Friday, September 6, 2024

Abdominal Pain When Bladder Is Full

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Supportive Therapies And Treatments

Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) / Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

Some people may also find the following therapies and supportive treatments helpful:

  • physiotherapy a specialist pelvic floor physiotherapist can help you relax your muscles to ease pain.
  • acupuncture may help with pain relief
  • talking therapies and counselling to help you cope with your symptoms and their impact on your life
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation where a small battery-operated device is used to relieve pain by sending electrical impulses into your body
  • pain management ask the GP to refer you to a pain specialist

How Can I Prevent Abdominal Pain And Painful Urination

Your body cant flush bacteria from the urinary tract if you dont urinate frequently. Drinking plenty of fluids may help reduce the frequency of urinary tract infection.

Additionally, if youre a woman, you should wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. Doing the opposite can introduce bacteria into your urinary tract.

The following personal hygiene products can irritate your urethra and cause pain with urination:

  • deodorant sprays

Bladder Cancer: Less Common In Women

Bladder cancer is rare, especially in women. Of the roughly 83,730 new diagnoses each year in the United States, about 19,450 are in women, according to the American Cancer Society . The most common symptom is blood in the urine some women also experience a painful, burning sensation when urinating.

Bladder cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. According to the ACS, most people need surgery to remove a tumor or tumors. All or parts of the bladder are removed in severe cases.

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What Happens When You See A Gp

BPS can have similar symptoms to long-term or frequent UTIs, so the GP may give you a urine test to check for a UTI.

Standard urine tests used in GP surgeries and hospitals may not pick up all infections of the bladder. You may be prescribed antibiotics to see if they help.

A GP may also suggest simple treatments such as:

  • keeping a food diary and avoiding foods and drinks that make your symptoms worse
  • stopping smoking chemicals in tobacco can irritate your bladder

Understanding Bladder Infection Signs


It is crucial to always listen to the bladder infection signs that your body is giving you. Leaving an infection untreated is dangerous and could be deadly.

If you feel that you could be experiencing an infection, the best course of action is to contact a healthcare professional as soon as symptoms arise.

For more information on how you can get the healthcare, you need .

Also Check: What To Do If You Have A Weak Bladder

Symptoms In The Elderly

Most people who develop a urinary tract infection will exhibit symptoms, such as those listed above. However, elderly people are less likely to display classic symptoms specific to the genital and urinary regions. This may be due to changes in immune function as age increases, as well as the possibility of additional diseases and disorders affecting usual bodily responses.

Additionally, a urinary tract infection may cause certain behavioral changes in an elderly adult, such as confusion, agitation or disorientation. Such symptoms are often categorized as delirium. People with age-related issues such as delirium or dementia are especially at risk of developing a more severe UTI because they may not be able to communicate their symptoms and receive prompt treatment.

Although this connection between UTIs and delirium has been established, the reason why delirium may occur in elderly adults with a UTI is not yet known.

Good to know: If a urinary tract infection is suspected in an elderly person, always contact a doctor as a simple urine analysis test is usually enough to confirm the diagnosis.

How Can I Prevent Abdominal Pain And Frequent Urination

Not all causes of abdominal pain and frequent urination are preventable. However, you can take some steps to reduce your risk. Consider avoiding beverages that commonly upset peoples stomachs, such as alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Always using condoms during sexual intercourse and participating in a monogamous sexual relationship can reduce your risk of contracting an STI. Practicing good hygiene and wearing clean, dry underwear can help prevent a UTI.

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly may also help prevent these symptoms.

Last medically reviewed on September 14, 2016

3 sourcescollapsed

  • Congestive heart failure. .

Also Check: Will A Bladder Infection Go Away On Its Own

The Bladder And Kidneys

The kidneys filter waste products out of the blood, which are mixed with water to create urine. Urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder, where it’s stored.

When the bladder is full and you’re ready to pee, urine passes out of your body through a tube called the urethra.

Page last reviewed: 22 March 2022 Next review due: 22 March 2025

Bladder And Stomache Region Pain

Bladder pain // Imitation UTI’s // Lower belly bloating // Interstitial Cystitis

Guest over a year ago

over a year ago

MP over a year ago

I am experiencing the same pain in my bladder. I believe it is a strained or torn Iliopsoas muscle . My physical therapist has been kneading the muscle to relieve my back pain and all of a sudden I woke up with this weird pain in my bladder. Like some of you said, it feels like it should be an infection, but is not. I’ve been on antibiotics, so it is definitely not a uti or bladder infection. The iliopsoas muscle, when injured, can spasm and make all of the surrounding organs and muscles spasm along with it. I addressed my concerns with my physical therapist and he told me this muscle is strained but that I should feel better in a few days. I am on bed-rest and have been icing my hip-stomach area where the iliopsoas runs. I hope this works! and I hope this helps someone else. I will repost in a few days with how I’m feeling. Hope everyone feels better too!

taymoney over a year ago

over a year ago

In reply to Guest on 2008-10-31 – click to read

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Common Causes Of Abdominal Pain

Having abdominal pain can be a mild inconvenience or have a significant impact on your well-being. There are several reasons why you may have abdominal pain, ranging from minor muscle strains to appendicitis that requires surgery.

Our skilled providers at Smart Clinic Urgent Care often deal with patients suffering from abdominal pain. Here are the six most common causes.

How Are Bladder And Bowel Issues Evaluated

Evaluating bladder and bowel problems, especially if their underlying source is endometriosis, may be particularly challenging since many similarly presenting conditions have the ability to cause these issues. As an example of this potential difficulty, an individual may go to their general practitioner with a complaint of pain while urinating or defecating. Their primary care doctor may then send them to a gastroenterologist to determine what could be impacting their bowel function, as well as to a urologist to look at their bladder. These specialists may speculate a bowel or bladder-only related condition, and not consider endometriosis. It may take a long time for other non-endometriosis causes to be ruled out, which may not even occur until the individual starts experiencing other symptoms that might bring them to their OB-GYN, who then might suspect endometriosis.4

Conversely, if an individual is having pelvic pain and difficulty while defecating, they may be sent directly to an OB-GYN, but have a gastrointestinal-related condition rather than endometriosis. Since all of these conditions are very similar and are sometimes treated or investigated in different ways, it may take some time for all of the pieces to come together.

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Sharp Pain Left Abdomen Gets Worse When My Bladder Is Full Pain Comes And Go

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

How Is This Condition Diagnosed


If you think you have a bladder infection you should talk with your healthcare provider. To help diagnose a bladder inflammation , you will typically be asked for a urine sample. Your urine will be collected in a sterile cup in a restroom at your providers office. You may want to avoid peeing right before your appointment so that youll be able to provide a sample during your office visit. Your provider will most likely do two tests on your urine: a urinalysis and a urine culture.

  • Urinalysis: This test involves checking the appearance, concentration and content of urine.
  • Urine culture: This test determines the type of bacteria causing the infection and to which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive.

Your healthcare provider may also order additional testing if you continue to get bladder infections including an imaging test to look at your kidneys and a cystoscopy, which uses a special scope to look inside the bladder.

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How Is Interstitial Cystitis Diagnosed

No single test can diagnose IC. And symptoms of IC are a lot like those of other urinary disorders. For these reasons, a variety of tests may be needed to rule out other problems. Your healthcare provider will start by reviewing your medical history and doing a physical exam. Other tests may include:

  • Urinalysis. Lab testing of urine to look for certain cells and chemicals. This includes red and white blood cells, germs, or too much protein.

  • Urine culture and cytology. Collecting and checking urine for white blood cells and bacteria. Also, if present, what kind of bacteria there are in the urine.

  • Cystoscopy. A thin, flexible tube and viewing device, is put in through the urethra to examine the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract. This checks for structural changes or blockages.

  • Bladder wall biopsy. A test in which tissue samples are removed from the bladder and checked under a microscope to see if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.

  • Lab exam of prostate secretions . This is done to look for inflammation and/or infection of the prostate.

Interstitial Cystitis: A Severe Form Of Bladder Pain Syndrome

More than three million American women live with pelvic pain related to interstitial cystitis, a condition in which the bladder wall becomes irritated and inflamed, according to the NIDDK. Interstitial cystitis is a severe form of bladder pain syndrome, Siddiqui says.

Bladder discomfort from interstitial cystitis may range from tenderness to severe pain, according to the institute. Another clue that interstitial cystitis is the culprit: Menstruation tends to worsen bladder pain.

Interstitial cystitis is not caused by a urinary tract infection, although the symptoms may worsen if you have interstitial cystitis and get a UTI. While the cause is not understood, according to the NIDDK, certain events or factors seem to trigger flares in symptoms. These include stress, changes in diet, allergies, and taking certain drugs, among other things.

Treatment options for interstitial cystitis include distending the bladder, taking oral medication, physical therapy, and using electrical nerve stimulation to alleviate pain, but there is no known cure. In severe cases, where other treatments havent worked, sometimes surgery is an option.

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Can Eating Certain Foods Or Drinks Make My Bladder Pain Symptoms Worse

Maybe. Some people report that their symptoms start or get worse after eating certain foods or drinks, such as:16

  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges
  • Drinks with caffeine, such as coffee or soda

Keep a food diary to track your symptoms after eating certain foods or drinks. You can also stop eating foods or drinks one at a time for at least one week to see if your symptoms go away. If not, stop eating other trigger foods or drinks one at a time for one week to see which ones may be causing some of your symptoms.

Why Cant I Empty My Bladder All The Way

Emergency IBS Treatment for Flare-Ups to RELIEVE BLOATING, Abdominal PAIN and PELVIC FLOOR Problems

Incomplete bladder emptying occurs when the muscles of the bladder are not able to squeeze properly to empty the bladder. This can happen in cases where there may have been nerve or muscle damage, perhaps caused by injury, surgery, or disease such as Parkinsons disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Spina Bifida.

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Managing Bladder And Bowel Incontinence

Some common treatments are:

  • Changes in food or drink. Increasing your fiber intake can help manage diarrhea and constipation. Drinking plenty of fluids can also ease constipation. Not drinking fluids at certain times can help manage overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.

  • Exercises. Kegel exercises can strengthen the sphincter muscles and pelvic floor. This can help you have better control.

  • Medicines. Some medicines can help control bowel incontinence. Antidiarrheal medicines can help manage diarrhea. And medicine can help bladder muscles relax to give you better control.

  • Keeping a bathroom schedule. Setting a regular schedule for using the toilet can give you better control. This includes attempting to urinate or move your bowels at the same time each day.

  • Electrical stimulation. This therapy can stimulate damaged nerves. This may give you better muscle control in your bladder or bowel.

  • Surgery. In rare cases, you may need surgery to repair damage to muscles or nerves.

Your healthcare provider will work with you to create a treatment plan.

What Is Interstitial Cystitis

Painful bladder syndrome or bladder pain syndrome, also commonly known as interstitial cystitis, is a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall. It is not caused by bacteria and does not respond to conventional antibiotic therapy. It can affect both women and men, although it is more common in women.

It can be a long and difficult process to correctly diagnose painful bladder syndrome. The disease affects individuals in different ways. There are no generalised symptoms and day-to-day life is seriously upset. It is important to rule out any other conditions that have similar symptoms to painful bladder syndrome, such as cancer, kidney problems, vaginal infections and neurological disorders. Painful bladder syndrome is often debilitating and can cause feelings of desperation and despair.

There is no cure for this condition and there is no one individual specific treatment that works for everyone. People who suffer from painful bladder syndrome need to investigate ways to help themselves manage the condition. Unfortunately, it is a case of trial and error for the patient.

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How To Treat Abdominal Pain

Some cases of abdominal pain resolve on their own. Staying hydrated, resting, and avoiding foods that can irritate your stomach can help improve your pain. Taking over-the-counter gas medications or antacids can help ease an upset stomach and relieve indigestion.

If home remedies dont work and you have abdominal pain for several days, get in touch with us. Depending on the cause, we may approach treatment in several ways, including:

  • Antibiotics for infections
  • Medications, such as anti-inflammatories or pain relievers
  • Acid reducers for GERD and acid reflux
  • Making lifestyle changes, like exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet

Some conditions like Crohns disease or other forms of inflammatory bowel syndrome require special treatment. We can connect you with the right specialist if needed.

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What Causes Bladder Stones


Bladder stones usually form when you can’t completely empty your bladder of urine.

A common reason for this in men is having an enlarged prostate gland that blocks the flow of urine.

If urine sits in the bladder for a long time, chemicals in the urine form crystals, which harden into bladder stones.

Read more about the causes of bladder stones and who’s at risk.

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What Is The Latest Research On Bladder Pain Syndrome Treatment

Researchers continue to search for new ways to treat bladder pain. Some current studies focus on:

  • New medicines to treat bladder pain
  • Meditation as a way to control bladder pain
  • The role of genetics in bladder pain
  • Acupuncture treatment

To learn more about current bladder pain treatment studies, visit

Bladder Infection Signs: How To Spot Them

By Amory Urgent Care

The pain can be so intense you almost cant walktrip after trip to the bathroom with no relief in sight. You might be experiencing the painful side effects of a bladder infection.

Urinary tract infections or UTIs can manifest as bladder infections. They affect more than 150 million people each year, and when left untreated, they can pose serious health risks.

But what are the bladder infection signs, and how do you spot them?

We have put together a comprehensive list of signs to help you identify a bladder infection so you can get the medical treatment you need as soon as possible.

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Can A Bladder Infection Cause Abdominal Pain

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â its anonymous and free!

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â its anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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Bladder Pain In Women And Men

Patient gets relief from Painful Bladder Syndrome through acupuncture

Bladder pain is more common in women. This is likely due to the fact that the two most common causes of bladder pain urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis more often affect women than men. It may be also due to the fact that the bladder comes into direct contact with a womans reproductive organs, which may cause irritation and aggravate symptoms.

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What is interstitial cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic bladder problem caused by inflammation or irritation of the bladder wall. In IC, scarring of the bladder causes the bladder to stiffen, decreasing the amount of urine it can comfortably hold. IC is sometimes called bladder pain syndrome, or frequency-urgency-dysuria syndrome.

Symptoms vary greatly from person to person, ranging from mild to very severe. Symptoms may appear intermittently or become chronic.

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