Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can Bladder Prolapse Cause Uti

Must Read

What Can I Do If I Have Urinary Incontinence

Cystocele (Prolapsed Bladder): Alternatives to Surgery

Your urinary incontinence may have come on slowly, building over the years to the point you now feel youre ready to treat it. Or, you may have just started experiencing incontinence.

Either way, treatments are available. Incontinence is a condition that is very common, but its not normal, and its something no one should have to live with.

Here are some first steps you can take to start working toward a treatment plan:

  • Educate yourself: Learn all you can about the different types of incontinence and the treatment options available to you. By being informed about your condition, youll be better able to have a discussion with your doctor and may be able to better guide your treatment plan.
  • Talk to your doctor: This is the biggest step. Having a discussion with your doctor may feel scary or embarrassing at first, but its necessary in order to move on to drier days. Your doctor will be able to help you find a treatment option that works specifically for you.
  • Find support. Sometimes, you just need someone you can talk to that knows what youre going through. Anonymous message boards can be a huge help for those with incontinence who often feel alone and ashamed to share their condition with those they know. A good message board can help you feel connected with others and can give you the push you need to seek treatment, or even just a place to let out your successes or frustrations.
  • Risk Factors For Uti After Surgery

    There are additional factors that may play a role in a UTI after surgery, including the age of the patient , sex , type of surgical procedure, and other conditions that you may have.

    Diabetes increases the risks of a UTI, as do surgeries that are done on or near part of the urinary tract, such as prostate surgery. Additionally, being immobilized after surgery will increase the probability of a UTI. Immobility is common after trauma and orthopedic procedures including some joint surgeries.

    Having surgery on any part of the urinary tract, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are also a risk factor for a urinary tract infection.

    Causes Of Bladder Prolapse

    There are some natural and unnatural health causes of bladder prolapse. They deal with types of situations that put stress on the bladder and pelvis.

    Lifestyle-related causes of bladder prolapse include:

    • Obesity
    • Heavy lifting

    Health-related causes include:

    • Painful or strained bowel movements
    • Respiratory issues that involve chronic or heavy coughing
    • Vaginal childbirth and hysterectomy are also among the most common causes of bladder prolapse.

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    Bladder Emptying Problems With A Prolapse

    Women with bladder prolapse often have bladder emptying problems. This can occur when the urine pockets into the prolapsed tissue rather than emptying normally.

    Sometimes a large rectocele can cause a kink in the urethra making it difficult to completely empty the bladder.

    Pelvic prolapse can cause bladder emptying problems including:

    • Slow bladder emptying
    • Incomplete bladder emptying where the bladder doesnt fully empty

    Women with pelvic floor problems who retain more than 30 mls or 1oz of urine in the bladder have increased risk of UTI.3

    Risk Factors For Urinary Incontinence

    Uterine Prolapse  Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Other conditions that can lead to incontinence in both males and females are:

    • Other medical conditions, such as diabetes
    • Neurological condition such as MS, spinal cord injuries, or Parkinsons disease
    • Being overweight
    • Obstructions along the urinary tract that block the flow of urine
    • Certain medications

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    When The Bottom Falls Out: Prolapse In The Pelvis

    Symptoms tend to occur when women are upright, straining, or coughing and to disappear when they are lying down and relaxing. For some women, sexual intercourse is painful.

    Mild cases may not cause symptoms until the woman becomes older.

    Prolapse of the rectum , small intestine , bladder , and urethra are particularly likely to occur together. A urethrocele and cystocele almost always occur together.

    ) or problems completely emptying the bladder .

    Complicated Urinary Tract Infection

    How to prevent urinary tract infection? Let us know more about the common types of urinary tract infections before we know how to prevent urinary tract infection. When non-pregnant and healthy women have cystitis and pyelonephritis, it usually refers to complicated UTI.

    A complicated urinary tract infection usually presents as an episode of cystitis or pyelonephritis without any symptoms.

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    Urinary Incontinence In Women

    Up to a third of women in the United States suffer from urinary incontinence . About 33 million have overactive bladder, or OAB, which means they feel urgency, and/or frequency with or without urge incontinence.Research shows that while urinary incontinence risk can be linked to aging, it can also be associated with pregnancy, delivery, and the number of children you have. It doesnt matter whether you have a vaginal or C-section delivery, the risk is still the same. Studies also indicate that women can experience urinary incontinence after menopause due to the drop in estrogen, yet taking estrogen doesnt seem to help those who suffer from UI. As mentioned above, excess weight can also increase your risk of getting urinary incontinence.

    There are different types of urinary incontinence. Figuring out what type you have will lead you to proper treatment.

    Stimulated Myoplasty For Bladder Emptying

    Cystocele: What Problems Can It Cause?

    Latissimus dorsi has also been used for myoplasty.Von Heyden etal. studied free latissimus dorsi muscle flaps for bladder myoplasty in dogs revascularization and electrical stimulation of the thoracodorsal nerve successfully induced pressures sufficient for partial evacuation of the bladder. The advantage of a singular nerve supply with ample geometry provided by the latissimus dorsi free flap led to the first clinical application in 1998 byStenzl etal. . Three patients with bladder acontractility were treated with latissimus dorsi myoplasty, and all three were able to void by abdominal straining. In a larger clinical study using the free transfer of the latissimus dorsi muscle to restore voluntary voiding, 14 of 20 patients were able to void spontaneously with postvoid residual volumes of less than 100mL .The largest latissimus dorsi detrusor myoplasty experience was reported byGakis 24 patients with detrusor underactivity requiring CIC and a mean followâup of 46 months. Latissimus dorsi detrusor myoplasty resulted in complete voluntary voiding in 71% of patients with a 91% reduction in UTIs. Three patients reduced the frequency of catheterization by 50%, and 4 patients had no improvement.

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    Symptoms Of Prolapse Include:

    • A heavy dragging feeling in the vagina or lower back.
    • Feeling of a lump in the vagina or outside the vagina.
    • Urinary problems such as slow stream, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, frequency, urgency and stress urinary incontinence.
    • Bowel problems such as difficulty moving the bowel or a feeling of not emptying properly.
    • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System
    Purpose assessing the degree of prolapse of pelvic organs

    The Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantifications System is a system for assessing the degree of prolapse of pelvic organs to help standardize diagnosing, comparing, documenting, and sharing of clinical findings. This assessment is the most frequently used among research publications related to pelvic organ prolapse.

    When assessed using the POP-Q, the prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse is estimated to be up to 50% while diagnosis by symptoms has a prevalence of 36%. Some advocate that the system of assessment be modified.

    The POP-Q was developed in 1996, it quantifies the descent of pelvic organs into the vagina. The POP-Q provides reliable description of the support of the anterior, posterior and apical vaginal wall. It uses objective and precise distance measurements to the reference point, the hymen. Cystocele and prolapse of the vagina from other causes is staged using POP-Q criteria and can range from good support reported as a POP-Q stage 0 or I to a POP-Q score of IV, which includes prolapse beyond the hymen. It also used to quantify the movement of other structures into the vaginal lumen and their descent.

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    Causes Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

    Urinary retention and incomplete emptying can result from a number of causes . In some cases, the flow of urine is blocked, for example, in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. This causes obstruction. Another form of impaired emptying is nonobstructive, that is, there is no problem with the urethra but the bladder muscle is less able to adequately contract. When the bladder cannot contract properly, some or all of the urine remains in the bladder. If left untreated, this condition can lead to urinary tract infection and damage to the kidneys.

    What Other Therapies Treat A Prolapsed Bladder

    Patient Fact Sheets

    Physical therapy such as electrical stimulation and biofeedback may be used to help identify and strengthen the muscles in the pelvis, particularly in those individuals who fail to respond to pelvic floor muscle exercises on their own.

    • Electrical stimulation: A doctor can apply a probe to targeted muscles within the vagina or on the pelvic floor. The probe is attached to a device that measures and delivers small electrical currents that contract the muscles. These contractions help strengthen the muscles. A less intrusive type of electrical stimulation is available that magnetically stimulates the pudendal nerve from outside the body. This activates the muscles of the pelvic floor and may help treat incontinence.
    • Biofeedback: A sensor is used to monitor muscle activity in the vagina and on the pelvic floor. The doctor can recommend exercises that can strengthen these muscles. These exercises may help strengthen the muscles to reverse or relieve some symptoms related to a prolapsed bladder. The sensor can monitor the muscular contractions during the exercises, and the doctor may be able to determine if the targeted muscles would benefit from the exercises.

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    Bladder Emptying Techniques For Avoiding Uti With Prolapse

    Do you suffer from UTI ?

    Do you have bladder emptying problems?

    Bladder emptying problems can increase your risk of UTI.

    Prolapse and prolapse surgery can both cause bladder emptying problems.

    This Physiotherapist information teaches you how to empty your bladder and reduce your risk of UTI with prolapse problems and after prolapse surgery.

    Read on now to learn:

    • What is UTI
    • UTI with bladder emptying problems
    • How to empty your bladder
    • Correct emptying position
    • Double Void technique for overcoming incomplete emptying

    Where Can It Occur

    It may occur on the front wall of the vagina, back wall of the vagina, the uterus or top of the vagina.

    • Prolapse of the front wall of the vagina -This is the most common and involves the bladder and /or urethra bulging into the vagina
    • Prolapse of the back wall of the vagina This is when the lower part of the large bowel bulges into the back wall of the vagina and/or part of the small intestine bulges into the upper part of the back wall of the vagina
    • Uterine prolapse This occurs when the uterus drops or herniates into the vagina. This is the second most common form
    • Vaginal vault prolapse Following a hysterectomy, the top of the vagina may collapse downwards, towards or out of the vagina

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    What Are Urinary Tract Infections

    A urinary tract infection is an infection anywhere in the urinary tract. Normal urine is sterile. It contains fluids, salts, and waste products, but it is free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. An infection occurs when microorganisms, usually bacteria from the digestive tract, cling to the urethra, or opening to the urinary tract, and begin to multiply.

    What Are Treatments For A Prolapsed Bladder

    Can Pelvic Organ Prolapse lead to medical emergency? – Dr. Girija Wagh

    Nonsurgical Treatment

    Nonsurgical treatment consists of conservative management and the use of mechanical devices.

    Behavioral therapy and pelvic floor muscle exercise are conservative therapies for management of bladder prolapse. The goal of conservative treatment is the reduction of symptoms, prevention of worsening pelvic organ prolapse, increased support of the pelvic floor musculature, and avoiding or delaying surgery. Behavioral therapy includes reducing risk factors such as treating constipation, weight loss if obese, and discontinuing smoking if COPD/cough, etc. PFME are muscle exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The contractions should be held for two to 10 seconds and should be performed regularly several times per day. A set of 10 sustained contractions for a duration of about 20 minutes should be performed two to three times per day. This form of therapy is suitable for mild to moderate pelvic organ prolapse.

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    Risk Factors And Other Causes Of A Prolapsed Bladder

    Prolapsed bladders in women are commonly associated with menopause. The lower levels of estrogen associated with menopause can cause the vaginal walls to weaken. If they deteriorate enough, the bladder is no longer supported and can fall into the vagina. This can cause urinary problems such as stress incontinence.

    Other risk factors for bladder prolapse are:

    • Childbirth
    • Surgery, such as a hysterectomy
    • Constipation or irregular bowel movements
    • Excessive strain on the pelvic muscles from things like long-term constipation, lifting heavy objects or weight gain
    • Chronic coughing

    Can You Mistake A Bladder Prolapse For A Uti

    If you’re feeling an uncomfortable pressure in your pelvis, urinating is hard, and you feel like you can’t completely void your bladder, what would you guess the diagnosis might be?

    Most women would assume that this particular set of urinary-tract specific symptoms is likely caused by a a urinary tract infection, or UTI. While a urinary tract infection would indeed be the most common ailment among patients experiencing such a group of symptoms, other medical conditions can also lead to these same signs.

    A UTI requires antibiotics to clear up anyway, so seeing a doctor to be sure that you have a UTI and aren’t dealing with something more serious is crucial.

    When they seek medical attention for symptoms they think indicate a urinary tract infection, some women will find out that they are instead facing a prolapsed bladder.

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    The Physical Impact Of Incontinence

    While many people see incontinence as embarrassing, until youve experienced it yourself you may not realize the true physical impact that it can have on your life.

    Of course theres the obvious problem of having to change clothes or bedding often, or running to the bathroom, but incontinence can impact your physical health in other ways too. Many people with regular incontinence suffer from skin infections, due to over-exposure to moisture.

    Additionally, many people report reducing their physical activity when they have incontinence. For those who were once active, activities such as running or other high impact exercises are often avoided or stopped completely as the practice may lead to unexpected and involuntary leakage of urine.

    Finally, incontinence presents a much greater risk for falls and fractures, especially in older adults.

    An elderly person who is focused on getting to the restroom quickly may become unaware of the potential hazards that lie in their path to get to the bathroom , or may become inattentive to controlling their posture or body movements, which increases the risk of falling.

    Causes Of Pelvic Prolapse

    Urinary tract infection UTI Treatment using homeopathy with excellent ...

    There are three kinds of pelvic prolapse:

    • Bulge in the front wall of your vagina
    • Bulge in the back wall
    • Uterus drops into your vagina

    A common cause of prolapse is vaginal childbirth, which can stretch and weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Other potential causes include long-term abdominal pressure obesity, chronic coughing or straining during bowel movements and hormonal changes during menopause.

    Your risk also increases with age as well as a family history of pelvic prolapse.

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    How To Tell Between A True And Phantom Uti

    It’s not easy to tell between a UTI and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction just by the symptoms. Urethral burning, urinary urgency/frequency and pelvic pain can occur with both.

    Often a true UTI will have cloudy or bad-smelling urine accompanying it that’s a sign of a bacterial infection and you should definitely get treated for the infection.

    Pelvic floor dysfunction often has other symptoms associated with it that a UTI would not cause. Painful intercourse is really common with pelvic floor dysfunction. It can also cause low back pain, constipation or GI upset, or general pelvic pain.

    With pelvic floor dysfunction you may also notice difficulty in relaxing the pelvic floor muscles enough to actually go to the bathroom. Many patients experience the strong urge to go, rush to the bathroom and then have trouble actually starting or maintaining a stream once they sit down – this is all evidence of pelvic floor dysfunction.

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    The most common cause of difficult urination in men is a blockage due to an enlarged prostate restricting the outlet from the bladder. For women one of the common causes of difficulty in urination is an anterior prolapse/bladder prolapse which can distort the urethra and restrict the flow of urine.

    17 October, 2006By NT Contributor

    An indwelling urinary catheter is a commonly used medical device but its use is associated with complications .

    Any patient with a catheter should be reviewed regularly and a planned trial without catheter should take place when an assessment indicates that it can be removed.

    Wareing describes a TWOC or voiding trial as a common procedure carried out in many clinical settings. The purpose of the trial is to assess patients ability to empty their bladder successfully following the removal of their indwelling urinary catheter.

    A clinical procedure should be followed in order to achieve optimum outcomes and to ensure that patient safety is maintained. A TWOC may fail and practitioners must be able to monitor and assess their patients for complications and manage these if they occur.

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