Friday, September 6, 2024

Hyperbaric Treatment For Bladder Bleeding

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Outlook For Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Wound Care

Your outlook depends on the stage and the cause. HC from infection has a good outlook. Many people with infectious HC respond to treatment and dont have long-term problems.

HC from cancer treatment can have a different outlook. Symptoms may start weeks, months, or years after treatment and may be long-lasting.

There are many treatment options for HC caused by radiation or chemotherapy. In most cases, HC will respond to treatment, and your symptoms will improve after cancer therapy.

If other treatments dont work, cystectomy can cure HC. After cystectomy, there are options for reconstructive surgery to restore urine flow. Keep in mind that needing cystectomy for HC is very rare.

New Evidence For Hyperbaric Therapy For Late Radiation Cystitis

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can relieve symptoms of late radiation cystitis in patients who underwent radiotherapy of the pelvic region for prostate cancer.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can relieve symptoms of late radiation cystitis in patients who underwent radiotherapy of the pelvic region for prostate cancer or other malignancies, according to the results of a new randomized trial. The trial results were online ahead of print on September 16 in Lancet Oncology.

Late radiation cystitis is reported in 5% to 15% of patients after radiotherapy for prostate, rectal, or gynecologic cancers. Symptoms of late radiation cystitis include hematuria, increased urinary frequency and urgency, incontinence, and dysuria.

The pathophysiology of late radiation cystitis is not completely understood, wrote study authors led by Nicklas Oscarsson, MD, of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Treatment of late radiation cystitis is challenging.

Previous work suggested that hyperbaric oxygen therapy, where patients breathe pure oxygen at an increased ambient pressure in a hyperbaric chamber, could relieve some symptoms of late radiation cystitis, but prospective, randomized data was lacking. Researchers conducted a phase II-III randomized trial to provide more clarity on the use of this treatment.

SF-36 scores also improved more with hyperbaric oxygen therapy than standard care, specifically with a significant improvement in general health .


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Expert Hbot Treatment For Radiation Cystitis

At R3 Wound Care & Hyperbarics, we offer patients the latest, most effective hyperbaric technology in a comfortable environment. HBOT treatment takes place in a clear reclining acrylic chamber where you can see your surroundings at all times. Here, our expert team will make you feel as relaxed as possible and monitor you throughout the sessions.

R3 Wound Care & Hyperbarics is a non-hospital based wound care clinic and hyperbaric center. With four locations in San Antonio, Dallas, Lewisville, and Arlington we are able to help patients suffering from unpleasant radiation symptoms and assist with the bodys overall healing. We also have in-network contracts with all of the major insurance providers and theres no need to get a doctor referral for your treatment. To find out more about radiation cystitis treatment and various other HBOT treatment options, give us a call or visit your nearest location.

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Treating Radiation Cystitis With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Cancer treatments are necessary and lifesaving, but just like with any procedure or even medications, there is always some risk for complications or side effects. Radiation treatment is useful in fighting cancer because it can interfere with the DNA of the cancer cells and stop them from rapidly dividing and replicating. However, radiation can also have the same effect on healthy, normal tissue surrounding the cancer. Differences in tumor type, the extent of the cancer, type of radiation used, and the total amount of radiation prescribed can affect chances of developing complications.

Radiation therapy is an important therapeutic option for many people dealing with the difficulties of cancer and it can provide great outcomes with limited adverse effects, said Jerry George, DO, oncologist. But radiation therapy for cancers in certain areas of the body, such as the pelvis, can have an adverse effect by irritating the bladder and urinary tract. This irritation and inflammation of the bladder caused by radiation treatment is known as radiation cystitis, however, radiation cystitis is an uncommon adverse event with severe symptoms occurring in less than five percent of people who have received pelvic radiation therapy, Dr. George said.

How does HBOT work?

HBOT is used to treat specific conditions. If youre suffering from radiation cystitis, talk to your doctor to see if you qualify for treatment.

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Risk Factors For Treatment Failure

Hyperbaric Therapy Clinic

Clinical factors at have shown to be associated with effectiveness of the HBOT include timing of HBOT, previous radiation dose, previous number of transfusions, and use of anticoagulation.

Compliance is an important factor to consider when assessing the efficacy of HBOT, as patients may be unable to complete the prescribed number of sessions. However, data is limited regarding the minimum effective number of HBOT sessions. There has been no statistical analysis of patients who fail to complete the full course of HBOT, and studies vary on how completion of treatment is defined. A retrospective series by Corman et al. found that of 57 patients, 8 showed no resolution of hematuria, of those 8 who did not improve, authors noted that 3 received fewer than 30 sessions of HBOT . In contrast, Degener et al. describe seven patients who completed fewer than 30 sessions, of these, six patients experienced resolution of hematuria . Ribeiro de Oliveira et al. categorized the number of HBOT sessions into three groups, finding that 20 or fewer sessions, 2140 sessions, and more than 40 sessions was associated with 38.9%, 11.1%, and 50% of patients with continued hematuria, respectively . These results demonstrate the difficulty of separating the effect of number of HBOT treatments from the severity of HC.

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Hbot Reduces Bladder Hemorrhage

One Bismarck man said hes grateful for the care he received in little Jamestown.

Kirk Ohlheiser has lived most of his adult life in Bismarck and Fargo. However, when he needed specialty care, he chose to travel 100 miles to Jamestown Regional Medical Center.

Ohlheiser suffers from bladder hemorrhage following radiation therapy for prostate cancer. This condition can be hard to control but in clinical studies, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has reduced and/or eliminated episodes of bleeding.

The JRMC Wound Center is the only facility in North Dakota to offer hyperbaric oxygen therapy and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a specialized treatment. Patients breathe pure oxygen inside a pressurized chamber. That oxygen penetrates areas that normal oxygen-carrying red blood cells cannot reach. As a result, hyperbaric oxygen therapy revitalizes tissues that receive poor blood flow.

JRMCs Wound Center aggressively manages conditions like Ohlheisers to ensure they heal quickly and completely. HBOT helps fight infections, heal wounds and treat conditions including cyanide, radiation injury and chronic wounds.

Throughout his 34 years of working life, Ohlheiser repaired medical equipment at hospitals and clinics across the state. So when he needed care, traveling to a smaller facility didnt bother Ohlheiser. In fact, he preferred it.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Improving outcomes in cases of radiation cystitis can be aided greatly in the early detection of symptoms and early initiation of treatment options while symptoms are less severe. Not only does this condition affect the patient quality of life, but it also affects the caregiver’s quality of life as well. These patient will presumably be following up with multiple medical specialists in different fields, nurses, rehabilitation professionals, social workers, and possibly other members of the medical field as well. It is important for medical professionals in all fields be aware of the signs of symptoms of radiation cystitis in order to improve patient safety and avoid adverse events. However, at this time, management options have been observed in the form of small RCT, small cohort studies, and case studies.

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Pertinent Studies And Ongoing Trials

In the future, hyperbaric oxygen may be a preventative strategy for radiation proctitis and other soft tissue radiation effects. Radiation induces a significant elevation of oxidative stress, antioxidants, and pro-fibrotic factors that are completely reversed and normalized by hyperbaric oxygen in animal studies. The therapy may prevent radiation-induced changes by affecting oxidative stress and inflammatory cascades induced by radiation.

Oxygen In Hyperbaric Chamber Provides Relief After Radiotherapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Tinnitus – 2013
University of Gothenburg
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can relieve self-reported symptoms and side-effects of radiotherapy against cancer in the pelvic region, a study shows. After 30-40 sessions in a hyperbaric chamber, many patients experienced reductions in bleeding, urinary incontinence, and pain alike.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can relieve self-reported symptoms and side-effects of radiotherapy against cancer in the pelvic region, a study shows. After 30-40 sessions in a hyperbaric chamber, many patients experienced reductions in bleeding, urinary incontinence, and pain alike.

“This treatment is highly effective for the majority of the patients” states Nicklas Oscarsson, first author of the article, a doctoral student in anesthesiology and intensive care at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, and senior consultant at Angered Hospital.

Symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate, incontinence, bleeding, and severe abdominal pain cause both physical and social difficulties. These may arise several years after radiotherapy and cause chronic and often increasing discomfort. Often, all these patients can be offered is temporary relief of symptoms or mutilating surgery.

During their sessions each of the latter patients, wearing a snug-fitting oxygen mask or hood, sat in a hyperbaric chamber for one or more persons. The pressure of the oxygen, 240 kilopascals , corresponded to water pressure at a depth of 14 meters.

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Deterrence And Patient Education

After their cancer therapy, healthcare professionals should advise patients to be aware of the potential for soft-tissue radiation effects such as radiation proctitis. Early intervention is critical for medical and hyperbaric therapies and to avoid progression to invasive procedures. Although time-consuming, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is well-tolerated, low-risk, and yields good outcomes.

Treatment Of Severe Refractory Hematuria Due To Radiation

José Carlos Rodrigues NascimentoAcademic Editor: Received


Treatment of pelvic neoplasms with radiotherapy may develop sequelae, especially RHC. An 85-year-old male patient was admitted to a hospital emergency with gross hematuria leading to urinary retention and was diagnosed with RHC. The urinary bladder was probed, unobstructed, and maintained in continuous three-way saline irrigation. During 45 days of hospitalization, the patient underwent two cystoscopic procedures for urinary bladder flocculation, whole blood transfusions, and one platelet apheresis. None of these interventions led to clinical resolution. As the patient hematological condition was deteriorating, dexamethasone and epoetin alpha were administered which led to the remission of the urinary bleeding. Dexamethasone therapy may be considered for RHC, when conventional treatments are not effective or are not possible, avoiding more aggressive interventions such as cystectomy.

1. Introduction

Pelvic neoplasms, such as in the prostate, bladder, rectum, uterus, ovary, and cervix cancer, may be treated with radiotherapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy. Different total dose of radiation varies according to cancer severity and higher doses likely increase the odds of toxicity in the genitourinary system. The urinary bladder is particularly sensitive to low radiation doses and is often more affected than other pelvic tissues , especially due to low urothelium cell turnover .

2. Case Report

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Narrative Review Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Radiation Induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis

Robert Dieu1, Kevin Heinsimer2^


Contributions: Conception and design: Both authors Administrative support: Both authors Provision of study materials or patients: Both authors Collection and assembly of data: Both authors Data analysis and interpretation: Both authors Manuscript writing: Both authors Final approval of manuscript: Both authors.

^ORCID: 0000-0002-4400-0294.

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Keywords: Radiation cystitis hemorrhagic cystitis hyperbaric oxygen hematuria pelvic radiation

Received: 18 October 2020 Accepted: 02 February 2021 Published: 25 March 2022.

doi: 10.21037/amj-20-178

Radiation And Bladder Irritation


Radiation can cause the bladder lining to become inflamed, which is a condition known as cystitis. Symptoms include pain or a burning sensation while urinating, increased frequency of urination, and a feeling of urgency to urinate. In extreme cases, bleeding, abdominal pain, and blood present in the urine can also occur. It is common for patients to start to experience these symptoms during the 2nd or 3rd week of radiation therapy, and can sadly last for a long period of time after treatment.

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Treatment Of Intractable Bladder Hemorrhage

The approach to the patient with intractable bladder hemorrhage is fairly standard and begins with a thorough evaluation to determine its cause. Information obtained on history may suggest the etiology however, multiple factors maybe involved and assumptions should not be made. Outside of the acute setting, all cases in which the etiology has not been identified require a formal hematuria workup, including cystoscopy, urine cytology, and upper tract imaging. The chronicity and severity of the hematuria as well as any prior attempts at therapy are important to determine. This may suggest to what degree, if any, the hematuria is refractory to conservative measures. Patients with severe hematuria can develop urinary retention secondary to the accumulation of blood clot within the bladder therefore, the ability to void should be questioned. A list of the patient’s current medications should be reviewed and any anticoagulants discontinued accordingly. The primary goals of physical examination are to determine the hemodynamic stability and overall health status of the patient as well as the presence of urinary retention. Laboratory studies should include a CBC and differential, serum electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, coagulation profile, and urine culture. Initial therapy is directed toward maintaining hemodynamic support through i.v. fluids as well as through blood and blood product replacement as necessary.

E-aminocaproic acid a

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Symptoms Of Hemorrhagic Cystitis

The primary sign of HC is blood in your urine. In stage I of HC, the bleeding is microscopic, so you wont see it. In later stages, you may see blood-tinged urine, bloody urine, or blood clots. In stage IV, blood clots may fill your bladder and stop urine flow.

Symptoms of HC are similar to those of a urinary tract infection , but they may be more severe and long-lasting. They include:

  • losing bladder control

Speak to your doctor if you experience any HC symptoms. UTIs rarely cause bloody urine.

You should contact your doctor right away if you have blood or clots in your urine. Seek emergency medical care if youre unable to pass urine.

Your doctor may suspect HC from your signs and symptoms and if you have a history of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. To diagnose HC and rule out other causes, such as a bladder tumor or bladder stones, your doctor may:

  • order blood tests to check for infection, anemia, or a bleeding disorder
  • order urine tests to check for microscopic blood, cancer cells, or infection
  • do imaging studies of your bladder using CT, MRI, or ultrasound imaging
  • look into your bladder through a thin telescope

Treatment of HC depends on the cause and the grade. There are many treatment options, and some are still experimental.

Antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral medications may be used to treat HC caused by an infection.

Treatment options for chemotherapy or radiation therapy-related HC include the following:

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Hyperbaric Therapy Can Be A Treatment Option For The Small Percentage Of Male Patients Who Develop Hemorrhagic Cystitis Or Proctitis Following Appropriate Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer

About 3 to 5 percent of men whove undergone radiation therapy for prostate cancer develop bleeding from the bladder, says Marilee McBoyle, MD, the Medical Director at Ascension Via Christi Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Therapy Center at 848 N. St. Francis in Wichita.

For that subset of men who do, its very miserable, she says. Some of them encounter multiple hospitalizations, which may necessitate a cystoscopy to irrigate and empty the bladder of clots as well as control the bleeding. Sometimes theyll bleed enough to require a transfusion.

Radiation treatment may have a damaging effect on blood vessels, causing the vessels to become weak and fragile with resultant bleeding. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can provide the needed oxygen to aid in angiogenesis, the formation of new, healthier blood vessels.

The air we breathe typically provides about 20 percent oxygen under one atmosphere of pressure. Patients in a hyperbaric chamber breathe 100 percent oxygen under two to two-and-a-half atmospheres of pressure. Once in the transparent chamber, patients may experience some of the same sensations as they would when traveling in an airplane or driving in the mountains as atmospheric pressure increases.

Other Conditions

Hyperbaric treatment can also be beneficial in the following conditions:

  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Failed skin grafts/flaps

After receiving 20 treatments, the patient is assessed for progress, and a decision is made regarding continuation of more treatments.

Discover The Balance Between Mind And Body

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The COVERY is an IMMERSIVE wellness spa offering oxygen therapy, IV Infusions, and health spa treatments that will renew and energize you. Our mission is to keep our members and communities healthy and productive through a variety of services for the Mind and Body. More than ever, Immunity and mental health are the key factors for a healthy lifestyle. At any of THE COVERY wellness spas here in Baton Rouge and beyond, we help you understand and formulate a plan to best boost your feelings of well being and overall health.

We believe that business and everyday life is a sport, and treating yourself to recovery is essential because a healthy and rested mind and body will not only keep you in the game, it will keep you in the lead! From our original wellness spa in Baton Rouge to our new locations opening throughout the US, The Coverys clinics can help you live your best life.

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Radiation Cystitis Treatment: Benefits Of Hbot

Radiation therapy can treat many types of cancer effectively. However, like other powerful treatments, a number of unpleasant side effects can occur during and after the treatment. These side effects all depend on the type of cancer, where it is located, the radiation therapy dose, and the overall health of the patient. The severity and nature of the side effects also vary from person to person and can last anywhere between a few hours, weeks, months, or even years.

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