Bad Cough Causes Loss Of Bowel Bladder Control
- THE PEOPLEâS PHARMACY Joe and Teresa Gradeon
Q. Iâve had a terrible cough, so violent that Iâve wetand sometimes even soiled myself. For the past several weeks, Iâvebeen vomiting from coughing so hard.
I take lisinopril and amlodipine for high bloodpressure. I suspect that one of them is the cause of my horridcough. Is this possible?
A. The most common and bothersome side effectof popular blood pressure drugs like benazepril, captopril,enalapril, fosinopril, lisinopril and ramipril is an uncontrollablecough. Many readers have reported throwing up because of this sideeffect. Patients should always be alerted to this potential adversereaction.
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Although amlodipine is unlikely to cause cough, it can lead toswollen ankles because of fluid retention. Other side effects mayinclude headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue.
Q. My family has switched almost entirely to using seasalt in cooking. Are we now at greater risk of developing a goiterbecause weâre not using iodized salt?
Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation
Your posterior tibial nerve runs down your leg to your ankle. It contains nerve fibres that start from the same place as nerves that run to your bladder and pelvic floor. It is thought that stimulating the tibial nerve will affect these other nerves and help control bladder symptoms, such as the urge to pass urine.
During the procedure, a very thin needle is inserted through the skin of your ankle and a mild electric current is sent through it, causing a tingling feeling and causing your foot to move. You may need 12 sessions of stimulation, each lasting around half an hour, one week apart.
Some studies have shown that this treatment can offer relief from OAB and urge incontinence for some people, although there is not yet enough evidence to recommend tibial nerve stimulation as a routine treatment.
Tibial nerve stimulation is only recommended in a few cases where urge incontinence has not improved with medication and you don’t want to have botulinum toxin A injections or sacral nerve stimulation.
When Should I See A Health Care Professional
See a health care professional if you have symptoms of a bladder problem, such as trouble urinating, a loss of bladder control, waking to use the bathroom, pelvic pain, or leaking urine.
Bladder problems can affect your quality of life and cause other health problems. Your health care professional may be able to treat your UI by recommending lifestyle changes or a change in medicine.
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What Happens To The Urinary System With Aging
The urinary system includes:
- the muscles of the pelvic floor.
There are sphincters that open or close the urethra, and nerves that run to the bladder muscles and sphincters which helps to control urinary release and flow. The brain and legs are also part of the urinary system: a person has to be able to decide when its time to go to the toilet, and have the ability to get to one when the time is right.
In this article, well focus mainly on the bladder and urethra, and the bladder outlet.
Normal Aging
With age, some of the muscle fibers in the bladder are replaced with stiffer, fibrotic tissue, and the neurological responses that we rely on to maintain normal urinary function decline slightly.
In practical terms, this means that:
- The sensation that the bladder needs to be emptied happens when the bladder is fuller than in a younger person
- The bladder muscle contracts less forcefully
- The urethral sphincter is looser in older women
- The larger prostate gland can obstruct the urethra in men
- Theres a more frequent need to pass urine
- 80% of those over 80 get up at least once in the night to pass urine
Nighttime urination or nocturia is a urinary symptom thats hard to ignore, or cope with. As Dr. Wagg told me: The magic number for nighttime frequency where it has an effect on your quality of life is two and more. And intriguingly, daytime frequency. If you look at peoples self reported quality of life and daytime frequency, the unlucky number is indeed 13.
How Is Neurogenic Bladder Treated
- Bladder training: A non-surgical approach helps patients learn the skills and exercises needed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Some patients might be asked to keep a diary recording the time of urination and amount passed, so the patient can establish a more manageable pattern for urination.
- Catheterization: In this treatment, patients are taught how to self-insert a small catheter tube in order to empty the bladder at regular intervals.
- Sacral Neuromodulation: In this relatively new approach, small electrodes and a stimulator are inserted near nerves related to bladder function. The stimulator delivers the electrical impulses that the body would normally receive if the nerves were undamaged.
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How Do You Stop Frequent Urination In Elderly
Do you have an elderly loved one that is frequently urinating? Are they constantly going to the bathroom and not even realizing it!
If this sounds like your situation, then you are definitely not alone.
Urinary incontinence can be a major problem for older adults, but there are ways to help manage the symptoms.
Treatment For Incontinence And Continence Problems
If you have incontinence or continence problems, you should seek help. There is a range of management options available. The treatments depend on the type of incontinence you have and what you hope to achieve.An incontinence management plan will usually include several of:
- adequate fluid intake of up to two litres each day
- incontinence aids such as pads, condom drainage or catheters.
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How To Train Your Bladder
Try using behavioral techniques such as bladder training. Start by going to the bathroom to pee every half hour, whether you feel the urge or not. As you get into the rhythm, gradually over days or weeks expand the time between bathroom breaks. Eventually, you may be able to space breaks by 3 to 4 hours and the urges in between may decrease.
There are two main types of urinary incontinence:
Stress incontinence
If you have this type, activities that raise the pressure inside your abdomen cause urine to leak through the ring of muscle in your bladder that normally holds it in. Coughing, sneezing, jumping and lifting heavy objects could lead to a leak.
Going through childbirth, smoking or being overweight can raise the risk of stress incontinence for women, Wright says. Stress incontinence in men is rare, and when it arises, its often due to prostate cancer treatment, such as radiation or surgery.
Urge incontinence
With this type, your brain, spinal cord and bladder dont work together properly to allow you to hold and release urine at the right time. Your bladder may suddenly empty itself without warning. Or you may feel like you need to urinate frequently, a problem called overactive bladder.
Some diseases that affect the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or stroke, can cause this kind of incontinence, says Wright. In men, an enlarged prostate may be the culprit. But in many cases, doctors dont know what causes urge incontinence.
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What Makes Yale Medicine’s Approach To Neurogenic Bladder Unique
Patients can expect the most advanced treatment options available for neurogenic bladder, including sacral neuromodulation bladder injections and complex bladder reconstructive surgery.
Our goal is to provide a patient-centered approach,” says Dr. Chai. “So we work with your medical doctors including primary care physicians, neurologists, and specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation to ensure that you are taken care of holistically.
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Tips For Caregivers: Reducing Accidents
Incontinence often happens due to timing. It may help to recognize potential signs that a person needs to go, such as straining, turning red in the face, and tugging at their clothing. If you help them get dressed, use clothing thats easy to remove such as pants with elastic waistbands instead of buttons and belts.
One successful technique is prompted voiding. This is a type of bladder retraining that helps people to maintain a regular bathroom schedule. For example, every two hours, ask if theyve had an accident, have the person use the toilet, and praise successes.
Lost Bowel Or Bladder Control Spondylolisthesis May Be The Cause
Spondylolisthesis is a health condition that affects the backbone or vertebral column. It can occur in both adults and children. It develops mostly in older people due to the fractures arising from stressing the back. It can also result when the joints and discs are worn out and cannot keep the vertebrae in place. Teens and children who participate in weightlifting and gymnastics are susceptible to spondylolisthesis. These sports can cause stress fractures in their backbone resulting in the condition.
A vertebra especially in the lumbosacral region, may slide forward from its position in the vertebral column. This situation results in squeezing of the nerve roots or spinal cord. Consequently, an individual can suffer from back pain and weakness or numbness in the legs. A rare symptom of this condition is the loss of control over bowel or bladder. This sign is an indication that you need to visit a physician.
Causes of Spondylolisthesis
This health condition results when any bone of the vertebral column slips out of its place. The thirty-three bones of the human backbone attach to each other to form the spinal or vertebral column. However, any of these bones can shift from its position if a joint is compromised.
The following problems can affect the joints between the vertebrae causing spondylolisthesis.
Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis
The symptoms of this health condition include:
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Try Simple Measures First Like Using A Fiber Supplement And Treating Underlying Conditions
Nobody wants to talk about or even imagine it. But loss of bowel control known as fecal incontinence is a problem for millions of adults in the United States, especially women.
It becomes more common with age. Its socially isolating and takes away your dignity. You live in fear that you have stool in your pants and people can smell it. Some people wont even tell their doctors about it, says Dr. Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
What Is Urinary Incontinence Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment And Prevention
Urinary incontinence , the involuntary loss of urine, is a very common condition that no one wants to talk about. Because of the stigma that surrounds it, many people are too humiliated to seek help. But most conditions that cause UI can be corrected with medical or alternative interventions.
Occurring much more often in women than men, UI happens when the muscles in the bladder that control the flow of urine contract or relax involuntarily, resulting in leaks or uncontrolled urination. UI itself is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue.
Recommended Reading: Kegel Exercises For Bladder Control
Causes Of Loss Of Bladder And Bowel Control
Causes of Bowel Incontinence
Causes of Urine Incontinence
It is not always necessary to have a noticeable cause of loss of bladder and bowel control, but your doctor can help you identify the best treatment in this case. Certain conditions can cause urinary incontinence. For instance, it may happen due to poor overall health, vaginal childbirth, and any damage to the nervous system.
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Sudden Onset Urinary Incontinence: Causes And Treatment
Lets face it, urinary incontinence is embarrassing to talk about. Knowing that every time you laugh, cough, sneeze, or exercise could cause you to start leaking urine before you reach the bathroom is something no one wants to face.
First off, know that you are not alone. Sudden onset urinary incontinence affects nearly one-third of the entire US population.
This common condition can be treated, but you need to take those first, hard steps and speak to your doctor. The sooner you do, the better chance you have in a successful treatment.
The problem is, how do you know what caused this sudden incontinence? Knowing what caused it will help both you and your doctor find the appropriate treatment for it.
Thankfully, we have detailed information on how you can discover what caused your sudden onset urinary incontinence, and information on what types of treatment are available.
Keep on reading to learn more.
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What Can Be Done
First of all, whether to do something or nothing is up to the woman who is experiencing the leakage. For some women, an infrequent small leak of urine is not bothersome, and does not feel worth the effort of intervening. However, this leakage indicates that the door is weak, and some women may wish to be proactive and try to avoid any worsening of the problem.
Preventative strategies could include strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor with Kegel exercises. It could also include avoiding unnecessary strain to the pelvic floor support tissues . Most women are not aware that certain daily life habits can breakdown supportive tissue to the pelvic organs and the urethra little by little over time. Examples of this are frequent bouts of constipation with straining, a chronic deep cough that puts frequent pressure against the pelvic support system, or heavy or improper lifting techniques. All of these generate stress and strain on the connective tissue and can cause further loss of support. Thus, treating constipation or a chronic cough, avoiding unusually heavy lifting, and learning how to lift correctly are all things that can prevent further loss of support to the urethra.
Make an appointment to talk to a gynecologist about leakage or others issues today!
Loss Of Bladder Control Treatment
You need to determine the type of urinary continence you are suffering from and the doctor can easily tell you about the kind after listening to your symptoms. The right course of treatment for loss of bladder control involves necessary medications along with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. Some treatment methods include:
- Bladder training can be useful in delaying the urge to urinate
- Scheduled toilet trips can also prevent dripping, thus preparing your mind for the same
- Reduce liquid intake, especially alcohol
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises also known as kegel exercises
- Medications to treat urinary incontinence
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These were the symptoms, causes and treatment of urinary incontinence or loss of bladder control. It is best to talk to an expert if you experience any symptoms of a bladder problem, such as painful and frequent urination, a loss of bladder control, bedwetting and pelvic pain. Bladder problems can have a negative impact on your quality of life and lead to other health problems.
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Living With Bowel Or Bladder Incontinence
There is no single, right way to cope with bladder or bowel incontinence. The challenge is to find what is best for your situation, so you can get the help you need and return to a normal daily life. Talk with your health care team if you notice a change in bowel or bladder habits, and about the best ways to manage incontinence, if it is a problem. You might find it helpful to talk with other people who are dealing with incontinence, too. Ask a member of your cancer care team about support groups in your area.
Here are some things you can do that may help make incontinence less of a problem:
- Empty your bladder every 3 to 4 hours while awake, to avoid accidents.
- Empty your bladder before bedtime or before strenuous activity.
- Limit drinks with caffeine, or and avoid alcohol and citrus juices, which can irritate the bladder and make you have to go more often.
- Avoid hygiene products that may irritate you Women should avoid feminine spray or over-the-counter vaginal suppositories.
- Because belly fat can push on the bladder, avoiding weight gain or losing needed weight sometimes helps improve bladder control.
- Avoid tobacco use which can cause coughing and bladder irritation due to harmful substances in tobacco products.
- Talk to your doctor about all medicines, vitamins, herbs, and supplements youre taking. Some may affect urine control.
I Just Passed Out Should I Be Worried
Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness which can be frightening to experience or witness.
Its how the body reacts to environmental triggers like pain and emotional distress and in most cases, although it can appear alarming, isnt always cause for concern.
However, if someone experiences multiple episodes of fainting, complaints of violent shaking, loss of bladder control, or long periods of blackout, their condition should be investigated by a physician who can decide if treatment is necessary.
In some cases, its important other people witness the episode to determine if help is needed. So, in the event it happens to you or someone close to you, here are three main reasons why someone might lose consciousness:
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Reduce Your Fluid Intake
Drinking water is good for your body, and its important to stay hydrated, but overdoing fluid intake can lead to bladder urgency and leaks. The key to healthy fluid intake is maintaining a good balance. Try to drink water when thirsty, but not more of it than your body asks for. And keep an eye on the color of your urine. If its clear, you could probably cut back on fluid intake, but dark urine is a sign that you need more fluids.