do To Make This Hell

To soothe a UTI at home, youll want to focus on keeping very, very hydrated. Even though peeing sucks so hard when you have a UTI so its probs not instinctual to like, make yourself pee even more, you have to. But, as Dr. Irobunda explains, drinking water can help because it can dilute your urine, making it less likely to irritate your bladder and your urethra.

Cranberry juice might also help for some women, Dr. Irobunda points out, as cranberries have a chemical in them that makes it hard for bacteria to stick to the bladder, which can help some UTI symptoms.

You can also invest in a peribottle, says Dr.which is basically an angled $16 spray bottle you can fill with water and spray on your urethra when you urinate. The peribottle can also help dilute the urine if you notice burning as it comes out.

Dr. Cross also emphasizes the importance of seeing your doctor sooner rather than later for treatment for the ultimate peace of mind and comfort. The sooner you can get on antibiotics, the better you and your body will feel.

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. People also ask, what causes pressure on the bladder and frequent urination?

Interstitial cystitis is a complex condition that is identified by chronic inflammation of the bladder muscle layers, which produces the following symptoms: pelvic and abdominal pain and pressure. frequent urination. urgency

Also, why do I feel like I still have to pee after peeing? Thats the most common cause for this feeling. Its especially important to catch a UTI early, because if you wait too long, a UTI can spread to the kidneys and cause a more severe infection. Speak to your doctor about the urge to pee to determine the best course of action for you to take.

Keeping this in consideration, how do you relieve bladder pressure?

Treatment options for bladder pressureOver-the-counter medications: Options such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve pain. Prescription medications: Your doctor may prescribe a tricyclic antidepressant to help relax your bladder or an antihistamine to help with urgency.

What is the first sign of bladder cancer?

In most cases, blood in the urine is the first sign of bladder cancer. There may be enough blood to change the color of the urine to orange, pink, or, less often, dark red.

urineKidneysurinethe kidneys are failingthe urine

Peter Merkel

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Does Cranberry Juice Help Prevent Utis

Youve probably heard cranberry is an effective way to ward off a UTI. Though cranberry is a popular home remedy, scientific evidence does not currently support that it helps prevent UTIs.

Mann says if you want to try it, opt for cranberry tablets rather than sugary cranberry juice. Before taking any supplements, talk to your health care practitioner. These tablets may interact with other medications you are taking, such as blood thinners.

Things You Can Do To Help Bps

Things that may help improve your symptoms include:

  • reducing stress try exercise, warm baths and mindfulness-based meditation techniques
  • making sure you are hydrated regularly throughout the day
  • keeping a food diary if you notice certain foods or drinks make symptoms worse, avoid them, but ask for medical advice first
  • stopping smoking the chemicals in cigarettes can irritate your bladder

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