Sunday, September 8, 2024

What Helps A Leaky Bladder

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Control Your Urge To Urinate

Stopping Bladder Leakage, Naturally

You may be able to control, or suppress, the strong urge to urinate, which is called urge or urgency suppression. With this type of bladder training, you can worry less about finding a bathroom in a hurry. Some people distract themselves to take their minds off needing to urinate. Other people find that long, relaxing breaths or holding still can help. Doing pelvic floor exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor also can help control the urge to urinate. Quick, strong squeezes of the pelvic floor muscles can help suppress urgency when it occurs, which may help you get to the toilet before you leak.

Meet Elitone Fda Medical Device For Stress Urinary Incontinence

I was thrilled when I learned that there was a comfortable, easy to use device that allows you o take control of this sensitive health issue in the comfort of your own home. This device doesnt require a prescription so you dont have to worry about an uncomfortable conversation/ // with your doctor about urinary incontinence. Elitone is the first FDA cleared medical device to relieve mild to moderate symptoms of urinary incontinence. Left untreated, urinary incontinence can become debilitating.

Elitone GelPads can be used 2 to 3 times if they are carefully placed back into the sealable pouch before they need to be replaced. Simply replace the gel pad if you notice that it isnt sticking to the skin properly or you no longer feel the same intensity of contractions during the previous session. About 50% of the women who have used Elitone reported that they had to shave for it to work properly.

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Causes Of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence occurs when the normal process of storing and passing urine is disrupted.

This can happen for a number of reasons, and certain factors may also increase your chance of developing urinary incontinence.

Some of the possible causes will lead to short-term urinary incontinence, while others may cause a long-term problem. If the cause can be treated, this may cure your incontinence.

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How Is Incontinence Diagnosed

Often, the diagnosis process for incontinence will start with a conversation with your healthcare provider about your medical history and bladder control issues. Your provider might ask you questions like:

  • How often do you urinate?
  • Do you leak urine between trips to the toilet, how often does this happen and how much urine do you leak each time?
  • How long have you been experiencing incontinence?

These questions can help your provider figure out a pattern with your leakage, which often points to a specific type of incontinence. When your provider is asking about your medical history, its important to list all of your medications because some medications can cause incontinence. Your provider will also ask about any past pregnancies and the details around each delivery.

There are also several specific tests that your provider might do to diagnose incontinence, including:

While at home, your provider might recommend you keep track of any leakage in a journal for a few days. By writing down how often you experience incontinence issues over the span of a few days, your provider might be able to identify a pattern. This can really help in the diagnosis process. Make sure to write down how often you need to urinate, how much you are able to go each time, if you leak between trips to the bathroom and any activities you might be doing when you leak urine. Youll then bring this journal with you to your appointment and talk about it with your provider.

What Happens As Your Hormones Start To Decrease

Womens Bladder Control Leakage Daily Pads PREVAIL 16 Ct Lot Of 2

Our hormones naturally decrease as we age , and for women, this decrease is what leads to menopause. The thing is, hormone decline can also result in incontinence.

The decrease in your hormones leads to your vaginal tissue becoming thinner and less elastic. On top of that, your muscles start to weaken including the pelvic floor muscles that help you control of your bladder. See the connection?

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Fast Facts On Urinary Incontinence

  • Urinary incontinence is more common in females than in males.
  • There are a number of reasons why urinary incontinence can occur.
  • Obesity and smoking are both risk factors for urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is when a person cannot prevent urine from leaking out.

It can be due to stress factors, such as coughing, it can happen during and after pregnancy, and it is more common with conditions such as obesity.

The chances of it happening increase with age.

Bladder control and pelvic floor, or Kegel, exercises can help prevent or reduce it.

Treatment will depend on several factors, such as the type of incontinence, the patients age, general health, and their mental state.

Home Remedies For Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can be described as the inability to control urination, leading to urine leakage or involuntary loss of urine.

It is a very common, and at times debilitating, urological disorder. According to the National Association for Continence , it affects about 25 million Americans.

Urinary incontinence can be divided into three main types:

  • Urge incontinence occurs when an overactive or hyperactive bladder causes a sudden and intense urge to urinate causing involuntary loss of urine
  • Stress incontinence occurs when physical activities like vigorous exercise, jumping, coughing, sneezing or even laughing put pressure on the bladder and it releases urine
  • Overflow incontinence inability to completely empty the bladder, leading to frequent or constant dribbling of urine

Incontinence can be caused by a number of factors like age , weakened pelvic floor muscles due to surgery or childbirth, enlarged prostate, menopause, an overactive bladder, nerve damage, urinary stones, urinary tract infections and constipation.

Plus, certain foods, drinks and medications may stimulate your bladder and cause temporary incontinence.

It not only can cause discomfort and embarrassment, but can also be harmful if urine is left in the bladder creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Incontinence is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of an underlying condition or disorder.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for urinary incontinence.

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Solutions For A Leaky Bladder

Research has found that at least half of people with urinary incontinence dont discuss the condition with a health care provider. But theres no need to feel embarrassed. If you have a leaky bladder, youre definitely not alone. Bladder leakage, or urinary incontinence, affects women and men of all ages, though it becomes more common later in life.

And its definitely worth discussing, because of the many ways it can interfere with enjoying daily lifefrom exercise and travel to social outings and romance, says E. James Wright, M.D., director of urology at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

Whats The Difference Between Innovo And Other Incontinence Solutions

BCH Lecture: Latest Treatments for a Leaky Bladder

INNOVO treats the cause not just the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence. While other solutions, like pads, liners and absorbable underwear, help to mask the problem, INNOVO delivers effective, gentle pulses that help strengthen and re-train your pelvic floor. The key difference between INNOVO and other pelvic floor devices is that INNOVO is truly non-invasive, meaning you dont need to insert a probe or cone to deliver effective pelvic floor muscle contractions. Plus, its FDA cleared, completely safe and has been used successfully over 5 million sessions.

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What If These Treatments Do Not Work

If these interventions do not work, you may be referred to a urologist for additional tests on your bladder and sphincter. These tests will determine what type of incontinence you have, how well your bladder is working, and what other treatments might be best for you. This often involves a urodynamic test and a cystoscopy. Both of these procedures are performed in the office, usually during the same visit. They provide your urologist with specific information to help find which procedure might be best for you.

The urodyamics test involves placing a very small catheter in your bladder. This catheter fills the bladder with fluid and measures bladder activity and pressure during filling and voiding . You will also be asked to cough and strain so your provider can see if and how easily you leak urine.

A cystoscopy may also be performed to look at the urethra, the anastomosis , and the bladder. After these tests, your provider will go over the results with you and recommend which treatments are best suited for your condition.

When To See A Health Care Provider And What To Expect

Talk to your health care provider if you have urinary incontinence or any signs of a bladder problem, such as:

  • Needing to urinate more frequently or suddenly
  • Urinating eight or more times in one day
  • Passing only small amounts of urine after strong urges to urinate
  • Trouble starting or having a weak stream while urinating

Your doctor may recommend urodynamic testing and perform the following to try to figure out what might be causing your bladder problem:

  • Give you a physical exam and take your medical history.
  • Ask about your symptoms and the medications you take.
  • Take urine and blood samples.
  • Examine the inside of your bladder using a cystoscope a long, thin tube that slides up into the bladder through the urethra. This is usually done by a urinary specialist.
  • Fill the bladder with warm fluid and use a cystoscope to check how much fluid your bladder can hold before leaking.
  • Order or perform a bladder ultrasound to see if you are fully emptying your bladder with each void.
  • Ask you to keep a daily diary of when you urinate and when you leak urine. Your primary care doctor may also send you to a urologist, a doctor who specializes in urinary tract problems.

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What Causes Bladder Leakage In Women

The three types of urinary incontinence and main causes of bladder leaking are:

  • Stress incontinence
  • Urge incontinence
  • Overflow incontinence

Stress incontinence is the most common cause of bladder leakage in women and is the result of a weakened pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is the system of muscles and ligaments that form a basket of support for your bladder and uterus. The pelvic floor helps regulate the urinary sphincter, which controls the flow of urine out of the bladder. The pelvic floor can be weakened by life events such as pregnancy, childbirth or being overweight. Once weakened, any pressure â or stress â placed on the pelvic floor causes a small amount of urine to leave the bladder. This can be from coughing, laughing, sneezing, exercising or lifting objects.

Urge incontinence , also known as overactive bladder or OAB, is the result of nerve damage to the nerves in and around the bladder, either as a result of a neurological disease like multiple sclerosis or Parkinsonâs or due to previous pelvic surgery or injury. This nerve damage means that the nerves and muscles in your bladder spasm and fire off too often, sending you on a mad dash to the bathroom. This means that your bladder signals that itâs time to go even when itâs not full. The urge to urinate then comes on suddenly and intensely, to the point that you often may not make it to the toilet in time to urinate.

Vitamins That May Help With Bladder Control

7 Exercises Your Leaky Bladder Wants You To Do

We all know its important to get enough nutrients in our diet. Many of you probably already take a multi-vitamin. But did you know that there are nutrients that may actually help, your bladder health?

From calming bladder spasms to helping guard the pelvic floor muscles, vitamins may be just the thing youre missing in your treatment plan. Of course, as with everything, there are conditions here. Some vitamins help with incontinence symptoms, but you need to be careful with dosing since higher doses may exasperate the issue. And, as with all vitamins, its best to get them straight from the source food rather than relying on supplements, which typically are not FDA-approved and have the potential to interact with other medications you may be taking.

Heres the scoop on three essential vitamins and how they may help control bladder leaks.

Vitamin C found in foods. A study done on vitamin c intake in 2060 women, aged 30-79 years of age found that high-dose intake of vitamin c and calcium were positively associated with urinary storage or incontinence, whereas vitamin C from foods and beverages were associated with decreased urinary urgency.

Good sources of Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, green and red peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, and tomatoes . But steer clear of high dose supplements to avoid aggravating an already leaky bladder.

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Plan Ahead: Scope Out Bathrooms Before You Leave Home

If you have urinary incontinence, its a good idea to know where the bathrooms are located at unfamiliar destinations, such as restaurants, museums, shopping centers, and parks. Try finding a map or directory ahead of time online. One useful Procter & Gamble app, Sit or Squat: Restrooms Near Me, can help you find a clean public restroom near your current location. It can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

When You Should See A Health Care Professional

You shouldnt have to wear a pad to soak up urine every day. Also ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the urge to urinate interfering with your work because of leaking or frequent bathroom breaks?

  • Do you map out where bathrooms are when you run errands?

  • Is incontinence interfering with your sex life or intimacy with your partner?

These are all signs of a problem, and that it may be time for you to talk with a gynecologist.

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Heres What You Should Value In A Brand:

Strength of Money-Back Guarantee: A money-back guarantee shows the manufacturer is so confident in the product that theyre willing to put their money where their mouth is. Theres simply no reason to trust a product that doesnt offer a money-back-guarantee.

Dont get tricked! Many companies advertise a money-back guarantee ONLY IF the bottle is unopened and unused…We think this is pointless, and its why we offer a moneyback guarantee even if the product has been completely used.

Important: We Think theres simply no reason to try a product that doesnt offer a money-back guarantee that allows you to open the product, try it for at least 30 days, and return it for a full refund if youre not satisfied.

24 Hour Customer Support: A 24-hour customer-support service shows a manufacturers commitment to its customers because 24-hour support is expensive. With any product, youre likely to have questions related to the product or your order and those questions can arise at any time of the day or night. We dont want to leave you feeling like you are on your own. 24-hour customer service gives our customers peace-of-mind knowing that the answers they need are only a phone call away.

How Often Should I Use Innovo After Ive Completed The 12 Week Treatment Plan

Reducing Bladder Leakage With an At-Home Therapy

One of the big advantages of using INNOVO is that your awareness of your pelvic floor increases. Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor after the therapy is completed depends on the individual and their specific condition and improvement rate. As a general guide, we recommend you reduce the use of INNOVO from five days a week to 1-2 times a week. This will ensure that the results achieved will be sustained.

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What Foods And Drinks To Avoid

While you may want to drink less liquid so you dont have to urinate as often, you should still make sure you stay hydrated. More concentrated urine, usually darker in color, can irritate your bladder and cause more frequent urination.

Other foods and drinks can contribute to OAB symptoms, including:

  • tomato-based foods

You can test which drinks or foods irritate your bladder by eliminating them from your diet. Then reincorporate them one by one every two to three days at a time. Permanently eliminate the particular food or drink that worsens your symptoms.

Why You Should Join Today

#1: A leaky bladder will not go away by itself.

Urinary incontinence problems DO NOT get better by themselves. In fact, symptoms get worse over time. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to solve.

#2: Avoid embarassing social situations.

With this program, youll no longer be afraid of messing up your clothes or always having an urge to go. You can take trips, go out to eat, or watch movies again without having to worry about finding a bathroom.

#3: Eliminate expensive “band-aid” solutions.

If youre using pads or other incontinence products then you know theyre an expensive and bothersome solution. This program will help you avoid the hassle and expense.

#4: Avoid medications.

Youll learn how to reduce or eliminate bladder leaks the natural way with Dr. Shelia Whitemans program. No drugs, no prescriptions, no nonsense.

#5: Avoid surgical procedures.

Surgery should only be considered as a last resort and for most people, surgery is unnecessary.

#6: Get help from the comfort and convenience of your home.

With this online coaching program, youll receive step-by-step online content and weekly calls with Dr. Shelia Whiteman. No appointments, waiting rooms, doctor visits, or paperwork.

#7: Get real results with no risk.

Today you can start this amazing program for a special low price and begin seeing results. Try it for 30 days risk-free and judge for yourself!

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